View Full Version : Don't let Phil Steele's FCS Magazine go by the Wayside
Monarch History
June 26th, 2011, 03:28 PM
When I emailed Phil to find out when his FCS Preview would hit the news stands, he told me in late July or early August. I have gotten his magazine for the last two years and although he put his FCS preview in a separate section in last year's SEC/Big East/ACC Preview, he still had much more info than any other magazine.
He told me that this is his first time experimenting with a magazine devoted entirely to the FCS and unless it is profitable it will be his last. He ended by saying at the moment he 's gotten very few orders. We've all complained about the lack of coverage for the FCS and begged for someone to step up. Phil listened and is giving us what we want. I encourage you to call his office today and order a copy. Don't wait for it to hit your bookstore as many only cater to the BCS crowd and you may be out of luck.
Thanks Phil!
June 26th, 2011, 03:40 PM
I ordered one for my Dad and I...I hope the FCS mag. sticks. I hate the FCS coverage of "The Sporting News," etc., where it's one conference page written by one sportswriter of some newspaper in the conference's vincinity.
ursus arctos horribilis
June 26th, 2011, 03:51 PM
When I emailed Phil to find out when his FCS Preview would hit the news stands, he told me in late July or early August. I have gotten his magazine for the last two years and although he put his FCS preview in a separate section in last year's SEC/Big East/ACC Preview, he still had much more info than any other magazine.
He told me that this is his first time experimenting with a magazine devoted entirely to the FCS and unless it is profitable it will be his last. He ended by saying at the moment he 's gotten very few orders. We've all complained about the lack of coverage for the FCS and begged for someone to step up. Phil listened and is giving us what we want. I encourage you to call his office today and order a copy. Don't wait for it to hit your bookstore as many only cater to the BCS crowd and you may be out of luck.
Thanks Phil!
Definitely ordering mine soon and we will be running a contest here at AGS where we will be giving some away in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned and buy one anyway because as you say we need to stop *****ing about converage and make this work for them.
This is up to us so put your money into this thing and make them happy that they attempted this.
June 26th, 2011, 05:54 PM
Thanks for the reminder. Just ordered mine!
June 26th, 2011, 05:59 PM
I ordered my copy today!
etiger (Towson U Football Fanatic!)
June 26th, 2011, 06:33 PM
Thanks for the reminder. Just ordered mine!
Same here
June 26th, 2011, 08:50 PM
Thank you for the reminder. I want to see the Fcs coverage contiune . Ordering mine as well...
June 27th, 2011, 12:29 AM
Thanks. Ordered mine. I hope it's as good as it sounds.
June 27th, 2011, 12:47 AM
I ordered mine very early and I've been anxiously awaiting it. Was initially told to expect it the end of June or early July. Looks like orders have been slow and it's been pushed off a month. Please don't let this inaugural issue be the last. Encourage all the fans you know to subscribe. The investment is rather small. I hope it's a great publication, but if not, it's not huge loss. Don't wait for someone else to critique it. Get your own and make your own call.
OH!! Remember to post this topic to all FCS sites you visit!!
June 27th, 2011, 09:40 AM
I totally agree with you guys! I have a friend in that office I have known for years and I can't wait to see this. I hear The Sports Network is going to be hyping it and will provide content as well I'm told.
June 27th, 2011, 10:24 AM
Ordered 3 weeks ago. Anxiously awaiting arrival. We have to make it worth his while to produce it.
June 27th, 2011, 10:48 AM
I just ordered my copy!
June 27th, 2011, 11:07 AM
I just checked out the Phil Steele web site. next to nothing about the FCS.He doesn't take the FCS serious enough as far as I can see.
June 27th, 2011, 11:17 AM
I just checked out the Phil Steele web site. next to nothing about the FCS.He doesn't take the FCS serious enough as far as I can see.
