View Full Version : Michelle Wie makes cut...

May 5th, 2006, 09:29 AM
on Asian Tour. Does this matter to you?


May 5th, 2006, 09:34 AM
No. I would be more impressed if she ever wins an LPGA event. Wie playing on the various mens tours is just a marketing gimmic and they had to go to Asia to find an event where she could compete.

May 5th, 2006, 09:37 AM

"LPGA star Se Ri Pak finished tied for 10th in the lower-tier KPGA Tour SBS Pro-Golf Championship in 2003."

May 5th, 2006, 10:00 AM
I think Wie is attractive. I'd rather her stand there an be pretty instead of swinging a club.

May 5th, 2006, 11:06 AM
I think Wie is attractive. I'd rather her stand there an be pretty instead of swinging a club.

Maybe her next event should be on the men's Hooters tour. They could dress her up in the traditional waitress garb - that would really bring the crowds out...

May 5th, 2006, 11:13 AM
BTW, just so nobody thinks I'm a chauvanist or Wie hater, I always defend the fact that she should be getting sponsors exemptions to PGATour events and anyone who says she shouldn't is completely wrong.

May 5th, 2006, 11:15 AM
BTW, just so nobody thinks I'm a chauvanist
I guess I should come clean and admit that I actually am a chauvanist... but it's not because of Wie. :p

May 5th, 2006, 01:33 PM
Im not to pixture savy. Someone should put her picture up if we're going to talk about her. :nod:

May 5th, 2006, 01:50 PM

May 5th, 2006, 01:50 PM
Im not to pixture savy. Someone should put her picture up if we're going to talk about her. :nod:

Here's Michelle Wie...


But I prefer Natalie Gulbis...

http://www.gazette.uwo.ca/.%2F2005%2F03%20march%2F02%2Fscans%2F13b%20natalie %20bulbis.jpg

May 5th, 2006, 01:51 PM
how about both....?:D

May 5th, 2006, 01:52 PM
Maybe her next event should be on the men's Hooters tour. They could dress her up in the traditional waitress garb - that would really bring the crowds out...

It would also basically be kiddie soft porn, since she's 16...


May 5th, 2006, 01:55 PM
It would also basically be kiddie soft porn, since she's 16...


Relax jackass. I was merely poking fun at what I consider excessive marketing of this girl by having her play all of these men's tours. Take the cobb out your azz.