Quote Originally Posted by BlackNGoldR3v0lut10n View Post
Saw that article, noted that ETSU was among these teams. I expect ETSU to have as good as, if not better, record as last year. ETSU came a long way last season and that is a credit to Randy Sanders. I am going to say it before and I'll say it again, bet against Randy Sanders at your own peril.

Henrik seemed to be the heart and soul of that team, so it will be interesting to see how the Bucs do without him. ETSU seemed to get all the right bounces last year and I think this year will help determine if ETSU was more lucky or just plain good last year. I was in JC for the UTC game, and I think we should have won but our staff ran the 2:00 offense worse than my son's middle school coaches. I admit the Randy Sanders era started rough but he had ETSU playing pretty good football later in the year.