He has FCS stuff. The general population doesn't want to read about FCS so he mostly has FBS. This is why YOU and EVERYONE else NEEDS to order the mag and email him and let it be known you WANT FCS info. If you just pass because you don't think there is enough info then you can only blame YOU for not speaking up. Good companies like Phil Steele aren't going to blindly cover something without interest from fans like you, me, and others here. We NEED to make our voices be heard. Order the magazine and email him to let him know you WANT more FCS coverage on the website year round. That is the only way to get it done.
June 27th, 2011, 11:43 AM
Just ordered mine.
June 27th, 2011, 11:44 AM
I just checked out the Phil Steele web site. next to nothing about the FCS.He doesn't take the FCS serious enough as far as I can see.
He takes it far more seriously then pretty much anyone else out there.
SideLine Shooter
June 27th, 2011, 12:52 PM
Thanks, it's ordered.
ursus arctos horribilis
June 27th, 2011, 12:58 PM
I just checked out the Phil Steele web site. next to nothing about the FCS.He doesn't take the FCS serious enough as far as I can see.
Gotta agree with SCFF Chuck. The only way they know what you want is by either telling them with dollars or page views on the particular pages you frequent so not supporting it sends the message it isn't wanted.
June 27th, 2011, 01:14 PM
Ordered mine a few weeks ago. cannot wait to get it.
June 27th, 2011, 01:18 PM
Ordered last week - hoping it's an annual thing. It will only be annual if enough order.
June 27th, 2011, 01:50 PM
Ordered mine. Thanks for the info.
June 27th, 2011, 01:56 PM
Just ordered mine. I actually have been checking out various bookstores for this (I figured it would release at the same time as the FBS magazine). Makes sense why I couldn't find it. Pre-ordered and now don't have to worry about finding a store that'll carry it. Stoked!
June 27th, 2011, 02:07 PM
Will order mine tonight.
June 27th, 2011, 02:13 PM
How many would he need to sell to at least break even?
June 27th, 2011, 04:17 PM
I just checked out the Phil Steele web site. next to nothing about the FCS.He doesn't take the FCS serious enough as far as I can see.
This is exactly why you need to order this magazine! He has guaranteed one full page per team = 126 pages minimum. This is your chance to get the coverage you're demanding. Order today!
June 27th, 2011, 04:40 PM
Done! 3 Copies :)
June 27th, 2011, 04:51 PM
Just ordered mine. Looking forward to the review on all of the teams. It will be interesting to see his take on the PFL, (since I might know a little bit about that conference). The PFL reporting will give me a good idea on how well the rest of the magazine has been researched and put together.
June 27th, 2011, 04:59 PM
Just ordered mine. Looking forward to the review on all of the teams. It will be interesting to see his take on the PFL, (since I might know a little bit about that conference). The PFL reporting will give me a good idea on how well the rest of the magazine has been researched and put together.
I talked with one of the guys there and he said more schools have helped than ever before. One thing I would say to everyone is we need to make sure we pressure our schools to send Phil Steele accurate and good info on their team. I know PS relies heavily on the schools to help make them aware of changes. I know the Big Sky, Big South, Ivy League, CAA, Patriot League, SLC, and a couple others do a great job. The PFL, NEC, and SWAC are a few leagues who I have been told can be tough to get info on.
June 27th, 2011, 05:29 PM
Just ordered mine. Go GSU Eagles.
June 27th, 2011, 05:31 PM
He has FCS stuff. The general population doesn't want to read about FCS so he mostly has FBS. This is why YOU and EVERYONE else NEEDS to order the mag and email him and let it be known you WANT FCS info. If you just pass because you don't think there is enough info then you can only blame YOU for not speaking up. Good companies like Phil Steele aren't going to blindly cover something without interest from fans like you, me, and others here. We NEED to make our voices be heard. Order the magazine and email him to let him know you WANT more FCS coverage on the website year round. That is the only way to get it done.
Preach on brother.
June 27th, 2011, 05:54 PM
Make sure to post this everywhere online as well as FB, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.
