View Full Version : Huesman on the ASU-Chattanooga game
September 25th, 2011, 06:49 AM
Chattanooga Postgame Quotes:
Head Coach Russ Huesman:
“I told our team, UTC lost this football game. I’m not going to sit here and brag on the defense. Defense played good. We created some turnovers. We could’ve stopped them with three minutes to go. We could’ve stopped them, we didn’t.We should have never lost this football game, no way. That team is not better than us. No way we should have lost this football game. They made plays. This one hurts more than any I’ve been involved with. This one hurts right here. We had a chance to win that game and we didn’t get it done.”
“A thousand times worse, the bottom line is we didn’t execute. It’s on us as coaches.”
“We have to come back tomorrow and focus, get ready to play Citadel. And make every little, itty bitty thing right. Because this one hurts. This one hurts way worse than last year."
“I have to give them credit, their defense played really, really, really well. They have a good defensive football team.”
“I’m sick of the beating he’s (BJ Coleman) taking. We’re fixing it. I don’t care how. I don’t care if we have to do nine man protection and one man routes. He took a beating out there. And I love BJ, he gets right back up. But he just can’t take that beating out there.”
SideLine Shooter
September 25th, 2011, 08:44 AM
"Good teams find ways to win."
September 25th, 2011, 09:06 AM
Chattanooga Postgame Quotes:
Head Coach Russ Huesman:
“I told our team, UTC lost this football game. I’m not going to sit here and brag on the defense. Defense played good. We created some turnovers. We could’ve stopped them with three minutes to go. We could’ve stopped them, we didn’t.We should have never lost this football game, no way. That team is not better than us. No way we should have lost this football game. They made plays. This one hurts more than any I’ve been involved with. This one hurts right here. We had a chance to win that game and we didn’t get it done.”
“A thousand times worse, the bottom line is we didn’t execute. It’s on us as coaches.”
What a jerk. Totally unprofessional. Teams lose games they don't feel they should lose. Coaches can tell their players that in the lockerroom. TO say it in the media is completely classless. I had always thought better of Huesman. Sounds as if he's been hanging around with that loser Moc poster on here.
The Eagle's Cliff
September 25th, 2011, 09:55 AM
chattownmocs = Russ Huesman?xchinscratchxxshhhx
September 25th, 2011, 10:17 AM
If you sat and watched that game and felt like Chattanooga should have lost then saw a different game than I did. Defensively we were better. Offensively, we scored one touchdown and two field goals. Offensively, they didn't score. Just becuase a team did enough to win, does not mean that they had the better team.
Every coach in the country comes out and gives some watered-down, BS, coachspeak after a game. Heusman admitted that he thought the Mocs were better and should not have lost. Now he's classless for being honest? Guess what? I don't think App was a better team either. Take away a bad snap and we are up 9-0 instead of down 7-6. If we had a better center on field goals, that game goes the other way. It didn't. They got the win. Don't tell me that the best team always wins.
That is what he was saying. They were not a better team, they just made fewer costly mistakes.
September 25th, 2011, 10:36 AM
Coach you're wrong. UTC has a great defense, but your oline is suspect and the beatings for Coleman and the interceptions will continue. Special teams is also a big problem for UTC. UTC is a MUCH improved team and is a playoff caliber team now. However ASU still has more talent than UTC and is deeper so to sit there and tell the media UTC is the better team just isn't true. I do think Huesman is the best X's and O's coach in the SoCon and have said so for over a year now. Good game.
September 25th, 2011, 10:55 AM
If you sat and watched that game and felt like Chattanooga should have lost then saw a different game than I did. Defensively we were better. Offensively, we scored one touchdown and two field goals. Offensively, they didn't score. Just becuase a team did enough to win, does not mean that they had the better team.
Every coach in the country comes out and gives some watered-down, BS, coachspeak after a game. Heusman admitted that he thought the Mocs were better and should not have lost. Now he's classless for being honest? Guess what? I don't think App was a better team either. Take away a bad snap and we are up 9-0 instead of down 7-6. If we had a better center on field goals, that game goes the other way. It didn't. They got the win. Don't tell me that the best team always wins.
That is what he was saying. They were not a better team, they just made fewer costly mistakes.
And it's completely acceptable for a fan to post those feelings on a message board. It's a completely different situation when a head coach makes those comments to the media. It smacks of an eight year-old throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get his way. It was completely unprofessional. I lost a lot of respect for him. There just isn't any reason for a head coach to be a crybaby like that.
September 25th, 2011, 11:02 AM
And it's completely acceptable for a fan to post those feelings on a message board. It's a completely different situation when a head coach makes those comments to the media. It smacks of an eight year-old throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get his way. It was completely unprofessional. I lost a lot of respect for him. There just isn't any reason for a head coach to be a crybaby like that.
Crying would be if he was saying that we got screwed in some way by a call. I took what he said to be, "we were a better team and just didn't get it done." I fail to see anything wrong with that. He said, we didn't execute. That is not crying. It is a statement of fact.
September 25th, 2011, 11:16 AM
If you sat and watched that game and felt like Chattanooga should have lost then saw a different game than I did. Defensively we were better. Offensively, we scored one touchdown and two field goals. Offensively, they didn't score. Just becuase a team did enough to win, does not mean that they had the better team.
Every coach in the country comes out and gives some watered-down, BS, coachspeak after a game. Heusman admitted that he thought the Mocs were better and should not have lost. Now he's classless for being honest? Guess what? I don't think App was a better team either. Take away a bad snap and we are up 9-0 instead of down 7-6. If we had a better center on field goals, that game goes the other way. It didn't. They got the win. Don't tell me that the best team always wins.
That is what he was saying. They were not a better team, they just made fewer costly mistakes.
First of all, the Mocs have a very good team....but, you fail to mention that App's offense drove the field and missed a chip shot fg because of a bad snap which would have put major momentum back to App. A lot of woulda, coulda, and should haves for both teams.
September 25th, 2011, 11:17 AM
If a coach comes out & says what he believes to be true, I applaud him. I didn't see the game but it sounds to me like in the heat of the moment without rehersal what he was saying was: "our team was easily as good as our opponent. However, we didn't execute as well as we should have. It cost us the game and I will take the blame for that". I get it. I now have more respect for Huseman. He's brought a perinneal lower half SoCon team to the top of the conference & it's obvious that he cares personally about what he's doing.
The type of thing that was laughable and unforgivable was App's much heralded "DP" and his thug buddy Gainey talking disparagingly and dilusionally about how App is as good a team as Virginia Tech. Of course, that's ok because they play for App.
September 25th, 2011, 11:18 AM
Sounds like the comments ASU players made after losing to Virginia Tech.
September 25th, 2011, 11:20 AM
My first reaction was that it was classless as well, but after a little time to think about it, I can see how raw the emotions were at the time of the interview and how much the loss had to hurt. I think Huesman has proven over his few years in Chatty that he is a class act at expects that much from his players. Obviously from Coach Moore's comments regarding the sportsmanship of Coleman and a few of the other players, Huesman has groomed his players to handle themselves with class. I think he gets a pass on this one. Just my opinion....
September 25th, 2011, 11:24 AM
Sounds like the comments ASU players made after losing to Virginia Tech.
Good point....
September 25th, 2011, 11:27 AM
If a coach comes out & says what he believes to be true, I applaud him. I didn't see the game but it sounds to me like in the heat of the moment without rehersal what he was saying was: "our team was easily as good as our opponent. However, we didn't execute as well as we should have. It cost us the game and I will take the blame for that". I get it. I now have more respect for Huseman. He's brought a perinneal lower half SoCon team to the top of the conference & it's obvious that he cares personally about what he's doing.
The type of thing that was laughable and unforgivable was App's much heralded "DP" and his thug buddy Gainey talking disparagingly and dilusionally about how App is as good a team as Virginia Tech. Of course, that's ok because they play for App.
