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November 20th, 2011, 11:43 AM
+1. It's becoming a bona fide tradition at this point. xnodxxlolx


November 20th, 2011, 11:44 AM
Congrats to the Griz. Great plan by the coaches and execution by the players.

That was a beatdown. And I agree, it always bugs me when people leave before the clock hits 0:00

But what if you are out of beer and you know there is a cooler full at the tailgate. what do yo do. WHAT DO YOU DO???

November 20th, 2011, 11:55 AM
The Brawl...more like The Maul! Amirite? :)

November 20th, 2011, 11:59 AM
The Brawl...more like The Maul! Amirite? :)


November 20th, 2011, 12:35 PM
Would all of you guys who posted on this thread give CatBooster some rep points..
for showing up first - to take the verbal abuse after a tough loss...

November 20th, 2011, 12:45 PM
Would all of you guys who posted on this thread give CatBooster some rep points..
for showing up first - to take the verbal abuse after a tough loss...

the first and only. xlolx

but yes, plus rep for cat booster.

November 20th, 2011, 01:04 PM
I repped him shortly after he posted - classy.

Still not sure how our defense managed to hold the Cats at bay so well - hopefully UNH won't be able to solve McGhee as well as we were yesterday!

November 20th, 2011, 04:44 PM
Don't know why everyone from dUMb seems to think that Cat fans have an "inferiority" complex. MSU is RAPIDLY improving every aspect of its program (first of the two MT teams to get lights on the field, so who has envy now?) and that train won't be stopping any time soon. If you think about how much adversity MSU has had to overcome to get to this point, it is almost staggering. In spite of that, this team is on the verge of something big, and that starts this Saturday. I too will be in my hometown to witness this game for the first time in six years, and there is now way that this team lets anybody win in that stadium except them. With the exception of Utah, MSU has found a way to win every single week, whether it was a good outing or not. I would expect a griz fan to know what that is like because they've done it for years now, but sometimes the blinders get in the way.

And this is coming from two close family members who both went to dUMb: it never was and NEVER will be "griz-Cat," it is and always will be "CAT-griz."

No it is Griz-Cat..They say Michigan-Mich State..Florida-Florida State..Oregon-Oregon State..So its Montana-Montana State which makes it Griz-Cat What is your reasoning for it to be the other way?????

November 20th, 2011, 07:58 PM
But what if you are out of beer and you know there is a cooler full at the tailgate. what do yo do. WHAT DO YOU DO???

That is a quandary...I'll have to think about that over a beer and get back to you....

November 20th, 2011, 09:43 PM
Cat Griz Game Highlights


November 20th, 2011, 10:55 PM
Great game by the Griz. They should be #1 in the nation and the Cats about 7 or 8.

Still waiting, but I do expect the Cat fans to be drowning their sorrows.

November 20th, 2011, 11:11 PM
Worst game the Cats have played all year. No second half adjustments. None. And McGhee and all the receivers couldn't get anything going at all. Only way MSU got any first downs was off of penalties. If this team plays like that again in two weeks, they'll be looking at yet another early exit from the playoffs.

November 20th, 2011, 11:20 PM
Worst game the Cats have played all year. No second half adjustments. None. And McGhee and all the receivers couldn't get anything going at all. Only way MSU got any first downs was off of penalties. If this team plays like that again in two weeks, they'll be looking at yet another early exit from the playoffs.
Honestly, I can't imagine the Cats not making sound adjustments before the playoff game. Griz exploited some defensive weaknesses, which the Cats should be able to shore up in two weeks. Good luck to the Cats, here's to a rematch in two weeks in Missoula (and a ticket if you make the trip).

November 20th, 2011, 11:20 PM
Would all of you guys who posted on this thread give CatBooster some rep points..
for showing up first - to take the verbal abuse after a tough loss...

Got him.

November 20th, 2011, 11:51 PM
Got him.

I neg repped Cleets instead.

November 21st, 2011, 12:17 AM
Worst game the Cats have played all year. No second half adjustments. None. And McGhee and all the receivers couldn't get anything going at all. Only way MSU got any first downs was off of penalties. If this team plays like that again in two weeks, they'll be looking at yet another early exit from the playoffs.

