View Full Version : Duke LAX Team
March 25th, 2006, 07:59 AM
Woman who reported rape by Duke students said she was scared
Associated Press
DURHAM, N.C. - A dancer who reported that she was raped by members of the Duke University lacrosse team said she thought she would be dancing for five men at a bachelor party, but she and another women were surrounded by dozens.
Men shouted racial slurs at the women, both black, she said Friday in an interview with The News & Observer of Raleigh.
"We started to cry," she said. "We were so scared."
No arrests had been made by late Friday after 46 members of the men's team submitted DNA samples to police.
"We're asking someone from the lacrosse team to step forward," Durham police Cpl. David Addison said. "We will be relentless in finding out who committed this crime."
A neighbor on the street next to the house said there have been rowdy parties in the past. Duke bought 15 houses in February to deal with neighborhood complaints about rude student behavior in a plan to sell the dwellings to people who won't rent them.
Police records show officers have been called to the house where the alleged rape occurred four times since September.
So they have had multiple complaints and the kids are still on the LAX team? Duke even bought houses to help resolve the problem of neighborhood complaints? WTF? Not very cool for a university a lot of people have respect for.
March 25th, 2006, 03:51 PM
And why are there 46 people on the lacrosse team? Isn't that like having a 25 man basketball team?
March 25th, 2006, 09:30 PM
And why are there 46 people on the lacrosse team? Isn't that like having a 25 man basketball team?
No, that's normal. Colgate has 42. I imagine that a top program gets some nice walk-ons.
Lacrosse has LOTS of substitutions.
March 26th, 2006, 02:20 PM
In lacrosse there are constant substitutions going on, so most teams have 40 or so people. I know UVA has a bunch.
Anyway, this scandal for Duke has forced the team to forfeit at least a couple games, after the players refused initially to cooperate with the police. A pretty ugly situtation for Duke.
March 26th, 2006, 04:50 PM
The sad thing is, there were Carolina fans on NCPreps taking this lightly, asking where JJ Redick was. To think, some people will let their hatred for a team undermine the fact that a girl was possibly sexually assaulted.
March 27th, 2006, 10:33 PM
How inappropriate...
"When I was outside, one guy yelled at her, '... Thank your grandpa for my cotton shirt,' " Bissey said.
Haagen, a law professor who specializes in sports law, said studies show that violence against women is more prevalent among male athletes than among male students in general -- and higher still among such "helmet sports" as football, hockey and lacrosse.
"These are sports of violence," he said. "This is clearly a concern.";f=1;t=011075;p=0
March 28th, 2006, 07:26 AM
So they have had multiple complaints and the kids are still on the LAX team? Duke even bought houses to help resolve the problem of neighborhood complaints? WTF? Not very cool for a university a lot of people have respect for.
Let me set the record straight
The houses being bought and the Lacrosse team are 2 seperate issues, linking the two is not right
Duke bought the houses from various fraternities to clean up the neighborhood, remodel the homes, and resell them to single family homes. They are doing this in an effort to clean up the area around the campus, as Durham is not a very safe city, so they are doing what they can.
The Lacrosse team is a totally seperate issue.
Supposedly, the girl was gang raped, but we do not know how many players were involved b/c the players aren't talking to anyone. That is why the community and the campus are in an outrage. They want a "rat." None of the players want to be that rat.
Jafus (Thinker)
March 28th, 2006, 05:55 PM
Police Release 911 Tapes in Alleged Rape Case Eyewitness News
(03/28/06 -- DURHAM) - Police have released the 911 tapes from the night of an alleged gang rape at a Durham party.
All but one member of the Duke lacrosse team are under suspicion in the alleged rape of a dancer at a March 13 party at a Buchanan Blvd. house. The alleged victim and another woman were hired to dance for members of the team. The alleged victim says three of the players raped her.
An hour before the rape was reported, 911 operators received calls from another woman who was walking by the party.
"It's right in front of 610 Buchanan [Blvd.] , and I saw them all come out like a big frat house, and me and black girlfriend are walking by, and they called us n-----s," the caller said.
An hour later, a 27-year-old dancer reports being strangled, kicked, beaten and raped by three members of Duke's lacrosse team. Traumatized and full of fear, she retreated to a nearby grocery store and refused to get out of the car until an officer arrived.
"The problem is, it's a lady in somebody else's car and she will not get out of the car," the 911 caller said. "The owner of the car is right here and she says she can explain what happened."
New affidavits show that some of the evidence seized at the home of the players and forensic evidence taken from the victim are consistent with rape. Investigators say they found four broken fingernails the 27-year-old dancer says were broken as she to fight off three attackers. They also recovered her makeup bag, cellphone, and identification.
