View Full Version : BEST and WORST place to play in FCS
June 19th, 2011, 08:57 AM
I try to make one or two away games a year and have had some interesting experiences over the years.
The Best - Elon, the fans gave us a very warm reception and even offered us a beer from their cooler in the parking lot. I can't remember one negative thing about that trip
Worst - GEORGIA SOUTHERN - Other than its just a miserable place to get to, I listened to three hours of vulgarity. I doubt I will ever go back (and I'm sure they won't mind).
SideLine Shooter
June 19th, 2011, 09:18 AM
Best Place - Homer vote for "The Rock". Everybody should love their home. Other than ASU it has to be Montana. Great fans, friendly, great atmosphere and they know football. Missoula is one place I could live.
Worst - Georgia Southern wins hands down. I say every time that I will not go back but I do. I have to support App. I don't even want to get into the list of rude ,vulgar, and just nasty crap that happens there.
June 19th, 2011, 09:25 AM
Best- Either Montana or ASU (from what I have heard from folks that have visited The Rock. I will be there when the Griz travel down the road for a visit)
Worst- JMU
June 19th, 2011, 09:31 AM
Best: From a gameday perspective, App. But certain amounts of their fans easily put them in the worst category, but those are usually the traveling fans, so at least those are outnumbered when it's in Boone. But fans anywhere can make any place bad.
Worst: Charleston Southern or ETSU. ETSU is hands down the worst for viewing, listening, AP system, seating, the playing surface is terrible, the ceiling kills punts and other kicks. Charleston Southern because it has no character, the seats are terrible, and if it rains the field and walkway (grass) is a swamp, no concessions, no bathrooms....
June 19th, 2011, 09:35 AM
Worst - GEORGIA SOUTHERN - Other than its just a miserable place to get to, I listened to three hours of vulgarity. I doubt I will ever go back (and I'm sure they won't mind).
Worst - Georgia Southern wins hands down. I say every time that I will not go back but I do. I have to support App. I don't even want to get into the list of rude ,vulgar, and just nasty crap that happens there.
Look, everyone remembers what they want to remember. I've heard of many of the same experiences from GSU folks that have gone to App...Chatty not so much (mainly because no one is there). Some of the big things that stick out are the goalpost incident and the App fans throwing stuff at our band as they took the field. You're walking into a very spirited and hostile crowd. It's not going to be a pleasant experience. We take pride in making people and teams uncomfortable in our stadium, that's our job. Sometimes we even do it away from home, just ask Wofford.
June 19th, 2011, 09:50 AM
ETSU is hands down the worst for viewing, listening, AP system, seating, the playing surface is terrible, the ceiling kills punts and other kicks. Charleston Southern because it has no character, the seats are terrible, and if it rains the field and walkway (grass) is a swamp, no concessions, no bathrooms....
I forgot about the Minidome. I never watched a game there from the stands, but I agree about the playing surface....As far as ceiling goes, I was told by an ETSU oldtimer, the only person to ever hit the roof with a punt was a young man from Southern Miss, named Ray Guy.
June 19th, 2011, 09:55 AM
I've never been a fan in the stands at Marshall either, but as a player it was an experience I would never want to repeat.... The way the stands come up at the visitors locker room, it is like running the gauntlet of airplane bottles, drink cups and hillbilly spit. You just leave your helmet on the entire time. I also remember having our buses pelted with rocks at GSU....
June 19th, 2011, 10:04 AM
The Worst: It used to be Chattanooga because it was like playing in a vacuum. I've been to games there in recent years where there were not 500 people on the home side of a 20K plus stadium and it felt like a scrimage rather than a SoCon football game. Fortunately, last year was a much, much better atmosphere and that should continue with the improved football team.
The Best: Homer vote for App but I've gotta say I've enjoyed my trips to GaSo. Say what you will, there is some history in that stadium and the fans are loud and hostile but I've had great fun before, during and after the games with the Eagle faithful. The games are usually dogfights which only adds to the atmosphere. I look forward to visiting Montana next year as the games I've seen from there look like quite a spectacle.
June 19th, 2011, 10:55 AM
Best: Chattanooga actually, I like their tailgate area and liked the stadium, encountered some cool people in the tailgate area and a shocker, but I really liked VMI - beautiful drive up in the fall, nice traditions, etc. (I played at Appalachian St. and I like it, I imagine it's much different 15 years later)
Worst: Hands down, the old TSU - horrible, horrible facilities, field, unbelievable threats on the way in/out...The new TSU home field is much better, obviously and the past two times I've been there have been next to nobody there...Also, UT-Martin...
June 19th, 2011, 10:56 AM
Look, everyone remembers what they want to remember. I've heard of many of the same experiences from GSU folks that have gone to App...Chatty not so much (mainly because no one is there). Some of the big things that stick out are the goalpost incident and the App fans throwing stuff at our band as they took the field. You're walking into a very spirited and hostile crowd. It's not going to be a pleasant experience. We take pride in making people and teams uncomfortable in our stadium, that's our job. Sometimes we even do it away from home, just ask Wofford.
It's one thing to make fans uncomfortable. It's another to lob threats, throw things, tasteless humor in front of children and so on. Spirit, loudness and hostility only go so far. At some point, there's a line that's crossed in places like that....
June 19th, 2011, 11:08 AM
Worst Place: Austin Peay in Clarksville, TN. "Let's Go Peay" is their chant, but they live it pretty well! The place reaks. The visiting locker room is about the size of a small office and is underneath the home stands. The track is only 2-3 feet off the field so any play that goes to the sideline you're likely getting tackled on the track instead of turf.
June 19th, 2011, 11:54 AM
Worst: UNH. If you're the visiting team you MAY* have showers available to you after the game. Ask 'Nova.
June 19th, 2011, 12:00 PM
Look, everyone remembers what they want to remember. I've heard of many of the same experiences from GSU folks that have gone to App...Chatty not so much (mainly because no one is there). Some of the big things that stick out are the goalpost incident and the App fans throwing stuff at our band as they took the field. You're walking into a very spirited and hostile crowd. It's not going to be a pleasant experience. We take pride in making people and teams uncomfortable in our stadium, that's our job. Sometimes we even do it away from home, just ask Wofford.
Talk about the goalpost incident if you want, but your band does suck. I had a front row seat in 07 to your band rushing past the nearside hash jumping up and down, grabbing and pointing at their crotch, flipping the bird, screaming and basically daring the App student section to throw something.
Still, I love playing GSU.
June 19th, 2011, 12:36 PM
Best- Either Montana or ASU (from what I have heard from folks that have visited The Rock. I will be there when the Griz travel down the road for a visit)
Worst- JMU
Curious to know why you think JMU is the worst to play in FCS? JMU is a great, it's loud, great tailgaiting, and loads of fun. But maybe it's because you think it's not friendly to the visiting team.
June 19th, 2011, 12:51 PM
First of all, I'm confused as to best and worst. I feel like the "best" place to play would be the place where you're most likely to win. However, I'm gonna take it was the best atmosphere for the home team as everyone else is seeming to do.
Best: Here comes another homer....APP! I feel like Montana or GaSo could also make a valid claim. We have the highest attendance, biggest tailgate, most involved/vocal fans, very fun college town atmosphere, perfect fall weather, one of the most scenic venues in college football, top 3 facilities. etc
Worst: Tie UTC/Elon. I have them here based more on two specific personal experiences.
Elon 2009
Their stadium is pretty nice, but it's laughably small. We drove by on our way to the App tailgate. The App and Elon tailgating areas were fairly similar in size. The main difference being the myriad of black flags flying over ours and the 30' tall inflatable Yosef. I also assume we had twice the amount of beer. Anyway, we had to walk to a shuttle because a good bit of their tailgating is too far from the stadium. On the way we were heckled by some Elon fans saying, "yew cain't handle terrell!" We were really surprised to encounter non-Yankee fans and red necks at that. We made it to the stadium and sat on the grass, right on the wall. Before the game even began, some weird homo equipment manager guy on the field actually walked up and started to trash talk us. When I say homo I mean he was extremely effeminate. He started going on and on about how we had no defense. I was astonished that an official employee of the program was starting stuff with App fans on the side line. Well, the joke was on him, since they didn’t score until almost the 4th quarter. The stadium was full of App fans. Here comes the hot button issue, but we accounted for about 45% of the people in that stadium. It was weird how split the two were as well. It was like if you had drawn a line from end zone to end zone. The away side was 100% App and the home 100% Elon with the end zones slip right down the middle. Absolute segregation and I feel this was no coincidence based on how mouthy their fans were. Anyway, most people on the grass were standing, Elon and App fans alike, when the stadium officials started walking by and forcing all the App fans to kneel! They walked from end to end of that wall, threatening to kick people out if they didn’t sit or squat down all the while not saying a word to the maroon shirts doing the same thing just a few yards to my left. We shouted about their fascist ways. When it was all said and done, we were conference champs. I'm glad I went to see it, but I hated the experience that Elon provided.
Chattanooga 2010
This game was honestly one of the most fun times I've ever experienced, despite the best efforts of the Moc faithful. Two friends (one being "highcountry" of AGS) and I made the trek from Boone and we were meeting my other buddy and his girlfriend there on game day. We stopped of at my friend's place in Knoxville the night before to make sure we could get to Chatt as early as we could. We had an amazing time at UT. Awesome town. I think we woke up at 7 or so to start driving. We arrived 4 hours or so before kickoff. Ok, I'm going to go ahead and confess that my friends and I were absolutely smashed for this game. We were tailgating right next to some old App fans. We talked to them alot and later found out that it was actually Pat Murphy (legendary QB of ASU in the 60's) and some other former players from back in the day. Those old guys were the some of the nicest people I've ever met, but they kept insisting that we keep shot gunning beers. We headed in just prior to kick off. I had my App battle flag. The pole is PVC with breaks down in the middle for easy transport. Well, the game began and we were losing pretty bad. As the UTC lead grew, we got more and more agitated. Some painted UTC students decided to reposition themselves from across the stadium to heckle the group of about 50 App students that we were in. As the frustration mounted, highcountry just responded by raising two middle fingers in the air and slowly rotating. I was completely oblivious to this happening, but some fat old UTC fan walked down and started yelling at him. He started yelling and cussing about how his daughter was up there. Apparently he retreated, only to come back a short time later raising even more hell. That is when I took notice. I heard what he was saying and responded by explaining how it's way more traumatizing for a child to see her belligerent father leaving his seat, yelling, cussing and trying to fight a bunch of 20 year olds than an anonymous middle finger that was only inspired after having to weather 30 minutes of constant heckling. He then tried to call me out for being drunk and or/underage to which I responded with something like this, "I'm 21 Mother ******! You haven't gotten a boner in years! Get your libido up and get you fat a** down here!" He then charged me, was held back by a crowd of spectators, and immediately kicked out of the stadium. It was the turning point in the game for sure. ASU then proceeded to mount the most exciting come back I have ever seen. We were leaving the stadium, when the next altercation happened. We were casually walking out, not bothering anybody. No yelling or chanting, just walking and discussing what to do next. I had my flag down in 2 pieces and rolled up. The flag end was in my right hand and the bare bottom half was in my left. Just as we approached the exit, out of nowhere, some UTC frat guy sprints by and grabs my flag and bolts. I was immediately right behind him. In front of hundreds of exiting fans, I leaped over bushes and began to gain on him. When I was just a yard or two behind, I took the bottom PVC piece and javelined him as hard as I could right in the spine. He turned around and swung at me, but by this time I was perpendicular to the ground in the tackle. I layed him out into a bush and he swung a few more times before my friends pulled him off. He then limped away, one flag short. I was livid and drunk so it took about 10 minutes for them to calm me down. We went to the car where Pat Murphy urged them to let me go find him. It was an incredible experience, in spite of their game day experience.
June 19th, 2011, 12:56 PM
Is this a best/worst on where to "play" or where to see a game?
June 19th, 2011, 01:04 PM
Curious to know why you think JMU is the worst to play in FCS? JMU is a great, it's loud, great tailgaiting, and loads of fun. But maybe it's because you think it's not friendly to the visiting team.
Between your arrogant fans and your coaching staff full of crybabies that cannot say good game to a team they lost to but to act all holier than thou when they win...yeah **** JMU. Horror stories about the way those ****s treated opposing fans. Not just the select few...every single JMU fan was horrible.
I will always be courteous to opposing fans, even if JMU comes to town, but don't expect me to ever buy you guys a beer or pick up a dinner tab for any of your fans. That is one place I will never ever show up to. You can say what you will, OH MM is great he is just really competitive but himself/his coaching staff/ others that were on the sideline, yeah. **** YOUR fans
June 19th, 2011, 01:13 PM
It's one thing to make fans uncomfortable. It's another to lob threats, throw things, tasteless humor in front of children and so on. Spirit, loudness and hostility only go so far. At some point, there's a line that's crossed in places like that....
It is hard not to be hostile towards a team that plays as dirty as Elon.
BEST: Homer vote for ASU. You can't beat a stadium that has 10K fans over the 'official' capacity of the stands. Downtown Boone is a great place on gameday as App fans fill the college town.
WORST: WCU needs a vote. When the main attraction of a football game is the band, you're in for a lame gameday experience.
June 19th, 2011, 01:40 PM
Talk about the goalpost incident if you want, but your band does suck. I had a front row seat in 07 to your band rushing past the nearside hash jumping up and down, grabbing and pointing at their crotch, flipping the bird, screaming and basically daring the App student section to throw something.
Still, I love playing GSU.
Yeah, wrecking the visiting team's bus is much better than somebody flipping the bird. Thousands of dollars in property damage versus the middle finger... right. Some band members were pissed after being verbally assaulted for 3 straight hours before performing and then having things thrown at them. The couple people who took out their frustration were disciplined and the situation was corrected. The GSU and Furman bands got along fine last year and joined eachother for a post game concert... app backed out of doing the same after they lost. I wonder where the problem truly lies.
June 19th, 2011, 01:42 PM
Between your arrogant fans and your coaching staff full of crybabies that cannot say good game to a team they lost to but to act all holier than thou when they win...yeah **** JMU. Horror stories about the way those ****s treated opposing fans. Not just the select few...every single JMU fan was horrible.
I will always be courteous to opposing fans, even if JMU comes to town, but don't expect me to ever buy you guys a beer or pick up a dinner tab for any of your fans. That is one place I will never ever show up to. You can say what you will, OH MM is great he is just really competitive but himself/his coaching staff/ others that were on the sideline, yeah. **** YOUR fans
I have never seen that from the ones I know, I've seen it of Delaware fans at our place where they would be total "pricks." I'm sure every fan base has the fans you are talking about. I think though that the night you beat JMU, many of the younger fans got upset because you made it a point to go to the center of the field parading like you owned the field. In other words they felt disrespected by your team when they did that and that may have been the incident that tipped a lot of JMU fans off at the griz. Another incident was a lot of fans thought that the Montana defensive player intentionally try to take Rodney Landers out of the game by deliberately aiming for his ankles, or something like that. So there was some anger and a lot of feelings that the griz were playing dirty. Doesn't excuse the anger being jolted toward some of the fans. Won't lie though, JMU is a tough place to play if you are the visiting team and personally it should be. But there needs to be some respect there as well.