June 27th, 2011, 08:28 PM
Ordered mine two days ago, and can't wait to get it!
June 28th, 2011, 11:30 AM
He has FCS stuff. The general population doesn't want to read about FCS so he mostly has FBS. This is why YOU and EVERYONE else NEEDS to order the mag and email him and let it be known you WANT FCS info. If you just pass because you don't think there is enough info then you can only blame YOU for not speaking up. Good companies like Phil Steele aren't going to blindly cover something without interest from fans like you, me, and others here. We NEED to make our voices be heard. Order the magazine and email him to let him know you WANT more FCS coverage on the website year round. That is the only way to get it done.
This is the same "Stuff" we discussed last year,Yes I ordered a copy last year,but I don't think the follow up coverage was there during the season and post season,How much POST FCS coverage has PS had last year ?next to none that I saw.This is a two way street A designed to create interest,if they do WE BUY. I think if the product is good we reorder year after year.NOT because of the attitude of " Order first then I'll print " ----Yes,I'll reorder this year,only because of the potential benefit of the College athlete. But Phil Steele has to reciprocate by better coverage NOW and POST coverage of the FCS. then year after year reorder is automatic.not being brow beaten to order every year.
June 28th, 2011, 12:00 PM
This is the same "Stuff" we discussed last year,Yes I ordered a copy last year,but I don't think the follow up coverage was there during the season and post season,How much POST FCS coverage has PS had last year ?next to none that I saw.This is a two way street A designed to create interest,if they do WE BUY. I think if the product is good we reorder year after year.NOT because of the attitude of " Order first then I'll print " ----Yes,I'll reorder this year,only because of the potential benefit of the College athlete. But Phil Steele has to reciprocate by better coverage NOW and POST coverage of the FCS. then year after year reorder is automatic.not being brow beaten to order every year.
Let him know! I'm not fussing at you just reminding everyone. He will do what the people want. He has made it clear he will provide as much as interest shows. He just isn't going to do something that drains him of finances. It's a business and he has to see there is demand or else there will be no supply. Look at these folks who have done FCS coverage and did not sell a product or have a way to make money and look at where they are now. Folks who provide a service without interest don't last very long. He has a name better than anyone else who has covered FCS so we need to support it when someone like him does this!
June 28th, 2011, 12:10 PM
This is the same "Stuff" we discussed last year,Yes I ordered a copy last year,but I don't think the follow up coverage was there during the season and post season,How much POST FCS coverage has PS had last year ?next to none that I saw.This is a two way street A designed to create interest,if they do WE BUY. I think if the product is good we reorder year after year.NOT because of the attitude of " Order first then I'll print " ----Yes,I'll reorder this year,only because of the potential benefit of the College athlete. But Phil Steele has to reciprocate by better coverage NOW and POST coverage of the FCS. then year after year reorder is automatic.not being brow beaten to order every year.
First, let me state that I respect your concern and your expectations. Here's my two cents on the issue: No one is suggesting you order a bad product. My understanding is that this is the FIRST time PS has in fact focused on an FCS specific publication. Your experience with his earlier FCS coverage was probably what you would expect from a non-focused effort. What people here have been suggesting is that subscribing will show there is a market for QUALITY FCS coverage. If the product turns out to be inadequate, then by all means don't waste another whopping $8.90. I personally won't lose any sleep over the money. What would concern me more would be either the lack of interest by FCS fans or the poor quality if that turned out to be the case. I believe the coverage will be good on his first issue and, if he sees enough interest to publish again, it will get much better as more schools provide the needed input for his analysis. Sometimes this type of product needs both a push and pull marketing effort. We demand the product, someone steps up and answers the call and then we evaluate the effort. If we're not willing to support the substantial effort involved in creating an FCS publication then we need to evaluate our own commitment as well as the publishers.