The documents say some players threatened to assault the victims sexually with a broom as they performed. Court documents also say team members tried to create an "atmosphere of confusion" by giving fake names to hire the strippers.
Investigators say they are encountering a stonewall of silence against a mounting pile of evidence.
"Based on what I know about the crime, is that it is highly unlikely that the people at that crime scene who where not directly involved in the crime did not know that something untoward was going on," said Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.
Two weeks into the investigation, Nifong says he has received little cooperation from Duke lacrosse team members.
Durham CrimeStoppers is making a new plea for help in the investigation. Officials sent out an e-mail Tuesday afternoon, saying in part:
"Although we have received many calls expressing concerns and anger about this incident, we have not received any calls which would allow us to assist in resolving this case&We are extending our plea for information and help to our Duke family, who are also part of our community."
The police department's plea is the latest in a PR battle between investigators and Duke University officials. It comes one day after Duke President Richard Brodhead said the team had been cooperative.
"My information is that they have been cooperating all along with the investigation," he told Eyewitness News.
DNA samples from the lacrosse players did not come voluntarily. District Attorney Nifong said Tuesday that Duke is not hampering the investigation.
Meanwhile, the Durham chapter of the NAACP is asking for a private meeting with Duke officials.
March 29th, 2006, 12:32 AM
I heard on TV that 1/3 of the Duke Lax team has misdemeanors on their records, such as public urination, open containers, disturbing the peace etc. And the school didn't do anything about it? This falls equally upon the shoulders of the Duke administration and the perpetrators.
At Lafayette, we had swift action taken in lax matter last year. Members of the women's lax team supposedly conducted hazing activities with freshman regarding drinking (but the team maintained it was the frosh' fault for not controlling their own drinking). Only a few people were involved, but the team was forced to forfeit their opening league game.
If something like that leads to a game forfeit, a team filled with dilenquients and incidnets this year alone gets no reprimand?
Like I said, Duke is at fault.
March 29th, 2006, 12:33 AM
In addition to the DNA testing, can't members of the team also be charged with 'failure to aid an ongoing investigation' or 'inhibiting an ongoing investigation'?
March 29th, 2006, 06:14 AM
Like I said, Duke is at fault.
I agree. It is sad that it has taken them so long to react. I have a feeling that if it wasn't such a 'big deal' to the women and minority groups that Duke would have been happy to sweep it under the rug. It appears that they haven't been reprimanding these kids properly for past offenses and it finally caught up to them.
March 29th, 2006, 06:56 AM
In addition to the DNA testing, can't members of the team also be charged with 'failure to aid an ongoing investigation' or 'inhibiting an ongoing investigation'?
Yes. And today it was reported that the President of Duke as suspended the entire team from playing until the matter is cleared up. No more games will be played until those involved come forward.
March 29th, 2006, 07:24 AM
Looks like an out of control university.
March 29th, 2006, 10:11 AM
In addition to the DNA testing, can't members of the team also be charged with 'failure to aid an ongoing investigation' or 'inhibiting an ongoing investigation'?
Since the DA has implied that everyone at the party knew or should have known something bad was happening (aiding and abetting), all of the people present can "Take the 5th".
March 29th, 2006, 06:49 PM
This is Duke right?
What is shocking to me is that the stripper wasn't a male.
March 29th, 2006, 09:59 PM
Since the DA has implied that everyone at the party knew or should have known something bad was happening (aiding and abetting), all of the people present can "Take the 5th".
But then they'll get charged with underage drinking.....;)
March 30th, 2006, 12:04 PM
I don't know if the news media is right on this one, but I heard a report that stated that the stripper was a black female. I hope that this is not true. xcoffeex :bawling:
March 30th, 2006, 01:24 PM
I don't know if the news media is right on this one, but I heard a report that stated that the stripper was a black female. I hope that this is not true. xcoffeex :bawling:
that is correct.
March 30th, 2006, 01:36 PM
I don't know if the news media is right on this one, but I heard a report that stated that the stripper was a black female. I hope that this is not true. xcoffeex :bawling:
Not exactly sure why that matters, it's bad no matter what color she is.
Green Cookie Monster
March 30th, 2006, 01:43 PM
The players who are accused were yelling racial slurs at the women as they were being raped.
This is causing a major race relations controversy in downtown Durham and surrounding campus.
Curious, why is the university at fault? The 'university' did not provide alcohol or incite those accused to rape, strangle and yell racially charged insults at the people being attacked. Thats like saying the state of North Carolina is at fault because these players were on North Carolina soil and have a North Carolina driver license.
