View Full Version : Reggie Bush's family home

April 24th, 2006, 10:16 AM
SPRING VALLEY, Calif. – In this sprawling hilltop community with a breathtaking view of Sweetwater Lake, it was no secret who lived in the 3,000-square-foot house at the corner of Apple Street and Luther Avenue.

That home, residents would tell you, was where Reggie Bush's family lived.

That is, until this weekend, when the family abruptly packed up and vacated the residence – less than 24 hours after Yahoo! Sports approached Bush's mother about information linking the property to Michael Michaels, a man who is alleged to have tried to play a role in steering Bush toward an agent and who also has ties to a sports marketing company.

Who wants to bet nothing happens to USC? The NCAA slapped South Carolina with probation and lost scholarships for introducing a recruit to the Governor and tutoring individual athletes.

April 24th, 2006, 10:17 AM
This is all they've been talking about on Houston sports radio. All the Vince Young backers are saying this shows that Reggie Bush is trouble and that the Texans shouldn't draft him...whatever!

April 24th, 2006, 07:52 PM
Who wants to bet nothing happens to USC? The NCAA slapped South Carolina with probation and lost scholarships for introducing a recruit to the Governor and tutoring individual athletes.

USC isn't from the South, so no probation.

April 24th, 2006, 10:23 PM
"USC is out west, so the rest of the country has more incentive to hate them."

Honestly, it's way too early. Reggie's lawyer just said this is all BS, as does Reggie. His parents will cooperate fully, meaning they have nothing to hide. Yet people talk of losing the HT, wins etc.

April 24th, 2006, 10:38 PM
"USC is out west, so the rest of the country has more incentive to hate them."

Honestly, it's way too early. Reggie's lawyer just said this is all BS, as does Reggie. His parents will cooperate fully, meaning they have nothing to hide. Yet people talk of losing the HT, wins etc.

The guys who wrote this story for Yahoo.com approached Reggie's mom in the driveway of the house. They moved out 24 hours after that occured. Nothing to hide? Of course not, the doors have already been blown off on this one. Also, why would USC ask the Pac-10 to help investigate? To me it looks like they are doing one of those self-policing gigs.

April 25th, 2006, 07:54 AM
To me it looks like they are doing one of those self-policing gigs.

saving face? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

If something happened in this situation, then I hope they hit USC hard. I don't think that Reggie's Heisman should be taken away or anything like that, but if Reggie is declared an ineligible player then it could get interesting

Reggie said on PTI that his parents had been looking to move for a while now, and that it was just coincidence that they moved out like that, I'm inclined not to believe that, but we shall see

April 25th, 2006, 08:42 AM
3000 sq ft lakeview home in San Diego... does anybody posting here have any idea what the market value and subsequent income value of of such a property would be?

For example, here in sunny Central Fl that house will fetch about $750k and the rental value would be in excess of $5k/mo.

Betcha the Bush family didn't pay anywhere near $5k/mo. for this home. I want to see the cancelled checks. It is very obviously an extra benefit and the player should be declared ineligible, he should forfeit the Heistman trophy (he should have given it to Vince Young after the NC game anyway), USC should forfeit every game he participated in from the advent of the "lease," USC should forfeit any TV/Bowl money gained during his participation since the advent of this "lease."

But since it is USC and all the "Hollywood" hoopla surrounding this program, not to mention they are the darling of the TV networks, nothing will come of this.

April 25th, 2006, 09:51 AM
Amazing how some media hack waits until the draft to screw up a guy's future.

It ain't like they just moved in yesterday.................they been there 2 dang years.:nod:

Reminds me of that jackarse that reported Fred Smoot was arrested for drugs and fighting at a party a week before the draft. Everybody in Mississippi knew that was a lie.

Fred was HELPING the police that night. They reported it that way. Fred was never arrested, but this jackarse was more believable to the gullable public than people that were there.:nonono2:

Cost him millions when he slid down to the second round.
When it came out just like Smoot said ................where was this MEDIA Jackarse. Being a coward behind his "Freedom of the Press" Bullshat.xidiotx

I wonder why any of these guy's would let these jackles get close to them.

April 25th, 2006, 01:50 PM
Amazing how some media hack waits until the draft to screw up a guy's future.