June 28th, 2011, 12:31 PM
First, let me state that I respect your concern and your expectations. Here's my two cents on the issue: No one is suggesting you order a bad product. My understanding is that this is the FIRST time PS has in fact focused on an FCS specific publication. Your experience with his earlier FCS coverage was probably what you would expect from a non-focused effort. What people here have been suggesting is that subscribing will show there is a market for QUALITY FCS coverage. If the product turns out to be inadequate, then by all means don't waste another whopping $8.90. I personally won't lose any sleep over the money. What would concern me more would be either the lack of interest by FCS fans or the poor quality if that turned out to be the case. I believe the coverage will be good on his first issue and, if he sees enough interest to publish again, it will get much better as more schools provide the needed input for his analysis. Sometimes this type of product needs both a push and pull marketing effort. We demand the product, someone steps up and answers the call and then we evaluate the effort. If we're not willing to support the substantial effort involved in creating an FCS publication then we need to evaluate our own commitment as well as the publishers.
Do you think this whole conversation is because of a "whopping $8.90 "???? your post was read seriously until the "whopping $8.90 " comment was made. $8.90 has no bearing on the situation.
June 28th, 2011, 01:56 PM
Do you think this whole conversation is because of a "whopping $8.90 "???? your post was read seriously until the "whopping $8.90 " comment was made. $8.90 has no bearing on the situation.
ursus arctos horribilis
June 28th, 2011, 02:09 PM
Chuck, I see what you are saying and I totally understand your POV on it. You vote with your dollars, I get that. Here's the thing vote with your dollars because businesses are basically windsocks. They will blow any way the wind does to sustain a passion or cho9sen livelihood. So if there is not enough coverage then don't buy the magazine but they are the only ones that are putting something like this for FCS fans as a stand alone magazine so to me buying it and showing that it has support is the only way to start the process on making this happen in the future. As has been said it would behoove all of us that want to see more from Phil Steele, or CSN, or TSN and anybody else for that matter for us to send a note saying "thanks...great article.." or whatever else.
If there is enough of it, they will not ignore it. If there is next to nothing then why would they pay attention to it?
If you don't want to buy one then don't but it isn't exactly sending the message that you want to I don't think.
June 28th, 2011, 02:45 PM
Chuck, I see what you are saying and I totally understand your POV on it. You vote with your dollars, I get that. Here's the thing vote with your dollars because businesses are basically windsocks. They will blow any way the wind does to sustain a passion or cho9sen livelihood. So if there is not enough coverage then don't buy the magazine but they are the only ones that are putting something like this for FCS fans as a stand alone magazine so to me buying it and showing that it has support is the only way to start the process on making this happen in the future. As has been said it would behoove all of us that want to see more from Phil Steele, or CSN, or TSN and anybody else for that matter for us to send a note saying "thanks...great article.." or whatever else.
If there is enough of it, they will not ignore it. If there is next to nothing then why would they pay attention to it?
If you don't want to buy one then don't but it isn't exactly sending the message that you want to I don't think.
Like I said in my post ,I will buy a copy this year,I Bought 2 copies last year,and will buy most likely 2 this year ( one for my Grandson ) I just don't like the hammer over my head to do so, be it for $1.00 or $20.00.My point is I expect a little more from Phil Steele,and most likely will get better coverage than in the past.
ursus arctos horribilis
June 28th, 2011, 03:13 PM
Like I said in my post ,I will buy a copy this year,I Bought 2 copies last year,and will buy most likely 2 this year ( one for my Grandson ) I just don't like the hammer over my head to do so, be it for $1.00 or $20.00.My point is I expect a little more from Phil Steele,and most likely will get better coverage than in the past.
Well since we are in agreement and so forth maybe we ought to ad hoc an email campaign to see if they would be interested in doing more of what you and I would like to see as far as coverage.
Even if they don't have enough enterest expressed for more coverage at least this will hopefully be the first in a long run of a pre season effort at the very least.
I was not advocating a hammer over your head thing? I said I get it...the vote with the dollars thing...but the reality is FCS as a group with some organization as far as the message board is fairly small so it's helpful if as many of us are active and even telling friends and so forth that are not on here that would be interested.