Unforgivable might be a stretch. They are kids and they are going to say dumb things. I am glad I didn't have a microphone in my face 14 saturdays out of the year when I was 18 - 22 years old. With that being said I will agree the the collective App nation probably collectively cringed a little when we saw those quotes.
September 25th, 2011, 11:28 AM
Sounds like the comments ASU players made after losing to Virginia Tech.
Those comments were equally inappropriate in my book.
The best team doesn't always win. That is the nature of sport. Losing with dignity also used to be a part of sport. That apparently, is no longer the case.
I was shocked at the number of ASU people who tried to defend the comments made by Presley and Gainey. I am equally shocked by the number of people who have no problem with Huesman's poor sportsmanship.
September 25th, 2011, 11:33 AM
Crying would be if he was saying that we got screwed in some way by a call. I took what he said to be, "we were a better team and just didn't get it done." I fail to see anything wrong with that. He said, we didn't execute. That is not crying. It is a statement of fact.
So, if Jerry Moore had said, "We are clearly a better team, but we didn't execute well today. There's no way we should have been so close against that team," that would have been okay too?
Disparaging a team that just beat you is unprofessional.
September 25th, 2011, 11:35 AM
Classless cry baby. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall on that bus ride home. Score board prick. Gotta teach your boys to no **** themselves in a rowdy *** KBS. The ground was shaking when we picked up the botched snap and when we almost killed BJ. That hit was incredible.
September 25th, 2011, 11:35 AM
Crying would be if he was saying that we got screwed in some way by a call. I took what he said to be, "we were a better team and just didn't get it done." I fail to see anything wrong with that. He said, we didn't execute. That is not crying. It is a statement of fact.
A fact is something you can prove 100%: therefore, what you and coach are saying are your opinions.
September 25th, 2011, 11:39 AM
A fact is something you can prove 100%: therefore, what you and coach are saying are your opinions.
So you are saying that it is an opinion that UTC didn't execute? Well, I would imagine that about 29k fans in attendance might share that opinion. At what point does observed behavior get to become fact in your book? Deep questions man.
September 25th, 2011, 11:45 AM
By listening to the coach yesterday, Coach Huesman was extremely frustrated and as fans, we have to understand what this man has done at this school. Who had thought that we would ever say that Chattanooga is one of the top teams in Southern Conference at this point. He has his players believing, the city of Chatt believing, so I understand his frustration. What is wrong with him saying what many of us on this board believed. We believed that Chattanooga would go in Kidd Brewer and beat App because we thought that they were a better team at this point. Huesman gave App great compliments and credited the defense and said the right things, but told us how he felt.
September 25th, 2011, 11:49 AM
So, if Jerry Moore had said, "We are clearly a better team, but we didn't execute well today. There's no way we should have been so close against that team," that would have been okay too?
Disparaging a team that just beat you is unprofessional.
If I thought that his intent was to disparage App in any way, I would agree with you. However, I believe what he was saying is that UTC was good enough to win the game, but mistakes kept that from happening.
Can you honestly say that without the bad snap and interception returned for TD's that ASU wins that game. I think that was the point.
September 25th, 2011, 11:54 AM
You can spin it that way but that is different than what was said.
ASU made plenty of mistakes and didn't execute on many plays as well if we're being fair to play sides. Both teams can play much better offensively.
September 25th, 2011, 11:54 AM
If I thought that his intent was to disparage App in any way, I would agree with you. However, I believe what he was saying is that UTC was good enough to win the game, but mistakes kept that from happening.
Can you honestly say that without the bad snap and interception returned for TD's that ASU wins that game. I think that was the point.
But those plays count just as much as every other play of the day. The continued pressure on BJ led to the pick and your special teams just isn't quite good enough still. The Mocs are a dangerous team and may win in a potential re-match but the Apps won this one.
September 25th, 2011, 11:59 AM
But those plays count just as much as every other play of the day. The continued pressure on BJ led to the pick and your special teams just isn't quite good enough still. The Mocs are a dangerous team and may win in a potential re-match but the Apps won this one.
Completely agree, they do count just as much, and there are no mulligans in football. But after a game that you lose, coaches don't talk about what they did right.
September 25th, 2011, 11:59 AM
It'a fact that both teams didn't execute at various times, it's a fact that UC punts put App's offense in poor field position most of the game, it's a fact that App had way more penalties than UC, it's a fact that the final score was 14-12 favor App. It's my opinion that both teams are good but could become great teams with more experience as the year plays out. Good luck to you and your team in your remaining games.
September 25th, 2011, 12:00 PM
The fact that this game is still being discussed is a testament to where coach has brought this team. I have no problem with his comments. He generally speaks from the heart and i think that is where those comments originated. That type of leadership will eventually get this program a SoCon championship, and yes, quite possibly a national title.
September 25th, 2011, 12:02 PM
I would have a problem if he made it sound like he was blaming the players, but clearly he is not. And I don't mean to sound cocky, but it's a good thing Chatty's pass protection problem was exposed in this game, because GSU's pass rush is better and they have two weeks to try and work something out.
September 25th, 2011, 12:02 PM
If I thought that his intent was to disparage App in any way, I would agree with you. However, I believe what he was saying is that UTC was good enough to win the game, but mistakes kept that from happening.
Can you honestly say that without the bad snap and interception returned for TD's that ASU wins that game. I think that was the point.
That's why there are four quarters in a game. The ASU offense was barely on the field in the second half with the defense scoring twice. The offense is capable of great things, just executed poorly. You can't say that if that botched snap doesn't happen and it's 9 - 0 that the ASU offense couldn't have scored on the next possession and made it 9 - 7. We can "what if" all day, but the game happened how it happened.
September 25th, 2011, 12:07 PM
If I thought that his intent was to disparage App in any way, I would agree with you. However, I believe what he was saying is that UTC was good enough to win the game, but mistakes kept that from happening.
Can you honestly say that without the bad snap and interception returned for TD's that ASU wins that game. I think that was the point.
Got to say I tend to agree with this. The "that team is not better than us" comment did come across a little snarky in retrospect, but the guy clearly was emotional about the game and was talking off the cuff.
September 25th, 2011, 12:20 PM
He's just frustrated that the Kidd Brewer Stadium Mojo passed from Bobby Lamb to him. xlolxxbawlingx
September 25th, 2011, 12:22 PM
If I thought that his intent was to disparage App in any way, I would agree with you. However, I believe what he was saying is that UTC was good enough to win the game, but mistakes kept that from happening.
He could have said the same thing last year.
Repeated poor excecution at critical times... at some point has to come back to the coaching staff... no?
If y'all continue to lose games you should win... maybe he should be asking the question of why that is? Instead of the "woe is me" outlook of a teenager.
September 25th, 2011, 12:35 PM
Chattanooga Postgame Quotes:
“And I love BJ, he gets right back up. But he just can’t take that beating out there.”
I think we can all agree with that sentiment.
App was not the only team to get some fortunate bounces in that game. App missed a short FG by a kicker who has nailed two 51 yarders this year... Chatty was very fortunate to fall on the fumble caused on App's corner blitz sack because that ball went flying out... Chatty was fortunate that Presley's fumble flew right into the hands of a defender. Chatty was lucky to only have one penalty called on them. But guess what? That's football. You have to make your own luck. If the Mocs had done their job inside the red zone, then these two flukey plays would not even have been an issue.
September 25th, 2011, 12:42 PM
He could have said the same thing last year.
Repeated poor excecution at critical times... at some point has to come back to the coaching staff... no?
If y'all continue to lose games you should win... maybe he should be asking the question of why that is? Instead of the "woe is me" outlook of a teenager.
Well in the grand scheme of things, this program is still in it's early years from a developmental perspective. There is a long way to go before becoming a team like App who can win games even when they don't play their best. That doesn't mean it isn't still frustrating when games that coulda/shoulda/woulda been won are lost.
I like the direction this team and coaching staff are headed. We have to rememeber, this is just year three. They aren't "there" yet. But they have come a long way. If anything, I like the fact that he is pissed off about losing to a team so highly ranked at this point.