June 19th, 2011, 01:51 PM
If you come to play UNA, you'll love it. They rope off the best seats in the house in the east stands for visiting fans. NOT a popular thing with UNA fans.
June 19th, 2011, 02:38 PM
Best place to see a game? I really enjoyed my trip to Boone to see remodeled Kidd-Brewer in 2009. Love the outcome, too! ;) I think The Hole, in Lake Charles is a pretty special place to play and watch a game.
The Worst?? Hmmm.....They NEVER cut the freaking grass at Estes Stadium in Conway before our games with UCA. It's a brand spanking new stadium, but it's tiny. I'm hoping the new colored turf might change that...I enjoy the trip to San Marcos because of all the stuff to do down there, but dealing with the SWTSU-SM students isn't so much fun. It's not unpleasant, per se. I just get tired of dealing with classless people, even if they are students and don't know anybetter. Maybe they'll like the WAC better.
June 19th, 2011, 02:41 PM
I forgot about the Minidome. I never watched a game there from the stands, but I agree about the playing surface....As far as ceiling goes, I was told by an ETSU oldtimer, the only person to ever hit the roof with a punt was a young man from Southern Miss, named Ray Guy.
I have to believe that one of the factors that killed ETSU's potential was the Minidome. There are better HIGH SCHOOL stadiums in Northeast Tennessee (I should know, I grew up there) than the Minidome. My position is that if ETSU were to ever revive football, playing at the Minidome is NOT an option.
Husky Alum
June 19th, 2011, 02:55 PM
I'm glad that we dropped football so Parsons Field doesn't get mentioned in any of the "Worst" lists!!!
June 19th, 2011, 03:01 PM
I guess this thread is less about the condition of the stadium and more about the reception visiting fans get.
Visiting fans are always treated well at Georgetown. The conditions, well...
June 19th, 2011, 03:35 PM
Talk about the goalpost incident if you want, but your band does suck. I had a front row seat in 07 to your band rushing past the nearside hash jumping up and down, grabbing and pointing at their crotch, flipping the bird, screaming and basically daring the App student section to throw something.
Still, I love playing GSU.
"I blame you for me throwing stuff."
Yeah, that makes sense.
June 19th, 2011, 04:08 PM
Look, everyone remembers what they want to remember. I've heard of many of the same experiences from GSU folks that have gone to App...Chatty not so much (mainly because no one is there). Some of the big things that stick out are the goalpost incident and the App fans throwing stuff at our band as they took the field. You're walking into a very spirited and hostile crowd. It's not going to be a pleasant experience. We take pride in making people and teams uncomfortable in our stadium, that's our job. Sometimes we even do it away from home, just ask Wofford.
Well there were alot of people there this year when you got you got beat.
June 19th, 2011, 04:20 PM
I don't think the Soutland has too many "worst" places to play in the FCS. Nearly all places have that open invite to sit back, relax, and enjoy a cold one.
One of the best- McNeese fans fire up the grill and invite you in to enjoy! What a blast! (Of course the favor is always returned in Conway) I'd have to vote that as my fav. Of course, if you've dominated a conference for years, you'd be a pretty rowdy but friendly crowd too.
June 19th, 2011, 04:21 PM
First of all, I'm confused as to best and worst. I feel like the "best" place to play would be the place where you're most likely to win. However, I'm gonna take it was the best atmosphere for the home team as everyone else is seeming to do.
Best: Here comes another homer....APP! I feel like Montana or GaSo could also make a valid claim. We have the highest attendance, biggest tailgate, most involved/vocal fans, very fun college town atmosphere, perfect fall weather, one of the most scenic venues in college football, top 3 facilities. etc
Worst: Tie UTC/Elon. I have them here based more on two specific personal experiences.
Elon 2009
Their stadium is pretty nice, but it's laughably small. We drove by on our way to the App tailgate. The App and Elon tailgating areas were fairly similar in size. The main difference being the myriad of black flags flying over ours and the 30' tall inflatable Yosef. I also assume we had twice the amount of beer. Anyway, we had to walk to a shuttle because a good bit of their tailgating is too far from the stadium. On the way we were heckled by some Elon fans saying, "yew cain't handle terrell!" We were really surprised to encounter non-Yankee fans and red necks at that. We made it to the stadium and sat on the grass, right on the wall. Before the game even began, some weird homo equipment manager guy on the field actually walked up and started to trash talk us. When I say homo I mean he was extremely effeminate. He started going on and on about how we had no defense. I was astonished that an official employee of the program was starting stuff with App fans on the side line. Well, the joke was on him, since they didn’t score until almost the 4th quarter. The stadium was full of App fans. Here comes the hot button issue, but we accounted for about 45% of the people in that stadium. It was weird how split the two were as well. It was like if you had drawn a line from end zone to end zone. The away side was 100% App and the home 100% Elon with the end zones slip right down the middle. Absolute segregation and I feel this was no coincidence based on how mouthy their fans were. Anyway, most people on the grass were standing, Elon and App fans alike, when the stadium officials started walking by and forcing all the App fans to kneel! They walked from end to end of that wall, threatening to kick people out if they didn’t sit or squat down all the while not saying a word to the maroon shirts doing the same thing just a few yards to my left. We shouted about their fascist ways. When it was all said and done, we were conference champs. I'm glad I went to see it, but I hated the experience that Elon provided.
Chattanooga 2010
This game was honestly one of the most fun times I've ever experienced, despite the best efforts of the Moc faithful. Two friends (one being "highcountry" of AGS) and I made the trek from Boone and we were meeting my other buddy and his girlfriend there on game day. We stopped of at my friend's place in Knoxville the night before to make sure we could get to Chatt as early as we could. We had an amazing time at UT. Awesome town. I think we woke up at 7 or so to start driving. We arrived 4 hours or so before kickoff. Ok, I'm going to go ahead and confess that my friends and I were absolutely smashed for this game. We were tailgating right next to some old App fans. We talked to them alot and later found out that it was actually Pat Murphy (legendary QB of ASU in the 60's) and some other former players from back in the day. Those old guys were the some of the nicest people I've ever met, but they kept insisting that we keep shot gunning beers. We headed in just prior to kick off. I had my App battle flag. The pole is PVC with breaks down in the middle for easy transport. Well, the game began and we were losing pretty bad. As the UTC lead grew, we got more and more agitated. Some painted UTC students decided to reposition themselves from across the stadium to heckle the group of about 50 App students that we were in. As the frustration mounted, highcountry just responded by raising two middle fingers in the air and slowly rotating. I was completely oblivious to this happening, but some fat old UTC fan walked down and started yelling at him. He started yelling and cussing about how his daughter was up there. Apparently he retreated, only to come back a short time later raising even more hell. That is when I took notice. I heard what he was saying and responded by explaining how it's way more traumatizing for a child to see her belligerent father leaving his seat, yelling, cussing and trying to fight a bunch of 20 year olds than an anonymous middle finger that was only inspired after having to weather 30 minutes of constant heckling. He then tried to call me out for being drunk and or/underage to which I responded with something like this, "I'm 21 Mother ******! You haven't gotten a boner in years! Get your libido up and get you fat a** down here!" He then charged me, was held back by a crowd of spectators, and immediately kicked out of the stadium. It was the turning point in the game for sure. ASU then proceeded to mount the most exciting come back I have ever seen. We were leaving the stadium, when the next altercation happened. We were casually walking out, not bothering anybody. No yelling or chanting, just walking and discussing what to do next. I had my flag down in 2 pieces and rolled up. The flag end was in my right hand and the bare bottom half was in my left. Just as we approached the exit, out of nowhere, some UTC frat guy sprints by and grabs my flag and bolts. I was immediately right behind him. In front of hundreds of exiting fans, I leaped over bushes and began to gain on him. When I was just a yard or two behind, I took the bottom PVC piece and javelined him as hard as I could right in the spine. He turned around and swung at me, but by this time I was perpendicular to the ground in the tackle. I layed him out into a bush and he swung a few more times before my friends pulled him off. He then limped away, one flag short. I was livid and drunk so it took about 10 minutes for them to calm me down. We went to the car where Pat Murphy urged them to let me go find him. It was an incredible experience, in spite of their game day experience.
How did he get on top? Dang, you got your *** whipped. You had to get your buddies to pull him off? You shouldnt bring a big flag in to an opposing stadium if you dont want to get beat up.
June 19th, 2011, 04:26 PM
He just landed that way after I layed him out. Not one of his punches landed. He limped away with no flag. Yeah I got my a** beat lol.
June 19th, 2011, 04:36 PM
I've never had many problems at Statesboro. Well except for the country bumpkin next to me in 2008 who wanted the players to tackle Armanti "prison style". Had no problems last year despite the outcome.
As for the band incident in 2007, it wasn't the best idea for the GSU band to march toward the App student section playing their fight song. However I did see gameday staff patrol the crowd and eject students who threw stuff, even if the band members were daring them to do so. I still remember the female trombonist flicking me off and the male saxophonist blowing me kisses. 2007 was the worst when it came to fans attitude at KBS. Lots of bandwagon fans after Michigan who made asses of themselves. Things have gotten a lot better since then.
June 19th, 2011, 04:42 PM
hash jumping up and down, grabbing and pointing at their crotch, flipping the bird, screaming and basically daring the App student section to throw something.
Same experience I had with App in 05. ;)
June 19th, 2011, 04:52 PM
Best: YSU in 06, SIU in 10, NDSU in 09, UNH 05
Worst: YSU in 08 and 10, SIU in 10, UNH 05, Indiana St
The Eagle's Cliff
June 19th, 2011, 05:04 PM
I'll be a homer and say Ga Southern is one of the best, because we've been that way through the good times and bad. Kidd Brewer is a tough place to play and has a great atmosphere the last 5 years, but it wasn't that way before. In recent years, when Freedom (Live Bald Eagle) soars into the stadium, it's the best 30 seconds in all of college football.
The most hostile place I've been is Delaware. I wouldn't have argued with anyone who told me our fans were the rudest and most obnoxious, but UD beats us hands down! They had won the game, but were still throwing things and shouting obscenities while our band was playing our Alma Mater. One idiot climbed the fence and attacked one of our cheerleaders. Prior to the game, me and a buddy cruised the tailgate area and were greeted with much of the same.
McNeese was a great atmosphere and were very hospitable. We went to the stadium Friday night and their fans welcomed us around their campfires and we couldn't walk by a tailgate on Saturday without being asked to have a drink and some food. Great folks in Lake Charles!
It should be noted that drunk and obnoxious fans will be found at many schools. Ga Southern has many, as well as App, Coastal, and even saw a few at Chatty in 2010. You visitors are always welcome at my tailgate in Paulson. PM me if you're coming and I'll hook you up.
June 19th, 2011, 05:17 PM
As for the band incident in 2007, it wasn't the best idea for the GSU band to march toward the App student section playing their fight song.
That's standard procedure for most bands exiting the field. I'm sure the bandwagon app fans have settled down and learned how to deal with success. I hate when people point out the worst fans and claim they're the norm.
June 19th, 2011, 05:41 PM
I have never seen that from the ones I know, I've seen it of Delaware fans at our place where they would be total "pricks." I'm sure every fan base has the fans you are talking about. I think though that the night you beat JMU, many of the younger fans got upset because you made it a point to go to the center of the field parading like you owned the field. In other words they felt disrespected by your team when they did that and that may have been the incident that tipped a lot of JMU fans off at the griz. Another incident was a lot of fans thought that the Montana defensive player intentionally try to take Rodney Landers out of the game by deliberately aiming for his ankles, or something like that. So there was some anger and a lot of feelings that the griz were playing dirty. Doesn't excuse the anger being jolted toward some of the fans. Won't lie though, JMU is a tough place to play if you are the visiting team and personally it should be. But there needs to be some respect there as well.
Being a tough place to play and having your fans treat the opposing fans like dirt are two totally different things. I will leave it at that.
June 19th, 2011, 07:07 PM
Best: My favorite place to watch an away game has to be Delaware. The tailgating is great there, the fans have always been very welcoming, the stadium offers some great veiws of the game, and their band always sounds good (much better then ours), and we've played well there lately winning 4 of the last 5. Its always a cold one and a fun one. It seems so backwards that when we tailgate there we go into the ice rink to warm up.
Worst: probably a tie between UNH and Penn. Not that our facilities are spectacular at Nova, but there are alot of High Schools around me with just as good of facilities. And Franklin field is a classic and is an experience for every college football fan, but theres no gameday atmosphere, its a shame to see such a huge stadium so empty, and I always get confused when the home fans start throwing toast onto the field. Though on feature now gone that I do miss is peeing on the walls in the bathroom. I think Ben Franklin himself designed the plumbing system there, and 2 years ago they finally got around to updating it.
June 19th, 2011, 07:42 PM
I always get confused when the home fans start throwing toast onto the field.
Does anyone know why they do that? At least the Red Wings fans throwing the octopus on the ice symbolizes something, but toast?
June 19th, 2011, 07:47 PM
Does anyone know why they do that? At least the Red Wings fans throwing the octopus on the ice symbolizes something, but toast?
I was told by Penn students that they we're "toasting their team" All that high brow Ivy League humor is lost on me though.
June 19th, 2011, 08:05 PM
Between your arrogant fans and your coaching staff full of crybabies that cannot say good game to a team they lost to but to act all holier than thou when they win...yeah **** JMU. Horror stories about the way those ****s treated opposing fans. Not just the select few...every single JMU fan was horrible.
I will always be courteous to opposing fans, even if JMU comes to town, but don't expect me to ever buy you guys a beer or pick up a dinner tab for any of your fans. That is one place I will never ever show up to. You can say what you will, OH MM is great he is just really competitive but himself/his coaching staff/ others that were on the sideline, yeah. **** YOUR fans
Awww...somebody got their feelings hurt.
June 19th, 2011, 08:13 PM
I'm no JMU fan (mostly because of our rivalry). That said, theirs is the best "gameday" experience in the CAA. They also have the best stadium...even before their expansion. About 10% of their fans are obnoxious but I'm not going to judge the school by 10%. They seem to be fine before the game. One nice thing about JMU is they have a "family section" so the cussing and acting a fool is usually not present in that section. I sat in their student section last season (my sister-in-law was a senior there) problems until some of their fans stood at the W&M tunnel and acted like asses. They were the minority for sure.
The friendliest fanbase is easily W&M but I wish they'd get more involved. A nice mixture is UR.
Prior to 2010, UR had the worst stadium. Villanova holds that distinction now. Delaware has a lot of passionate fans and some of them go too far. Again, I'm not going to judge a fanbase by 10%. UD fans are quick to let it go and sit down with you for a cold beer afterwards. I haven't been to a GSU home game but they seemed like good folks when they played W&M last season. Sure, they were rowdy but what the hell's the matter with that? No one threw anything. I heard no cussing. It could very well be different in Statesboro.
June 19th, 2011, 08:28 PM
Worst Place: Austin Peay in Clarksville, TN. "Let's Go Peay" is their chant, but they live it pretty well! The place reaks. The visiting locker room is about the size of a small office and is underneath the home stands. The track is only 2-3 feet off the field so any play that goes to the sideline you're likely getting tackled on the track instead of turf.
I will change my vote to 100% agree with you!
Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 19th, 2011, 08:32 PM
Colgate - Only if you're visiting from late October on. Once those gray days kick in expect 40 degrees with rain and snow showers. Otherwise, the campus is great and the stadium is solid.
