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Thread: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

  1. #1
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    "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    Hey guys,

    I'm a voiceover artist and audiobook narrator, and I thought this might be an appropriate place to post my latest work: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession" by Mark F. Bernstein.

    It's a wonderfully thorough look into the earliest days of the game, and how modern football still bears the Ivy imprint.

    I hope you'll check it out, and if you'd like to help me promote the audio version on social media and with fellow football fans, I'll gladly provide a free download code in exchange.

    Find me on Twitter: @HearKyleTait

  2. #2
    I'm no better than you...probably
    ursus arctos horribilis's Avatar
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    Re: New from Audible: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    I have looked into this feller a bit before approving this post. Seems on the level and not a narmal spammer so I asked him what he is looking for here.

    He has 5 links to give away. He wants a review and some tweets in return for it though. If you are interested in one of the links to a free copy AND you are willing to do what is asked of you in the revies and tweet on the product then reply to the thread here saying "interest".

    This does not mean you will get one, it means you will be in the pool.
    Last edited by ursus arctos horribilis; December 13th, 2016 at 05:07 PM.
    "At Georgia Southern, we don't cheat.......That costs money and we don't have any."
    Erk Russell - Georgia Southern

  3. #3
    I'm no better than you...probably
    ursus arctos horribilis's Avatar
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    I also work in sports radio for 92.9 the Game in Atlanta, covering Georgia, Georgia Tech, the Atlanta Hawks and Falcons. I also call play-by-play for the Braves double-A affiliate in Mississippi. My sports work can be found at
    A bit of background on his creds as well.
    "At Georgia Southern, we don't cheat.......That costs money and we don't have any."
    Erk Russell - Georgia Southern

  4. #4
    FCS Champion Go Green's Avatar
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    I own the hardcover. Highly recommended for anyone interested in football history.

    Every bit as good as the Burt Reynolds documentary.

  5. #5
    First Class FCS Ruler Bucs2016's Avatar
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    Thanks. Kinda cool. But modern football is, and has been defined, by several revolutions that have roots in the South.

    Moving big DBs and LBs down to the box for speed.
    Breaking the myth of the 300 pounder being too big to run effectively.
    The Fun and Gun.
    The spread option.

    The South took "3 yards and a cloud of dust" and turned it on its head.
    Yeah our stadium is a dump. But your mama has season tickets.

  6. #6
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    I'll give away five free download codes on Audible in exchange for a review. Just reply that you're interested and I'll choose five random names on Monday the 21st.

  7. #7
    AGS FCS Champion Franks Tanks's Avatar
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    Quote Originally Posted by Bucs2016 View Post
    Thanks. Kinda cool. But modern football is, and has been defined, by several revolutions that have roots in the South.

    Moving big DBs and LBs down to the box for speed.
    Breaking the myth of the 300 pounder being too big to run effectively.
    The Fun and Gun.
    The spread option.

    The South took "3 yards and a cloud of dust" and turned it on its head.
    Uh, what? Football innovation doesn't come from one region, and if it did the south doesn't come to mind as leading the way.

  8. #8
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    Quote Originally Posted by Bucs2016 View Post
    Thanks. Kinda cool. But modern football is, and has been defined, by several revolutions that have roots in the South.

    Moving big DBs and LBs down to the box for speed.
    Breaking the myth of the 300 pounder being too big to run effectively.
    The Fun and Gun.
    The spread option.

    The South took "3 yards and a cloud of dust" and turned it on its head.
    Quote Originally Posted by Franks Tanks View Post
    Uh, what? Football innovation doesn't come from one region, and if it did the south doesn't come to mind as leading the way.
    And frankly, this book goes back long before the South even knew what football was. Atlanta was in ashes after Sherman marched through it. Football was an infant and largely limited to the northeast. The Ivy League was the first powerhouse conference and set all the game's earliest rules.

    If you think football started when they moved big DBs and LBs down to the box, you're missing a lot of the game's fantastic early history.

  9. #9
    AGS FCS Champion Bogus Megapardus's Avatar
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    Just think - the first non-Ivy national champion didn't come until 1896.

  10. #10
    FCS Champion Go Green's Avatar
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    Re: "Football: The Ivy League Origins of an American Obsession"

    Quote Originally Posted by Bucs2016 View Post
    The South took "3 yards and a cloud of dust" and turned it on its head.
    YMMV, but I'd say that the old WAC did that first.

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