June 28th, 2011, 03:31 PM
This is the same "Stuff" we discussed last year,Yes I ordered a copy last year,but I don't think the follow up coverage was there during the season and post season,How much POST FCS coverage has PS had last year ?next to none that I saw.This is a two way street A designed to create interest,if they do WE BUY. I think if the product is good we reorder year after year.NOT because of the attitude of " Order first then I'll print " ----Yes,I'll reorder this year,only because of the potential benefit of the College athlete. But Phil Steele has to reciprocate by better coverage NOW and POST coverage of the FCS. then year after year reorder is automatic.not being brow beaten to order every year.
i will first state that i also ordered my copy.
but i TOTALLY agree with you on this post.
June 28th, 2011, 03:51 PM
This is the same "Stuff" we discussed last year,Yes I ordered a copy last year,but I don't think the follow up coverage was there during the season and post season,How much POST FCS coverage has PS had last year ?next to none that I saw.This is a two way street A designed to create interest,if they do WE BUY. I think if the product is good we reorder year after year.NOT because of the attitude of " Order first then I'll print " ----Yes,I'll reorder this year,only because of the potential benefit of the College athlete. But Phil Steele has to reciprocate by better coverage NOW and POST coverage of the FCS. then year after year reorder is automatic.not being brow beaten to order every year.
Phil hired a bunch of people recently just to write about FCS:
I would assume that will also mean extended coverage during the season.
June 28th, 2011, 11:52 PM
"We do not ship to correctional facilities."
Uh oh!! Looks like a lot of GA State fans can't have a copy....
June 28th, 2011, 11:54 PM
"We do not ship to correctional facilities."
Uh oh!! Looks like a lot of State fans can't have a copy....
Which 'State'....a lot to choose from...(;-)
June 28th, 2011, 11:55 PM
Which 'State'....a lot to choose from...(;-)
Georgia State. I'm scared I have to specify... :p
June 29th, 2011, 03:43 AM
I think atleast 5 have ordered it from bisonville, including myself.
June 29th, 2011, 07:06 AM
Just ordered mine yesterday. I think I will order one for my brother in Omaha as well. It's only $13.70! Anyone who calls themselves a fan of FCS football should order this TODAY!!!
June 29th, 2011, 11:22 AM
Ordered mine about 2 weeks ago!
June 29th, 2011, 11:34 AM
Order mine yesterday on the wedsite. Will buy another one at my local newstand when it comes out. I HOPE a lot of people buy this, I am so tired of so little coverage of FCS football. Being fans of FCS football I know we all feel that we get the short end of the stick in the media when it comes to coverage of our beloved FCS football teams! This is a way of letting them know that we what and will support any publication that FCS football is important to a lot of people, and not just an after thought as they do now.
June 29th, 2011, 12:44 PM
"We do not ship to correctional facilities."
Uh oh!! Looks like a lot of GA State fans can't have a copy....
Thank You For Your Your Interest in GSU Panther Football
June 29th, 2011, 12:45 PM
Thank You For Your Your Interest in GSU Panther Football
You're not welcome.
June 29th, 2011, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the reminder. Just got one for myself and another for my dad
June 29th, 2011, 12:50 PM
Just ordered mine yesterday. I think I will order one for my brother in Omaha as well. It's only $13.70! Anyone who calls themselves a fan of FCS football should order this TODAY!!!
It's really a no brainer. It's the only FCS only mag out there and its not like he has a major operation like Athlon or Street & Smith. At least he is willing to try this where others could care less about FCS.
June 29th, 2011, 02:04 PM
Thank You For Your Your Interest in GSU Panther Football
Someone has hacked onto Citdog's computer again...
June 29th, 2011, 08:52 PM
BOUGHT MINE TODAY! Ask Scott Van Pelt, who is a big fan of FCS football, it is way underrated and to be honest is a jewel of college football.
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