View Full Version : 2011 AGS Poll Voters
August 24th, 2011, 07:02 PM
Just a reminder that AGS will conduct another Pre-season poll starting this Friday at 12 Noon EST concluding on Monday 12 Noon EST. We're hoping for a high voter turn-out (as close to 100% as possible). Your time in participating will help us identify any errors with the new voting system and hopefully resolve any sign in issues before next week.
Voting this week is not manditory, but the time you spend voting again would be of great help to Ursus, myself and the future success of your AGS Community poll.
Thanks in advancexthumbsupx
cc FCS Discussion
August 24th, 2011, 07:17 PM
2011 AGS Poll Balloting Rules
Registration confirms your agreement with the 2011 Balloting rules as follows. Good faith adherance is asked of all participants.
1. *Voters must be AGS approved members meeting the following minimum criteria. *propective voters must have been a registered member of AGS since 8/31/2010 and posted 100 or more times by 8/31/2011 on the AGS site.* Exceptions here will be considered on a case by case basis by the Poll Committee, PM AGS Poll.
2. Voters must register for the regular season poll by August 31, 2011.
3. Voters agree to vote objectively.
4. Voters must vote for all top 25 places each week. (Take pride that your participation is the single largest key to the success of your AGS Football community's poll every week. Please don't undertake this privilege lightly. Your commitment to the poll is recognized and appreciated greatly)
5. Voters may not miss voting more than three weeks the entire regular season. reenstatment for absenteeism will be at the discrection of the poll committee.
6. Voters agree to abide by the rules and Poll Committee decisions.
7. Voting must be done each week between Saturdays after the conclusion of the week's games and Mondays at noon (EST).
8. The lone exception to the time to submit ballots is the final regular season poll. This will be announced by the Poll Committee.
9. Poll Committee members will monitor for rules abuse. Ballots and/or voting may be denied. Voters will be asked to re-cast their ballot as time allows. *Check your PM's*
10. A team with less than two votes for #1 will no be reported as recieving #1 votes.
PM Rule
It is the responsibility of every voting member to check their private messages regularly for any questions from the AGS Poll Committee. If a voter receives a private message from the Poll Committee about their ballot and the voter does not reply to the message before submitting his or her next ballot, the voter will have been deemed to have missed a vote. This will combine with any weeks missed to count toward a total of three missed ballots.
Homer Rule
In the event that a voter submits a ballot with the team supported by the voting member listed as number one, and during that week's poll that is the only number one vote for that team, the ballot will not be accepted. However, the member will not be considered to have missed voting.
Happy Voting
August 25th, 2011, 08:51 AM
Looking forward to it...
August 25th, 2011, 10:01 PM
August 26th, 2011, 06:52 AM
Link as a reminder please?
August 26th, 2011, 06:53 AM
bottom of the page on the right side AGS POLL ... click that!
August 26th, 2011, 07:03 AM
Got it... I'm on a mobile and the format is goofy. Thanks.
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