Quote Originally Posted by FUBeAR View Post
Just wonderin'...if the "The" is so important to include...

1) Why is the URL "citadelsports.com"? Shouldn't it be TheCitadelSports.com
2) Why does the helmet have only a "C" on it? Shouldn't it have "TheC" or "TC" or similar on it?
3) Same as #2 for the SC Map logo with the "C" in it?
4) Why do the published stats use "CIT" as an abbreviation? Shouldn't it be "TCIT" or "TheC" or similar?
5) Why is the Official Twitter handle @CitadelFootball...and the Twitter Name CitadelFootball...and have the words "Citadel Football" (without the "The") in the description?
6) Why does that jewelry I also just saw on there say "Citadel Football" on the side...with no "The"?

I would imagine there are many other 'internal' examples of no "The" as I saw those 6 in about 30 seconds of search time.

Are there strict usage rules in some manual with exceptions to delineate when the "The" is not required or what?
If so, AGS/SoCon posters need this list of rules so that we can be properly respectful to our Bellhop friends.

Hilarious! Well done sir! I think I misjudged you in earlier exchanges. Apologies....