Total classless BS here.

You guys played like you have all year, but we punched you in the mouth for 60 mins. Our OL was better than yours before the game and they proved that on Saturday. Our DL was better than yours before the game and they proved that on Saturday. The cats could have laid down, played to win or brought their "A game".................you could add another dozen scenarios and none of it would have mattered because we flat out kicked your a*s physically and mentally.

I told you guys to forget the stats, your offense doesnt match up well with our defense and that we would stop the run, I told you guys that the Griz would win by 13+ there was never a doubt about it.........unless you were a delusional cat fan. Its incredibly classless to run your cat mouths about your overrated team and then use a *****ing cop out like "worst game we played all year" you had nothing to with it. We did. Give some credit you second rate SOB.

Look, Im tired of saying it year after year, but we beat the cats..........THATS WHAT WE DO. After 30 years of eating the ***** sandwich you would think even the slow learners would figure that out.

November 21st, 2011, 12:32 AM
Worst game the Cats have played all year. No second half adjustments. None. And McGhee and all the receivers couldn't get anything going at all. Only way MSU got any first downs was off of penalties. If this team plays like that again in two weeks, they'll be looking at yet another early exit from the playoffs.

Yep. It was very disappointing, especially since they are capable of playing so much better. We played more competetively against Utah in the first game (after a lousy start in the first quarter). But IMO you have to give credit to the griz for not allowing us to get anything going. Every time it looked like we might get back in, they slammed the door.

After playing a bad first half, we were behind by 12 - not an insurmountable lead (although we'd need to pull our head out). We get a TD right away at the start of the 3rd, but they come right back and take the momentum back. That's when it really started going downhill and getting out of reach. They played a hell of a game.

I'm confident we'll re-group and play better in the playoffs. I'd love to get the re-match. I think that game would be more like most expected this one to be - close.

November 21st, 2011, 01:09 AM
Great game by the Griz. They should be #1 in the nation and the Cats about 7 or 8.

Thanks man, and sorry for being a poor sport. The whiskey was talking pretty heavily at that point.

November 21st, 2011, 03:15 AM
I neg repped Cleets instead.

I thought we all did that whenever we could anyway? ;) /goodnaturedsmack

November 21st, 2011, 03:22 AM
On another note, I was impressed with how well the Cats defended our screen plays, and how well the Griz managed to run between the tackles (and breaking outside enough to keep everything honest). The Cats had been great against the run all year, and having two 100 yard+ runners against the Cats in Bozeman speaks of some great preparation.

Defensively, holding Missoula's own (OK, Frenchtown) Kirk to such low yardage was also a great mark for the Griz.

From a Griz perspective, I'm happy to see that Akpla is graduating (he's had an outstanding season); but it also frightens me a bit that McGhee (and Montana's Johnson) both have two years of eligibility left!

November 21st, 2011, 03:32 PM
...and? 309 yards rushing.

By the way, I would like to say how effing lame the MSU crowd was for leaving the game after they knew it was out of reach. You have a team that is 9-2 and the fans can't bother to stay for the whole game and root their team on. MSU will always be tier 2 until the fans step up and quite being such pussies.

Agreed: I wasn't there but agree that you stay till the bitter end. I did, but I also had a busket of beer in front of me. BTW, good crowd at the Cottonwood Inn in Glasgow! Probably the best day for the bar this year.

November 21st, 2011, 03:35 PM
i liked the shot of TJ and akpla (sp?) slappin a five and chatting after the game. made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. i like that level of respect.

Probably my only highlight as well.

November 21st, 2011, 03:40 PM
Probably worst of all, I thought we got out-couched. That's one of the only places I thought we had a decided advantage. Hats off to Phlu and company.

November 21st, 2011, 03:41 PM
BTW, I wassn't ducking anyone. Just hung over as h-ell all day yesterday!!

November 21st, 2011, 04:02 PM
BTW, I wassn't ducking anyone. Just hung over as h-ell all day yesterday!!

Glad I wasn't the only one...but you probably were worse than I.

November 21st, 2011, 04:04 PM
I think the letdown after a two week buildup to the brawl did me in as well. No more bye-weeks, please??