September 25th, 2011, 12:51 PM
If I thought that his intent was to disparage App in any way, I would agree with you. However, I believe what he was saying is that UTC was good enough to win the game, but mistakes kept that from happening.
Can you honestly say that without the bad snap and interception returned for TD's that ASU wins that game. I think that was the point.
So, Western Carolina fans could say, "If we hadn't given up 634 yards rushing to GSU, we would have won?" Everything that happens from the opening kickoff to the end of the game is part of the game.
He had every right to be frustrated, but his choice of words was very poor and he came off looking and sounding like a very poor loser.
September 25th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Can you honestly say that without the bad snap and interception returned for TD's that ASU wins that game. I think that was the point.
My 17 year old brother came home from a whalloping his high school team took in varsity baseball. His coach said some of the same things to the players. His quote was "If we got every coulda, woulda, shoulda, to go in our favor, we'd all be millionaires with supermodel wives, but we're not so get over it and move on." I think it applies here on both sides.
September 25th, 2011, 01:06 PM
So, Western Carolina fans could say, "If we hadn't given up 634 yards rushing to GSU, we would have won?" Everything that happens from the opening kickoff to the end of the game is part of the game.
He had every right to be frustrated, but his choice of words was very poor and he came off looking and sounding like a very poor loser.
Did they give up 634 yards on two plays? Because if they did, that's some really ****ty defense.
September 25th, 2011, 01:07 PM
My 17 year old brother came home from a whalloping his high school team took in varsity baseball. His coach said some of the same things to the players. His quote was "If we got every coulda, woulda, shoulda, to go in our favor, we'd all be millionaires with supermodel wives, but we're not so get over it and move on." I think it applies here on both sides.
I agree, but it's not's Huesman's job to care about what you guys could have done better.
September 25th, 2011, 01:07 PM
Lots of football games come down to 1 or 2 plays. You win some, you lose some. Good teams win more than they lose.
September 25th, 2011, 01:11 PM
Did they give up 634 yards on two plays? Because if they did, that's some really ****ty defense.
Doesn't matter if it was two plays or fifty plays. Every one of them is part of the game. You can't pick and choose which individual plays you want to remove to change the outcome.
September 25th, 2011, 01:11 PM
He's just frustrated that the Kidd Brewer Stadium Mojo passed from Bobby Lamb to him. xlolxxbawlingx
Dang. I just saw this photo from the game. The new Bobby Lamb for sure. xnodx
Spitting image.
September 25th, 2011, 01:37 PM
Dang. I just saw this photo from the game. The new Bobby Lamb for sure. xnodx
Spitting image.
Chatty better hope not:o
September 25th, 2011, 02:26 PM
I agree, but it's not's Huesman's job to care about what you guys could have done better.
Right, but IF they didn't fumble that snap and IF Coleman didn't get sacked and IF this and IF that they would've won. Well, you said that you thought that was his point and it has been the point of this whole thread. The entire game was full of missed opportunities and situations where nobody stood up and made a play. Heusman's point is nullified by my high school aged brother (a point likely stolen from a hard nosed, backwoods NC baseball coach). Chattanooga is possibly the most improved team in 2 years that I can think of. That being said, they haven't broken the barrier of becoming a GREAT team. They are still at a stage of very good. It's not about if you were or weren't the better team on the field. Great teams know how to put enough points on the board to walk away with a W. That being said, neither team was great (unless we're talking defense) yesterday.
September 25th, 2011, 02:49 PM
I didn't see the game, but looking at the stats it seemed to be an evenly matched defensive struggle. So the game will usually come down to who makes the fewest mistakes and that WILL denote who is indeed the "better team". I've seen games where a team dominates the statistical battle and still comes up on the short end due to mistakes... that doesn't seem to be the case here.
I always LMAO at posters who say things like "take away that interception" or "if we hadn't of fumbled". Thing is you can't. If I had four "take aways" every game each opponent would have 4 tds called back if they scored that many. It would do wonders for the W column.
September 25th, 2011, 03:06 PM
I didn't see the game, but looking at the stats it seemed to be an evenly matched defensive struggle. So the game will usually come down to who makes the fewest mistakes and that WILL denote who is indeed the "better team". I've seen games where a team dominates the statistical battle and still comes up on the short end due to mistakes... that doesn't seem to be the case here.
I always LMAO at posters who say things like "take away that interception" or "if we hadn't of fumbled". Thing is you can't. If I had four "take aways" every game each opponent would have 4 tds called back if they scored that many. It would do wonders for the W column.
Then you missed the point of the entire discussion. I'm not trying to make a point that Chattanooga should have won. This whole thing is about what Huesman said and why. It's not me saying Chattanooga was better. I believe they were, but they lost. But that's not the point of this discussion. Focus grasshopper.
September 25th, 2011, 03:09 PM
Huesman is offically the new "Lambchop" (Bobby Lamb). I wondered who would take his place in the SoCon after he left.
September 25th, 2011, 03:16 PM
Then you missed the point of the entire discussion. I'm not trying to make a point that Chattanooga should have won. This whole thing is about what Huesman said and why. It's not me saying Chattanooga was better. I believe they were, but they lost. But that's not the point of this discussion. Focus grasshopper.
Naw, I didn't miss the point. Point was that UTC lost... not because ASU was better but because of missed opportunities or mistakes on the part of UTC.
MY point is that ASU was better, but not by much... which is where mistakes and opportunities are worth a premium and demonstrate the better team.
Again, I've seen games where the "better" team didn't win.
September 25th, 2011, 03:35 PM
By listening to the coach yesterday, Coach Huesman was extremely frustrated and as fans, we have to understand what this man has done at this school. Who had thought that we would ever say that Chattanooga is one of the top teams in Southern Conference at this point. He has his players believing, the city of Chatt believing, so I understand his frustration. What is wrong with him saying what many of us on this board believed. We believed that Chattanooga would go in Kidd Brewer and beat App because we thought that they were a better team at this point. Huesman gave App great compliments and credited the defense and said the right things, but told us how he felt.
Better teams don't always win. Ask the older Appalachian fans what happened to them in their last regular season game in 1994. A winless VMI beat them by three.
I don't think too many folks would fault Huesman for his comments if they were said to his team, in the privacy of the locker room ... but when you say that type of stuff it is fodder for all the critics and when you lose it just sounds like sour grapes.
I've said it many times on this messageboard, and my own .... it is extremely hard to go into Boone as a visiting team, and come out with a win. Any team that does so, has earned it. It is hard to win up there even if the ASU team you're facing isn't one of their better editions. We won't know the answer to that question (how good is App), or any of the other teams, until the end of the season.
September 25th, 2011, 03:40 PM
Bottom line, ASU won by 2 at home vs UTC, and are now 1-0 in the SoCon while the Mocs are 0-1. Both teams are moving on as the SoCon race is far from over, and both teams look to be playoff teams if they take of business the rest of the year.
September 25th, 2011, 07:52 PM
The best team doesn't always win but the team that plays the best does.
Play better and you won't need post game excuses.
September 25th, 2011, 08:07 PM
Could he have phrased it better? Yes he could, but I got what he was trying to convey and he's just letting his player's know that he believes that they are every bit as good as those across the field. That's his job. As to Presley's comments at VPI, he may have been trying to do the same thing but that was just some stupid $#it that came out of his mouth.xlolx
September 25th, 2011, 08:17 PM
Better teams don't always win. Ask the older Appalachian fans what happened to them in their last regular season game in 1994. A winless VMI beat them by three.
I've said it many times on this messageboard, and my own .... it is extremely hard to go into Boone as a visiting team, and come out with a win. Any team that does so, has earned it. It is hard to win up there even if the ASU team you're facing isn't one of their better editions. We won't know the answer to that question (how good is App), or any of the other teams, until the end of the season.
I agree (I was at that VMI game). The Chatty/App game was the most unexpected thing I have experienced in my many years of watching ASU football. If you had wanted to bet that the halftime score would be 3 - 0, I would have taken that bet. Or, that App's offense WOULD NOT SCORE & we'd still win, I would have taken that one too. This was a strange game.
