View Full Version : Chilling Football Traditions
August 20th, 2011, 09:14 PM
There are tons of football traditions out there. I love our Spider Walk. It is a relatively young tradition for us and not unique but it is a site to see and experience.
However, I will have to say the Georgia Southern Eagles yellow school bus ride to the stadium gives me chills. It's as old as the regenerated program and has not swayed from it's roots. It even looks to be the same bus used when they would travel to the high school with Erk.
What is your favorite grid iron tradition?
August 20th, 2011, 09:55 PM
Those buses are old and beat up, but that makes them awesome. GSU is all about making the best of what you have and those buses represent it perfectly. You can't manufacture tradition or excellence, they come about on their own. Making the ordinary exceptional through hard work is the spirit of GSU football. Seeing those buses roll up resonates with every blue collar fan of football.
August 20th, 2011, 10:04 PM
The playing of "Crazy Train" by Ozzy before every big 3rd down play on defense. Get it Crzy Train, chattanooga choo-choo-. Badass aint it?
August 20th, 2011, 10:08 PM
Hell, anything taking place at The Mecca is chill inducing.
August 20th, 2011, 10:35 PM
The playing of "Crazy Train" by Ozzy before every big 3rd down play on defense. Get it Crzy Train, chattanooga choo-choo-. Badass aint it?
Are you this retarded or are you just being a troll?
As the former you are very successful. You need to take lessons from citdog in how to be a successful troll.
August 20th, 2011, 10:41 PM
I love our Spider Walk.
If you could get that gaint blown up spider in your avatar picture to actually walk then THAT would be a unique tradition. Richmond have an engineering school?
August 20th, 2011, 11:15 PM
For me, it's when we play Thunderstruck on gameday just before the team comes out on the field. Never ceases to give me goosebumps.
August 20th, 2011, 11:17 PM
The playing of "Crazy Train" by Ozzy before every big 3rd down play on defense. Get it Crzy Train, chattanooga choo-choo-. Badass aint it?
I see what you did there. But I don't know if I'd call it badass.
August 20th, 2011, 11:54 PM
The playing of "Crazy Train" by Ozzy before every big 3rd down play on defense. Get it Crzy Train, chattanooga choo-choo-. Badass aint it?
What is the mood like when y'all play it on 3rd down and their back breaks through the line like a freight train for a 1st down? I think I would rather listen to Ozzy than the donging of that frickin bell :)
August 20th, 2011, 11:59 PM
We used to have the #37 passed down from player to player but now thats gone because our HC wants to give it to a kid that he can possibly wrench some money out of his parents deep pockets. It sucks losing this tradition.
Sign up to be on this Save #37 campaign on Facebook.
August 21st, 2011, 12:03 AM
Since 1907, Hobo Day, the largest single day event in the Dakotas...
August 21st, 2011, 12:04 AM
I get chills watching this...may seem stupid to most because of our "garage door", but still chilling to watch in person.
The UNI band finishes their pregame show, forms a tunnel were the players come out from and stop playing completely. Then the next thing you hear is a the gong from the start of Hells Bells, that plays for a little bit then the PA guy comes over and does his "A ferocious predator has been seen stalking the nation, carrying a ____ in the nation ranking. We caution you to watch for the cat....HEEEEERRRRREEEE COME THE PANTHERS!" The music cuts and the band plays the fight song as the team runs out.
Typically the ____ in the nation ranking part is only added if UNI is top 5-7
A couple different angles (and different years)
The only bad part is that the band will either sometimes take too long and it is hurried and the build up isn't there...or like the last video the band rushes their pregame stuff and the song plays way too long and some of the energy is gone by the time the team runs out.
The best part is they have a camera behind the door with the team so you can see the team getting amped up and ready to go. The players also bang on the door prior to it opening and that can be heard from the stands near that endzone as well.
August 21st, 2011, 12:09 AM
Also, I hate the University of Iowa, but their entrance is pretty sweet
August 21st, 2011, 12:20 AM
ONE of ours is the band playing Jolie Blonde for the pre game and after every touchdown.
August 21st, 2011, 12:23 AM
My favorites I think would be Sean Connery saying "Welcome to the Rock" right before the team runs onto the field and the fireworks go off. And the "Tennessee Waltz" from the postgame... when the band stands and joins the solo trumpet... tears well up in my eyes every time.
