Quote Originally Posted by McCowboys View Post

As we have shown, football continues to work out from 7am to 9am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The Pokes are trying to beat the heat which is usually in the 80’s early in the morning but could hit 90 mid-mornings. They are not having that problem in Montana. This is yesterday’s Montana State off-season workout. It sure looks like helmets and shoulder pads to me, but no one is scared of the NCAA these days. It did snow in Montana as this weather station confirms it.
Hey coach, I did not know that it was legal to be coaching on the field on June 17. I guess it is.

Some southern schools hold "Spring" practice while it's still astronomically, meteorologically, and traditionally Winter. Montana State on June 17 is still in astronomical Spring (Summer begins June 20 at 4:50 p.m. EDT this year).