August 23rd, 2011, 04:10 PM
Liberty, Stoney Brook and Costal Carolina, last year's tri-champions, should once again battle for honors, though the Big South should be more challenging from top to bottom
By Myron Hosea
South Columnist
College Sporting News
When you think about it, the Big South
More... (http://www.collegesportingnews.com/content.php?547-Big-South-Should-Be-More-Competitive-But-Leaderboard-Should-Not-Change)
08-23-2011 03:23 PM
By Myron Hosea
South Columnist
College Sporting News
When you think about it, the Big South
More... (http://www.collegesportingnews.com/content.php?547-Big-South-Should-Be-More-Competitive-But-Leaderboard-Should-Not-Change)
08-23-2011 03:23 PM