August 21st, 2011, 01:27 AM
The Regimental Band and Pipes leading the South Carolina Corps of Cadets onto the field at General Johnson Hagood, CSA, Stadium to the stirring sound of DIXIE. There used to be more Flags of the Army of Northern Virginia in the Cadet section than in General Hagood's BRIGADE. When we scored hearing THAT song, seeing THOSE colors, NEVER failed to give me chills and a feeling of GREAT PRIDE.
August 21st, 2011, 06:05 AM
Its only been around a few years so far, but the eagle flying in from the top of the stadium is right up there with the school buses for me
The Eagle's Cliff
August 21st, 2011, 06:06 AM
The Regimental Band and Pipes leading the South Carolina Corps of Cadets onto the field at General Johnson Hagood, CSA, Stadium to the stirring sound of DIXIE. There used to be more Flags of the Army of Northern Virginia in the Cadet section than in General Hagood's BRIGADE. When we scored hearing THAT song, seeing THOSE colors, NEVER failed to give me chills and a feeling of GREAT PRIDE.
I always enjoy The Citadel with the cadets marching in.
I love our Yellow Buses and our relatively new tradition of Freedom (live Bald Eagle) flying to the field from atop the press box is chilling on many levels and gets an enthusiastic reaction from our visitors as well.
Horseshoe App
August 21st, 2011, 06:28 AM
Yes, I think your Eagle flying in is cool. I have seen that at Auburn and Georgia Southern. Auburn's eagle has to be in better shape. That is one long flight from the top of their stadium:)
I always enjoy The Citadel with the cadets marching in.
I love our Yellow Buses and our relatively new tradition of Freedom (live Bald Eagle) flying to the field from atop the press box is chilling on many levels and gets an enthusiastic reaction from our visitors as well.
August 21st, 2011, 08:00 AM
There are tons of football traditions out there. I love our Spider Walk. It is a relatively young tradition for us and not unique but it is a site to see and experience.
However, I will have to say the Georgia Southern Eagles yellow school bus ride to the stadium gives me chills. It's as old as the regenerated program and has not swayed from it's roots. It even looks to be the same bus used when they would travel to the high school with Erk.
What is your favorite grid iron tradition?
What's a spider walk??
Does the team take the field like this?
That would be chilling...
August 21st, 2011, 08:41 AM
My favorites I think would be Sean Connery saying "Welcome to the Rock" right before the team runs onto the field and the fireworks go off. And the "Tennessee Waltz" from the postgame... when the band stands and joins the solo trumpet... tears well up in my eyes every time.
I have never been able to grasp the whole idea of a North Carolina university band playing the Tennessee Waltz as their signature song. Yea it is a nice tune, but in my mind something from Copland's Appalachian Spring seems to be a tad more appropriate.
As far as the entrance the fireworks are a bit too much flash for me. Reminds me of the intorductions at the NASCAR All Star race. Play the video, have Mr Connery say "Welcome to the Rock" - along with all the ASU fans - fire off the musket have the band hit the fight song and enjoy.
August 21st, 2011, 09:07 AM
Spider walk fan and school video:
August 21st, 2011, 09:39 AM
I have never been able to grasp the whole idea of a North Carolina university band playing the Tennessee Waltz as their signature song. Yea it is a nice tune, but in my mind something from Copland's Appalachian Spring seems to be a tad more appropriate.
We play something from Copland's "Appalachian Spring" in the pregame-- "Shaker Theme" or "'Simple Gifts."
And, "Tennessee Waltz" is very appropriate if you know the history of this part of NC. Boone and the surrounding area has always been tied economically more to east Tennessee than North Carolina. It's less obvious now, but the ETWNC (East Tennesse Western North Carolina Railraod, or "Tweetsie") railroad that linked the two areas from the late 1800's to the 1950's was a big reason. There are lots of other reasons and I wrote a paper on in undergrad. I don't know how long "Tennessee Waltz" has been our signature song... if it's only been for Scott Tobias's tenure... and I don't know if these things are even considered in its playing... but, in my opinion, it's very appropriate. And, more so than "Simple Gifts"... which is a Shaker song from New England.
August 21st, 2011, 10:46 AM
Its only been around a few years so far, but the eagle flying in from the top of the stadium is right up there with the school buses for me
Me too!xthumbsupx
The Eagle's Cliff
August 21st, 2011, 11:08 AM
I've heard some good traditions here and cool entrances. One thing that I like to give points for is originality:
"Hells Bells" is cool but way overdone by everyone.