Local media says those accused, if guilty, could receive 20 years in the bighouse.
What ashame, to go from Duke and all its opportunities to the Federal pen all in a matter of 5 minutes.
March 30th, 2006, 01:52 PM
The players who are accused were yelling racial slurs at the women as they were being raped.
This is causing a major race relations controversy in downtown Durham and surrounding campus.
Curious, why is the university at fault? The 'university' did not provide alcohol or incite those accused to rape, strangle and yell racially charged insults at the people being attacked. Thats like saying the state of North Carolina is at fault because these players were on North Carolina soil and have a North Carolina driver license.
Local media says those accused, if guilty, could receive 20 years in the bighouse.
What ashame, to go from Duke and all its opportunities to the Federal pen all in a matter of 5 minutes.
Why is Duke at fault? The players in question have a long laundry list of prior offences, which Duke has ignored up to now.
3rd Coast Tiger
March 30th, 2006, 02:11 PM
Why is Duke at fault? The players in question have a long laundry list of prior offences, which Duke has ignored up to now.
dbackjon, I think you answered your own question.
March 30th, 2006, 03:06 PM
dbackjon, I think you answered your own question.
I was actually answering Green Cookie's question as to why Duke should be held responsible for this.
3rd Coast Tiger
March 30th, 2006, 03:44 PM
I was actually answering Green Cookie's question as to why Duke should be held responsible for this.
March 30th, 2006, 03:58 PM
Why is Duke at fault? The players in question have a long laundry list of prior offences, which Duke has ignored up to now.
No, about 1/3rd of them had prior offenses, and none of them were anything resembling heinous, violent crimes. They were for underaged drinking, public urination, and excessive noise. Honestly, half of all college students have done at least one of these things at some point.
To me, Duke deserves blame for not stepping in and kicking ass as soon as the team refused to cooperate with police. If I were the Duke president, I would have summoned the entire team to my office immediately and informed them that the LAX program would be shut down forever unless somebody was willing to provide information to the police.
March 30th, 2006, 04:24 PM
No, about 1/3rd of them had prior offenses, and none of them were anything resembling heinous, violent crimes. They were for underaged drinking, public urination, and excessive noise.
Sounds like a rugby team to me.
I suspect that when these players go home for Spring Break, their parents will put pressure on some of the "uninvolved" players to break silence and tell what really happened.
March 30th, 2006, 06:15 PM
I heard on TV that 1/3 of the Duke Lax team has misdemeanors on their records, such as public urination, open containers, disturbing the peace etc. And the school didn't do anything about it? This falls equally upon the shoulders of the Duke administration and the perpetrators.
I think they said that the players had been charged with such offenses but most if not all of them had worked it out with the DA, probably doing the equivalent of taking ARD up here in PA.
Also Walliver I'm pretty sure they've already had spring break.
March 30th, 2006, 07:31 PM
Rita Cosby's MSNBC show at 9 p.m. EST is focusing on the Duke fiasco tonight. Normally don't watch her show, but saw the ad--y'all might want to check it out.
March 31st, 2006, 12:26 PM
Sounds like a rugby team to me.
I suspect that when these players go home for Spring Break, their parents will put pressure on some of the "uninvolved" players to break silence and tell what really happened.
The incident occured during spring break. However, from comments I've read in the NY Times, parents seem to be sticking out for the kids... figures, that's why kids are jerks today :rolleyes:
March 31st, 2006, 12:37 PM says crimes are punishable by 16-20 years in prison if convicted. Interesting that it also says crimes are more punishable than 2nd degree murder. Hmm..
March 31st, 2006, 12:40 PM
I think we need to reserve judgment relative to the guilt or innocence of the Duke Lax team... obviously there are many questions yet unanswered...
March 31st, 2006, 01:51 PM
The incident occured during spring break. However, from comments I've read in the NY Times, parents seem to be sticking out for the kids... figures, that's why kids are jerks today :rolleyes:
Yup - unfortunately - the attitude that their son could never do anything wrong is all too common today.
April 2nd, 2006, 03:30 AM
how is it dukes fault again...because some of the players had ALCOHOL vilations...the lowest classification of misdemeanor if you manage to not plead down to something even less serious...hell if you go though college without getting a PI or MIP then you havent experienced all college has to offer as its learning curve...i love it how since people cant pinpoint individual people to blame for this ALLEGED crime...then they just blame the entire team of 40 some odd members...i dont blame the parents for sticking up for their kids
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