Quote Originally Posted by Milktruck74 View Post
With the current societal (privileged idiots) view of the Military, coupled with the new free agency rule in the NCAA...what was already an uphill battle for Citadel and VMI is only going to get tougher. Then add on the assault on the triple option in the past two years. YEah, it's a tough row to hoe. However, You do get kids that value the ring and plan to stick around for 4 seasons...so that does bode well in the Dogs favor for BUILDING a program, rather than re-recruiting it every season. I'm not sure the longevity/tenure positives can overcome the other, but anyone that has suited up against the Bellhops knows they will give you all they have and then some.
Totally agree and I not as eloquently said something like this while making fun of Danny when he was hired at VMI

Bucknell knows what I said haha