Delaware - The Delaware-Lehigh games seem to bring out the best in both fan bases. It makes for a tremendous atmosphere at this level. The stadium does need a facelift.
When Lehigh is playing well Goodman becomes a top 15-20 venue. For big games it's one of the best places in FCS.
June 19th, 2011, 08:41 PM
I've been to see the Spiders play at JMU, W&M, Delaware, Towson, Villanova, Wofford, App State, Northern Iowa, Elon, VMI and Hampton.
App State was the best Gameday atmosphere, bar none.
Fans were the most welcoming at Northern Iowa, probably because they recognized how far we had travelled to get there.
Elon and Wofford were both really nice stadiums, with good sight lines. Both fanbases were very welcoming also.
Zable in Williamsburg is the best setting for a football game, just the seats are set too low.
VMI is actually a really nice setting to watch a game too.
As others have stated, Villanova is a complete dump and the atmosphere is horrible.
June 19th, 2011, 09:27 PM
As others have stated, Villanova is a complete dump and the atmosphere is horrible.
Saying there is an atmosphere is actually pretty generous I think.
The facilities are not good, but I wouldnt call them dumpy. I mean its in good shape, its just not very nice.
June 19th, 2011, 09:31 PM
I'm surprised that so many CAA fans are saying Nova is the worst. I really thought Rhode Island had them beat for worst stadium in the CAA.
June 19th, 2011, 09:39 PM
Saying there is an atmosphere is actually pretty generous I think.
The facilities are not good, but I wouldnt call them dumpy. I mean its in good shape, its just not very nice.
Maybe the word 'dump' was a bit harsh, but the bathroom(s) on the visitors side of the field immediately came to mind when I was thinking about the worst place to play. There was a stream running out of the men's room on the visitor's side.
I didn't even bother getting into the whole lack of tailgating situation.
June 19th, 2011, 09:41 PM
I'm surprised that so many CAA fans are saying Nova is the worst. I really thought Rhode Island had them beat for worst stadium in the CAA.
I've never been there, so I can't compare to Villanova. I will also admit that Richmond had one of the worst stadiums prior to our moving on campus last year.
June 19th, 2011, 09:47 PM
I've always enjoyed the atmosphere at Delaware. Hostile? Yes, the fans try to make the place intimidating, and everyone has some a..holes who try to foment problems with the visitors, but in terms of atmosphere and intensity, the Lehigh-Delaware games have been fun. Similarly, the atmosphere at Goodman or Fisher when the The Rivalry is played is unmatched.
Worst place I've visited for an FCS game, so far is Georgetown. Fans are fine, facilities are worse than most high schools around here.
June 19th, 2011, 10:30 PM
I'm surprised that so many CAA fans are saying Nova is the worst. I really thought Rhode Island had them beat for worst stadium in the CAA.
I was planning a trip to Kingston; it may be Old Dominion's first CAA win. Is it so bad that I should ixne the plans or are you using hyperbole? Input from URI fans is welcome. I'm not trying to start a p!issing match, but if the stadium is the worst in the conference then I have alternative other plans.
June 19th, 2011, 10:40 PM
Well there were alot of people there this year when you got you got beat.
Bring you and your 3 fans to the home of a real fanbase this year when we wax that *** by at least 14.
June 19th, 2011, 10:54 PM
Austin Peay - no doubt. Wouldn't even qualify as a decent high school stadium. Huge dip in the middle of the field. Correct, there is no room between sideline and track and it's just an injury waiting to happen.
June 19th, 2011, 11:46 PM
Colgate - Only if you're visiting from late October on. Once those gray days kick in expect 40 degrees with rain and snow showers.
Weather in Texas today was 103, sunny and dry. I miss Colgate xbawlingx
Does anyone know why they do that? At least the Red Wings fans throwing the octopus on the ice symbolizes something, but toast?
One of their school songs has a line about toasting the school:
Drink a Highball
Words by G.B. Brigham, 1901
Drink a Highball at nightfall
Be good fellows while you may
For tomorrow may bring sorrow
So tonight, lets all be Gay!
Tell the story of Glory
Of Pennsylvania
Drink a highball And be jolly
Here's a toast to dear old Penn!
For a real treat, let Citdog see the song listed after this one ;)
June 20th, 2011, 06:27 AM
Austin Peay - no doubt. Wouldn't even qualify as a decent high school stadium. Huge dip in the middle of the field. Correct, there is no room between sideline and track and it's just an injury waiting to happen.
I heard a Tennessee State player call Houck Stadium at SEMO a "high school stadium" in 2008. I just had to laugh. Especially when they were ranked #19 in the nation and SEMO was bad and won in OT. After the game, one of the players made a comment about getting beat "by a high school team."
June 20th, 2011, 07:21 AM
Bring you and your 3 fans to the home of a real fanbase this year when we wax that *** by at least 14.
Bahaha. Im sure Ill be stunned at the 1 or 2000 more fans that show up. Yall are going to get bullied again, this year and every year.
June 20th, 2011, 07:45 AM
Austin Peay - no doubt. Wouldn't even qualify as a decent high school stadium. Huge dip in the middle of the field. Correct, there is no room between sideline and track and it's just an injury waiting to happen.
Also, Indiana State.
June 20th, 2011, 07:56 AM
Also, Indiana State.
I heard Indiana State has done some renovating? When I was there in 2008, I'd definitely add it to the list of bad stadiums... Probably not great now, but I think they at least replaced their turf..
June 20th, 2011, 08:07 AM
I heard Indiana State has done some renovating? When I was there in 2008, I'd definitely add it to the list of bad stadiums... Probably not great now, but I think they at least replaced their turf..
They added fieldturf and new lockerrooms. A very sterile enviornment.
June 20th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Worst because you are nervous about playing in Hamilton this year? Its only gray when Lehigh visits Colgate!
Best COLGATE UNIVERSITY - Fantastic facility, people are welcoming and watching the sun go down over the mountains for a night game. Yea it gets a little chilly but the hot chocolate is fantastic.
Worst- I would have to say Holy Cross even though I found the Lehigh dull brown surrounding boring. Holy Cross is in dire need of some up dating.
June 20th, 2011, 10:28 AM
I've really enjoy Strawberry Field at SE LA. Other nice fields to watch the game, U Del, and GA Southern. GA Southern really impressed me as a facility, and the early support for their team. Saw NDSU mop up the Eagles in Statesboro, and backing the Bison, it was a great time.
Much as I enjoy catching Rabbit football, CAS in Brookings is in serious need of a facelift. The homefield advantage in November can be awesome, but if it is, likely to be a small crowd actually braving the elements.
June 20th, 2011, 10:48 AM
Best place - Haven't seen it mentioned here, but I really enjoyed YSU's Stambaugh Stadium - felt like the sightlines were great and you felt right on top of the field. Easy parking (heck, I parked in someone's backyard) helps as well.
Worst Places: Both CAA - first, nova's stadium is just a flat out dump. It's probably a great track and field stadium, which is what it is, but playing football there is awful. Track around the field, turf with multiple sports lines all over it, real flat slope of the stands (much like Boston's Nickerson Field was), cramped seating, and awful accomodations (forget using the bathroom in that stadium and the concessions are two high school-type trailers at either end of the field). Probably is fine for a typical nova game, but for a UD/nova game when the place gets more than half full it's terrible.
I also throw W&M's Zable in there as well. Don't get me wrong, the place is absolutely gorgeous and everything that a college setting should be. With that said, though, unless you're sitting at the top row of the stadium the sight lines are terrible. You just don't sit high enough to really see the game. If they moved the stands so that everything was 10 feet taller, the place would be ideal.
June 20th, 2011, 10:52 AM
I believe everyone will enjoy their game day experience when they visit ODU. Very good stadium and you are right on the field so the sights and sounds are pretty darn good. Parking is a bit iffy, but the game day atmosphere is very good for only a 2 year old program. The worst? I enjoy FCS football too much to have a worst. Everyone has a few fans that can pluck your nerves, but I haven't found an FCS game day I didn't like.
June 20th, 2011, 10:58 AM
I believe everyone will enjoy their game day experience when they visit ODU. Very good stadium and you are right on the field so the sights and sounds are pretty darn good. Parking is a bit iffy, but the game day atmosphere is very good for only a 2 year old program. The worst? I enjoy FCS football too much to have a worst. Everyone has a few fans that can pluck your nerves, but I haven't found an FCS game day I didn't like.
Wow, talk about diplomatic...You have my vote for President....
June 20th, 2011, 11:30 AM
This should get us some votes....
*For some reason, half the sound is missing in the video. I texted the right guy and it should be fixed soon. Just imagine commentary and sound effects*
The Eagle's Cliff
June 20th, 2011, 11:39 AM
2011 Promo by Alumn Wes Nobles. Little bit of Gameday.
June 20th, 2011, 11:40 AM
Worst because you are nervous about playing in Hamilton this year? Its only gray when Lehigh visits Colgate!
Best COLGATE UNIVERSITY - Fantastic facility, people are welcoming and watching the sun go down over the mountains for a night game. Yea it gets a little chilly but the hot chocolate is fantastic.
Worst- I would have to say Holy Cross even though I found the Lehigh dull brown surrounding boring. Holy Cross is in dire need of some up dating.
Having only been (begrudgingly) given my diploma on Fitton Field, I can't say how it compares playing-wise to other venues. I agree that there is some sprucing up to do at the old yard, hopefully its first ever night game against UMass will be the catalyst for some of these improvements. That being said, you'd be hard-pressed to find better sight lines (on the home side) to watch a football game in this country. Very similar to Harvard Stadium in that regard.
colorless raider
June 20th, 2011, 11:48 AM
Having only been (begrudgingly) given my diploma on Fitton Field, I can't say how it compares playing-wise to other venues. I agree that there is some sprucing up to do at the old yard, hopefully its first ever night game against UMass will be the catalyst for some of these improvements. That being said, you'd be hard-pressed to find better sight lines (on the home side) to watch a football game in this country. Very similar to Harvard Stadium in that regard.
I agree with the point about sight lines. They are the best in the Patriot League, but Fitton needs some work and the tailgating is not as good as it used to be and the local cops are a pain in the ***.:)
June 20th, 2011, 11:52 AM
I can't say I've been to too many FCS stadiums, but I can tell you there is not a bad seat in the house at Cal Poly's Spanos Stadium. Not only excellent proximity and line of sight to the field, but beautiful mountain scenery and three extinct volcanoes in your view as well. Davis' facilities are also excellent. Every seat is great (even if you'r on the lawn). Have to agree with elon77, there really isn't an FCS facility I wouldn't want to be at. The games are too much fun and the atmosphere, whether your at a small stadium like Southern Utah's or 25,000+ seater like Montana, is electric! Love FCS FOOTBALL!!!
June 20th, 2011, 11:57 AM
I agree with the point about sight lines. They are the best in the Patriot League, but Fitton needs some work and the tailgating is not as good as it used to be and the local cops are a pain in the ***.:)
Uggghhh...don't get me staaahhted!!! This has really killed a lot of support for HC football amoungst alumni and locals alike.
June 20th, 2011, 12:01 PM
I can't say I've been to too many FCS stadiums, but I can tell you there is not a bad seat in the house at Cal Poly's Spanos Stadium. Not only excellent proximity and line of sight to the field, but beautiful mountain scenery and three extinct volcanoes in your view as well. Davis' facilities are also excellent. Every seat is great (even if you'r on the lawn). Have to agree with elon77, there really isn't an FCS facility I wouldn't want to be at. The games are too much fun and the atmosphere, whether your at a small stadium like Southern Utah's or 25,000+ seater like Montana, is electric! Love FCS FOOTBALL!!!
ELON77, We found your Running Mate....Hahaha
June 20th, 2011, 12:04 PM
2011 Promo by Alumn Wes Nobles. Little bit of Gameday.
Paulson looks really small. Never been, but some people on here were trying to argue that it wasn't that much smaller than KBS. Clearly not the case. Sweet video though
June 20th, 2011, 01:42 PM
Paulson looks really small. Never been, but some people on here were trying to argue that it wasn't that much smaller than KBS. Clearly not the case. Sweet video though
In terms of seating capacity, it is not much smaller (19K vs. 21K I believe). However, with the recently added suites, press boxes, etc. at KBS, the overall facility is a good bit larger in Boone. I recall hearing pretty recently that GSU making a good-sized addition in the near future, but I forget the details.
June 20th, 2011, 01:46 PM
Elon 2009
Their stadium is pretty nice, but it's laughably small. We drove by on our way to the App tailgate. The App and Elon tailgating areas were fairly similar in size. The main difference being the myriad of black flags flying over ours and the 30' tall inflatable Yosef. I also assume we had twice the amount of beer. Anyway, we had to walk to a shuttle because a good bit of their tailgating is too far from the stadium. On the way we were heckled by some Elon fans saying, "yew cain't handle terrell!" We were really surprised to encounter non-Yankee fans and red necks at that. We made it to the stadium and sat on the grass, right on the wall. Before the game even began, some weird homo equipment manager guy on the field actually walked up and started to trash talk us. When I say homo I mean he was extremely effeminate. He started going on and on about how we had no defense. I was astonished that an official employee of the program was starting stuff with App fans on the side line. Well, the joke was on him, since they didn’t score until almost the 4th quarter. The stadium was full of App fans. Here comes the hot button issue, but we accounted for about 45% of the people in that stadium. It was weird how split the two were as well. It was like if you had drawn a line from end zone to end zone. The away side was 100% App and the home 100% Elon with the end zones slip right down the middle. Absolute segregation and I feel this was no coincidence based on how mouthy their fans were. Anyway, most people on the grass were standing, Elon and App fans alike, when the stadium officials started walking by and forcing all the App fans to kneel! They walked from end to end of that wall, threatening to kick people out if they didn’t sit or squat down all the while not saying a word to the maroon shirts doing the same thing just a few yards to my left. We shouted about their fascist ways. When it was all said and done, we were conference champs. I'm glad I went to see it, but I hated the experience that Elon provided.
We scored on the first drive after halftime. If that counts as almost 4th quarter to you, then.... uh huh
So, in other words, you were treated at Elon like any opposing fan gets treated in Boone this upsets you? Fascist ways? Homo equipment manager? 45% App fans? This is how you base it. All these things we've been over.
You've gone from AppHole to just plain whiner now.
June 20th, 2011, 01:49 PM
So, in other words, you were treated at Elon like any App fan treats someone in Boone and this upsets you?
Uh, our stadium officials treat everyone equally. There's no double standard of what you're allowed to do. And it's one thing to be heckled by fans, it's another for a uniformed employee of the team to walk to the sideline and instigate smack.
June 20th, 2011, 02:01 PM
We scored on the first drive after halftime. If that counts as almost 4th quarter to you, then.... uh huh
So, in other words, you were treated at Elon like any opposing fan gets treated in Boone this upsets you? Fascist ways? Homo equipment manager? 45% App fans? This is how you base it. All these things we've been over.
You've gone from AppHole to just plain whiner now.
You scored a fieldgoal on a 5 min possession to start the third quarter. Not very impressive. Elon didnt score a TD until 5 minutes left in the 4th. Thats garbage time buddy. It was fun watching that #1 scoring offense absolutely shut down.