It ain't like they just moved in yesterday.................they been there 2 dang years.:nod:

Reminds me of that jackarse that reported Fred Smoot was arrested for drugs and fighting at a party a week before the draft. Everybody in Mississippi knew that was a lie.

Fred was HELPING the police that night. They reported it that way. Fred was never arrested, but this jackarse was more believable to the gullable public than people that were there.:nonono2:

Cost him millions when he slid down to the second round.
When it came out just like Smoot said ................where was this MEDIA Jackarse. Being a coward behind his "Freedom of the Press" Bullshat.xidiotx

I wonder why any of these guy's would let these jackles get close to them.

Kinda like the NYT sitting on the foreign wiretapping story for over a year, right?

Nevertheless, if it is true it is true, regardless of the timing or the sensationalism of the presentation.

April 25th, 2006, 02:14 PM
Amazing how some media hack waits until the draft to screw up a guy's future.

It ain't like they just moved in yesterday.................they been there 2 dang years.:nod:

Reminds me of that jackarse that reported Fred Smoot was arrested for drugs and fighting at a party a week before the draft. Everybody in Mississippi knew that was a lie.

Fred was HELPING the police that night. They reported it that way. Fred was never arrested, but this jackarse was more believable to the gullable public than people that were there.:nonono2:

Cost him millions when he slid down to the second round.
When it came out just like Smoot said ................where was this MEDIA Jackarse. Being a coward behind his "Freedom of the Press" Bullshat.xidiotx

I wonder why any of these guy's would let these jackles get close to them.

Its all about attention

The highlight of attention for football right now is the draft, so releasing it around the draft creates the most buzz for those that discovered it. Just like any other career, writers and reporters have to try and make a name for themselves too, and in certain situations, this is what they have to do.

April 25th, 2006, 02:26 PM
Its all about attention

The highlight of attention for football right now is the draft, so releasing it around the draft creates the most buzz for those that discovered it. Just like any other career, writers and reporters have to try and make a name for themselves too, and in certain situations, this is what they have to do.

But unlike any other carear....................They destroy to make that name for themselves.

8 times out of 10 they are DEAD WRONG.
They go on about their "above it all life" with nobody ever calling them out for it, while the guy that was wronged has to show a big grin and be the better man. If he don't then that same press will label him difficult, a problem, got attitude, problem child...................because of their f-up.


MY Bad............They get to cower behind "Freedom of the Press".xidiotx :bang:

Again................If I was in that position, I would make Barry Bonds look like a interviewers dream. I wouldn't let these idiot's get within 50 feet of me outside of MANDITORY NFL/MLB/NBA INTERVIEW Time.:twocents:

April 25th, 2006, 02:28 PM
But unlike any other carear....................The destroy to make that name for themselves.

8 times out of 10 they are DEAD WRONG.
They go on about their "above it all life" with nobody every calling them out for it, while the guy that was wronged has to show a big grin and be the better man. If he don't then that same press will label him difficult, a problem, got attitude, problem child...................because of their f-up.


MY Bad............They get to cower behind "Freedom of the Press".xidiotx :bang:

Again................If I was in that position, I would make Barry Bonds look like a interviewers dream. I wouldn't let these idiot's get within 50 feet of me outside of MANDITORY NFL/MLB/NBA INTERVIEW Time.:twocents:

you are assuming Reggie and his family are innocent, we know nothing yet

but their job is to report the news, and sometimes they are wrong, yes, but so are you and i, its human error, can't fault them for that

April 25th, 2006, 02:32 PM
you are assuming Reggie and his family are innocent, we know nothing yet

but their job is to report the news, and sometimes they are wrong, yes, but so are you and i, its human error, can't fault them for that

And he is assuming he guilty...........Just like they did SMOOT.................4 days before the draft which could cost him millions.

This fool could have "broken" this story LAST YEAR....................that's my point.

This is the press, self serving ego at it's finest.

April 25th, 2006, 02:34 PM
And he is assuming he guilty...........Just like they did SMOOT.................4 days before the draft which could cost him millions.

This fool could have "broken" this story LAST YEAR....................that's my point.

This is the press, self serving ego at it's finest.

So neither assumption is correct, whats your point?

How do you know he could have broken this last year? You think the facts in a case like this just fall off trees?

April 25th, 2006, 02:42 PM
So neither assumption is correct, whats your point?