Most everyone has pointed out that both defenses played well (true) & both offenses struggled (also true), but special teams play was clearly better on App's side of the ball. You had Chatty's errant snap that was picked up & run back for a TD. But, also the punting game favored App. (perhaps not so obvious on the stat sheet.) Chatty's punter got off some weird looking punts (that rolled most of the way) & App's Martin did not look his best, but his last punt of the game was crucial.
September 25th, 2011, 08:27 PM
I would have a problem if he made it sound like he was blaming the players, but clearly he is not. And I don't mean to sound cocky, but it's a good thing Chatty's pass protection problem was exposed in this game, because GSU's pass rush is better and they have two weeks to try and work something out.
Not trying to take issue with most of your post, only part of it. I'm not sure GaSo's pass rush is better than App's. App's looked pretty good to me on Sat. GaSo will get its turn, late Oct. I think. We'll see then.
BTW, the GaSo game in Boone may be the game of the season. I'll do my best to cordially extend a warm Boone welcome to all Eagle fans who make the trip.
September 25th, 2011, 09:57 PM
Naw, I didn't miss the point. Point was that UTC lost... not because ASU was better but because of missed opportunities or mistakes on the part of UTC.
MY point is that ASU was better, but not by much... which is where mistakes and opportunities are worth a premium and demonstrate the better team.
Again, I've seen games where the "better" team didn't win.
I take it you don't think any defensive pressure from App's defense forced some of those mistakes?
Reign of Terrier
September 25th, 2011, 09:58 PM
While App was playing V Tech who was Elon playing. Oh that's right the powerhouse program at Vandebilt.
That's 3-1 right now....
September 25th, 2011, 10:01 PM
That's 3-1 right now....
FWIW. Virginia Tech is 4-0.
September 25th, 2011, 10:19 PM
That's 3-1 right now....
And will win 2 games at best the rest of the year.
September 25th, 2011, 10:30 PM
Coach Huesman spoke the way he felt at the moment.
He said things that coaches really feel, but typically are now too fricking PC to say. He should be applauded for that (and I bet half the people on here complaining are the same people that hate that this world has become so politically correct)
He wears his heart on his sleeve, if you saw the interview he was absolutely pissed and was full of emotion right after the game. l love a coach with emotion, I love one that takes things personally, I love one that doesn't except failure.
He gave respect to the other side, but he was mad at himself and his coaching staff and the players for not delivering the win that they had in their grasp and let slip away.
If it occasional pisses off the fans of other teams, so be it. I know my coach and his players have class, I don't care if you believe it or not.
Call him a crybaby or a jackass or classless, let him be the coach you hate, that's cool...that builds rivalries that have excitement (though if any one of you spent more than 10 minutes alone with Russ, you would realize that he is a class act, old school, football coach).
Coach Huesman, keep speaking your mind, tell people how you really is a breath of fresh air in a politically correct world. Good or bad, it is certainly more interesting than the canned response world of coach speak we live in now.
September 25th, 2011, 10:47 PM
This is overblown. I wouldnt applaud the guy, but his reaction was perfectly human. Nothing to get in a tither over.
SideLine Shooter
September 25th, 2011, 10:50 PM
Maybe this will help you figure out what happened in the game, then again, maybe not.
September 25th, 2011, 10:51 PM
He's not the coach I hate, he's just the coach that hates ASU. They are the hump he has yet to get over and it is bothering him Bobby Lamb style.
September 25th, 2011, 10:52 PM
Coach you're wrong. UTC has a great defense, but your oline is suspect and the beatings for Coleman and the interceptions will continue. Special teams is also a big problem for UTC. UTC is a MUCH improved team and is a playoff caliber team now. However ASU still has more talent than UTC and is deeper so to sit there and tell the media UTC is the better team just isn't true. I do think Huesman is the best X's and O's coach in the SoCon and have said so for over a year now. Good game.
I beg to differ. See Mike Ayers, Wofford College.
SideLine Shooter
September 25th, 2011, 11:01 PM
He's not the coach I hate, he's just the coach that hates ASU. They are the hump he has yet to get over and it is bothering him Bobby Lamb style.
I'm really going to miss Bobby Lamb.
September 25th, 2011, 11:08 PM
He's not the coach I hate, he's just the coach that hates ASU. They are the hump he has yet to get over and it is bothering him Bobby Lamb style.
And I am glad it pisses him off that he hasn't beat ASU.
September 25th, 2011, 11:11 PM
This is overblown. I wouldnt applaud the guy, but his reaction was perfectly human. Nothing to get in a tither over.
+ 1
September 25th, 2011, 11:18 PM
I beg to differ. See Mike Ayers, Wofford College.
I'd vote for Huesman over Ayers solely from an X's and O's perspective. But, this is from assuming Wade Lang is a big part of Wofford's offense... 22nd year as offensive coordinator at Wofford. How responsible is he for the X's and O's of Wofford's offense?
September 26th, 2011, 10:01 AM
He's not the coach I hate, he's just the coach that hates ASU. They are the hump he has yet to get over and it is bothering him Bobby Lamb style.
This could not be farther from the truth. You clearly missed his pre-game interview on the radio broadcast when Huesman basically said App State had the ideal program and is essentially what he's been working hard to emulate at UTC. I'm paraphrasing, but he had nothing to say but compliments for Appalachian Football.
The fits they've given App (and other teams) since he got there is no surprise, having been the DC at Richmond before he got to UTC in 2008. His knowledge of defense combined with his strategy of recruiting for speed (again, something he directly models after App State), have paid off. These guys are close to having a dominant program.
Anyone should be able to understand the frustration after how they lost the last two games against us. I agree with cooling off a bit before approaching the media, but he is human after all, and I'd imagine his players appreciate the confidence he has in them.
My opinion: yesterday was a HELL of a game. Two offenses struggled a bit, sure, but it was largely due to two fast, hungry defenses...these are the kinds of games I love. What UTC did at The Rock was no small feat, they're worthy of their ranking/hype, and are a playoff contender. My fingers hurt from typing this morning because a couple are missing nails. Awesome!
September 26th, 2011, 10:02 AM
Sounds like the comments ASU players made after losing to Virginia Tech.
And there were a lot of ASU fans on here saying they shouldn't have made those comments to the media (of course, some defended them just as Moc fans are Huesman). As to Huesman, I don't really care what he says, and if he feels that way go for won't change the L. But I would bet given hindsight, he would have preferred to save those comments for the locker room. I for one don't think these comments make him classless, just passionate. I'm glad he is this pissed off to lose to ASU again, and he should be, and the Moc fans should love it.
September 26th, 2011, 10:10 AM
Not trying to take issue with most of your post, only part of it. I'm not sure GaSo's pass rush is better than App's. App's looked pretty good to me on Sat. GaSo will get its turn, late Oct. I think. We'll see then.
BTW, the GaSo game in Boone may be the game of the season. I'll do my best to cordially extend a warm Boone welcome to all Eagle fans who make the trip.
I will do the same at my tailgate, where we'll have at least one GSU fan for sure.
September 26th, 2011, 10:17 AM
I will do the same at my tailgate, where we'll have at least one GSU fan for sure.
Just found out a very generous catamountman poster is hooking me and the mrs. up with ASU/GSU tix. We'll catch up hopefully this time.
September 26th, 2011, 10:32 AM
Just found out a very generous catamountman poster is hooking me and the mrs. up with ASU/GSU tix. We'll catch up hopefully this time.
Very nice! We're looking to do a low country boil for the game.
Sir William
September 26th, 2011, 10:47 AM
The thing that most people fail to remember is how obnoxious UTC fans were when they had a winning football team back in the early 80s. Years and years of licking the SoCon floor finally shut them up for a period of time. Now that they are fielding a good (but consistently unproven*) team, the classlessness has resurfaced rather quickly. Is anyone really that shocked? It's their nature. They can't help it.
