Quote Originally Posted by The Boogie Down View Post
Until recently, the last remaining FBS schools to have not played FCS competition were USC rivals, UCLA and Notre Dame. Both chose to schedule HBCU's. Surprised USC hasn't done the same. Aside from that, UC Davis did make sense in a SoCal/NorCal type way. Sac State could have made some sense too but "UC" schools carry way more weight. Surprised UC Davis pulled out although I'm sure getting a scalp at Tulsa was better than getting pasted at the Coliseum.

As for Fordham however, I'd take the pasting! I guess I woulda liked our chances a wee bit more in 2014, and of course much more in 1941, but at the very least it would get our name out there. Especially the NY vs LA angle.
Notre Dame should have scheduled a Catholic school to break their FCS seal.