June 20th, 2011, 02:17 PM
In terms of seating capacity, it is not much smaller (19K vs. 21K I believe). However, with the recently added suites, press boxes, etc. at KBS, the overall facility is a good bit larger in Boone. I recall hearing pretty recently that GSU making a good-sized addition in the near future, but I forget the details.
50,000sf fieldhouse that will house the lockers, offices, weightroom and hall of fame. What we really need is more seating though...
Best to play in - Have to be a homer here because when you feel the crowd chanting Georgia! Southern! and Whose House!? Our House! it gets your heart pumping like nothing else.
Worst to play in - I've only been to Wofford, Furman, and Delaware and I have to say Delaware was the worst. I can understand loud and roudy fans during the game, but attacking our cheerleaders, disrespecting our alma mater and making rude and vulgar comments towards us AFTER the game is over is uncalled for.
June 20th, 2011, 03:09 PM
I really enjoyed my trips to Montana, YSU, and GSU. Wish I could have made App State a couple of years ago.
But I don't think you will find many real football fans from those schools and even the soon to visit App Fans that visited our house and did not enjoy them selves in and around "The Hole"
Here are some good utubes that show the fun on a SATURDAY NIGHT!...
HTTP:// ("
Fun to watch, great music!
June 20th, 2011, 03:15 PM
Well, it depends on what criteria we are using to determine best and worst.
Best gameday atmosphere: App State. As much as I may dislike App, there is just something right about watching/playing football on a cold, snowy day. The fans weren't as nearly as nice to say the least, but I was expecting that. I figure if you are going on the road, the home team's fans will give you some crap almost regardless of where you go. I'm more surprised when I don't experience any smack talk (friendly or otherwise) with opposing fans.
Best overall experience: Richmond. Such great fans and gracious hosts. Had no complains at all about the trip. Wish I had the time to go back and see another game.
Worst: Western. I'm like elon77 and bojeta. I like all of the FCS stadiums. But if you force me to pick one, I'd have to say Western.
June 20th, 2011, 03:59 PM
App!.....State! chant >
Best to play in - Have to be a homer here because when you feel the crowd chanting Georgia! Southern! and Whose House!? Our House! it
John Deere
June 20th, 2011, 04:35 PM
Best - Home Team ASU, I like to go to GSU just to watch the crap that goes on. Had one fan call me out in the stands and when I went over and confronted him after he called my mother a bad name he ran like a scared puppy. The fans around him thanked me for getting rid of the drunk s**t.
Worst - ain't one, I'll go anywhere.
June 20th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Best gameday atmosphere: App State. As much as I may dislike App, there is just something right about watching/playing football on a cold, snowy day. The fans weren't as nearly as nice to say the least, but I was expecting that. I figure if you are going on the road, the home team's fans will give you some crap almost regardless of where you go. I'm more surprised when I don't experience any smack talk (friendly or otherwise) with opposing fans.
I made the trip to App State and when I got home I had APPsolutely nothing negative to say about my visit there.I got treated to a parking pass in a tailgate area next to the stadium, tailgated with some great people and ate some killer SOUTHERN skillet cornbread. All from people I had never met before. There was only 3 of us McNeese fans in that whole parking lot and to say I did not feel a bit defensive at first, I wouldn't be honest but it took no time for that to fade. After we got in the stadium it got even better. I could not walk to the restroom or the concession stand without being greeted by someone and them expressing how happy they were to have us. Being surrounded by App fans the whole game, we had no issues with anyone. NONE. Not one negative word said. A little smack got passed back and forth but it was all done in good taste. After the game and walking out with a win, which is rare for anyone to do at KBS, everyone I encountered acted the way one should after losing, with class. I look forward to the time when I can repay such good southern hospitality.
June 20th, 2011, 05:19 PM
50,000sf fieldhouse that will house the lockers, offices, weightroom and hall of fame. What we really need is more seating though...
Best to play in - Have to be a homer here because when you feel the crowd chanting Georgia! Southern! and Whose House!? Our House! it gets your heart pumping like nothing else.
Worst to play in - I've only been to Wofford, Furman, and Delaware and I have to say Delaware was the worst. I can understand loud and roudy fans during the game, but attacking our cheerleaders, disrespecting our alma mater and making rude and vulgar comments towards us AFTER the game is over is uncalled for.
Thanks for the info, I knew I read about that here not too long ago. That sounds like it will be a great addition. More seating does seem necessary in Statesboro though, but you would be surprised what a facility like the one y'all are building will do for potential recruits. Seeing that the place you will be working out and watching film for the better part of four years looks like an FBS-caliber facility will do wonders, especially for a school that already recruits good athletes.
I have never been to Delaware and honestly most of the UD fans I've spoken to on these boards have been friendly. However, I had a terrible experience with the Hens fans at the '07 National Championship game too. Have to give them credit for the amount of fans they brought from that far and some were nice, but overall very unpleasant. Had beer bottles thrown at us, a female friend was called a 'stupid ho' while having a lit cigarette flicked in her face and I had one guy literally try to get me to fight him in the parking lot. Granted, this was all pre-game and through the 1st Quarter... got pretty quiet on that side after that.
June 20th, 2011, 05:33 PM
I really enjoyed my trips to Montana, YSU, and GSU. Wish I could have made App State a couple of years ago.
But I don't think you will find many real football fans from those schools and even the soon to visit App Fans that visited our house and did not enjoy them selves in and around "The Hole"
Here are some good utubes that show the fun on a SATURDAY NIGHT!...
HTTP:// ("
Fun to watch, great music!
I know that the Cal Poly fans that were fortunate enough t make the trip to McNeese State last Fall enjoyed it very much in spite of the delays for lightening and thunder showers.
The Eagle's Cliff
June 20th, 2011, 05:51 PM
App!.....State! chant >
When did App start doing that chant? The first time I ever heard it was in 2007 which was my fifth trip up there.
The new Football Facility will be similar to the one McNeese just built including a Hall of Fame and 13,000 sq.ft. weight room. Adding a mid-deck to the student side will be the next phase, hopefully in 2013 or 2014. Our student fees are maxed out because of the great Recreational Activity Center (RAC) ( so the money has to be private. The first phase is $15 million which includes the Football Operations Facility at Paulson and auxiliary funding.
Georgia Southern had a Berkley Liberal puke as President for 10 years who couldn't care less about Athletics. We have a great President now. Dr Keel can be seen on our sidelines jumping and cheering like a teenager. I love it!
June 20th, 2011, 07:18 PM
You scored a fieldgoal on a 5 min possession to start the third quarter. Not very impressive. Elon didnt score a TD until 5 minutes left in the 4th. Thats garbage time buddy. It was fun watching that #1 scoring offense absolutely shut down.
A FG is a score. And your little AppHole buddy said we didnt score til late. I am tired of correctly the lies by your guys all the time.
June 20th, 2011, 07:22 PM
Uh, our stadium officials treat everyone equally. There's no double standard of what you're allowed to do. And it's one thing to be heckled by fans, it's another for a uniformed employee of the team to walk to the sideline and instigate smack.
Again, it is rumor, and you are the only one that comes up with and posts these outlandish stories.
And yes, you stadium officials have a bias. That's how your students can get away from yelling at opposing fans and throwing things, trying to cause fights and have security move the opposing fans who were doing nothing. And no, that wasn't mean, it was a group of Furman fans at an App/Furman game I was at. But then, I've seen the GSU mascot taunting our fans from the field at our place twice. The mountaineer throwing stuff into the crowd at an away game, and your players running their mouths. I get rowdy fans, but you are looking for any excuse, any at all.
And talk about classless, how about that class act Jerry Moore running his team in, pregame, and your band playing during an award's ceremony.
seems the apphole can dish it out but cries when he can't take it.
June 20th, 2011, 07:46 PM
And talk about classless, how about that class act Jerry Moore running his team in, pregame, and your band playing during an award's ceremony.
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about but if you think Jerry Moore is 'classless', then you obviously aren't very familiar with the man's life on or off the field.
June 20th, 2011, 08:09 PM
Best setting/road trip/town (for me anyway)....Dartmouth College in mid-October.
June 20th, 2011, 08:21 PM
I dont know about best but the worst goes to Charleston Southern!!! I've never been to an away game but I have been to there campus a few times. In October thru November, the dead grass matches the color of there buildings, it looks like a freaking prison!
Don't adjust your monitors that really is crap on your screen! Now I want you to find the bathrooms in the picture. Don't worry I'll wait why you look.............................................. ......................... Ok, maybe this will help you...
Back left of the picture. You see it? Yep, port-a-potties!!!!!!!!!
June 20th, 2011, 08:34 PM
I dont know about best but the worst goes to Charleston Southern!!! I've never been to an away game but I have been to there campus a few times. In October thru November, the dead grass matches the color of there buildings, it looks like a freaking prison!
Don't adjust your monitors that really is crap on your screen! Now I want you to find the bathrooms in the picture. Don't worry I'll wait why you look.............................................. ......................... Ok, maybe this will help you...
Back left of the picture. You see it? Yep, port-a-potties!!!!!!!!! that really Charleston Southerns stadium with the pora-potties? That must be an experience you'll never forget!
June 20th, 2011, 08:35 PM
OK. On the left of the "home" side I see a large gray square of land. What is it? xlolx Not taunting because UCA has one of those behind the visitor side but only because a $20 million dorm with skyboxes is actively being built there.
June 20th, 2011, 08:38 PM
OK. On the left of the "home" side I see a large gray square of land. What is it? xlolx Not taunting because UCA has one of those behind the visitor side but only because a $20 million dorm with skyboxes is actively being built there.
Most likely an events area where vendors could set up booths etc.
June 20th, 2011, 08:40 PM
I've always enjoyed the atmosphere at Delaware. Hostile? Yes, the fans try to make the place intimidating, and everyone has some a..holes who try to foment problems with the visitors, but in terms of atmosphere and intensity, the Lehigh-Delaware games have been fun. Similarly, the atmosphere at Goodman or Fisher when the The Rivalry is played is unmatched.
Worst place I've visited for an FCS game, so far is Georgetown. Fans are fine, facilities are worse than most high schools around here.
Delaware is the best.
Georgetown is by far the worst. I think it is safe to say that it is worse than ALL high schools around here and that's not even knowing where here is.:D
June 20th, 2011, 08:40 PM
Excluding our home field, I have to say the best FCS place I have been to has been The Citadel. After beating them in OT two years ago, their fans were very gracious and acted with class when you would expect them to be pissed by having a game get away from them. I am looking forward to going back this year. Richmond would be a "worst" place except for the advice of the Spider fans on this board. They prepared us for the tailgate gestapo and were able to deal with the canopy police in easy fashion. The City Stadium was a dump, but that is no longer an issue.
June 20th, 2011, 08:42 PM
I dont know about best but the worst goes to Charleston Southern
I thought Jacksonville and Georgetown ended this argument last season. However much fans bemoan a SoCon, SLC or a Big South field, they could do worse.
Milne Field (Jacksonville)
Multi-Sport Field (Georgetown, with construction suspended):
June 20th, 2011, 08:51 PM
2011 Promo by Alumn Wes Nobles. Little bit of Gameday.
I like this one he did a little better.
June 20th, 2011, 08:54 PM
When did App start doing that chant? The first time I ever heard it was in 2007 which was my fifth trip up there.
The new Football Facility will be similar to the one McNeese just built including a Hall of Fame and 13,000 sq.ft. weight room. Adding a mid-deck to the student side will be the next phase, hopefully in 2013 or 2014. Our student fees are maxed out because of the great Recreational Activity Center (RAC) ( so the money has to be private. The first phase is $15 million which includes the Football Operations Facility at Paulson and auxiliary funding.
Georgia Southern had a Berkley Liberal puke as President for 10 years who couldn't care less about Athletics. We have a great President now. Dr Keel can be seen on our sidelines jumping and cheering like a teenager. I love it!
When does the RAC fee end or when will it be paid off? I have never been able to get an answer on that question.
June 20th, 2011, 09:03 PM
Best Del. or Montana. Worst Albany.
June 20th, 2011, 09:27 PM
I also throw W&M's Zable in there as well. Don't get me wrong, the place is absolutely gorgeous and everything that a college setting should be. With that said, though, unless you're sitting at the top row of the stadium the sight lines are terrible. You just don't sit high enough to really see the game. If they moved the stands so that everything was 10 feet taller, the place would be ideal.
That's a fair assessment for sure. Some of us have thought about the probability of dropping the field. We could add seats that way and the line-of-sight would improve. I think someone questioned whether or not the field was atop a water table. While I'd like to see the field dropped, I'd rather not see the players swim to the endzone. Also, our bathrooms and press box are terrible. It is what it is.
The Cats
June 20th, 2011, 10:10 PM
Worst: Western. I'm like elon77 and bojeta. I like all of the FCS stadiums. But if you force me to pick one, I'd have to say Western.
You just say Western and give no reason. What's that about?
June 20th, 2011, 11:41 PM that really Charleston Southerns stadium with the pora-potties? That must be an experience you'll never forget!
Yes!!! Dead serious those are the main restrooms there!!! I hate that place with a passion It's one of the places you don't want out of conference opponents to visit beacause it looks so bad. They make people say the Big South sucks!
June 20th, 2011, 11:42 PM
Most likely an events area where vendors could set up booths etc.
Yes. I believe so.
June 21st, 2011, 12:01 AM
App St, Montana, Ga Southern et. al.= yahoo, redneck environs that I would never want to visit, spend time in (maybe Montana) or road trip to...yup, I said it.
June 21st, 2011, 12:51 AM
Best: From a gameday perspective, App. But certain amounts of their fans easily put them in the worst category, but those are usually the traveling fans, so at least those are outnumbered when it's in Boone. But fans anywhere can make any place bad.
Worst: Charleston Southern or ETSU. ETSU is hands down the worst for viewing, listening, AP system, seating, the playing surface is terrible, the ceiling kills punts and other kicks. Charleston Southern because it has no character, the seats are terrible, and if it rains the field and walkway (grass) is a swamp, no concessions, no bathrooms....
Newsflash: ETSU hasn't fielded a team in several years. But I can understand why playing there was a such a bad experience. They pasted the FeeNicks with a coach who couldn't win at Eloan.
June 21st, 2011, 12:57 AM
Yeah, wrecking the visiting team's bus is much better than somebody flipping the bird. Thousands of dollars in property damage versus the middle finger... right. Some band members were pissed after being verbally assaulted for 3 straight hours before performing and then having things thrown at them. The couple people who took out their frustration were disciplined and the situation was corrected. The GSU and Furman bands got along fine last year and joined eachother for a post game concert... app backed out of doing the same after they lost. I wonder where the problem truly lies.
App paid for the damage done accidentally by the goal posts being carried out.
June 21st, 2011, 01:00 AM
A FG is a score. And your little AppHole buddy said we didnt score til late. I am tired of correctly the lies by your guys all the time.
We call scores TD's but guess the Feenicks have to count what they can get.
June 21st, 2011, 01:02 AM
Again, it is rumor, and you are the only one that comes up with and posts these outlandish stories.