* "consistently unproven" meaning that they've had one good year. Whoop-dee-freakin-do.
September 26th, 2011, 10:59 AM
The thing that most people fail to remember is how obnoxious UTC fans were when they had a winning football team back in the early 80s. Years and years of licking the SoCon floor finally shut them up for a period of time. Now that they are fielding a good (but consistently unproven*) team, the classlessness has resurfaced rather quickly. Is anyone really that shocked? It's their nature. They can't help it.
* "consistently unproven" meaning that they've had one good year. Whoop-dee-freakin-do.
Ahh the glory days. I remember back in the 80's. We used to trash up all the message boards with our brash taunting.
Honestly though, it's our nature? Why do you think that is exactly? What are you trying to say about us? At this point, many of us have cross-pollenated with other colleges...I mean, not yours...we prefer girls who dance. Don't you think at this point maybe our nature has changed some since the 80's? Besides, some of us have even been nurtured in to being better people (since I know you guys don't believe anybody's really "Born this way."
September 26th, 2011, 11:06 AM
And there were a lot of ASU fans on here saying they shouldn't have made those comments to the media (of course, some defended them just as Moc fans are Huesman). As to Huesman, I don't really care what he says, and if he feels that way go for won't change the L. But I would bet given hindsight, he would have preferred to save those comments for the locker room. I for one don't think these comments make him classless, just passionate. I'm glad he is this pissed off to lose to ASU again, and he should be, and the Moc fans should love it.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks ASUMountaineer!
Sir William
September 26th, 2011, 11:21 AM
Ahh the glory days. I remember back in the 80's.
Honestly though, it's our nature? Why do you think that is exactly? What are you trying to say about us?
Ok, not you. Just everybody else. xsmiley_wix
Waco Kid
September 26th, 2011, 11:49 AM
I don't have any problem with him saying his team was as good as ASU at all. Maybe he shouldn't have said UTC should not have lost the game, but I can see how someone from UTC would feel like they let a W get away. However, UTC made plenty of mistakes as well and ASU made a few very big plays to win the game.
It all boils down to Huesman being obsessed with beating ASU. He pretty much came right out and said that when he was at Richmond and after taking over at UTC. Now he is 1-4 against ASU and it’s about to drive him crazy that the only W came when many people feel Edwards health was the reason he won not his Defense. This is going to bother him until he beats ASU straight up with no excuses.
September 26th, 2011, 12:09 PM
I would have preferred im to say "We are better than that team" or "They FOUND a way to win the game, like a blind squirrell finds a nut. Appalachian State didnt MAKE any plays. They just got lucky. A bad snap on a chip shot FG, is not appalachian State Making a play. A reciecver tipping the ball up in the air right to an app player is not them making a play, its called dumb luck. Fluke. Appalachian State's defensive line deserves credit. They dominated our Oline. But that was the only battle their team won in any area. Chattanooga should not have lost the game. It was a big missed opportunity but we need to take care of business next week and the week after that an opportunity just as big awaits. Forget about this game boys
September 26th, 2011, 12:15 PM
I don't have any problem with him saying his team was as good as ASU at all. Maybe he shouldn't have said UTC should not have lost the game, but I can see how someone from UTC would feel like they let a W get away. However, UTC made plenty of mistakes as well and ASU made a few very big plays to win the game.
It all boils down to Huesman being obsessed with beating ASU. He pretty much came right out and said that when he was at Richmond and after taking over at UTC. Now he is 1-4 against ASU and it’s about to drive him crazy that the only W came when many people feel Edwards health was the reason he won not his Defense. This is going to drive him crazy until he beats ASU straight up with no excuses.
Huesman is this way after every loss (the ASU losses being so close, obviously, magnify it more)...hell, he is that way at walking off the field for the halftime reporter if the Mocs are behind. It's just the way he is in the heat of battle...but he calms down pretty quickly after the game is over and gets on to planning for the next game. If you talked to him Sunday morning, you would never know they had lost a big game the day before, he was all Citadel.
September 26th, 2011, 12:22 PM
1st and goal at App's 6 yard line
1st and goal at App's 4 yard line
Punch in either of those for a touchdown... and you win the game.
It wasn't bad luck that stopped you.
September 26th, 2011, 12:30 PM
Ok, not you. Just everybody else. xsmiley_wix
Curious...I thought if you made a bold statement like that about an entire fan base you might choose to back it up...guess not.
September 26th, 2011, 12:32 PM
1st and goal at App's 6 yard line
1st and goal at App's 4 yard line
Punch in either of those for a touchdown... and you win the game.
It wasn't bad luck that stopped you.
Dead on. I have like 1 point of rep I believe, but I'll hit you with it, haha.
September 26th, 2011, 01:22 PM
This could not be farther from the truth. You clearly missed his pre-game interview on the radio broadcast when Huesman basically said App State had the ideal program and is essentially what he's been working hard to emulate at UTC. I'm paraphrasing, but he had nothing to say but compliments for Appalachian Football.
The fits they've given App (and other teams) since he got there is no surprise, having been the DC at Richmond before he got to UTC in 2008. His knowledge of defense combined with his strategy of recruiting for speed (again, something he directly models after App State), have paid off. These guys are close to having a dominant program.
Anyone should be able to understand the frustration after how they lost the last two games against us. I agree with cooling off a bit before approaching the media, but he is human after all, and I'd imagine his players appreciate the confidence he has in them.
My opinion: yesterday was a HELL of a game. Two offenses struggled a bit, sure, but it was largely due to two fast, hungry defenses...these are the kinds of games I love. What UTC did at The Rock was no small feat, they're worthy of their ranking/hype, and are a playoff contender. My fingers hurt from typing this morning because a couple are missing nails. Awesome!
Just because you respect something doesn't mean you don't hate it. I respect GSU, but I still hate them.
September 26th, 2011, 01:45 PM
Naw, I didn't miss the point. Point was that UTC lost... not because ASU was better but because of missed opportunities or mistakes on the part of UTC.
MY point is that ASU was better, but not by much... which is where mistakes and opportunities are worth a premium and demonstrate the better team.
Again, I've seen games where the "better" team didn't win.
I take it you don't think any defensive pressure from App's defense forced some of those mistakes?
Not at all, I think they had a lot to do with it.
1st paragraph was my take on HIS point. 2nd paragraph was MY point. 3rd paragraph was my contention that I've seen games were one team was better (should be stated as "more talented" because they obviously weren't better on that particular day) and still didn't win, but this doesn't seem to qualify as such a game, IMO.
September 26th, 2011, 01:53 PM
I would have preferred im to say "We are better than that team" or "They FOUND a way to win the game, like a blind squirrell finds a nut. Appalachian State didnt MAKE any plays. They just got lucky. A bad snap on a chip shot FG, is not appalachian State Making a play. A reciecver tipping the ball up in the air right to an app player is not them making a play, its called dumb luck. Fluke. Appalachian State's defensive line deserves credit. They dominated our Oline. But that was the only battle their team won in any area. Chattanooga should not have lost the game. It was a big missed opportunity but we need to take care of business next week and the week after that an opportunity just as big awaits. Forget about this game boys
September 26th, 2011, 03:54 PM
Just because you respect something doesn't mean you don't hate it.
Quote of the dayxthumbsupx
Accelerati Incredibilus
September 26th, 2011, 04:24 PM
I may be the only App Fan on the planet that doesn't find his comments out of line. This is football not daycare. It's refreshing to see a coach with a little fire in his belly instead of someone who fumbles and stumbles around trying to find something to say.
September 26th, 2011, 06:44 PM
1st and goal at App's 6 yard line
1st and goal at App's 4 yard line
Punch in either of those for a touchdown... and you win the game.
It wasn't bad luck that stopped you.
I can't dispute this....hopefully....soon...we perfect the fade pass to Marlon Anthony (6-5) and these situations get a little bit easier.
September 26th, 2011, 07:00 PM
Put a mic in a coach's face right after a tough loss like that and you should expect that kind of comment. He was frustrated because he brought a good, well-prepared team into Boone, played well and still lost. If the game had gone the other way, I would hope Jerry wouldn't be ready to concede and say that we weren't good enough to win. Huesman made some heat of the moment comments but he also had some great things to say about ASU. Much ado about nothing in my opinion.
September 26th, 2011, 07:28 PM
Put a mic in a coach's face right after a tough loss like that and you should expect that kind of comment. He was frustrated because he brought a good, well-prepared team into Boone, played well and still lost. If the game had gone the other way, I would hope Jerry wouldn't be ready to concede and say that we weren't good enough to win. Huesman made some heat of the moment comments but he also had some great things to say about ASU. Much ado about nothing in my opinion.
Congrats to the Mountaineers. My first time at The Rock in many years. Awesome atmosphere. An atmosphere that I hope that the Mocs will have at our home games in the near future. If you would have told me this was going to be a defensive battle I wouldn't have believed it. Even though UTC's O line is young and inexperienced I thought we had enough of a running game to keep Apps defense honest and the blitzes at a minimum with BJ and Co. able to pick up big yards thru the air. I also was pleasantly surprised that our D was able to keep the App O out of the end zone. Great game. I hope App wins out as well as the Mocs with another meet in the playoffs. I've always felt that one of the heardest thing to do is beat a team twice in the same year. Hoping for a rematch.
September 26th, 2011, 08:00 PM
Quote of the dayxthumbsupx
I can think of a couple Elon posters I really respect, ;-).
September 26th, 2011, 09:31 PM
Sounds like the comments ASU players made after losing to Virginia Tech.
There are different standards for a head coach vs. a player when talking to the media. Gotta say, when talking to the media, give credit to the other team, discuss the areas that need to be addressed on your team and then say what you have to say to your players in the locker room. Great coach and a great UTC team, but he could have handled this better.
September 26th, 2011, 09:49 PM
There are different standards for a head coach vs. a player when talking to the media. Gotta say, when talking to the media, give credit to the other team, discuss the areas that need to be addressed on your team and then say what you have to say to your players in the locker room. Great coach and a great UTC team, but he could have handled this better.
I understand the difference in what is expected from a coach vs. a player and I am willing to give a 20 year-old kid some more leeway than a coach, but I still think DeAndre's comment was worse. Personally, I take no issue with what Huesman said. On the other hand, it is embarrassing to see your QB say less than glowing things about a team that just blew your doors off.
September 28th, 2011, 08:50 AM
If any of you get a chance, PLEASE listen to Huesman's aftergame interview on the Chatty radio version.
Among the gems:
-"That was a Jerry Moore spot/call" on the last or sec to last ASU first down.
-The bad snap should have been blown dead, as the G had moved early and kicked the snapper's leg.
-When he went to shake Moore's hand, Moore said "Great game," Huesman said "For you."
Somethings shouldn't be said be a HC at a Div 1 program.
September 28th, 2011, 09:36 AM
He's definitely right about the false start on the Botched snap. No way the ball hits the lineman's leg unless he moved well before the snap.
September 28th, 2011, 09:36 AM
Arse whoopin
September 28th, 2011, 09:37 AM
Saint I'll have to look that up, those quotes are great. This was posted on earlier.
GOT 'EM. (
“The deep-purple bruise on the inside of B.J. Coleman’s left arms was ghastly. The quarterback’s slow, pronounced limp looked unbearable. The bruise on his check was nasty. The Mountaineers’ unsparing defensive assault left UTC’s QB as a bruised and battered mess.”
EDIT: damnit apphole
September 28th, 2011, 09:37 AM
And stop complaining about the snap. 100% a product of Kidd Brewer Stadium.
September 28th, 2011, 09:40 AM
If any of you get a chance, PLEASE listen to Huesman's aftergame interview on the Chatty radio version.
Among the gems:
-"That was a Jerry Moore spot/call" on the last or sec to last ASU first down.
-The bad snap should have been blown dead, as the G had moved early and kicked the snapper's leg.
-When he went to shake Moore's hand, Moore said "Great game," Huesman said "For you."
Somethings shouldn't be said be a HC at a Div 1 program.
Wow. Well that seals it. Huesman has 0 class.
September 28th, 2011, 09:47 AM
If the refs called a hold every time one of UTC's over matched young O-lineman had a handful of ASU jersey in the backfield, they would have been looking at 3rd and 30 every drive. Quit whining about the refs, you got your share of calls. UTC was flagged for one penatly all day for Chrissake. Bush league.
September 28th, 2011, 09:50 AM
It becomes clearer every day that Chattownmocs is in fact Russ Huesman.
September 28th, 2011, 10:51 AM
As a recent lurker to this site I felt the need to voice my opinion. Coach Huesman has been very vocal in saying many positive things about AppState since becoming the Mocs head coach including making it plain to all fans that the Appy program is where he aspires to take Chattanooga. His comments this week were very complimentary of App and indicated Chattanooga should have scored TDs in the redzone and played better on special times to ensure that win. Great win for App. I can't get very upset with the coach's comments right after the game. Should he have some said things differently, maybe; should have said some things at a different time, maybe; but to take three paragraphs and say he has zero class. Nobody in Chattanooga is ready to rollover Huesman for somebody named Apphole.
Watching Huesman play in the late 70's and early 80's and as a 1979 Chattanooga graduate, I feel we have needed a Coach like him for some time. Prior to him becoming coach, we had two winning seasons in 20years. He has put together a staff that includes 5 former Chattanooga players. I think he is a coach that loves his job, his town, his school and his players. That commands some class in my opinion. I hope we can keep him around a while and hopefully meet up with Appy down the road.
Go Mocs !!
September 28th, 2011, 11:07 AM
If the refs called a hold every time one of UTC's over matched young O-lineman had a handful of ASU jersey in the backfield, they would have been looking at 3rd and 30 every drive. Quit whining about the refs, you got your share of calls. UTC was flagged for one penatly all day for Chrissake. Bush league.
September 28th, 2011, 11:34 AM
As a recent lurker to this site I felt the need to voice my opinion. Coach Huesman has been very vocal in saying many positive things about AppState since becoming the Mocs head coach including making it plain to all fans that the Appy program is where he aspires to take Chattanooga. His comments this week were very complimentary of App and indicated Chattanooga should have scored TDs in the redzone and played better on special times to ensure that win. Great win for App. I can't get very upset with the coach's comments right after the game. Should he have some said things differently, maybe; should have said some things at a different time, maybe; but to take three paragraphs and say he has zero class. Nobody in Chattanooga is ready to rollover Huesman for somebody named Apphole.
Watching Huesman play in the late 70's and early 80's and as a 1979 Chattanooga graduate, I feel we have needed a Coach like him for some time. Prior to him becoming coach, we had two winning seasons in 20years. He has put together a staff that includes 5 former Chattanooga players. I think he is a coach that loves his job, his town, his school and his players. That commands some class in my opinion. I hope we can keep him around a while and hopefully meet up with Appy down the road.
Go Mocs !!
No doubt Huesman is great coach, and IMO it will be hard for UTC to keep him long term. However his comments seem like sour grapes, say these things in private not the media, same can be said for players (ASU's included).
September 28th, 2011, 11:57 AM
Im agreeing that it was wrong that we were only called for 1 penalty. It should have been 2 after the false start. The idea that there were holds all the time....blah..blah.blah. If that were the case they wouldn't have hit coleman. Ive never anyone take so much pride in hitting a defenseless player? You couldnt even knock him out of the games you scrubs. You get all those clean shots and you cant knock him out of the game yet you are bragging.
September 28th, 2011, 12:00 PM
Im agreeing that it was wrong that we were only called for 1 penalty. It should have been 2 after the false start. The idea that there were holds all the time....blah..blah.blah. If that were the case they wouldn't have hit coleman. Ive never anyone take so much pride in hitting a defenseless player? You couldnt even knock him out of the games you scrubs. You get all those clean shots and you cant knock him out of the game yet you are bragging.
