View Full Version : David Pittman Interview

April 16th, 2006, 10:00 PM
I have done about 30 prospect interviews over the last couple months. I am posting all of the 1-AA players interviewed here for your viewing pleasure and to generate some discussion.

FFLiveWire Exclusive Interview w/ David Pittman
Luke Nicholson

David Pittman took the time to answer some questions for FFLiveWire's Luke Nicholson. Pittman talked about his career as a cornerback at Northwestern State and his NFL aspirations.

Luke Nicholson: Who is your biggest role model? Why?

David Pittman: My mom b/c she a strong person who has been through a lot and it doesn't stop here from striving for the best.

Luke Nicholson: What current NFL player does your game most resemble?

David Pittman: Well I have heard that my game resembles nathan vasher.

Luke Nicholson: What is your greatest football moment to date?

David Pittman: Winning a conference championship, there was no feeling like it.

Luke Nicholson: What was your typical day during football season at Northwestern State?

David Pittman: Breakfast, class, lunch, meetings, practice, dinner, homework, watch a little tape. Then its time to go to sleep.

Luke Nicholson: Did you play any other sports in high school? How did they help you to be a better player on the football field?

David Pittman: In high school I ran track also besides football. It helped with getting faster. Learning how to push your body to points its never been before. Flexibility and some other things.

Luke Nicholson: Who is the best player you have faced during your career?

David Pittman: Maybe the best player I've faced was Derek Hagan.

Luke Nicholson: Have you ever played fantasy football? Do any of your teammates at Northwestern State play?

David Pittman: No I have never played fantasy football. Yes a few guys from the team plays.

Luke Nicholson: If someone decided to make a movie about your life, what actor would play you and what would the movie be titled? Why?

David Pittman: Maybe Nick Cannon. The name of the movie would be The Road Rarely Traveled. I say Nick Cannon cause he's a young actor around my age that I believe maybe able to relate to me. The reason I say The Road Rarely Traveled because there are alot of guys who get opportunities but they don't fully take advantage of it.

Luke Nicholson: Which NFL teams interviewed you at the combine? What were some of the odd questions you were asked and how did you answer?

David Pittman: I choose not to answer question #9.

Luke Nicholson: Is there a specific team you would like to play for?

David Pittman: There is no specific team I want to play for I just want to play ball.

Luke Nicholson: If you could have one super power, what would you choose? Why?

David Pittman: Maybe the power of not getting hurt like Bruce Willis was in Unbreakable. There would be no boundaries of some of the things you would be capable of doing.

Luke Nicholson: If you could intercept one NFL quarterback, who would you choose? Why?

David Pittman: I would say Peyton Manning b/c he is sports most recognized QB besides Tom Brady.

Luke Nicholson: What one thing do you have to work on the most in order to excel at the NFL level?

David Pittman: Being able to make the transition from college to the pros.

Luke Nicholson: Finish the following sentence: David Pittman is faster than…

David Pittman: David Pittman is faster than alot of people believe

Luke Nicholson: Thank you for your time, David. The staff at FF LiveWire wishes you the best of luck in all of your NFL endeavors.

Luke Nicholson writes for FFLiveWire.com and is a senior at CaliforniaUniversity of Pennsylvania, where he is studying Sport Management. Contact at [email protected].

link (http://www.fflivewire.com/article.asp?id=yvq178vrx1206u)