And yes, you stadium officials have a bias. That's how your students can get away from yelling at opposing fans and throwing things, trying to cause fights and have security move the opposing fans who were doing nothing. And no, that wasn't mean, it was a group of Furman fans at an App/Furman game I was at. But then, I've seen the GSU mascot taunting our fans from the field at our place twice. The mountaineer throwing stuff into the crowd at an away game, and your players running their mouths. I get rowdy fans, but you are looking for any excuse, any at all.
And talk about classless, how about that class act Jerry Moore running his team in, pregame, and your band playing during an award's ceremony.
seems the apphole can dish it out but cries when he can't take it.
The team comes out only when the officials signal.
June 21st, 2011, 06:08 AM
You just say Western and give no reason. What's that about?
It's nothing against Western. It's just beside the band, there was nothing to really wow me I guess.
June 21st, 2011, 06:52 AM
Austin Peay is the worst. Period. The stadium does not even qualify as a mediocre high school complex. Bad stands, bad restrooms and horrible playing facility with big dips in the middle of the field where the artificial turf sunk over the years. All that and a track that is only a few feet off the sideline begs for injuries out of bounds.
June 21st, 2011, 09:37 AM
I'm going to The Rock for the first time this season with three other boosters and it will be our first time there for all four of us.
The worst place i've ever been to was UGA's stadium, they have some of the worst fans in the country.
Best place i've ever been to was UNC's they treated Georgia Southern like family, very classy people.
In the FCS i've only been to Wofford and Furman outside of GSU's stadium... Wofford was horrible, they have a tiny stadium and can't handle any sort of large crowd. Furman has a very beautiful campus and has the facilities to handle a mass of GSU fans.
June 21st, 2011, 07:56 PM
I'm going to The Rock for the first time this season with three other boosters and it will be our first time there for all four of us.
The worst place i've ever been to was UGA's stadium, they have some of the worst fans in the country.
Best place i've ever been to was UNC's they treated Georgia Southern like family, very classy people.
In the FCS i've only been to Wofford and Furman outside of GSU's stadium... Wofford was horrible, they have a tiny stadium and can't handle any sort of large crowd. Furman has a very beautiful campus and has the facilities to handle a mass of GSU fans.
The "Rock" is great and I think you'll enjoy the trip. Despite what a lot of Eagle fans may say, I think the atmosphere is awesome. Regarding your comments about UNC, I totally agree. Beautiful place. Playing in "Our House" is too much of an obvious, so other FCS stadiums I have enjoyed include App State, Citadel, and Central Florida when they were D1-AA (hahaha).
SDSU, William & Mary, Delaware, & Western Carolina.....all are just pitiful. W&M, SDSU and WCU should never ever be allowed to host a playoff football game. W&M, in particular, was the most surprising. Beautiful town, historic campus, great school, traditionally decent football program....high school football stadium at best. In fact, in Georgia, there are many high schools with significantly better football stadiums than W&M.
June 21st, 2011, 10:02 PM
Sadly enough I have only been to 3 FCS stadiums and one of them is the UNI-Dome of course. The other two are Drake and WIU.
I think Macomb is pretty bad. The stadium isn't terrible, but the town is such a dump. Drake wasn't too great either. It isn't a bad stadium if you are going there for track, but it is old. It could be better since I've been there as I think they may have done some renovations.
The best atmosphere was at Iowa as much as it pains me to say. Despite the fact that you will run into a lot of drunk aholes outside the stadium it is pretty sweet when it is sold out and they come on to the field. I really wish my team could have that kind of atmosphere.
June 21st, 2011, 10:51 PM
Colgate - Only if you're visiting from late October on. Once those gray days kick in expect 40 degrees with rain and snow showers. Otherwise, the campus is great and the stadium is solid.
Delaware - The Delaware-Lehigh games seem to bring out the best in both fan bases. It makes for a tremendous atmosphere at this level. The stadium does need a facelift.
When Lehigh is playing well Goodman becomes a top 15-20 venue. For big games it's one of the best places in FCS.
I think you can do a hell of a lot worse than Hamilton even after October 31, and even if it snows. The fans are civilized (as they are throughout the PL) and the setting is pretty nice on a fine campus. Bring an extra four or five sweaters, a decent blanket to sit on, a good flask and all will be well. After the game, a decent meal and warming adult beverages may be had at several venues.
June 21st, 2011, 10:54 PM
Well, it depends on what criteria we are using to determine best and worst.
Best gameday atmosphere: App State. As much as I may dislike App, there is just something right about watching/playing football on a cold, snowy day. The fans weren't as nearly as nice to say the least, but I was expecting that. I figure if you are going on the road, the home team's fans will give you some crap almost regardless of where you go. I'm more surprised when I don't experience any smack talk (friendly or otherwise) with opposing fans.
Best overall experience: Richmond. Such great fans and gracious hosts. Had no complains at all about the trip. Wish I had the time to go back and see another game.
Worst: Western. I'm like elon77 and bojeta. I like all of the FCS stadiums. But if you force me to pick one, I'd have to say Western.
Agreed - Richmond is very good.
Poly's Brutality
June 22nd, 2011, 02:44 AM
I know that the Cal Poly fans that were fortunate enough t make the trip to McNeese State last Fall enjoyed it very much in spite of the delays for lightening and thunder showers.
Yeah, echo that, ditto that, rack it, etc., that was great place, clean, nice, great entertainment outside prior to the game, and the people were appreciative, friendly, gems man.
Also liked Old Dominion scene, totally different scene but also appreciative, good, friendly people, willing to share pre-game, seats, etc. .....
Though, visitor seats in general not the best location anywhere you go, but only ones really available generally for the bigger games?
June 22nd, 2011, 07:55 AM
I really can't complain too mach about any place I've ever been. Every place has something good about it that I remember!
If I have to mention some sour things...
Delaware kinda sucked when the cop told us we couldn't stand during the game... but we did anyway. I've never actually seen a fanbase that honestly didn't stand up during a football game, ever!!
Chatty when some guy took a swing at me after the game because one of our female friends asked what a "Moc" was. She was asking a serious question and he took offense and swung on me, but that was just one idiot dude.
W&M... sorry guys, but Zable needs some work. How do you not have seats between the 40's on the visitors side? The fans there are awesome though and alot of good friendships were made!!
Best places... Hands down I'm a GSU homer. But I will say, I absolutely love going to Boone! That place is HOSTILE!! Just the way I like it. Great, passionate fans... who give it and take it with the best. I'll also toss in W&M here because their fans were about as much fun as I've ever had. I can't wait to get those guys in the Boro! Talk about Epic tailgate!!
Now... everyone GFY!!!
June 22nd, 2011, 08:32 AM
Best: My favorite place to watch an away game has to be Delaware. The tailgating is great there, the fans have always been very welcoming, the stadium offers some great veiws of the game, and their band always sounds good (much better then ours), and we've played well there lately winning 4 of the last 5. Its always a cold one and a fun one. It seems so backwards that when we tailgate there we go into the ice rink to warm up.
Worst: probably a tie between UNH and Penn. Not that our facilities are spectacular at Nova, but there are alot of High Schools around me with just as good of facilities. And Franklin field is a classic and is an experience for every college football fan, but theres no gameday atmosphere, its a shame to see such a huge stadium so empty, and I always get confused when the home fans start throwing toast onto the field. Though on feature now gone that I do miss is peeing on the walls in the bathroom. I think Ben Franklin himself designed the plumbing system there, and 2 years ago they finally got around to updating it.
Glad not many mentioned UNH. Not surprised a nova fan did since we "turned off" the hot water for your showers.
BEST--on campus--Appalachian State. off campus--nothing beats Gillette stadium vs Umass!
WORST--tie--Georgetown & Fordham.
Honorable mentions-best--Princeton, Yale & Harvard.
June 22nd, 2011, 08:42 AM
Delaware kinda sucked when the cop told us we couldn't stand during the game... but we did anyway. I've never actually seen a fanbase that honestly didn't stand up during a football game, ever!!
Outside of student sections, I think you'll find 90%+ of football fanbases don't stand constantly during a football game. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, but most places sit until there's something to stand for (scoring play, big play, etc).
June 22nd, 2011, 08:43 AM
Delaware kinda sucked when the cop told us we couldn't stand during the game... but we did anyway. I've never actually seen a fanbase that honestly didn't stand up during a football game, ever!!
You were definitely in the wrong section if that happened. If you make it back, let me know. We can't let the 80 year old's win. *BTW - At Villanova an old woman actually called the police, like literally dialed 911 on the cell phone, on us from the stands because we stood up and blocked her view. I'm sure the dispatcher just laughed.
DG Cowboy
June 22nd, 2011, 09:24 AM
App St, Montana, Ga Southern et. al.= yahoo, redneck environs that I would never want to visit, spend time in (maybe Montana) or road trip to...yup, I said it.
As a Southwest Louisiana marine stationed in the Portsmouth, NH-Kittery, ME area for 14 months, I thank all of the good folks I met there for giving me the opportunity to become friends.
Redbird Ray
June 22nd, 2011, 09:55 AM
I haven't visited all these places, but from what I have seen/heard, my rankings of the MVFC stadiums:
1) SIU-Saluki Stadium, most modern facility in the conference with first-class amenities. Great tailgating area, great fans, gorgeous campus/area.
2) YSU-Stambaugh, most FBS-like stadium in conference. Awesome tailgating, knowledgeable FCS fans, lots of tradition, nice stadium amenities.
3) NDSU-Fargodome, would be higher but domes are not my favorites for football. From what I've heard, they have the best tailgating in the MVFC and arguably the most passionate fans. Reasonably modern stadium, needs new turf.
4) UNI-Unidome, best home field advantage in the MVFC. Great fans that are hardcore about FCS. Nice tailgating set-up. Cedar Falls is a fun college town.
5) WIU-Hanson, not overly impressive stadium but some nice renovations on the visitors side in recent years. Solid tailgating set-up with pretty good fanbase. Macomb is a quaint college town, but a little boring. Decent roadtrip for football though.
6) ISUR-Hancock, bit of homerism here, but ISUR has (at times) some of the best tailgating in the MVFC. Fanbase is really fairweather and if the team is not ranked, crowds suffer, but when team is ranked highly the atmosphere improves dramatically. Visitors sections are atrocious. Home side is solid, with decent amenities.
7) MSU-Plaster, nice facility, but lack of a steady fanbase often leads to sparse and unenthusiastic crowds. Not much of a tailgating atmosphere. Student side seems a bit dilapidated. Springfield is a cool place to visit and the west side of the stadium is quite nice for FCS.
8) SDSU-Coughlin, great homefield advantage in November, but crowds often disappear with the colder weather. Old-rickety bleachers on both sides, really rustic press box. Superb new football facility at north endzone with large new daktronics scoreboard on south end. Decent fans with solid tailgating set-up.
9) ISUB-Memorial, years of horrible football have removed much local fan support here and therefore created a somewhat dull environment. Not a fan of stadiums with bleachers on one side of the field. Kind of removed from campus. Somewhat dilapidated home side. I suspect if ISUB could get on more of a winning roll, this place might see some facility improvements and better fan following.
June 22nd, 2011, 10:21 AM
Meade Stadium at URI is not all that bad, just pretty small.
June 22nd, 2011, 11:57 AM
Best - Lehigh (love the game day setting in the fall with the mountains and foliage in the background. One of the best settings for a football game in the country imo).
Worst - Bucknell (at least Georgetown does not feel like it is in the middle of nowhere. Plus, Rhino is always fun to hit up on Friday nights before the game).
June 22nd, 2011, 02:17 PM
Meade Stadium at URI is not all that bad, just pretty small.
.........except when it rains like a mother _____, like it did in your 2002 game there:
June 22nd, 2011, 02:38 PM
App St, Montana, Ga Southern et. al.= yahoo, redneck environs that I would never want to visit, spend time in (maybe Montana) or road trip to...yup, I said it.
Yeah, that is probably for the best. When you're accustomed to a game day experience consisting of 4,000 kids in sweater vests drinking cappucinos they bought with their dad's credit card, you may not be able to handle the culture shock of being around 25,000 real college football fans at the same time.
June 22nd, 2011, 02:43 PM
We played USA, Campbell, Bama and ODU on the road last year. So worst goes to USA although I cant say it was all bad and its not like they were throwing things. But it is a dump. They didnt even have an internet video feed for the game. Worst place to play from all accounts was Campbell. Glorified High School stadium at midday with 100 degree temp. They dont call it "The Desert" for nothing. Best? I'm a homer since we were nice and courteous to everyone even as they called us names after games. But this year we have West Alabama and Jacksonville State. I am sure one of them will prove to be the worst.
June 22nd, 2011, 04:38 PM
So which side is the home side? xeyebrowx
Meade Stadium at URI is not all that bad, just pretty small.
June 22nd, 2011, 07:20 PM
No internet feed during the game? And you lived to tell about it?
I've never been to a game at USA, but they are using the fairly old stadium where they play the Senior Bowl. Not everyone has the luxury of playing in an NFL stadium. Considering your campus is in the ghetto, I can see why you'd stay away from campus.
I go several Jax State games a year, not sure on internet feed. I like to watch the game, not play with my I-phone.
West Alabama is Divsion II, not FCS.
June 22nd, 2011, 09:20 PM
JSU has wifi at the stadium.
June 22nd, 2011, 09:52 PM
Having never played a down of college football, I'm not qualified to weight in on the "best and worst places to play".
As a fan, I have an opinion about the best stadiums to visit. I'd count these among my faves:
Finley Stadium
Stambaugh Stadium
Johnson Haygood Stadium
Unitas Stadium
Paulson Stadium
Bobcat Stadium
Goodman Stadium
Princeton Stadium
Looking forward to visiting the renovated Bridgeforth Stadium & Foreman Field. Have not yet been to KBS, WGS or Cowboy Stadium but maybe someday.
June 23rd, 2011, 07:23 AM
Having never played a down of college football, I'm not qualified to weight in on the "best and worst places to play".
As a fan, I have an opinion about the best stadiums to visit. I'd count these among my faves:
Finley Stadium
Stambaugh Stadium
Johnson Haygood Stadium
Unitas Stadium
Paulson Stadium
Bobcat Stadium
Goodman Stadium
Princeton Stadium
Looking forward to visiting the renovated Bridgeforth Stadium & Foreman Field. Have not yet been to KBS, WGS or Cowboy Stadium but maybe someday.
I don't consider the Delaware stadium to be among the worst. I attended games there when I was at West Chester. Maybe it has changed since then.
June 23rd, 2011, 08:20 AM
UD is a great place to watch a football game. Very few bad seats that you don't get a great view of the field. The stadium has a steep slope so you are much closer to the field than some of the newer stadiums. Also there is no track. The fans that sit behind the visiting team sometimes get a little out of hand and it is entirely possible to hear them as a visiting player or coach. Some of the things they say can be pretty funny and I have seen visiting team coaches laughing at the comments. I am sure that this is no different than anyother location that is looked as somewhat hostile. I have rarely seen the actions of that group get out of hand but I would think that is could. The crowd does get loud when the game is close and I think that is great. The best way for the visiting team to make the trip most enjoyable is to score early and often, that will take the crowd right out of the game.
In terms of one of the best places to "experience a game" - (not FCS) is Navy. Watching the walk in and having a fly over is really cool. Being competitive with them is pretty good too.
I would love to see a game in Montana - the game (was is last year or the year before) with App State was unbelievable in terms of the crowd. That would have been great to see in person. I don't think anyone sat down the entire game.