Sean Connery "Welcome to the Rock" is also cool, but he's not exactly referring to Boone in the original context. App St is a very intimidating venue and they're light years ahead of where they were in 2004 at 6-5 and ready to fire Jerry Moore. The App St Band playing "Bugler's Dream" (Olympic Theme) before kickoffs is the only tradition I can recall prior to 2005.
I like Furman's Paladin riding on the field - very cool.
Chattanooga's Choo-Choo thing is relevant and cool, but what the hell is their mascot exaclty?
Wofford uses the Carolina Panthers "growl" when they do something good as if that's what a Terrier sounds like. It cracks me up and allows me to do my best "little doggie bark" and suggest they it makes more sense.
Mentioned The Citadel Cadets marching in as very cool.
McNeese fans really get into their song and it's pretty cool in pre-game when the whole stadium is clapping and swaying in unison. McNeese, in general, is the only FCS venue I've been to that feels pretty close to Paulson with Tailgating atmosphere and fan enthusiasm combined. I hope to be able to visit some of the others I've heard about like UNI, NDSU, JMU, Montana, etc.
I've been to Elon, W&M, Delaware, Northeastern, Coastal Carolina, and Western Carolina but don't recall anything "chilling" jumping out at me. (Except the damn weather and scoreboard last year in New-Arkxbawlingx)
August 21st, 2011, 11:17 AM
I almost forgot about VMI and the service cadets push ups. I recall push ups by the cheerleaders at the Ga Southern vs UMASS championship games. Those cheerleaders we out of gas by the end of the game. Fourth quarter some were doing every other one.
August 21st, 2011, 11:27 AM
I have had the opportunity to see some of the traditions listed previously and in no particular order my Favs are:
"Welcome to the Rock" by SC at ASU along with watching the students rush for seats when the gate is opened is very cool.
The yellow bus and team walk through along with the eagle fly in was sweet at GSU
Montana's Monty and his entrance on the Harley cranks the decibel level way up. It may not be a listed tradition but it seems visiting fans that frequent the downtown Bars cannot pay for a beer because Griz fans are constantly putting one in front of you :)
South Dakota State's Hobo Day is a blowout. Nothing like buying a couple hundred $$$$$ in shots at Skinners Bar at 7:00 am to make friends with the rabbit fans. The bloody mary bar is insane.
McNeese tailgating and Jolie Blon are special as well.
August 21st, 2011, 11:46 AM
Montana's Monty and his entrance on the Harley cranks the decibel level way up. It may not be a listed tradition but it seems visiting fans that frequent the downtown Bars cannot pay for a beer because Griz fans are constantly putting one in front of you :)
Free beer is a tradition I can definately support.
August 21st, 2011, 12:14 PM
Here's a pretty chilling tradition...
25 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods 2010 (
Notice how the area in question is bordered by Chattanooga's campus.
?? Is this for real, Oh Know!! the 10th most terrifying Neighborhood. How can you avoid this neighborhood!!! Dont come to Chattanooga, stay away. You are certain to be sucked into the king st hood and you will certainly become victim number 115.
August 21st, 2011, 12:16 PM
Just being at a home UNH football game in November is a pretty "chilling" tradition if you ask me
August 21st, 2011, 02:11 PM
At the north end of Spanos/Mustang Stadium there is a rock memorial to the members of the 1960 Cal Poly football team that died in the team plane crash at Toledo, Ohio on October 29, 1960.
Before each home game and prior to boarding the bus for each away game the team surrounds the memorial and touches the rock to honor and remember those lost and those that survived.
The man speaking in the slide show after Coach Walsh is Gil Stork. Plane crash survivor, current president of Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo and my classmate at San Luis Obispo High School Class of 1959.
August 21st, 2011, 02:28 PM
We play something from Copland's "Appalachian Spring" in the pregame-- "Shaker Theme" or "'Simple Gifts."
And, "Tennessee Waltz" is very appropriate if you know the history of this part of NC. Boone and the surrounding area has always been tied economically more to east Tennessee than North Carolina. It's less obvious now, but the ETWNC (East Tennesse Western North Carolina Railraod, or "Tweetsie") railroad that linked the two areas from the late 1800's to the 1950's was a big reason. There are lots of other reasons and I wrote a paper on in undergrad. I don't know how long "Tennessee Waltz" has been our signature song... if it's only been for Scott Tobias's tenure... and I don't know if these things are even considered in its playing... but, in my opinion, it's very appropriate. And, more so than "Simple Gifts"... which is a Shaker song from New England.
