Quote Originally Posted by FUBeAR View Post
As we all know, FUBeAR is nothing if not an invariably facts- and data-centered contributor to this august assemblage of “amateur” athletics aficionados.

Thus, FUBeAR presents his highly instructive 2024 SoCon Returning Production Percentage Matrix (SCRPPM, pronounced as “Scrap ‘em”)…

Avg Rtng %
Team Rush ATT
Rtng %
Pass ATT
Rtng %
Rtng %
Off Avg
Rtng %
Avg Off
Rtng %
Def (Tackles)
Rtng %
Rtng %
Avg Rtng %
All Avg
Rtng %
1 Woff 99.54 99.21 69.86 1 89.54 2 67.01 1 78.28
2 Chatt 36.44 100.00 59.57 2 65.34 3 62.70 2 64.02
3 WCU 56.62 93.75 45.59 3 65.32 4 56.29 3 60.81
4 ETSU 62.23 44.54 32.35 4 46.37 6 47.90 4 47.14
5 VMI 50.25 30.70 31.58 5 37.51 5 55.02 5 46.27
6 Mercer 33.20 0.98 32.51 7 22.23 1 67.55 6 44.89
7 Furman 26.18 25.43 48.77 6 33.46 7 31.98 7 32.72
UNK CIT No 2024 Roster is Posted Online Yet UNK UNK
UNK Samford No 2024 Roster is Posted Online Yet UNK UNK


I appreciate the data and I think it is a good start to the discussion, but it only shows a partial picture and in no way predicts the potential outcomes for the future season. Take for example, #4 ETSU with 47.14% of their total production returning and #6 Mercer with 44.89% of their total production returning. The difference is fairly negligible, so one could consider them close in returning talent. However, I'd much rather have 44% of the production off a team that went 9-4 and had a playoff win, than 95% (double) off a team that had 2 D1 wins against teams that were 2-20 combined!

Then there is the portal factor...which jacks the whole thing up. Example here would be the Mocs losing almost 100% of their returning pass attempts with the 2022 graduation of Hutchins and Copeland, but then I doubt many would argue the addition of Chase Artopoeus wasn't a significant upgrade in talent.

So yes, returning guys is usually a good thing, but returning productive guys off a winner is much more impactful to the future.