June 23rd, 2011, 08:33 AM
Best: ASU, UM
Worst: Idaho State, EWU (only because of the red field)
June 23rd, 2011, 09:28 AM
So which side is the home side? xeyebrowx
As far as I remember, there is no real "home" side. But the highrollers sit over on the Ryan Center side.
June 23rd, 2011, 11:23 AM
So which side is the home side? xeyebrowx
At McNeese, we don't have a home side or visitor's side. We do have a visitors section where visitors sit.
June 23rd, 2011, 11:45 AM
that is a tall *** pressbox.
looking forward to a trip down to lake charles and mcneese to take in a game. crawfish, jolie blonde, and football is my kind of weekend. xthumbsupx
June 23rd, 2011, 11:50 AM
No internet feed during the game? And you lived to tell about it?
I've never been to a game at USA, but they are using the fairly old stadium where they play the Senior Bowl. Not everyone has the luxury of playing in an NFL stadium. Considering your campus is in the ghetto, I can see why you'd stay away from campus.
I go several Jax State games a year, not sure on internet feed. I like to watch the game, not play with my I-phone.
West Alabama is Divsion II, not FCS.
I was at the USA game. I mention the no internet feed because if you didnt go then you were stuck listening on radio. Hell, even Campbell had a video feed. And obviously you've never been to the ghetto. The Georgia Dome is downtown next to Centennial Olympic Park and CNN. Ladd Peebles is in the ghetto. You seem very bitter. I hope your week turns around by post 30. ;)
June 23rd, 2011, 11:54 AM
In terms of one of the best places to "experience a game" - (not FCS) is Navy. Watching the walk in and having a fly over is really cool. Being competitive with them is pretty good too.
Army vs Navy is one of the greatest games you could ever go to. A bunch of kids out there who know they aren't going to go to the NFL, but love the game. The seniors knowing they could ship off to war inside of a year. The passion from the fans, but respect for who's on the other side. I highly recommend it to anyone, even those without a direct link to one of the two.
State Line Liquors
June 23rd, 2011, 12:07 PM
*BTW - At Villanova an old woman actually called the police, like literally dialed 911 on the cell phone, on us from the stands because we stood up and blocked her view. I'm sure the dispatcher just laughed.
When she said her name was Andy Talley, I bet it was even weirder for the dispatcher. xnodx
Best - I actually thought the UNI Dome was a pretty fun spot. Ice storm outside. Loud as all get-out thanks to being inside. Felt a little bit like playoff hockey.
Finley was nice.
I like Naval Marine Corps better than any other FBS stadium I've been in.
Worst - City Stadium in Richmond was pretty awful. Nova's is high school quality.
Go Lehigh TU Owl
June 23rd, 2011, 12:30 PM
Best - Lehigh (love the game day setting in the fall with the mountains and foliage in the background. One of the best settings for a football game in the country imo).
Worst - Bucknell (at least Georgetown does not feel like it is in the middle of nowhere. Plus, Rhino is always fun to hit up on Friday nights before the game).
Goodman Stadium for Lehigh-Lafayette _n.jpg
Lehigh-Colgate, late October.
June 23rd, 2011, 12:50 PM
Lehigh-Colgate, late October.
June 23rd, 2011, 12:53 PM
We played USA, Campbell, Bama and ODU on the road last year. So worst goes to USA although I cant say it was all bad and its not like they were throwing things. But it is a dump. They didnt even have an internet video feed for the game. Worst place to play from all accounts was Campbell. Glorified High School stadium at midday with 100 degree temp. They dont call it "The Desert" for nothing. Best? I'm a homer since we were nice and courteous to everyone even as they called us names after games. But this year we have West Alabama and Jacksonville State. I am sure one of them will prove to be the worst.
Uh, what?
June 23rd, 2011, 12:53 PM
I won't lie..SFA's stadium isn't great..but it's nice when we get a full crowd in on those very rare occasions...
June 23rd, 2011, 12:59 PM
App St, Montana, Ga Southern et. al.= yahoo, redneck environs that I would never want to visit, spend time in (maybe Montana) or road trip to...yup, I said it.
Clearly you are not familiar with Missoula...
June 23rd, 2011, 01:03 PM
You just say Western and give no reason. What's that about?
No doubt? Western has a beautiful mountain view and the stadium's not horrible....(yes, The Cats, I gave Western a compliment...)
June 23rd, 2011, 01:09 PM
Jacksonville probably has the "worst stadium" in the FCS. But I can't say at all if it's the worst place to play or watch a game.
There's almost no seating at all at Jacksonville's place. At least they have new turf there, from the pics I saw.
ON EDIT: According to this story: They are adding 5,000 seats to Jacksonville's stadium very soon. Also interesting is that the turf they just put down is the same kind of stuff going into the Fargodome next year.
June 23rd, 2011, 01:11 PM
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about but if you think Jerry Moore is 'classless', then you obviously aren't very familiar with the man's life on or off the field.
Don't worry about it Mike. I haven't been on this site in months. There has been a lot of changes, but the one thing that has remained is GoPhoenix's fascination, nay, obsession with all things App St. It's almost like I want us to give a game to Elon just so he'll have to shut up about how everything is slanted towards App St and their classless fans. It's fans like him that enable me to give more respect to UNCC's football team than Elon's...
June 23rd, 2011, 01:23 PM
Jacksonville probably has the "worst stadium" in the FCS. But I can't say at all if it's the worst place to play or watch a game.
There's almost no seating at all at Jacksonville's place. At least they have new turf there, from the pics I saw.
ON EDIT: According to this story: They are adding 5,000 seats to Jacksonville's stadium very soon. Also interesting is that the turf they just put down is the same kind of stuff going into the Fargodome next year.
Jacksonville State on the other hand:
June 23rd, 2011, 01:48 PM
Jacksonville State on the other hand:
Nice, indeed, but seats way too close to playing field, that is tighter even than OK State's facility.
IMO: should be about 30 feet from sidelines to front row, and also 25 feet from endlines to front row of end zone seats (hello UR and W&M ;)).
June 23rd, 2011, 01:51 PM
No way! Being right on top of the field (or the bench) is awesome
June 23rd, 2011, 01:56 PM
Nice, indeed, but seats way too close to playing field, that is tighter even than OK State's facility.
IMO: should be about 30 feet from sidelines to front row, and also 25 feet from endlines to front row of end zone seats (hello UR and W&M ;)).
Then you won't like the Fargodome. At NDSU, the inside edge of the sideline is exactly 21 feet from the wall in front of the front row. Looks from the Jax State pic that they have it around 18-19 feet from the sideline. The Fargodome isn't much further back than that.
The UNI Dome is even closer than Jax State. You can't even see the near sideline from the TV/webcast view in the press box.
June 23rd, 2011, 01:59 PM
On the other hand, you could be like D2's Missouri Southern State University and have your seats be so far back that the field cannot be seen very well:
June 23rd, 2011, 02:02 PM
Wow, that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen
Anyways ours is probably in the teens
June 23rd, 2011, 02:03 PM
Or Alabama State's stadium:
June 23rd, 2011, 02:03 PM
Wow, that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen
Anyways ours is probably in the teens
Yours actually looks almost the same as the Fargodome's distance...
June 23rd, 2011, 02:08 PM
Or Alabama State's stadium:
Not trying to be nitpicky here, but, I think that's Alabama A&M's Louis-Crews stadium...No offense intended
June 23rd, 2011, 02:19 PM
Not trying to be nitpicky here, but, I think that's Alabama A&M's Louis-Crews stadium...No offense intended
D'OH!! Forgot to change the name.
June 23rd, 2011, 02:20 PM
Uh, what?
I am talking about fans. I expect Jacksonville State to be loud and obnoxious.
June 23rd, 2011, 02:44 PM
I am talking about fans. I expect Jacksonville State to be loud and obnoxious.
Better than docile and passionless imo
June 23rd, 2011, 03:00 PM
Better than docile and passionless imo
We are talking about crap stadiums and obnoxious/rude fans when we say WORST place to play right?
June 23rd, 2011, 03:04 PM
We are talking about crap stadiums and obnoxious/rude fans when we say WORST place to play right?
Looking at your original post it was discussing sh#t facilities, so that was my assumption.
Dunno why I'm even bothering, it's a stupid thing to argue about
June 23rd, 2011, 03:28 PM
UD is a great place to watch a football game. Very few bad seats that you don't get a great view of the field. The stadium has a steep slope so you are much closer to the field than some of the newer stadiums. Also there is no track. The fans that sit behind the visiting team sometimes get a little out of hand and it is entirely possible to hear them as a visiting player or coach. Some of the things they say can be pretty funny and I have seen visiting team coaches laughing at the comments. I am sure that this is no different than anyother location that is looked as somewhat hostile. I have rarely seen the actions of that group get out of hand but I would think that is could. The crowd does get loud when the game is close and I think that is great. The best way for the visiting team to make the trip most enjoyable is to score early and often, that will take the crowd right out of the game.
In terms of one of the best places to "experience a game" - (not FCS) is Navy. Watching the walk in and having a fly over is really cool. Being competitive with them is pretty good too.
I would love to see a game in Montana - the game (was is last year or the year before) with App State was unbelievable in terms of the crowd. That would have been great to see in person. I don't think anyone sat down the entire game.
I couldn't agree more! In addition to the atmosphere at the game, the folks in Annapolis before and after couldn't have been any classier. Our experience there was by far better than any other FBS venue we've been to.
As far as FCS bests, mine would probably be Furman (other than Paulson, of course). We have a really heated rivalry, but while there may be some back-and-forth before the game my experience has always been that its good natured, and after the game I can't recall ever seeing, let alone experiencing, a problem. I've heard nothing but good things about McNeese and really wish I'd made that trip. I hope an opportunity will arise again. As far as worsts, I've seen some obnoxious people in several places, but never enough to cause me to rule out going anywhere again.
June 24th, 2011, 12:03 AM
Best- Paulson Stadium. The amount of tradition and lore tops all. When things are going right, that stadium is as loud as any.
Worst- El Chit's visitor side is as bad as they come. Chuck Southern is basically a trailer park.
June 24th, 2011, 06:52 AM
Yeah, that is probably for the best. When you're accustomed to a game day experience consisting of 4,000 kids in sweater vests drinking cappucinos they bought with their dad's credit card, you may not be able to handle the culture shock of being around 25,000 real college football fans at the same time.
June 24th, 2011, 08:20 AM
Yeah, that is probably for the best. When you're accustomed to a game day experience consisting of 4,000 kids in sweater vests drinking cappucinos they bought with their dad's credit card, you may not be able to handle the culture shock of being around 25,000 real college football fans at the same time.
Irony, I see it here.
June 25th, 2011, 12:45 PM
You just leave your helmet on the entire time. I also remember having our buses pelted with rocks at GSU....
We don't have rocks. Statesboro is in the coastal plains of South Georgia. xeyebrowx
June 25th, 2011, 12:57 PM
Paulson looks really small. Never been, but some people on here were trying to argue that it wasn't that much smaller than KBS. Clearly not the case. Sweet video though
Not too small. The stadium expansion is breaking ground this season and scheduled for completion for kickoff 2012.
June 25th, 2011, 03:39 PM
Best- Paulson Stadium. The amount of tradition and lore tops all. When things are going right, that stadium is as loud as any.
Worst- El Chit's visitor side is as bad as they come. Chuck Southern is basically a trailer park.
Best- App
worst- pigs ***, ga
i am so glad that seantaylor finds our visitor side so disagreeable. it should remind him that he has no tradition, and no past. they haven't played football long enough to wear out a stadium. it fills me with no small amount of happiness to think of him and the other south georgia clay eatin' white trash sitting on the side of our stadium that is 4 decades older than his PROGRAM.
The Eagle's Cliff
June 25th, 2011, 04:31 PM
Best- App
worst- pigs ***, ga
i am so glad that seantaylor finds our visitor side so disagreeable. it should remind him that he has no tradition, and no past. they haven't played football long enough to wear out a stadium. it fills me with no small amount of happiness to think of him and the other south georgia clay eatin' white trash sitting on the side of our stadium that is 4 decades older than his PROGRAM.
Hate to break it to you General Citdog, Sir, but seantaylor is from Charleston, SC. So that makes him Low Country Gulla Speakin' white trash which is further down the cultural ladder from south georgia clay eatin white trash.:D
June 25th, 2011, 04:41 PM
Hate to break it to you General Citdog, Sir, but seantaylor is from Charleston, SC. So that makes him Low Country Gulla Speakin' white trash which is further down the cultural ladder from south georgia clay eatin white trash.:D
taylor may be FROM BUT HE IS NOT OF.............BIG DIFFERENCE
the colony of georgia was founded by convicts.........
June 25th, 2011, 06:33 PM
Best=UM or ASU. Anyone else is just being a homer. Come on y'all just think about it.
June 25th, 2011, 07:42 PM
Best=UM or ASU. Anyone else is just being a homer. Come on y'all just think about it.
McNeese St. Those guys that came up to Missoula, and welcomed Griz folk when they stopped by their tailgate down there...Who cares about the game. Those guys knew about tailgating and good food and a way to make some friends.
June 25th, 2011, 08:06 PM
My best experience was at Jacksonville State. One of the nicer FCS stadiums, huge band makes for a good game day atmosphere, etc.
I'd have to say that I'm not fond of The Citadel, Georgia Sourthern, and App State. The Citadel primarily because it is usually brutally hot, humid, and you have to endure all of their pomp and circumstance (which is interesting, but for a visiting fan, rather boring). Georgia Southern and App are loud atmospheres, but in my experience, their fans treatment of visitors leaves much to be desired. GSU's insistence on putting the students and visitng fans next to one another, sharing the same gate, facilites, concessions, etc. just asks for visitors to have a poor experience no matter how nice your field is.
June 25th, 2011, 08:18 PM
My best experience was at Jacksonville State. One of the nicer FCS stadiums, huge band makes for a good game day atmosphere, etc.
I'd have to say that I'm not fond of The Citadel, Georgia Sourthern, and App State. The Citadel primarily because it is usually brutally hot, humid, and you have to endure all of their pomp and circumstance (which is interesting, but for a visiting fan, rather boring). Georgia Southern and App are loud atmospheres, but in my experience, their fans treatment of visitors leaves much to be desired. GSU's insistence on putting the students and visitng fans next to one another, sharing the same gate, facilites, concessions, etc. just asks for visitors to have a poor experience no matter how nice your field is.
If you just stay away from Raley lot(the main student area) at the tailgate you'll be alright in Boone. The App student section is the entire bottom level of the home side, the section next to the band on the away and the hill which is not near the visitor section. You kind of have to go out of your way for trouble. The new endzone seating going in this fall is student seating and is pretty close though, so I don't know how that will effect anything. But yes it is quite loud.
June 25th, 2011, 08:20 PM
If you just stay away from Raley lot(the main student area) at the tailgate you'll be alright in Boone. The App student section is the entire bottom level of the home side, the section next to the band on the away and the hill which is not near the visitor section. You kind of have to go out of your way for trouble. The new endzone seating going in this fall is student seating and is pretty close though, so I don't know how that will effect anything. But yes it is quite loud.
Did someone say something about loud?
June 25th, 2011, 09:07 PM
If you just stay away from Raley lot(the main student area) at the tailgate you'll be alright in Boone. The App student section is the entire bottom level of the home side, the section next to the band on the away and the hill which is not near the visitor section. You kind of have to go out of your way for trouble. The new endzone seating going in this fall is student seating and is pretty close though, so I don't know how that will effect anything. But yes it is quite loud.
Yeah, most folks have no idea where that is. Visitors find a parking garage and walk to the stadium. I have a pretty thick skin, and I don't mind drunk idiots yelling drunk idiotic things. That happens.
At the end of the day, I think some fans think that intimidating visitors somehow influences the game. In reality, it just makes people dislike a town or a school. I get the impression that most folks don't really care, though. Granted, everything is relative though.
June 25th, 2011, 09:58 PM
Best=UM or ASU. Anyone else is just being a homer. Come on y'all just think about it.
not really, I would put Southerns game day experience up against anybodies in FCS
June 25th, 2011, 11:26 PM
My best experience was at Jacksonville State. One of the nicer FCS stadiums, huge band makes for a good game day atmosphere, etc.
I'd have to say that I'm not fond of The Citadel, Georgia Sourthern, and App State. The Citadel primarily because it is usually brutally hot, humid, and you have to endure all of their pomp and circumstance (which is interesting, but for a visiting fan, rather boring). Georgia Southern and App are loud atmospheres, but in my experience, their fans treatment of visitors leaves much to be desired. GSU's insistence on putting the students and visitng fans next to one another, sharing the same gate, facilites, concessions, etc. just asks for visitors to have a poor experience no matter how nice your field is.
because a queer dressed up like a crusading christian knight and being surrounded by a bunch of bible thumping jesus freaks is SO exciting.
June 26th, 2011, 10:01 AM
not really, I would put Southerns game day experience up against anybodies in FCS
Southern's pre game etc is good but you really need to experience Boone and Missoula for game atmosphere and fan noise and participation. It's all different, but all good as well.
June 26th, 2011, 10:35 AM
I've only been to a couple road FCS games, but I thought Samford was very nice. It is a pretty campus in a nice area of Birmingham. There is a big grass hill that kids slide down on cardboard during the games.
Nobody cursed at us, nobody was rude, drunk or rowdy. (And no one tried to "save" us before someone starts that). Just a nice atmosphere to watch a game. I guess "quaint" would be a good description. Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it was nice.
One thing I thought was inbteresting was that before the game we were on one side of the field and wished to get to the other. The gates were open so we just walked through the end zone. I wish Jax St would start playing them every year, not sure why they don't. A short drive and likely an easy win as long as they keep Pat Sullivan.
June 26th, 2011, 03:47 PM
I'd have to say that I'm not fond of The Citadel......The Citadel primarily because it is usually brutally hot, humid, and you have to endure all of their pomp and circumstance (which is interesting, but for a visiting fan, rather boring).
Then you'd probably hate VMI, Navy, Army, et al. I'm sorry our schools and their purpose don't suit you. xsalutex
The Cats
June 26th, 2011, 05:49 PM
No doubt? Western has a beautiful mountain view and the stadium's not horrible....(yes, The Cats, I gave Western a compliment...)
...and for that, I say thanks. We take 'em where we find them, but, I'm sure thats your quota of Western compliments for the next 10 years.
June 26th, 2011, 06:21 PM
Did someone say something about loud?
Montana too looks like a great venue.......except does Southwest fly anywhere close??
SideLine Shooter
June 26th, 2011, 07:16 PM
Their home hub is in Missoula.
June 26th, 2011, 09:14 PM
Montana too looks like a great venue.......except does Southwest fly anywhere close??
Does DENVER count?
June 26th, 2011, 10:19 PM
Their home hub is in Missoula.
Missoula is where the Southland goes to die.
June 26th, 2011, 10:19 PM
Montana too looks like a great venue.......except does Southwest fly anywhere close??
Spokane. A couple hours away.
Side Judge
June 26th, 2011, 10:25 PM
Spokane. A couple hours away.
If someone flies to Spokane why should they drive all the way to Montana to watch championship football?
June 26th, 2011, 10:28 PM
If someone flies to Spokane why should they drive all the way to Montana to watch championship football?
Because Missoula is where Ursus and the ICON/HOF'er Grizo reside. I also hear that there is a Friday lunch thing as well as Red's Bar.
June 26th, 2011, 11:29 PM
because a queer dressed up like a crusading christian knight and being surrounded by a bunch of bible thumping jesus freaks is SO exciting.
Having attended a prep school that was pretty strict, I have a lot of respect for the military academies because many times the football game and its pagentry is the first time all week the students have had a chance to enjoy themselves a bit. I believe that USMA, VMI, The Citadel, USAFA and USNA still have Saturday AM classes as well, right?
June 27th, 2011, 05:44 AM
......I have a lot of respect for the military academies because many times the football game and its pagentry is the first time all week the students have had a chance to enjoy themselves a bit. I believe that USMA, VMI, The Citadel, USAFA and USNA still have Saturday AM classes as well, right?
VMI stopped Saturday classes in the late '80's.....
June 27th, 2011, 08:47 AM
Then you'd probably hate VMI, Navy, Army, et al. I'm sorry our schools and their purpose don't suit you. xsalutex
It isn't that it doesn't suit me. I just think that some of that stuff is more suited for a graduation ceremony than a football game.
If you don't like my school's traditions or whatever we do, that's fine. The difference is I'm not going to yell at you if you don't sit down, shut up, and watch it with reverence.
I remember sitting at an Auburn game when Ole Miss fans starting yelling "Hoddy Toddy" during the Auburn alma mater pregame. They got soundly booed. Still, Ole Miss fans don't care about Auburn's alma mater, only Auburn folks do. Why should they have to sit silently whilst their opponent goes through all their pomp and circumstance?
June 27th, 2011, 12:00 PM
It isn't that it doesn't suit me. I just think that some of that stuff is more suited for a graduation ceremony than a football game.
If you don't like my school's traditions or whatever we do, that's fine. The difference is I'm not going to yell at you if you don't sit down, shut up, and watch it with reverence.
I remember sitting at an Auburn game when Ole Miss fans starting yelling "Hoddy Toddy" during the Auburn alma mater pregame. They got soundly booed. Still, Ole Miss fans don't care about Auburn's alma mater, only Auburn folks do. Why should they have to sit silently whilst their opponent goes through all their pomp and circumstance?
It's called respect.
June 27th, 2011, 12:04 PM
It's called respect.
I agree. I also don't understand why a Furple fan is all bent out of shape about having to sit silently. Isn't that what they do the whole game?
June 27th, 2011, 12:27 PM
It's called respect.
At every VMI home game I have attended, I've witnessed ZERO cases of the opponent's fans being rowdy, loud, etc., during the VMI Corps march on. That includes Marshall during the SoCon days (matter of fact, usually all 2,000 of them all stood silently while the Corps came into the Stadium). I've been to ElCid three times, and the VMI folks all stood in silent respect while The Citadel Corps march into Johnson-Hagood. xsmileyclapx
June 27th, 2011, 01:20 PM
Its not going to kill anyone to be quiet for a few minutes while they are doing something like singing the Alma Mater or having a prayer. Go to the concession stand during all that if you don't want to see or hear it.
The Hoddy Toddy cheer is very annoying when you hear it after almost every play. I was at an Ole miss game last year and got sick of it. Strangely, nobody was doing it after the second overtime.
June 27th, 2011, 01:21 PM
Spokane. A couple hours away.
I stand corrected.
June 27th, 2011, 01:33 PM
Its not going to kill anyone to be quiet for a few minutes while they are doing something like singing the Alma Mater or having a prayer. Go to the concession stand during all that if you don't want to see or hear it.
The Hoddy Toddy cheer is very annoying when you hear it after almost every play. I was at an Ole miss game last year and got sick of it. Strangely, nobody was doing it after the second overtime.
Same with Rocky Top at a Tennessee game! I think I would believe that even if I was a Tennessee fan.
June 27th, 2011, 01:49 PM
I lived in Knoxville for eight years and I'm a big Alabama fan, so you can imagine how much fun I had. Rocky Top never really bothered me, but John Ward has to be the most overrated announcer in history.
June 27th, 2011, 01:51 PM
Same with Rocky Top at a Tennessee game! I think I would believe that even if I was a Tennessee fan.
In 1979, the SMU marching band played its fight song , "Peruna", 701 times during its game with Tulane.
June 27th, 2011, 02:15 PM
Same with Rocky Top at a Tennessee game! I think I would believe that even if I was a Tennessee fan.
Or "Rock You Like a Hurricane" at Furman
June 27th, 2011, 02:27 PM
It isn't that it doesn't suit me. I just think that some of that stuff is more suited for a graduation ceremony than a football game.
If you don't like my school's traditions or whatever we do, that's fine. The difference is I'm not going to yell at you if you don't sit down, shut up, and watch it with reverence.
I remember sitting at an Auburn game when Ole Miss fans starting yelling "Hoddy Toddy" during the Auburn alma mater pregame. They got soundly booed. Still, Ole Miss fans don't care about Auburn's alma mater, only Auburn folks do. Why should they have to sit silently whilst their opponent goes through all their pomp and circumstance?
Whilst in the presence of GODS among men it is proper for inferiors to shut their mouths unless singing hosanna's and praises.
June 27th, 2011, 02:35 PM
At every VMI home game I have attended, I've witnessed ZERO cases of the opponent's fans being rowdy, loud, etc., during the VMI Corps march on. That includes Marshall during the SoCon days (matter of fact, usually all 2,000 of them all stood silently while the Corps came into the Stadium). I've been to ElCid three times, and the VMI folks all stood in silent respect while The Citadel Corps march into Johnson-Hagood. xsmileyclapx
There is no - in General Johnson Hagood.
see you this year. we have built a PERMANENT trophy case for the Silver Shako. tell Sparky we said 38-35
June 27th, 2011, 06:16 PM
......see you this year. we have built a PERMANENT trophy case for the Silver Shako. tell Sparky we said 38-35
You'll score 38 only if Jack Douglass and Everett Sands come back and play will be a fine contest, no doubt. xbeerdrinkx
June 27th, 2011, 09:46 PM
It's called respect.
Gotta agree. Plenty of time to boo and hurl insults outside of the Alma Mater. There were a couple of school bands that played through our Alma Mater after our home games last year. Very very poor taste.
June 28th, 2011, 05:14 AM
Gotta agree. Plenty of time to boo and hurl insults outside of the Alma Mater. There were a couple of school bands that played through our Alma Mater after our home games last year. Very very poor taste.
I bet you hate it when they are playing M-I-C-K-E-Y and the opponents band still doesn't realize you are playing your Alma Mater.
June 28th, 2011, 08:25 AM
Whilst in the presence of GODS among men it is proper for inferiors to shut their mouths unless singing hosanna's and praises.
RESPONSE of the YEAR nomination!! Have at it men!
June 28th, 2011, 10:50 AM
Best FCS: Gotta love the tailgating at Southern, and Paulson is a great stadium to watch a game in. I really liked App's stadium, though it was still under construction at the time (2007).
Worst FCS: As far as experience, toss up between App State, Wofford and Delaware. App State has an incredible stadium, but I've never been treated like that before. I was in the band, and I distinctly remember the water bottles being tossed onto the field; some band members may have retaliated after the game by flipping people off, but our band playing after the game was preplanned, and we played a mini-concert with App's band. Delaware was like a redux of App State, but with fewer people. I hate the boxes on the bottom of the stands at Delaware, especially since the people sitting took offense at any kind of verbalization aimed at the field. The homer security there was terrible, but the police officer assigned to the band was actually nice. Wofford was a graveyard, and they simply weren't prepared to host a playoff game. A band might help the gameday atmosphere, and forget the "Raider Rubber Band."
June 28th, 2011, 11:15 AM
Best FCS: Gotta love the tailgating at Southern, and Paulson is a great stadium to watch a game in. I really liked App's stadium, though it was still under construction at the time (2007).
Worst FCS: As far as experience, toss up between App State, Wofford and Delaware. App State has an incredible stadium, but I've never been treated like that before. I was in the band, and I distinctly remember the water bottles being tossed onto the field; some band members may have retaliated after the game by flipping people off, but our band playing after the game was preplanned, and we played a mini-concert with App's band. Delaware was like a redux of App State, but with fewer people. I hate the boxes on the bottom of the stands at Delaware, especially since the people sitting took offense at any kind of verbalization aimed at the field. The homer security there was terrible, but the police officer assigned to the band was actually nice. Wofford was a graveyard, and they simply weren't prepared to host a playoff game. A band might help the gameday atmosphere, and forget the "Raider Rubber Band."
There were water bottles being thrown because the GSU band acted like complete A-holes the entire time they were in our stadium, then capped off their halftime performance by playing their fight song as they walked directly into the student section. What did the band think was going to happen??? Honestly? Were all the App students suppose to welcome them with open arms and join in singing the GSU fightsong after a joint session of Kumbaya??? That showed extremely poor sportsmanship and poor planning. Also, every person that security could identify was kicked out of the game because of it. That's more than what a lot of schools would do after such poor taste was shown by a visiting band.
Another thing, the band didn't "retaliate" with flicking people off, that started before the game began.
June 28th, 2011, 11:30 AM
There were water bottles being thrown because the GSU band acted like complete A-holes the entire time they were in our stadium, then capped off their halftime performance by playing their fight song as they walked directly into the student section. What did the band think was going to happen??? Honestly? Were all the App students suppose to welcome them with open arms and join in singing the GSU fightsong after a joint session of Kumbaya??? That showed extremely poor sportsmanship and poor planning. Also, every person that security could identify was kicked out of the game because of it. That's more than what a lot of schools would do after such poor taste was shown by a visiting band.
Another thing, the band didn't "retaliate" with flicking people off, that started before the game began.
I can promise you this Junior... you throw a bottle at me and they wont take you to jail... they'll be taking your sorry, goat lovin' arse to the hospital. :)
Ahhhh... nothing like a little GSU/ASU smack. Is it football season yet?
June 28th, 2011, 11:34 AM
Were all the App students suppose to welcome them with open arms and join in singing the GSU fightsong after a joint session of Kumbaya???
I've heard worse ideas.
June 28th, 2011, 11:36 AM
Hahaha, same to you as well you smelly, redneck, white trash piece of Georgia crap...but for real, is it football season yet? Black Saturday is feeling more and more magical xlolx
Last thing, don't call me Junior jackass
SideLine Shooter
June 28th, 2011, 11:41 AM
Hahaha, same to you as well you smelly, redneck, white trash piece of Georgia crap...but for real, is it football season yet? Black Saturday is feeling more and more magical xlolx
I could not have said that better myself.
June 28th, 2011, 11:48 AM
I can promise you this Junior... you throw a bottle at me and they wont take you to jail... they'll be taking your sorry, goat lovin' arse to the hospital. :)
Ahhhh... nothing like a little GSU/ASU smack. Is it football season yet?
I find threats over the internet to be the funniest part of message boards. That is all, carry on!