I was in the band from 99-02. I asked about the tradition of playing the Tennessee Waltz and was told it was a part of a western themed halftime show from the '80's. Supposedly it was Ms. Broyhill's (as in the Broyhill School of Music, before Ms. Hayes' gift) favorite song. I just know that it was one of the bands favorite songs and we grumbled if it wasn't a part of post game. Maybe someone out there knows the real meaning.
August 21st, 2011, 04:00 PM
The second the lights go out and you hear the sound. I start jumping uncontrollably screaming.
I'm on my phone if a mod could make that an embedded YouTube video is be grateful.
August 21st, 2011, 04:18 PM
I know we haven't been around for long, but
#5- We pass the number down to most deserving senior in memory of Anthony Mostella
August 21st, 2011, 04:18 PM
NDSU is the only college football team where the place goes dark during the intro.
Here's what it looks like from the jumbotron and/or TV:
Here's what it looks like from inside the Dome:
August 21st, 2011, 05:00 PM
while it's a newer thing..I like when our LB drives the ax into the stump pregame. When Devin Ducote does it...I'm actually afraid he's going to take his leg off with the force he uses.
DG Cowboy
August 21st, 2011, 08:24 PM
Playing Jolie Blon after a McNeese TD and the crowd by row swaying back and forth in opposite directions of the row in front.
Bless his heart, Mike Lucas said he had dreams about that song after he played McNeese in LC.
August 21st, 2011, 08:35 PM
JMU's band entering the stadium is pretty cool. The streamers? Not so much.
August 21st, 2011, 10:25 PM
while it's a newer thing..I like when our LB drives the ax into the stump pregame. When Devin Ducote does it...I'm actually afraid he's going to take his leg off with the force he uses.
That is pretty cool. I liked it when I saw it.
August 21st, 2011, 10:28 PM
Just being at a home UNH football game in November is a pretty "chilling" tradition if you ask me
Or at Colgate, though I do love it when the pep band or the "Swinging Gate's" sing the alma mater.
August 21st, 2011, 10:32 PM
Playing Jolie Blon after a McNeese TD and the crowd by row swaying back and forth in opposite directions of the row in front.
Bless his heart, Mike Lucas said he had dreams about that song after he played McNeese in LC.
There are a ton of little things when you start thinking about. The Band going to the different tailgate areas and playing On McNeese and Jolie Blonde for the crowd and then announcing their arrival at the stadium by playing Jolie Blonde on the SE ramp. The Mystery Rider coming down the ramp and going around the stadium. The Parapoke Skydivers. The McNeese player "bringing the wood" out of the tunnel and then leading the team onto the field. The ringing of all the cowbells. And I'm sure there are a lot of other little things I'm not remembering.
Speaking of the Skydivers, I wonder what is going to happen this season since a couple of them were killed in a plane crash since last season and the main "ParaPoke", Dwayne Bruette, is hobbling around on crutches with an apparent broken leg.
August 21st, 2011, 10:36 PM
I think it was Maine that brought their sledge hammer to the dome for their playoff game a couple years ago. Apparently they bang it into the ground for some reason.
I feel bad for whoever had to do it for that game. The old astroturf in the dome was hard as ****, and there was no padding between the turf and the indoor track surface (which is only laid over top of concrete). That dudes hands and arms had to be stinging for weeks after that.
August 21st, 2011, 10:36 PM
while it's a newer thing..I like when our LB drives the ax into the stump pregame. When Devin Ducote does it...I'm actually afraid he's going to take his leg off with the force he uses.
I thought the synchronized diving exhibition against Texas A&M was pretty impressive! Y'all should do that every game ;)
August 21st, 2011, 10:38 PM
I thought the synchronized diving exhibition against Texas A&M was pretty impressive! Y'all should do that every game ;)
They had some players try it again the next week against UNI.
August 22nd, 2011, 07:10 AM
I thought the synchronized diving exhibition against Texas A&M was pretty impressive! Y'all should do that every game ;)
Yet..once again..we still won the SLC. Guess your team wasn't good enough to beat a bunch of divers :D
DG Cowboy
August 22nd, 2011, 08:20 AM
[QUOTE=McNeese72;1658196]There are a ton of little things when you start thinking about.