Yeah you're right, with that awful O line of yours, it's a miracle he even survived the game. I give him 3 weeks to live tops.
September 28th, 2011, 12:01 PM
Chatty, get over it already.
September 28th, 2011, 12:02 PM
Yeah you're right, with that awful O line of yours, it's a miracle he even survived the game. I give him 3 weeks to live tops.
You better hope our Oline wasnt that bad because yall's dline was the only part of your team that looked good.
September 28th, 2011, 12:06 PM
No doubt Huesman is great coach, and IMO it will be hard for UTC to keep him long term. However his comments seem like sour grapes, say these things in private not the media, same can be said for players (ASU's included).
I agreed that somethings might have better said in private. I also believe we will be able to keep him long enough (maybe not as long as Jerry Moore) to do plenty of great things in Chattanooga.
September 28th, 2011, 01:26 PM
Im agreeing that it was wrong that we were only called for 1 penalty. It should have been 2 after the false start. The idea that there were holds all the time....blah..blah.blah. If that were the case they wouldn't have hit coleman. Ive never anyone take so much pride in hitting a defenseless player? You couldnt even knock him out of the games you scrubs. You get all those clean shots and you cant knock him out of the game yet you are bragging.
We did get more pressure than Nebraska, so Im not too worried about our Dline. And with your prolific kicking game, that 5 yard False start penalty would prolly have killed any shot you had at a field goal anyways. At best, it would have saved Rodger Walker from 5 more yards of return. That extra 5 bout took his breath away. I sure hope a guy who cant kick a FG further than 25 yards isnt getting a scholly.
September 28th, 2011, 01:29 PM
We did get more pressure than Nebraska, so Im not too worried about our Dline. And with your prolific kicking game, that 5 yard False start penalty would prolly have killed any shot you had at a field goal anyways. At best, it would have saved Rodger Walker from 5 more yards of return. That extra 5 bout took his breath away. I sure hope a guy who cant kick a FG further than 25 yards isnt getting a scholly.
Fail. Our kicker was 2-3, what was yours? That play was ultimately the difference in the game. End of story.
September 28th, 2011, 01:31 PM
The idea that there were holds all the time....blah..blah.blah. If that were the case they wouldn't have hit coleman..
If they were able to block our linemen and keep them from hitting Coleman, they would not have needed to hold. Flawless logic, as usual.
Tell me the one again about how repeatedly choking in late game situations, by definition, proves UTC's superiority. That's my favorite!
September 28th, 2011, 01:34 PM
Im agreeing that it was wrong that we were only called for 1 penalty. It should have been 2 after the false start. The idea that there were holds all the time....blah..blah.blah. If that were the case they wouldn't have hit coleman. Ive never anyone take so much pride in hitting a defenseless player? You couldnt even knock him out of the games you scrubs. You get all those clean shots and you cant knock him out of the game yet you are bragging.
xlolx I love it man. Now, it's ASU "getting lucky on two fluke plays" and the ref's fault. Awesome stuff man! xthumbsupx
September 28th, 2011, 01:40 PM
Fail. Our kicker was 2-3, what was yours? That play was ultimately the difference in the game. End of story.
Our kicker is 3 for 4, with 2 @ 50+ yards, and the miss coming from a botch snap, which he still got off without giving up a TD. Your kicker is 4 for 8 on the season.
The real FAILS are being able to score a TD only once out of 5 trips to the redzone, even after 2 App TOs, and having piss poor special teams for two seasons in a row. You would think the greatest team in the Socon would be able to recruit a decent kicker. I guess Huesman dropped the ball there again.
September 28th, 2011, 01:53 PM
xlolx I love it man. Now, it's ASU "getting lucky on two fluke plays" and the ref's fault. Awesome stuff man! xthumbsupx
Yes. False Start should have been called. No question about it.
September 28th, 2011, 01:55 PM
Our kicker is 3 for 4, with 2 @ 50+ yards, and the miss coming from a botch snap, which he still got off without giving up a TD. Your kicker is 4 for 8 on the season.
The real FAILS are being able to score a TD only once out of 5 trips to the redzone, even after 2 App TOs, and having piss poor special teams for two seasons in a row. You would think the greatest team in the Socon would be able to recruit a decent kicker. I guess Huesman dropped the ball there again.
Chattanooga had the better special teams play on Saturday easily overall. An even bigger fail than the mocs redzone troubles were Appalachian's failure to enter the redzone with the exception of 1 time. Or even penetrate the 38 yard line for that matter.
September 28th, 2011, 01:58 PM
Chattanooga had the better special teams play on Saturday easily overall. An even bigger fail than the mocs redzone troubles were Appalachian's failure to enter the redzone with the exception of 1 time. Or even penetrate the 38 yard line for that matter.
If Chattanooga had the best defense, offense, and special teams, the BIGGEST fail would prolly have to be LOSING!
September 28th, 2011, 02:14 PM
If Chattanooga had the best defense, offense, and special teams, the BIGGEST fail would prolly have to be LOSING!
Seven Would Be Nice
September 28th, 2011, 02:16 PM
Can we start the voting for FACEPALM OF THE YEAR?
This has my vote.
September 28th, 2011, 02:16 PM
September 28th, 2011, 02:24 PM
Can we start the voting for FACEPALM OF THE YEAR?
This has my vote.
This looks more like an "Oh ****!" Bridge of nose grab. A half step beyond face-palm. You think its big enough to use as a sig??
September 28th, 2011, 02:27 PM
All Chattanooga fans are not smoking as much Tennessee River weed as chattownmocs. He is a loyal fan and entertaining though.
September 28th, 2011, 02:28 PM
You guys still talking about this? It's Wednesday...and no one has a weekend off. Move on. :)
I think that pic should be an ad for Excedrin Migraine.
September 28th, 2011, 02:30 PM
All Chattanooga fans are not smoking as much Tennessee River weed as chattownmocs. He is a loyal fan and entertaining though.
Someone needs to tell him if its floating in the river, it aint a bud, its most likely beaver ****.
September 28th, 2011, 02:31 PM
Loyal Vols fan. He just comes here to start trouble.
September 28th, 2011, 02:31 PM
Someone needs to tell him if its floating in the river, it aint a bud, its most likely beaver ****.
Actually, it is probably sewage from it is understandable why he would like it so much.
September 28th, 2011, 02:50 PM
If Chattanooga had the best defense, offense, and special teams, the BIGGEST fail would prolly have to be LOSING!
Maybe for a day. But isnt it the bigger fail in the grand scheme of things to need such luck to beat Chattanooga at home...yes.
September 28th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Maybe for a day. But isnt it the bigger fail in the grand scheme of things to need such luck to beat Chattanooga at home...yes.
Not against such a superior team like Chatty, App doesnt even belong on the same field.
September 28th, 2011, 04:08 PM
Yes. False Start should have been called. No question about it.
The refs had it out for UTC...I knew it!
September 28th, 2011, 04:15 PM
The refs had it out for UTC...I knew it!
False Start should have been called.
September 28th, 2011, 10:24 PM
It's hilarious some UTC fans are saying a penalty should have been called on their own team just to bail them out. No amount of whining is going to change the outcome. Time to move on.
September 28th, 2011, 10:58 PM
It's hilarious some UTC fans are saying a penalty should have been called on their own team just to bail them out. No amount of whining is going to change the outcome. Time to move on.
Basically, everyone has moved on....except for one so-called UTC fan and about 30 suckers from ASU that keep responding to his posts.
September 29th, 2011, 07:55 AM
It's hilarious some UTC fans are saying a penalty should have been called on their own team just to bail them out. No amount of whining is going to change the outcome. Time to move on.
The reason the penalty was so important is that the lineman backing up is what caused the snap to go off his leg. Leading to a td. So instead of a 5 yard penalty it was a 10 point penalty. What is hard to understand about that?
September 29th, 2011, 10:25 AM
False Start should have been called.
If only...
September 29th, 2011, 10:26 AM
If only...