How do you know he could have broken this last year? You think the facts in a case like this just fall off trees?

AAHHH.......:eyebrow: ..............It ain't like you can hide a big arse 5,000 sq. foot house.xlolx
It ain't like EVERYBODY there didn't know who moved in that place last year.: smh :

It ain't like the press has not been following Reggie Bush and his families every move...........ESPECIALLY ONE THIS BIG ............for the last 3 years.: smh :

You telling me it took an investigative reporter 2 freaking years to get an address, a name on a title, who holds it, and who set up a housing deal with the most famous college running back in the U.S. the last year and a half.xlolx
Heck, I can pick any house, go to the city office of records, or where ever they send me and collect that in a day.

Come on...................this is the press being the press.
Gotta make those cable show rounds.

April 25th, 2006, 02:50 PM
It seems to me that the best time to have broken this story would have been right before the Heisman Trophy presentation or right before the BCS championship game, not before the draft. Then it REALLY would have been a big deal because of its potential impact on the biggest award in the sport and/or the biggest game as well as the school, not just an individual. That is why I suspect that this story was broken when the reporter thought he had enough info to run with it.

April 25th, 2006, 05:04 PM
THANK YOU jstate83... you are my hero.

This jealous Michigan State reporter waited until now to break the story... I hope USC is unscathed. In my eyes, Bush was no longer a student-athlete after his final collegiate game, or when he declared afterwards.

April 25th, 2006, 05:40 PM
1. I really don't see this hurting Reggie Bush's Pro career at all!

2. The only thing this will affect is his eligibility during his junior year (2005)..

3. This could also affect his place as Heisman Trophy winner as it is required by the downtown athletic club that a player be eligible for every game of his teams season to qualify for the award...

4. Even though i doubt reggie knew nothing about this, it looks pretty obvious that his family benefited from an outside source who had intentions of arranging a future financial relationship with reggie bush either directly or indirectly..

5. The family should have been well informed of the rules regarding student athletes as most are in that no gifts or compensation can be accepted during the time a player is in college.

6. It is likely USC could lose their official results from this past season, although what was done on the field can't be taken away and reggie bush would have been there either way.. If he were just a freshman, then things might be considered differently, but he had already been there 2 years before any of this allegedlly began.

April 25th, 2006, 09:24 PM
1. I really don't see this hurting Reggie Bush's Pro career at all!

No .............................. It won't hurt his PRO Carear.

Just like Smoot, it will drop his draft position.
Going from #1, #2, or #3 to #7 ,#8, or #9 in the draft means losses in the millions.

Fred Smoot was a 1st round, top 12 draft pick until that hack pulled that crap. He went from a guranteed contract to a "make the team for peanuts" contract.

He fell all the way to #30 something.
Even though his talent proved he was a first rounder by the contract he signed last year, he still lost about $6 or 7 million dollars because teams didn't want to take a chance on it being true.

April 26th, 2006, 08:33 AM
Was Charles Robinson the same guy who pulled it on Smoot?

Lehigh Football Nation
April 26th, 2006, 09:08 AM
I don't think any of this stuff will hurt Reggie Bush at all. I think he'll still be the #1 pick overall, although it may be for a tiny bit less money... but even that's unlikely.

Unfortunately, who's really going to take the hit is USC for fielding an ineligible player and not "policing the situation", even though I don't think they had any direct control over his parents.

It's hard to see what USC could have done different besides sequester Reggie Bush's parents.

April 26th, 2006, 09:32 AM
The only reason I think this should impact Bush and the Heisman would be if he went to USC because the house was promised to his family or if he stayed in school another year because he knew his family was comfortable.

Otherwise, the only person who should be penalized is the person who provided the house.

April 26th, 2006, 09:51 AM
Was Charles Robinson the same guy who pulled it on Smoot?

Naw.......................This was some little fool out of New York.

He crawled back into his hole and nobody here has heard from him again.

April 28th, 2006, 07:59 AM
The plot thickens


HIU 93
April 28th, 2006, 12:02 PM
Betcha the Bush family didn't pay anywhere near $5k/mo. for this home.

How do you know that? Do you live with them? Are you paying their bills?

April 28th, 2006, 12:12 PM
How do you know that? Do you live with them? Are you paying their bills?

