Quote Originally Posted by Milktruck74 View Post
I was in Maconga for two weeks to train a new hire back in '13. Then it wasn't the best or worst place I had been, it was just meh.... However, I was in the midst of training for an Ironman, so I went for a 10 or 12 mile run that took me all around the area...the next day I told the local where all I had been, and she informed me that I was very fortunate to not have contracted a case of Accelerated Lead Poisoning. I really didn't think it was that bad...but I've also lived in Memphis!!!

I should probably check it out, I love thriving downtowns. I never thought I would live in a downtown area, but I'm glad I do now. I love being able to walk to restaurants and walk home after a libation or 3.
Yeah - things were just starting to get a little better in 2013 (after several decades of decline) as the infrastructure for positive change - the consolidation of Macon & Bibb County Gov’t in 2012, then MAP, then Knight Foundation investment grant(s)…and all sorts of other entities (like Mercer U), investments, and people - began ‘falling into place.’ 2013 was the 1st year FUBeAR spent many weekends in Maconga … and you had to squint real hard … and sometimes cover parts of your eyes, but you could see it had potential. Steady improvement since then… and certainly up to … “Dang, this place is really cool!” by 2020.