View Full Version : Why does the Media always talk about this "Culture" of being above the law

Stang Fever
April 27th, 2006, 03:50 PM
You know what has been bothering me the last few weeks. Its been the perciption of athletes in the media. Take the Duke rape allegations. for me I dont believe this lady. but thats not my point here. My point is the fact that, if an athlete gets in trouble its like all of a sudden the sport has the "reputation" of being a sport or team of being above the rules...you turn on the tv and the tv anchors are talking like there is this type of I am above the law culture in Laacrosse....

If you extend that out you could see them saying that about any sport that has an athlete get in trouble...its all of a sudden the sport has a culture of doing things like this...take for another example of the Vikings this last season....or a football player from Nebraska who beat up on his girl friend......I call BULL on that.....one person might act like that...but not the whole sport

If there were no sports there still would be rapist....still would be punk ass men who beat up on there women.....but since we are in a group they like to say there is this Culture of being above the law

April 27th, 2006, 04:18 PM
Its because they were the kids in school that wanted to be the athlete but couldn't make the cut so they have to try and put down the athletes when they are older. Pathetic

April 27th, 2006, 05:46 PM
one of the side-effects that comes with living in our post-literate age is that television news has created a need to make every story more dramatic and compelling than it really is.

The "athletes above the law" angle is both dramatic and compelling. It sucks people in, because that's what it has to do. In an age where information is a trivialized, context-free commodity, people aren't interested in learning about more than sensational headlines.

It's info-tainment.