View Full Version : Kent S: CSN West: Playoff & Conference Championship Possibilities Numerous in West

November 11th, 2011, 12:30 AM
Attachment 751 (http://www.collegesportingnews.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=751)Wow, it is hard to believe we have just two weeks left in the regular season. Like most past seasons there are some almost guarantees at this point on who will be a part of the playoffs, and ones that have work to do or need help to make the field.

This week, I will go over these possibilities and also prognosticate who I think will be in the field of 20 from the

More... (http://www.collegesportingnews.com/content.php?671-CSN-West-Playoff-Conference-Championship-Possibilities-Numerous-in-West)

11-10-2011 11:46 PM