View Full Version : Kevin McMahan Interview

April 16th, 2006, 09:58 PM
I have done about 30 prospect interviews over the last couple months. I am posting all of the 1-AA players interviewed here for your viewing pleasure and to generate some discussion.

FF LiveWire Exclusive Interview w/ Kevin McMahan
Luke Nicholson

Enthusiastic wide receiver Kevin McMahan sat down and answered a few questions for FF LiveWire's Luke Nicholson about his career at Maine, the NCAA, and persuing a career in the NFL.

Luke Nicholson: Who is your biggest role model? Why?

Kevin McMahan: my grandmother. shes a hardworking women that has worked for everything shes had. growing up in a poor and segregated south carolina shes perservered through so much. I just try to bring some of that perserverance into my everyday life and onto the field whenever things get tough.

Luke Nicholson: What current NFL player does your game most resemble? Why?

Kevin McMahan: athletically I'd have to say randy moss because theres very few 6'3'' receivers running 4.3 like ourselves but our personalities dont seem alike.. Im very humble and still feel like I have so much to learn and I always want to get better. In that aspect I'd probably say someone like Tory Holt or Marvin Harrison

Luke Nicholson: What is your greatest football moment to date?

Kevin McMahan: 56 yd TD versus Nebraska this year. I asked coach to call a vertical because I knew I was faster than those guys. I caught at about 20 and let my feet do the rest. In front of 80,00 it was just a moment I'll never forget

Luke Nicholson: During your career at Maine, what did your typical day during football season consist of?

Kevin McMahan: I like to wake up early and get day started whether I have class or not.. so Id wake up ealy to get a good breakfast, hang out for a little while then head to class. After class I'll go watch film on my own usually on my mistakes or on an NFL player then Ill get lunch and come back to our position meeting where we install plays and watch game film.

Luke Nicholson: Who is the best player you faced during your career?

Kevin McMahan: Most people would think I am going to name a nebraska player but I wasnt very imppressed honestly. Id have to name a couple guys I actually played with. as far a defensive back David Cusano, all conference safety/corner he just was so smart and technically sound.. But overall Stephen cooper linebacker for the chargers now he was just unbeleivable with the things he did on the field

Luke Nicholson: Did you play any other sports in high school? How did they help you develop as a wide receiver?

Kevin McMahan: I only played one true year of football in HS. I was a basketball player planning on getting basketball scholarship. Then my best friend convinced me to play football and I did well at it and was offered a couple scholarships. since I knew I couldnt afford school and I feel I was more of a limited commodity as a fast tall reciever than I was as a 6'3'' small forward or shooting guard I figured it'd be in my best interest to try football in college. Basketball just made me that much more athletic as far an jumping and maneuvering

Luke Nicholson: Have you ever played fantasy football? Did any of your teammates at Maine play?

Kevin McMahan: I dont play but people on my team play and my roomate lives by it. Its actually quite rediculous how much my roomate talks about fantasy football... and for the record in case he reads this.. HE LOST!

Luke Nicholson: What NFL teams have shown interest in you? Is there a specific team you would like to play for?

Kevin McMahan: My agent, Dennis Boyev with ETL associates, has been doing all of the talking and there seem to be some teams who really liked the way I performed on pro day and seem to be very intrigued by me being 6'2'' and running a 4.31. It doesnt mater to me what team I go to. I just want someone to bring me to camp and see how hard I work and how easily I can adapt and learn a system because thats where I will impress people. they already know I can run, jump and catch a football well.

Luke Nicholson: If you could catch a pass from any NFL quarterback, who would you choose?

Kevin McMahan: Neither of which are current but Id say Joe Montana and Steve Young because I idolize Jery Rice and It woudl be an honor to say I caught passes from the same guys he did.

Luke Nicholson: Are you a cat or a dog? Why?

Kevin McMahan: Id have to say a cat. as far as my game play I feel like I am not loud and aggressive Im more the type that is quick and quiet. A dog always runs after the cat but never catches it..

Luke Nicholson: If you could be an inanimate object, what would you be? Why?

Kevin McMahan: a cross. a cross cant speak, say or do anything but it posseses such a power just when you look at it or hold it. If i had to be an inanimate object Id want to at least be something that still has an affect on peoples' lives.

Luke Nicholson: What one thing do you have to work on the most in order to excel at the NFL level?

Kevin McMahan: watching film.. I watch film here but sometimes without a purpose. No one ever taught me to watch film until recently so I used to watch because I was supposed to. Im just starting to be able to watch and recognize tendencies and weak spots. Once I develop that better I can stop relying on my god given athletic ability. That will get me far but I want all the tools to get me to the most elite football player I can be.

Luke Nicholson: Coming from a Division I-AA school, what changes would you make in the governance of college athletics? In other words, what changes would you make in the NCAA?

Kevin McMahan: Personally I think 1A should have a playoff.. If you ask me theres is no true champion in 1A.. I like how In 1AA you have to play extra games at the end of the season and determine a real winner. Usually the teams that are ranked number 1 dont end up actually winning it all... Also Id like to see more good 1AA schoolsplay 1A schools because people dont realize the talent difference is minimal. They definitely have more depth and I think the biggest difference lies in O and D line but skill position I think we are right there. Looking back at nebraska I came name a few ppl on our team that could start for them.

Luke Nicholson: Finish the following sentence: Kevin McMahan’s hands are softer than…

Kevin McMahan: baby sh** lol

Luke Nicholson: What is something unique about you that most people don’t know?

Kevin McMahan: I used to play soccer when I was a kid.lol I was a sick goalie. where I come from soccer isnt a sport ppl play but my rec. center put together a team and I played.

Luke Nicholson: Thank you for your time, Kevin. Come visit us at www.fflivewire.com if you get a chance. Good luck in all of your NFL endeavors.

link (http://www.fflivewire.com/article.asp?id=ays1139yta2166x)