Quote Originally Posted by Bogus Megapardus View Post
Once again, I'm pretty selfish. I really could care less about manufactured statistics, hyperbolic ESPN promotion and network bravado. I just like to go to the games and see them in person. I do so often. And I think nothing compares to the tactics, sophistication and gamesmanship of a great Patriot/Ivy contest while you're at the game with your family and friends, live and in person.

Yes, we build our teams to beat them - and we do a respectable job of it, by the record. And yes - many of us attend the games along with alumni from opposing PL and Ivy schools and a whole lot of of us (including me) possess graduate degrees printed on the sheepskin of our Ivy opponent's charter, don't we? You know who you are, folks.

Watching and wishing for things on paper and in blogs, merely with the hope to be ranked higher by some nerd with a computer, seems wholly unproductive to me. Accessible Division I football in grand, timeless, alumni-built stadia with friend-and-foe-alike camaraderie alike keeps the college experience alive for me. That's how I enjoy college football.

I worked very, very hard to get into my college back in the day, and I labored continuously just to be able to stay there. I hold no fault with those who try to keep that spirit alive today.

There's something about all of us PL graduates today, I think, that make us glad that we did so. What, really, is compelling some of you to want this to change?
Well said. I agree with everything you posted.