Landlord says they weren't paying rent, so obviously blueballs was right

HIU 93
May 1st, 2006, 09:09 AM
Landlord says they weren't paying rent, so obviously blueballs was right

Landlord said that AFTER bllueballs posted. What did you say on the Duke post about innocent until proven guilty, or does that just apply to rich white boys?

May 1st, 2006, 09:21 AM
Landlord said that AFTER bllueballs posted. What did you say on the Duke post about innocent until proven guilty, or does that just apply to rich white boys?

I haven't said anyone was guilty, reporting what was reported, that is all

don't make assumptions, cause then you look like the ass, not me

HIU 93
May 1st, 2006, 09:30 AM
I haven't said anyone was guilty, reporting what was reported, that is all

don't make assumptions, cause then you look like the ass, not me

Let's see...bluebalss says Bush's family didn't pay rent. Landlord LATER says Bush's family didn't pay rent. You then say "...blueballs was right...". Sounds like you are saying Bush's family is guilty of not paying rent. Again, what about innocent before proven guilty and letting the facts come out in court? Looks like you are the ass in this situation.

May 1st, 2006, 09:32 AM
Let's see...bluebalss says Bush's family didn't pay rent. Landlord LATER says Bush's family didn't pay rent. You then say "...blueballs was right...". Sounds like you are saying Bush's family is guilty of not paying rent. Again, what about innocent before proven guilty and letting the facts come out in court? Looks like you are the ass in this situation.

Why would the landlord come out publicly and say they hadn't paid rent if they had? Thats something that could easily be proven wrong, ie-cancelled checks, so don't see the point there. Once again, your "rich white boy" aversion comes out

HIU 93
May 1st, 2006, 09:45 AM
Why would the landlord come out publicly and say they hadn't paid rent if they had? Thats something that could easily be proven wrong, ie-cancelled checks, so don't see the point there. Once again, your "rich white boy" aversion comes out

Once again, you are trying to change the subject (amazing how that happens when you are shown to be dead ass wrong). It could be easily proven in court, but it hasn't been. Again YOU said, in the Duke post, "...innocent until proven guilty...", and "...let the facts come out in court...". The question to you is still posed, does that count for the Bush family, or does that only count for rich white boys such as those involved in the Duke rape case? You are now on the clock.

PS- Jedi mind tricks don't work on me, so that changing the subject crap- waste of your keystrokes.

May 1st, 2006, 09:47 AM
Obviously Reggie Bush's family was provided a house in the hope of getting Reggie Bush involved in some business scheme. Whether or not actual rent payments were ever expected is another issue - I doubt they were. As far as whether are not Reggie Bush had direct involvment, it appears unlikely. On the other hand, I hope Mr. Bush has visited his mother sometime in the last year and isn't completely ignorant of the situation.

The real issue for me is why this was released by Yahoo and not ESPN or other mainstream media. I suspect this is quite common in I-A and that people are just looking the other way.

May 1st, 2006, 09:49 AM
Once again, you are trying to change the subject (amazing how that happens when you are shown to be dead ass wrong). It could be easily proven in court, but it hasn't been. Again YOU said, in the Duke post, "...innocent until proven guilty...", and "...let the facts come out in court...". The question to you is still posed, does that count for the Bush family, or does that only count for rich white boys such as those involved in the Duke rape case? You are now on the clock.

PS- Jedi mind tricks don't work on me, so that changing the subject crap- waste of your keystrokes.

We aren't talking about ruining people's lives here. Reggie Bush is till a millionaire, whether or not they paid rent or not. The Duke lacrosse players, even if proven innocent, still have no sport which to return to, and will have a stigma hanging over their heads for a long time.

HIU 93
May 1st, 2006, 09:53 AM
We aren't talking about ruining people's lives here. Reggie Bush is till a millionaire, whether or not they paid rent or not. The Duke lacrosse players, even if proven innocent, still have no sport which to return to, and will have a stigma hanging over their heads for a long time.

So the Constitution of the United States only applies to rich white boys who aren't allowed to play sports? It doesn't apply to everyday Black folk in California?

May 1st, 2006, 09:54 AM
So the Constitution of the United States only applies to rich white boys who aren't allowed to play sports? It doesn't apply to everyday Black folk in California?

nobody is saying they ae guilty, if you can find where/when i said that, i will be glad to shut up

but i didn't, so give it a rest