Didn't watch a second. Just couldn't get interested- don't care for either team. Can't remember when I heard less talk about it locally.
Didn't watch a second. Just couldn't get interested- don't care for either team. Can't remember when I heard less talk about it locally.
Buffalo Lake Laker
Ridgewater Warrior
MNState Maverick
Want to know why we are having crappy biased half time shows????
""Mr. Lamar’s place in the Super Bowl halftime show is the product of a handshake between the N.F.L. commissioner, Roger Goodell, and the Roc Nation founder, Jay-Z. This deal, done in 2019, after Mr. Kaepernick knelt and before Black Lives Matter protests erupted nationwide, made Jay-Z the chief strategist for the N.F.L.’s live entertainment and was meant to be part of a larger social justice initiative. What it did was provide cover for the N.F.L. as it faced a backlash and the specter of a boycott. At the time, Jay-Z defended the deal with a pithy rejoinder: “We’ve passed kneeling.” It was a flippant way to state a hyper-capitalist hip-hop realpolitik: To defang the devil, we have to deal with him.""
It is characteristic of the unlearned that they are forever proposing something which is old, and because it has recently come to their own attention, supposing it to be new.
You don't give out trophies for losing. Trophies for sucking. That's a communist idea. You don't get a trophy for losing. You get a piece of pizza and you shut up. Trophies for losing? What the hell happened to us?
Opportunity is unattainable for most people because it is disguised as hard work!!
"The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."
We had Gloria Estefan when I went to the Super Bowl in 1992. Even the Stones didn't sound great for their performance. Can't tell you any performers before that. Michael Jackson was the year after Minneapolis 1st SB.
NFL will do their own thing no matter how much we complain. Take away fantasy football and see where the ratings go.
Living the Dream