View Full Version : AGS Poll - Others Receiving Votes
September 12th, 2011, 01:32 PM
The first two polls results of the season included the full results of the "Others Receiving Votes" and this week that was reduced to the next ten and then updated from the next ten to the next fifteen. Personally, I find this helpful for a variety of reasons like the Top 25 - How They Fared posts and seeing if there are some teams that were receiving votes that maybe I didn't have on my radar and should give a second glance to see why they're getting votes and if it's something to consider going forward.
With that being said, however, there's a fair chance that others do not want to see who else got votes, just the Top 25. I'd like to ask the committee to show us all those who received votes, but maybe I'm alone in that, so I'd like to find out before bothering to ask. If you choose Option #3, please also leave a note here with what number you'd like.
September 12th, 2011, 01:40 PM
Not one poll in the country shows all others receiving votes from my understanding, so I don't know why that should be different here.
September 12th, 2011, 01:57 PM
The "others receiving votes" might give me some ideas for upcoming teams I might have overlooked that might serve as replacements for those dropping out of the polls.
September 12th, 2011, 02:02 PM
If you need to see what other teams are "in the top 50" then you really shouldnt be voting IMHO. It means you havent looked at standings, played games, etc.
If a team has 1 vote, something you will find in the Top 50 or so, it was probably a homer writer. Week to should have an idea of what teams are in the Top 25-40...which are more than likely all you need to get to a Top 25. If you are jumping a Team from past 40 to 25...i'd have to question your ballot.
September 12th, 2011, 02:08 PM
Id say no team with <5 votes as was done with the poll before
September 12th, 2011, 02:11 PM
I had posted this in the Top 25 thread earlier:
"Is it possible to show all the teams that received votes like the Sports Network Poll does? I think many of us are splitting hairs when we cast our votes for teams outside our Top 20. I would like to see just who is getting some recognition even if it is only a handful of votes. My guess is that there is a real possibility of some of these teams moving into the Top 25 as the season progresses. A couple of teams that I voted for at the bottom of my poll didn't show up on the "others getting votes." It would interesting for me to be able to see just where they stand in the eyes of the voters."
The list might be so long as to be burdensome, but I'd still be interested in seeing all the teams who got votes.
September 12th, 2011, 02:14 PM
The Sports Network gets trashed for their system. They have people like Andrew Santillo of the times union in Albany voting...the guy admittedly only watches Albany so he says he doesnt have a feel for the poll. And I think Andrew is an excellent reporter.
While I disagree with BJ's poll...he is 100% correct on how it was always done on this board: if you receive less than 5 votes, you did not get included. Every poll but for TSN in all sports I am aware of that receive polls follows a cutoff system of receiving "less than X votes".
September 12th, 2011, 02:22 PM
"Others receiving votes" greater than just 2-3 votes. I'll admit that I voted TTU in at #25 to start the season - based on hope, my expectations and who the hell really knows that early? I don't think anyone else picked them, so why put that on there just because of 1 'homer' vote? If more than 2-3 people feel that way, then super.
September 12th, 2011, 02:46 PM
next 10 or 15 wouldn't be bad
September 12th, 2011, 03:27 PM
After reading the comments here, I'm happy with the next 15...folks made some good arguments against listing every team that got a single vote...
September 12th, 2011, 08:50 PM
TSN & the coaches poll both list all who receive votes.
September 13th, 2011, 07:32 PM
I like listing all others with at least 25 points (not votes).
September 15th, 2011, 07:09 PM
If you are jumping a Team from past 40 to 25...i'd have to question your ballot.
Bingo, give that man a six pack. My feelings exactly.
September 15th, 2011, 07:14 PM
Bingo, give that man a six pack. My feelings exactly.
So how many votes for Sacramento State did you question?
September 15th, 2011, 08:39 PM
Or North Dakota?
September 15th, 2011, 08:46 PM
I'm fine with 40, but just because a team was 41st in voting, doesn't mean one week later they shouldn't be considered for the next weeks Top 25.
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