June 28th, 2011, 12:10 PM
There were water bottles being thrown because the GSU band acted like complete A-holes the entire time they were in our stadium, then capped off their halftime performance by playing their fight song as they walked directly into the student section. What did the band think was going to happen??? Honestly? Were all the App students suppose to welcome them with open arms and join in singing the GSU fightsong after a joint session of Kumbaya??? That showed extremely poor sportsmanship and poor planning. Also, every person that security could identify was kicked out of the game because of it. That's more than what a lot of schools would do after such poor taste was shown by a visiting band.
Another thing, the band didn't "retaliate" with flicking people off, that started before the game began.
Btw, just so it's clear, I'm definitely not condoning our fans throwing stuff at visiting bands, I'm just merely asking what did anyone think was going to happen when the visiting team's band started marching toward students playing their fight song.
June 28th, 2011, 12:11 PM
I find threats over the internet to be the funniest part of message boards. That is all, carry on!
Sounds like something a bandwagon pansy would say. I'm gonna fight you.
June 28th, 2011, 12:46 PM
Best: Kidd Brewer Stadium
Worst: Anywhere but Kidd Brewer Stadium
That is final, if anybody has a problem and wants to go fisticuffs, fine. I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary ready for ya.
June 28th, 2011, 01:07 PM
Best: Kidd Brewer Stadium
Worst: Anywhere but Kidd Brewer Stadium
That is final, if anybody has a problem and wants to go fisticuffs, fine. I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary ready for ya.
HA! And I'm bringing my buddy Dave Matthews. He's a real brawler.
John Deere
June 28th, 2011, 01:25 PM
Best FCS: Gotta love the tailgating at Southern, and Paulson is a great stadium to watch a game in. I really liked App's stadium, though it was still under construction at the time (2007).
Worst FCS: As far as experience, toss up between App State, Wofford and Delaware. App State has an incredible stadium, but I've never been treated like that before. I was in the band, and I distinctly remember the water bottles being tossed onto the field; some band members may have retaliated after the game by flipping people off, but our band playing after the game was preplanned, and we played a mini-concert with App's band. Delaware was like a redux of App State, but with fewer people. I hate the boxes on the bottom of the stands at Delaware, especially since the people sitting took offense at any kind of verbalization aimed at the field. The homer security there was terrible, but the police officer assigned to the band was actually nice. Wofford was a graveyard, and they simply weren't prepared to host a playoff game. A band might help the gameday atmosphere, and forget the "Raider Rubber Band."
They were just returning the favor. Your band came into the stadium being obnoxious and remained that way throughout the game. If you really want to see bad, just walk into paulson wearing an ASU shirt. NOWHERE else is it that way.
June 28th, 2011, 03:03 PM
We both have a hard time in each others stadiums. The difference is that we don't cry about it on AGS like some glass-jawed Elon fan. See you in Boone! And I've got a water bottle with your name on it. It may smell of alcohol.
June 28th, 2011, 03:03 PM
i wish this thread had been titled "Best FCS Stadium BESIDES YOUR FAVORITE TEAM'S"... and then throw in the "worst stadium" part.
a good portion of these responses are homer votes... mine would be as well, not blaming anyone. would just be interested in the voting if you had to take your own school out of the running.
my vote would be for Liberty. looking forward to visiting again this year. i may have already posted on this thread, too lazy to go back and look. but that's my vote as of this second.
June 28th, 2011, 03:09 PM
I find threats over the internet to be the funniest part of message boards. That is all, carry on!
It's all in good fun Sally... relax goat humper. Sheesh!
June 28th, 2011, 03:11 PM
Hahaha, same to you as well you smelly, redneck, white trash piece of Georgia crap...but for real, is it football season yet? Black Saturday is feeling more and more magical xlolx
Last thing, don't call me Junior jackass
See... Goat lovin' Junior got the humor. :)
and I called you Junior... not Junior Jackass.
June 28th, 2011, 03:13 PM
HA! And I'm bringing my buddy Dave Matthews. He's a real brawler.
I'll see yur Dave Matthews and raise you a Willie Nelson (with Waylon at his side). Anybody got a light??
June 28th, 2011, 03:27 PM
I'll see yur Dave Matthews and raise you a Willie Nelson (with Waylon at his side). Anybody got a light??
You are going to love it in Boone
June 28th, 2011, 05:52 PM
Hate to break it to you General Citdog, Sir, but seantaylor is from Charleston, SC. So that makes him Low Country Gulla Speakin' white trash which is further down the cultural ladder from south georgia clay eatin white trash.:D
Actually, seantaylor is a transplant from up north.
The Eagle's Cliff
June 28th, 2011, 06:00 PM
Actually, seantaylor is a transplant from up north.
Thanks for the correction, that actually explains a lot - everything, really.
The Eagle's Cliff
June 28th, 2011, 06:00 PM
Actually, seantaylor is a transplant from up north.
Thanks for the correction, that actually explains a lot - everything, really.
June 28th, 2011, 07:56 PM
Actually, seantaylor is a transplant from up north.
June 29th, 2011, 10:21 AM
Real question is how did seantaylor not go to Elon then?
June 29th, 2011, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the info, I knew I read about that here not too long ago. That sounds like it will be a great addition. More seating does seem necessary in Statesboro though, but you would be surprised what a facility like the one y'all are building will do for potential recruits. Seeing that the place you will be working out and watching film for the better part of four years looks like an FBS-caliber facility will do wonders, especially for a school that already recruits good athletes.
I have never been to Delaware and honestly most of the UD fans I've spoken to on these boards have been friendly. However, I had a terrible experience with the Hens fans at the '07 National Championship game too. Have to give them credit for the amount of fans they brought from that far and some were nice, but overall very unpleasant. Had beer bottles thrown at us, a female friend was called a 'stupid ho' while having a lit cigarette flicked in her face and I had one guy literally try to get me to fight him in the parking lot. Granted, this was all pre-game and through the 1st Quarter... got pretty quiet on that side after that.
Wow. I had the extact opposite experience at the 07 NC game. I went there with my cousin, nephew and daughter to the game. ASU fans were dropping f*** bombs left and right and yelling at the UD fans. Yeah there was banner from the UD fans around us like this will be 7, and your REFS look great out their App St. I chalked it up as meaningless. Later as the game progess the chants the App fans were the worse. Never seen so many middle fingers. Although I was never hit with a bottle (Bottles arent allow in the stadium?), the guy behind me got a drink poured on him by accident by a drunk APP St student who missed a step. What was classic, was everytime APP St scored they screaming F U YANKEES!! I turned around several times because the game wasnt a contest and there were several families in the area. "REALLY?" You figure the lopsided score everyone would have cooler heads. We even left early to beat the rush as the game wasnt a contest. On the way out to the car, I met a really nice App St fan, who said that Flacco was a great QB and hoped tonights preformance didnt ruin his draft status. Yeah their are great App St fans, but I guess their will always be several dumbasses to taint a school regardless.
June 29th, 2011, 11:59 AM
Tell us how you really feel Citdog
June 29th, 2011, 12:02 PM
Real question is how did seantaylor not go to Elon then?
Yanks are using him as a spy.
June 29th, 2011, 12:59 PM
[/B].....................On the way out to the car, I met a really nice App St fan, who said that Flacco was a great QB and hoped tonights preformance didnt ruin his draft status. Yeah their are great App St fans, but I guess their will always be several dumbasses to taint a school regardless.
Many have talked about this (meaning in general, not just App State) on many occasions. Personally, I try to remain mindful of that and not paint the picture of entire fanbases with such a broad brush (or reserve it for the smack board, at least).
June 29th, 2011, 04:06 PM
Wow. I had the extact opposite experience at the 07 NC game. I went there with my cousin, nephew and daughter to the game. ASU fans were dropping f*** bombs left and right and yelling at the UD fans. Yeah there was banner from the UD fans around us like this will be 7, and your REFS look great out their App St. I chalked it up as meaningless. Later as the game progess the chants the App fans were the worse. Never seen so many middle fingers. Although I was never hit with a bottle (Bottles arent allow in the stadium?), the guy behind me got a drink poured on him by accident by a drunk APP St student who missed a step. What was classic, was everytime APP St scored they screaming F U YANKEES!! I turned around several times because the game wasnt a contest and there were several families in the area. "REALLY?" You figure the lopsided score everyone would have cooler heads. We even left early to beat the rush as the game wasnt a contest. On the way out to the car, I met a really nice App St fan, who said that Flacco was a great QB and hoped tonights preformance didnt ruin his draft status. Yeah their are great App St fans, but I guess their will always be several dumbasses to taint a school regardless.
Did you see us attack the police officer? Wait.....
June 29th, 2011, 06:58 PM
Wow. I had the extact opposite experience at the 07 NC game. I went there with my cousin, nephew and daughter to the game. ASU fans were dropping f*** bombs left and right and yelling at the UD fans. Yeah there was banner from the UD fans around us like this will be 7, and your REFS look great out their App St. I chalked it up as meaningless. Later as the game progess the chants the App fans were the worse. Never seen so many middle fingers. Although I was never hit with a bottle (Bottles arent allow in the stadium?), the guy behind me got a drink poured on him by accident by a drunk APP St student who missed a step. What was classic, was everytime APP St scored they screaming F U YANKEES!! I turned around several times because the game wasnt a contest and there were several families in the area. "REALLY?" You figure the lopsided score everyone would have cooler heads. We even left early to beat the rush as the game wasnt a contest. On the way out to the car, I met a really nice App St fan, who said that Flacco was a great QB and hoped tonights preformance didnt ruin his draft status. Yeah their are great App St fans, but I guess their will always be several dumbasses to taint a school regardless.
That is definitely true, and I didn't mean to say that ALL Delaware fans are bad people. I just had a bad experience in the one interaction I had with them. I was on the ASU side and didn't interact much with the UD fans inside the game, so the majority of the unpleasant experience I had (bottle throwing, etc.) happened in the parking lot. Outside of a little trash talking early, nothing to speak of once we got in. I know that a lot of that could be attributed to our proximity to the UD students in the tailgating lot where everyone was drinking pretty heavily, but it made a very bad impression on me. Trust me, I am fully aware of the presence of jackasses within the ASU fan base as well, and I hope nobody would think we are all like that. Although the game was ASU's most impressive performance of our 3 National Championships, the experience may have been the worst after the great time I had tailgating with the Northern Iowa and UMass fans in '05-'06 compared to the experience with Delaware the following year. I hope we play them again and I get a better sampling of Hens fans, but that was just my experience that day.
June 29th, 2011, 07:15 PM
Every fan base has it's fair share of assholes. Worst experience I've ever had was in Statesboro. Almost every fan that walked by our tailgate flipped us of and screamed ***** you! Inside the stadium fans were throwing stuff and trying to start fights. In line for a drink a couple students came up and shoved me and called me a f'n ******. I'll never return, worst experience I've ever had at a football game. Statesboro is a horrible town, besides football there is no attraction, it's also dry.
Umass had some pretty bad fans at the NC game as well and after they lost they rioted up in Mass....ridiculous.
LSU fans were rough, but all in good fun.
Best fans I've encountered were at Richmond and Furman. Richmond especially.
June 29th, 2011, 07:19 PM
Newsflash: the North won.
June 29th, 2011, 07:33 PM
Newsflash: the North won.
The north had more casualties than the South.
June 29th, 2011, 07:42 PM
The north had more casualties than the South.
Who surrendered?
June 29th, 2011, 08:22 PM
Every fan base has it's fair share of assholes. Worst experience I've ever had was in Statesboro. Almost every fan that walked by our tailgate flipped us of and screamed ***** you! Inside the stadium fans were throwing stuff and trying to start fights. In line for a drink a couple students came up and shoved me and called me a f'n ******. I'll never return, worst experience I've ever had at a football game. Statesboro is a horrible town, besides football there is no attraction, it's also dry.
It's obviously been a while since you've been to Statesboro. Other than the bolded phrase you do know that many of us could say the same about Boone, right? My bad experiences there extend beyond the tailgating areas to the main street, but I know that even at that there are civil App fans.
June 29th, 2011, 08:50 PM
Boone isn't dry
Is it raining?
June 29th, 2011, 08:56 PM
Who's kidding whom? Both Boone, NC and Statesboro, Ga, while having great FCS programs in their environs, are cultural and entertainment wastelands....the gun goes off after the 4th quarter and you're in either Boone, NC or Statesboro, Ga.
June 30th, 2011, 12:29 AM
Who's kidding whom? Both Boone, NC and Statesboro, Ga, while having great FCS programs in their environs, are cultural and entertainment wastelands....the gun goes off after the 4th quarter and you're in either Boone, NC or Statesboro, Ga.
You're right, you're either in heaven or hell with a smelly creek.
June 30th, 2011, 02:48 AM
I personally love that we get under other's skins. That is what a home field advantage is all about. I don't condone violence, unless it is Appy fans, but you should feel uncomfortable at Paulson as a visitor. This roses and handshakes for visitors is for the birds.
June 30th, 2011, 04:21 AM
I personally love that we get under other's skins. That is what a home field advantage is all about. I don't condone violence, unless it is Appy fans, but you should feel uncomfortable at Paulson as a visitor. This roses and handshakes for visitors is for the birds.
you really are a yankee piece of ****. only yankee scum would think that visitors to your school should feel uncomfortable at a college football game. somewhere in your disturbed room temp IQ of a brain I'll bet you think that being rude and attempting to intimidate visitors somehow has some influence on the outcome of the contest. I will be at your place this season and I would welcome you trying that **** with me or with fans of The Citadel.
June 30th, 2011, 07:23 AM
Who's kidding whom? Both Boone, NC and Statesboro, Ga, while having great FCS programs in their environs, are cultural and entertainment wastelands....the gun goes off after the 4th quarter and you're in either Boone, NC or Statesboro, Ga.
Didn't you say earlier in this thread that you've never BEEN to Boone or Statesboro?
June 30th, 2011, 08:11 AM
you really are a yankee piece of ****. only yankee scum would think that visitors to your school should feel uncomfortable at a college football game. somewhere in your disturbed room temp IQ of a brain I'll bet you think that being rude and attempting to intimidate visitors somehow has some influence on the outcome of the contest. I will be at your place this season and I would welcome you trying that **** with me or with fans of The Citadel.
Wow. Were the curse words really needed there? "Yankee piece of..." What is really funny is that if you went to Britain, they would call you a yank.
June 30th, 2011, 08:25 AM
Who's kidding whom? Both Boone, NC and Statesboro, Ga, while having great FCS programs in their environs, are cultural and entertainment wastelands....the gun goes off after the 4th quarter and you're in either Boone, NC or Statesboro, Ga.
I'm sorry, what has your school ever done again since 1947? Have you ever been to Boone, NC / Statesboro, GA?...or anywhere in NC or GA for that matter? Speaking about Boone, there are a ton of things to do here for entertainment and your implication that we're all uncultured is rather insulting. Just because we aren't from the glorious North, center of enlightenment and culture, does not mean we are in the dark ages. Thousands flock to Boone annually to be surrounded by the beautiful scenery and explore the many great natural features of the area. Until you come here and experience what a great place it is, keep your mouth shut; it reeks of jealousy every time you open it.
June 30th, 2011, 08:35 AM
Wow. Were the curse words really needed there? "Yankee piece of..." What is really funny is that if you went to Britain, they would call you a yank.
shut your whore mouth
yes. the only words that describe this carpetbagging piece of yankee **** are the words I used.
An Englishman called me a yank once. ONCE
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