View Full Version : William Freeman Interview

April 16th, 2006, 09:52 PM
I have done about 30 prospect interviews over the last couple months. I am posting all of the 1-AA players interviewed here for your viewing pleasure and to generate some discussion.

FFLiveWire Exclusive Interview w/ William Freeman
Luke Nicholson

William Freeman took the time to sit down and answer some questions with FFLiveWire's Luke Nicholson about his career at Furman, his NFL aspirations, and the super power he wishes he had. This interview was arranged by Christina Phillips, Vice President of DEC Management.

Luke Nicholson: Who is your biggest role model? Why?

William Freeman: My biggest role model(s) would have to be my parents. I would say them because they have worked extremely hard to provide for me and my family, despite some really tough times, and I feel they represent everything parents should stand for: discipline, encouragement, unconditional love and support.

Luke Nicholson: What current NFL player does your game most resemble?

William Freeman: I honestly have no idea who I resemble, I don't know if the time is correct to compare myself to a professional player, however, I really admire the styles of play of Derrick Brooks, and Dexter Coakley. Both of those guys are not the biggest yet they continue to make play after play.

Luke Nicholson: What is your greatest football moment to date?

William Freeman: My greatest moment would probably be being named the defensive player of the year in 2004 for my conference, it was my first major accomplishment in college so it has the most significance with me.

Luke Nicholson: During your career at Furman, what did your typical day during football season consist of?

William Freeman: waking up for an 8:00 class at about 7-7:30; going to classes from 8 until roughly 12, with an hour between spent lifting on Tuesdays and Thursdays, also watching film on Monday, Thursday, and Friday; grabbing a quick lunch about 1:00; in the locker room about 1:15 getting dressed; getting to the training room around 1:30 for taping; running up stairs to a 2:00 special teams meeting; position meeting at 2:30; practice from around 3:30 until 5:45 on long days, 5:00 on short days; dinner from about 7-8:30; relax, watch TV, instant message for and hour or so; homework began about 10:30 or 11ish, and lasted until the paper was finished on most nights; sleep varied greatly depending on Monday night football, and history papers due dates.

Luke Nicholson: Who is the toughest player you faced during your career?

William Freeman: I think the quarterback position was the toughest position I've faced during my career, and you can insert players from Jay Cutler, to Charlie Whitehurst, Tyler Palko, or Richie Williams in that slot.

Luke Nicholson: In addition to linebacker, you played runningback in high school. Would you like to get some reps on offense in the NFL?

William Freeman: Most likely no, unless it was limited to a look team in practice, or a special situation such as goal line or short yardage. I have seen far too many grueling hits on ESPN, and I'd just rather not be on the receiving end of one of those.

Luke Nicholson: You wrestled in high school. How did that experience help you to become a better football player?

William Freeman: For me I feel wrestling was the greatest off-season training I ever did! Wrestling conditioned mind as well as body. Sticking to a STRICT diet, practicing for two or three intense hours, and participating in a sport where you can never take a break while the match is going on. It also helped my balance greatly, and the mental attitude that no matter how hard it gets never ever quit!

Luke Nicholson: If someone decided to make a movie about your life, what actor would play you and what would the movie be titled? Why?

William Freeman: I have no idea of a title and actor to play me, but I feel it would be an interesting topic to look into!

Luke Nicholson: Have you ever played fantasy football? Do any of your teammates at Furman play?

William Freeman: I honestly have no idea what fantasy football is about. I always assumed it was a form a gambling, so I never played for fear of loosing my eligibility. I have no idea if anyone of my teammates ever played.

Luke Nicholson: Which NFL teams have shown interest in you? Is there a specific team you hope to play for?

William Freeman: I cannot say that any team has shown definite interest in me because I have not gotten any personal workouts or phone calls form any of them, however, my agent has informed me of Pittsburgh, Carolina, and Indianapolis maybe giving me a second look on paper or film or whichever medium they use.

Luke Nicholson: Are you a cat or a dog? Why?

William Freeman: I would have to be a dog because I have a dog, and I do not like cats.

Luke Nicholson: If you could sack any NFL quarterback, who would you choose? Why?

William Freeman: I would like it to be a guy with the status of Jake Plummer, Mike Vick, or a Donovan McNaab, who is very illusive and tough to bring down!

Luke Nicholson: What one thing do you need to work on the most to excel at the NFL level?

William Freeman: Shedding blocks with my hands more quickly is the thing that stands out the most at this time to me. I'm sure there will be others...

Luke Nicholson: If you could have any super power, what would it be? Why?

William Freeman: At this moment it would be the power to predict the future, because this is a very
uncertain time, and I could rest easier knowing that I was getting drafted and which round, what team, how long my career would be, etc.

Luke Nicholson: Coming from a Division I-AA school, what changes would you make in the governance of college athletics? In other words, what would you change about the NCAA?

William Freeman: I feel that NCAA Division I-AA has the proper structure for playoffs, and that I-A maybe should consider changing to a playoff style of championship. Maybe find some sort of way to provide each athlete with a small stipend, in addition to scholarships, to help with emergencies and other things that arise since we are not able to work. Other than that I have no complaints with the NCAA

Luke Nicholson: Thank you for your time, William. The staff at FF LiveWire wishes you the best of luck in all of your NFL endeavors.

William Freeman: Thank you for the opportunity

Luke Nicholson writes for FFLiveWire.com and is a senior at California University of Pennsylvania, where he is studying Sport Management. Contact at [email protected].
