View Full Version : CSN: Why is UNA going against its community by pursuing Division I?

June 18th, 2011, 04:30 PM
06-18-2011 05:01 PM

Why indeed?

Why did the University of North Alabama board of trustees ignore its students, staff and faculty by voting 6-3 this week to pursue a move from Division II to Division I? Because on the surface, this feels like another ill-prepared university chasing the allure of Division I.

Too many wind up chasing their tail instead.

“My main concerns are timing given the current economic situation, our lack of preparation, and we lack community support at this time,” said Ethan Humphres, UNA staff senate president. “That being said, we’re going to make the best of this situation.”

The Florence Times Daily reported that UNA students, staff and faculty voted against Division I, with 58 percent of student respondents disagreeing with the move.

Full story » (http://www.championshipsubdivisionnews.com/log/index.php/2011/06/18/why-is-una-going-against?blog=2#more7207)

More... (http://www.championshipsubdivisionnews.com/log/index.php/2011/06/18/why-is-una-going-against?blog=2)