The Mystery Rider does give me chills, but I was waiting a few more years for it to be a tradition.
But I did not know about the plane crash! That is terrible. Prayers go out to their family. Where was the crash?
August 22nd, 2011, 08:23 AM
Yet..once again..we still won the SLC. Guess your team wasn't good enough to beat a bunch of divers :D
Congrats, two wins in 20 yeas is spectacular! ;) Best of all, you managed to do it this year without ineligible players and without having to forfeit games...
Color me impressed! ;) xthumbsupx xbowxxbowx
August 22nd, 2011, 08:32 AM
when we watch that pump up video and then the band starts the fight song and the fireworks go off and the team comes running through the band... there is nothing better!!!
August 22nd, 2011, 09:26 AM
Congrats, two wins in 20 yeas is spectacular! ;) Best of all, you managed to do it this year without ineligible players and without having to forfeit games...
Color me impressed! ;) xthumbsupx xbowxxbowx
We are moving up in the world, Poke.
August 22nd, 2011, 01:04 PM
For us at Southern, it has to be when the band is seated and after the fight song is played, the team comes out, and then the next song is always "Talkin' Out the Side of Your Neck" with the whole stadium shaking poms-poms to the beat of the band. It's impressive with 25K in there. (even better when the students are signing with the band).
We need to get back to this stat.
August 22nd, 2011, 01:19 PM
For us at Southern, it has to be when the band is seated and after the fight song is played, the team comes out, and then the next song is always "Talkin' Out the Side of Your Neck" with the whole stadium shaking poms-poms to the beat of the band. It's impressive with 25K in there. (even better when the students are signing with the band).
We need to get back to this stat.
Is Southern allied with Gallaudet University in some fashion? :)
August 22nd, 2011, 01:24 PM
At Indiana State we have "The Walk." This involves waking up at 7:00 am or so and walking from campus to the stadium, about 3 miles, while stopping and drining at every bar along the way. The number changes from year to year, but 15 would be a good average. Several thousand people do it each year, students and alums alike. It's pretty sweet.
August 22nd, 2011, 04:10 PM
Is Southern allied with Gallaudet University in some fashion? :)
Damn xlolx
Singing With the Band!
August 22nd, 2011, 04:11 PM
Ozzy is still the best I have seen in the thread.
August 22nd, 2011, 04:24 PM
JMU's band entering the stadium is pretty cool. The streamers? Not so much.
The trumpet section doing the "Heisman Hit" (at least that's what we called it when I was in band) as they enter is pretty awesome. Hard to describe, but basically at one point during the cadence, the trumpets will (in unison) do the Heisman pose while marching. It's very quick so you miss it if you're not watching carefully. Maybe someone has video of it? I doubt it, though.
And you'd love the streamers if it was your tradition. :)
August 22nd, 2011, 05:59 PM
My personal favorite: Honoring those lost in the 1960 plane crash that followed the game against Bowling Green in Ohio
August 22nd, 2011, 07:23 PM
Ozzy is still the best I have seen in the thread.
Then you need to get out more
August 22nd, 2011, 07:29 PM
My favorites I think would be Sean Connery saying "Welcome to the Rock" right before the team runs onto the field and the fireworks go off. And the "Tennessee Waltz" from the postgame... when the band stands and joins the solo trumpet... tears well up in my eyes every time.
I am not trying to be a smart ***, but I have never understood why they play the Tennessee Waltz at a school in North Carolina (though I agree, it is a great tune)....I also love Georgia On My Mind, but I wouldn't expect to hear it at a UTC game (and Finley is only a mile from Georgia).
Is there a significance of why they play the Tennessee Waltz at ASU? What started the tradition?
August 22nd, 2011, 07:35 PM
My favorite tradition at Finley Stadium is when they blow the big Norfolk Southern railroad horn on top of the stadium after touchdowns. You can hear it just about anywhere if you can't make the game, you at least know when the Mocs score.
One tradition I miss...when when they first moved to Finley, they used to leave the lights on at Chamberlain Field (on campus, about 3 miles away up on the hill)...if you were sitting at the top of the South Side stands (or sitting in the skyboxes), you could see the lights on at Chamberlain, off in the distance.
Big Dawg
August 23rd, 2011, 05:33 AM
It reaches beyond the football field as well(fast forward to :43)
August 23rd, 2011, 06:11 AM
Then you need to get out more:)
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