Yeah I guess we will never knowxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxx lolx
September 29th, 2011, 10:42 AM
This is overkill on this thread. I know for a fact that Huesman and the Chatt team moved on to the next game on Sunday afternoon. Any small play or call either way (Chatt scores a TD in redzone rather than FG, makes the missed FG,doesn't throw a pic 6, Appy doesn't throw all the INTs) and the game could have been different. That is just football. Both teams have to move on and learn from the experience.
September 29th, 2011, 10:50 AM
This is overkill on this thread. I know for a fact that Huesman and the Chatt team moved on to the next game on Sunday afternoon. Any small play or call either way (Chatt scores a TD in redzone rather than FG, makes the missed FG,doesn't throw a pic 6, Appy doesn't throw all the INTs) and the game could have been different. That is just football. Both teams have to move on and learn from the experience.
or App could have not missed a field goal on a bad snap, or turned the ball over 3 times, or not gotten 7 penalties. Then we would have won by 21+. It's a two way street. Stop crying and complaining and I assure you, App fans will drop it. After all, we won! It's just football. And UTC fans/coaches are just cry babies
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September 29th, 2011, 10:57 AM
This is overkill on this thread. I know for a fact that Huesman and the Chatt team moved on to the next game on Sunday afternoon. Any small play or call either way (Chatt scores a TD in redzone rather than FG, makes the missed FG,doesn't throw a pic 6, Appy doesn't throw all the INTs) and the game could have been different. That is just football. Both teams have to move on and learn from the experience.
The fans don't though.
I mean, shoot ... you think the ASU fans are going to forget, for example, Miracle on the Mountain ? Do you think the Furman fans will forget it ?
These kind of games are what makes football the game it is. Now, I won't pretend I didn't like the outcome of the 54-7 thrashing we gave App State in Statesboro back in 2004, but that game doesn't hold the same sense of 'contest' that our 17-16 loss to ASU did, in 1999.
I do understand where you are coming from, but folks remember these kinds of games for a LONG time. The details in a closely contested game resonate for such a long time.
I understand why most of the UTC fans want to put this to bed (the outcome of the game, and the relative disappointment of not winning), AND perhaps even some of the ASU fans (offensive output), but this is one of those games that may prove to fester for quite some time for the respective fanbases.
September 29th, 2011, 11:35 AM
What I don't understand is why they weren't so butt hurt last year. I'm sure they all thought they had the game won and all of the sudden the clock was at zero and they lost. This year it was a toss up until the last pick with less than a minute to go. Both tough losses, but I feel like I'd be way more upset about the former. Maybe it's a combination of the two.
Anyway, UTC is definitely the new Elon. Classless crybabies that just can't beat App state no matter how good they are and how hard they try. They both can't do **** in the post season. Elon had "swag" that year UTC has the whole "scrappy" thing now. Catch phrases fail. The main difference is that Coleman has class. Riddle was a good QB just like Coleman, but he was the definition of douchedom. Coleman seems like a class act. Despite getting his *** whooped all game, he didn't cry like a ***** in front of the media like his coach did and I sincerely applaud him for that.
September 29th, 2011, 11:44 AM
What I don't understand is why they weren't so butt hurt last year. I'm sure they all thought they had the game won and all of the sudden the clock was at zero and they lost. This year it was a toss up until the last pick with less than a minute to go. Both tough losses, but I feel like I'd be way more upset about the former. Maybe it's a combination of the two.
Anyway, UTC is definitely the new Elon. Classless crybabies that just can't beat App state no matter how good they are and how hard they try. They both can't do **** in the post season. Elon had "swag" that year UTC has the whole "scrappy" thing now. Catch phrases fail. The main difference is that Coleman has class. Riddle was a good QB just like Coleman, but he was the definition of douchedom. Coleman seems like a class act. Despite getting his *** whooped all game, he didn't cry like a ***** in front of the media like his coach did and I sincerely applaud him for that.
IMO, you're letting one deranged UTC fan paint the rest of the resident fanbase in a negative light. Every fanbase has a group of uppity outliers that are best treated as such.
September 29th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Statements like 'we would have won if...' can apply to every close football game ever played. Bad snaps, errant judgement, missed assignments, turnovers and missed opportunities are what makes this game so enfuriating. It is also what makes it so great an in the end, all that really matters is who comes out on top. Regardless of which side you're on, you have to learn from your mistakes and move on.
This game will resonate for a long time, especially for UTC fans. This was supposed to be a statement game for them (and in a sense it still was, especially for their defense) but they came up short in another heartbreaker to App.
ASU fans will also remember this game for a while. This is a program that has dominated the conference for over half a decade and are now being written off as the 2nd or 3rd best team in the SoCon. It was a statement by ASU that we are the top dog until you knock us off and it may be a little premature to think you are going to come into Boone and take us down. It was ugly as all hell, but they found a way to get it done. If ASU ends up with another conference title, the ASU fans will likely look back at this game as the springboard that kept us on top of the mountain.
For UTC, this could break their spirit or it could light a fire that sends them on to much bigger things. There is a lot of football left and games like this are why there is no better sport than college football.
September 29th, 2011, 01:28 PM
or App could have not missed a field goal on a bad snap, or turned the ball over 3 times, or not gotten 7 penalties. Then we would have won by 21+. It's a two way street. Stop crying and complaining and I assure you, App fans will drop it. After all, we won! It's just football. And UTC fans/coaches are just cry babies
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I think that was his point.
Appy doesn't throw all the INTs
September 29th, 2011, 01:44 PM
If appalachian State didnt throw picks they would have won by 3 tds. First of all the statement is false, they got inside the 38 yard line oce, they werent going to score anyway. But them throwing picks and a ref missing an easy call that directly led to a 10 point swing are 2 different things. One team failing to score in the red zone doesnt change the fact that the other team didnt score at all except on 2 fluke non offensive plays. Chattanooga was the better football team, Appalachian state was the inferior team. It was obvious. But we have a bunch of football illiterates that think the best team wins every game, they actually believe that the best team has never lost a football game. They also dont know the difference between defense and special teams. They think a player saying they arent worse that a team that just led them 52-0 early in the 3rd, and a coach saying that a team that after he should have shut them out if not for fluky plays is the same. Thats what all this is about.
September 29th, 2011, 01:57 PM
If appalachian State didnt throw picks they would have won by 3 tds. First of all the statement is false, they got inside the 38 yard line oce, they werent going to score anyway. But them throwing picks and a ref missing an easy call that directly led to a 10 point swing are 2 different things. One team failing to score in the red zone doesnt change the fact that the other team didnt score at all except on 2 fluke non offensive plays. Chattanooga was the better football team, Appalachian state was the inferior team. It was obvious. But we have a bunch of football illiterates that think the besat team wins every game, they actually believe that the besat team has never lost a football game. They also dont know the difference between defense and special teams. They think a player saying they arent worse that a team that just led them 52-0 early in the 3rd, and a coach saying that a team that after he should have shut them out if not for fluky plays is the same. Thats what all this is about.
Yes, now that was some of the besat quality we've had around here in a while. Keep up the good work, chattown. xthumbsupx
ursus arctos horribilis
September 29th, 2011, 02:08 PM
The fans don't though.
I mean, shoot ... you think the ASU fans are going to forget, for example, Miracle on the Mountain ? Do you think the Furman fans will forget it ?
These kind of games are what makes football the game it is. Now, I won't pretend I didn't like the outcome of the 54-7 thrashing we gave App State in Statesboro back in 2004, but that game doesn't hold the same sense of 'contest' that our 17-16 loss to ASU did, in 1999.
I do understand where you are coming from, but folks remember these kinds of games for a LONG time. The details in a closely contested game resonate for such a long time.
I understand why most of the UTC fans want to put this to bed (the outcome of the game, and the relative disappointment of not winning), AND perhaps even some of the ASU fans (offensive output), but this is one of those games that may prove to fester for quite some time for the respective fanbases.
That's dead on right there. You remember a whole lot more about a closely contested game than you ever would about a blowout.
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