View Full Version : NFL Bans Local Cameras from the Sidelines

March 31st, 2006, 08:55 AM
The NFL is banning every TV camera except those of the network broadcasting a game or NFL Films from being on the sideline during the game. That includes the NFL Network, ESPN, Fox Sports Net or anyone else that is not carrying the game live.

Apparently, this is all about the $$$. According to the Houston Chronicle's David Barron, "limiting field-level cameras not only will increase the value of network and NFL Films footage, it will limit the ability of TV stations to post their own NFL video footage on their own Web sites."

The Chicago Tribune reported this week that the league is negotiating with Apple Computer, Google, Sony, Microsoft, Yahoo and others about a new arrangement. This could mean millions, if not billions of money for the NFL, though I do not think the local TV stations are happy about this. I know many cities have special shows hosted by local TV stations who will now no longer be able to get their own footage, just relying on the footage from CBS.

I guess we'll wait to see what happens in this one, but having interned with a TV station that covers an NFL team like none other (being the "official TV home" of the team), I think this will really hurt their efforts...

The ban applies to all TV cameras except those belonging to NFL Films or to the network broadcasting each game. It affects not only local stations but network rights-holders, including NFL Network and ESPN, not doing the live game broadcast.

March 31st, 2006, 10:29 AM
They want people to buy the footage from them, but it ain't gonna happen

March 31st, 2006, 10:34 AM
They want people to buy the footage from them, but it ain't gonna happen

Charge the local TV stations money? Not at all. Atleast for game footage.

Having had press credentials to the NFL in the past, the NFL has strict rules on how many clips can be shown from a game (from CBS, FOX, ESPN, ABC or NFL Network - the broadcast right holders) on even the local television news. It's described on the back of each and every media pass that they give out.

The only footage that they'll want that they can't get anymore is stuff not shown on CBS, FOX, ABC, ESPN or NFL Network. Like if they're shooting one specific player (say an OL) from a closeup shot instead of the ones provided by the networks so they can use it on a package or something...

March 31st, 2006, 12:12 PM
Yet another reason to hate the NFL :nonono2: :nono: :mad: