View Full Version : 49er Head Coach - SoCon & Big South "...a little nervous to play us."

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June 24th, 2011, 12:38 PM
I'm pretty sure that is more of a response to the fact that on the surface, we do not know what is going on with conference affiliations. We want to find a home for football. We have school spirit. We don't want to start a mediocre program. Who does? Obviously, there is a lot of sensitive people here. lol. That is taken from Charlotte's Sports Blog. That's not the same as going to your board and announcing it. Either way it doesn't matter. There ARE going to be people talking junk. If you want to hate my school because of one random jackass on the net then go right ahead. Not hurting my feelings any. However, since we are just playing "fuel the fire" I FTFY ;)

It seems like you're the only person not grasping things correctly. You initially asked for a list of where all these things were said about UNCC and nobody produced because everyone knew it had happened and no one wanted to do the obvious work. When no one responded bc everyone knew the answer, it gave you some sense of empowerment, like you really could "straighten" us all out and prove us all wrong. Well I posted A FEW examples that I could readily find and you start backing down. We're all just a few random people from each school, but I've never seen more of a consistent picture from a fanbase of superiority than from most charlotte posters on message boards. It's not about hating your school, its about being tired of this UNCC feeling of superiority. Every school has their ups and downs, but if we go around bragging, it's because we've earned it. You went to the Final Four a couple decades ago. App has never done that. That's a valid point of bragging. Football is not though.

June 24th, 2011, 12:44 PM
I think I'm going to be sick! I have lost sooooooo much time and decreased my life span after reading this crap! I'd like make two motions. 1) Administrator please shut this thread down so the UNC-Charlotte fans can move on to plotting the demise of all SoCon and Big South Football teams in their inaugural year of play. 2) Somebody shoot me for not stopping myself from reading this mindless banter that seems to bounce from point to point. It's like listening to a child(UNC-Charlotte) argue with and adult(Everyone else that already fields a football team).

Yes yes, all of these mature App posters are so much more adult than me ::)

"Oooo...you got me! Excellent comeback! If your team puts up as vallant of a fight as you do, you'll have no problem with North Stanly HS... -Appaholic

"Hey, speaking of 3", why does your coach feel the need to make statements like that? Oh man it seems I've answered my own question. Yikes!" -Apphole

"30% of modern relationships begin online. I think he's in love!" -Apphole

"But, usually a head coach refrains from making his comments sound like a common internet troll. But, maybe you think coaches' comments should read like an AGS thread." -Skjellyfetti

I aspire to one day be able to argue like true App adults such as these. Little pot calling the kettle black, don't ya think? Did I just make a new "higher score than me on SATs" App friend? And don't make it what it's not. This is not a Charlotte vs FCS pissing match. I speak for myself. This is a HXCNiner vs 3-4 clueless ASU fans pissing match. But good try with the "we" like you just spoke for the entire message board. To be honest I don't care if you were. lol
What is it you guys like to say?

...oh yeah. Starting to make sense?

June 24th, 2011, 12:49 PM
It seems like you're the only person not grasping things correctly. You initially asked for a list of where all these things were said about UNCC and nobody produced because everyone knew it had happened and no one wanted to do the obvious work. When no one responded bc everyone knew the answer, it gave you some sense of empowerment, like you really could "straighten" us all out and prove us all wrong. Well I posted A FEW examples that I could readily find and you start backing down. We're all just a few random people from each school, but I've never seen more of a consistent picture from a fanbase of superiority than from most charlotte posters on message boards. It's not about hating your school, its about being tired of this UNCC feeling of superiority. Every school has their ups and downs, but if we go around bragging, it's because we've earned it. You went to the Final Four a couple decades ago. App has never done that. That's a valid point of bragging. Football is not though.

haha I'm not backing down from anything I've said. I thoroughly enjoy how you don't hate our school. We should just know our role. Who has the superiority complex here? You beat Mich St. Congrats! You guys still lost to ECU, talking junk the whole time. Yeah I was there. If you want to sit on your high horse over a game then that's the game I picked. App came. They saw. They got beat...by another school also inferior to App.

June 24th, 2011, 12:53 PM

I believe we have a diagnosis

June 24th, 2011, 01:02 PM
Yes yes, all of these mature App posters are so much more adult than me ::)

"Oooo...you got me! Excellent comeback! If your team puts up as vallant of a fight as you do, you'll have no problem with North Stanly HS... -Appaholic

"Hey, speaking of 3", why does your coach feel the need to make statements like that? Oh man it seems I've answered my own question. Yikes!" -Apphole

"30% of modern relationships begin online. I think he's in love!" -Apphole

"But, usually a head coach refrains from making his comments sound like a common internet troll. But, maybe you think coaches' comments should read like an AGS thread." -Skjellyfetti

I aspire to one day be able to argue like true App adults such as these. Little pot calling the kettle black, don't ya think? Did I just make a new "higher score than me on SATs" App friend? And don't make it what it's not. This is not a Charlotte vs FCS pissing match. I speak for myself. This is a HXCNiner vs 3-4 clueless ASU fans pissing match. But good try with the "we" like you just spoke for the entire message board. To be honest I don't care if you were. lol
What is it you guys like to say?

...oh yeah. Starting to make sense?

You're right, we started dishing out what we were getting; a bunch of adolescent whine, now you've turned it into a game of "I didn't start it."

haha I'm not backing down from anything I've said. I thoroughly enjoy how you don't hate our school. We should just know our role. Who has the superiority complex here? You beat Mich St. Congrats! You guys still lost to ECU, talking junk the whole time. Yeah I was there. If you want to sit on your high horse over a game then that's the game I picked. App came. They saw. They got beat...by another school also inferior to App.

You and 91Niner actually have backed off your stance of "show me the messages." That's because they had indeed happened. Wow, you can remember we beat Michigan in 2007 and lost to ECU by five with our third string quarterback in 2009, congratulations. We have lost some games. In fact we've lost more than you've ever played. The mere fact you want to rub in a five point loss to an FBS school and downplay one of the greatest upsets of all time shows how obnoxious you are and also shows why appfans resort to childish means to deal with you. It's fire with fire.

June 24th, 2011, 01:45 PM
I try to refrain from posting in Internet discussions - it's a pointless effort for one smartass to prove another smartass right. However, I just had to speak up to clarify a few things:

1. The original comment by Coach Lambert was nothing more than a playful jab at the conferences that weren't interested in us. It's the same as a friend on the playground making a dare because you won't do something. In fact, it invoked the exact same response he was probably going for. You hate us and want to shut us up, right? You'd be a great team to have on our schedule.

The Citadel response was clever, but not really fair for a football discussion. Football doesn't hold a candle to the accomplishments of our troops - they shouldn't be in the same thread.

2. Whether you choose to accept it or not, 49er athletics are OFFICIALLY referred to as Charlotte. Anything referencing academics is UNCC. What you choose to call us is up to you, but there is only one official way. Athletics = Charlotte. Academics = UNCC.

3. No one expects to come in and dominate the FCS. Remember, our fan base has never been exposed to football, so most are familiar with conferences from basketball (and all other sports). We realize our football teams will take several years to get up to par, but we don't want to take our other programs down a notch to do so. This is exactly why we are trying to find a football-only home. The CAA is the most logical step if we HAVE to go all sports, but it could still be considered a small step down. For example, if we look at basketball RPIs - last year the A-10 was above the CAA, and well above the Southern and Big South conferences. This is why we look at those leagues with discontent. It has almost nothing to do with football. The App States and James Madisons of the world may be L's on our schedule for the first several years, but we won't go without a fight. I'll wait until they start putting together teams to tell you just how much of a fight that may be.

4. I don't think it will take us as long as most programs to get up to speed. You can call it cockiness if you want, but I call it a combination of confidence and opportunity. Charlotte is RIPE with talent for the region and there's an NFL team uptown. Say what you want about Judy Rose, but she's traditionally made some pretty good coaching picks. We'll take our lumps, but I think we'll improve quicker than any lower-profiled teams in podunk USA (just a figure of speech, btw).

5. Conference affiliation is not totally reliant on football. We expect to move to an FBS conference sooner, rather than later, because of a number of factors. We're the 17th largest city in the nation. We're one of the largest cities in the southeast. We're smack-dab in the middle of ACC/SEC country. We're home to grads from schools across the nation. We've already played (very well) in CUSA in other sports...and this was back when Cincy, Louisville and Marquette were there. What conference wouldn't be excited about picking up a school in our situation? You don't think DePaul's athletics got them into the Big East a few years ago do you? It certainly doesn't help to have competitive teams (which I'm certain we will) - but they aren't necessarily the end-all, be-all of conference affiliation. I hope no one is claiming we'll be good enough to get an FBS invite on football prowess alone.

Everything else I've read has just been smack talk, which I'm fine with. I just wanted to clear up a few points from my perspective on the "facts" being tossed around.

June 24th, 2011, 02:00 PM
Bravo, good sir!

June 24th, 2011, 02:07 PM
I'll be honest, this is giving me a headache...did I just read the phrase "talking junk?"

June 24th, 2011, 02:10 PM
I wish us App fans would high five after every long post.

June 24th, 2011, 02:14 PM
I try to refrain from posting in Internet discussions - it's a pointless effort for one smartass to prove another smartass right. However, I just had to speak up to clarify a few things:

1. The original comment by Coach Lambert was nothing more than a playful jab at the conferences that weren't interested in us. It's the same as a friend on the playground making a dare because you won't do something. In fact, it invoked the exact same response he was probably going for. You hate us and want to shut us up, right? You'd be a great team to have on our schedule.

The Citadel response was clever, but not really fair for a football discussion. Football doesn't hold a candle to the accomplishments of our troops - they shouldn't be in the same thread.

2. Whether you choose to accept it or not, 49er athletics are OFFICIALLY referred to as Charlotte. Anything referencing academics is UNCC. What you choose to call us is up to you, but there is only one official way. Athletics = Charlotte. Academics = UNCC.

3. No one expects to come in and dominate the FCS. Remember, our fan base has never been exposed to football, so most are familiar with conferences from basketball (and all other sports). We realize our football teams will take several years to get up to par, but we don't want to take our other programs down a notch to do so. This is exactly why we are trying to find a football-only home. The CAA is the most logical step if we HAVE to go all sports, but it could still be considered a small step down. For example, if we look at basketball RPIs - last year the A-10 was above the CAA, and well above the Southern and Big South conferences. This is why we look at those leagues with discontent. It has almost nothing to do with football. The App States and James Madisons of the world may be L's on our schedule for the first several years, but we won't go without a fight. I'll wait until they start putting together teams to tell you just how much of a fight that may be.

4. I don't think it will take us as long as most programs to get up to speed. You can call it cockiness if you want, but I call it a combination of confidence and opportunity. Charlotte is RIPE with talent for the region and there's an NFL team uptown. Say what you want about Judy Rose, but she's traditionally made some pretty good coaching picks. We'll take our lumps, but I think we'll improve quicker than any lower-profiled teams in podunk USA (just a figure of speech, btw).

5. Conference affiliation is not totally reliant on football. We expect to move to an FBS conference sooner, rather than later, because of a number of factors. We're the 17th largest city in the nation. We're one of the largest cities in the southeast. We're smack-dab in the middle of ACC/SEC country. We're home to grads from schools across the nation. We've already played (very well) in CUSA in other sports...and this was back when Cincy, Louisville and Marquette were there. What conference wouldn't be excited about picking up a school in our situation? You don't think DePaul's athletics got them into the Big East a few years ago do you? It certainly doesn't help to have competitive teams (which I'm certain we will) - but they aren't necessarily the end-all, be-all of conference affiliation. I hope no one is claiming we'll be good enough to get an FBS invite on football prowess alone.

Everything else I've read has just been smack talk, which I'm fine with. I just wanted to clear up a few points from my perspective on the "facts" being tossed around.

Now this is a post I can get behind. Logical, well written, supported by evidence rather than emotion and does not attempt to deflect toward others hatred, dislike, disdain or arrogance about himself or his team. Hey HXCNINER and 91NINER, take notes!

June 24th, 2011, 02:22 PM
Here is a great thread with several examples of posts you say never happened with grandiose dreams and UNCC domination. They'll be more coming since you both missed all the good stuff earlier:

Looks like we just put you all back in your place doesn't it? Oh how appropriate. You're both late to the party (a term you all keep using so I'll start too) and missed all the trash talk so you walk in all high and mighty wondering why everyone is so down on the UNCC parade.

OK, I just wasted 15-20 minutes of my life and skimmed that entire thread and again you are making crap up. That old thread has WAY more crap spewage from Tweetsie fans than Charlotte fans. In fact, there is not one post proclaiming Charlotte will do anything "grandiose" in football. Why do you insist on continually making stuff up?

June 24th, 2011, 02:22 PM
Much better written post by a UNCC fan, but still misguided.

1. The original comment by Coach Lambert was nothing more than a playful jab at the conferences that weren't interested in us. It's the same as a friend on the playground making a dare because you won't do something. In fact, it invoked the exact same response he was probably going for. You hate us and want to shut us up, right? You'd be a great team to have on our schedule.

FACT - 7 teams from those conferences are on your schedule, so it was not only an arrogant comment, but a stupid one.

The Citadel response was clever, but not really fair for a football discussion. Football doesn't hold a candle to the accomplishments of our troops - they shouldn't be in the same thread.


2. Whether you choose to accept it or not, 49er athletics are OFFICIALLY referred to as Charlotte. Anything referencing academics is UNCC. What you choose to call us is up to you, but there is only one official way. Athletics = Charlotte. Academics = UNCC.

FACT - UNCC is short for the name of your school, this is a message board not a legal document, deal with it.

3. No one expects to come in and dominate the FCS. Remember, our fan base has never been exposed to football, so most are familiar with conferences from basketball (and all other sports). We realize our football teams will take several years to get up to par, but we don't want to take our other programs down a notch to do so. This is exactly why we are trying to find a football-only home. The CAA is the most logical step if we HAVE to go all sports, but it could still be considered a small step down. For example, if we look at basketball RPIs - last year the A-10 was above the CAA, and well above the Southern and Big South conferences. This is why we look at those leagues with discontent. It has almost nothing to do with football. The App States and James Madisons of the world may be L's on our schedule for the first several years, but we won't go without a fight. I'll wait until they start putting together teams to tell you just how much of a fight that may be.

FACT - your fans do expect to dominate see links in posts provided above. 10th in the A-10 or 8th in the CAA in basketball doesn't really matter much, this isn't 1977.

4. I don't think it will take us as long as most programs to get up to speed. You can call it cockiness if you want, but I call it a combination of confidence and opportunity. Charlotte is RIPE with talent for the region and there's an NFL team uptown. Say what you want about Judy Rose, but she's traditionally made some pretty good coaching picks. We'll take our lumps, but I think we'll improve quicker than any lower-profiled teams in podunk USA (just a figure of speech, btw).

FACT - NFL towns don't translate to success for colleges. Define "long". Let's not pretend that UNCC actually has significant market share in Charlotte metro area, that is reserved for UNC-CH, Duke, and NCSU and even South Carolina and Clemson.

5. Conference affiliation is not totally reliant on football. We expect to move to an FBS conference sooner, rather than later, because of a number of factors. We're the 17th largest city in the nation. We're one of the largest cities in the southeast. We're smack-dab in the middle of ACC/SEC country. We're home to grads from schools across the nation. We've already played (very well) in CUSA in other sports...and this was back when Cincy, Louisville and Marquette were there. What conference wouldn't be excited about picking up a school in our situation? You don't think DePaul's athletics got them into the Big East a few years ago do you? It certainly doesn't help to have competitive teams (which I'm certain we will) - but they aren't necessarily the end-all, be-all of conference affiliation. I hope no one is claiming we'll be good enough to get an FBS invite on football prowess alone.

FACT - UNCC is not South Florida don't expect too much. Charlotte is a very fickle sports market, almost as bad as Atlanta. Being in the middle of ACC/SEC country really isn't a good thing as stated in market share earlier.

June 24th, 2011, 02:24 PM
You're right, we started dishing out what we were getting; a bunch of adolescent whine, now you've turned it into a game of "I didn't start it."

You and 91Niner actually have backed off your stance of "show me the messages." That's because they had indeed happened. Wow, you can remember we beat Michigan in 2007 and lost to ECU by five with our third string quarterback in 2009, congratulations. We have lost some games. In fact we've lost more than you've ever played. The mere fact you want to rub in a five point loss to an FBS school and downplay one of the greatest upsets of all time shows how obnoxious you are and also shows why appfans resort to childish means to deal with you. It's fire with fire.

lol, if you actually read my post you would see that you are wrong and my statement still holds true. oh, and I especially like the part where it's my fault your fans act childish. nice touch

June 24th, 2011, 02:45 PM
Much better written post by a UNCC fan, but still misguided.

1. The original comment by Coach Lambert was nothing more than a playful jab at the conferences that weren't interested in us. It's the same as a friend on the playground making a dare because you won't do something. In fact, it invoked the exact same response he was probably going for. You hate us and want to shut us up, right? You'd be a great team to have on our schedule.

FACT - 7 teams from those conferences are on your schedule, so it was not only an arrogant comment, but a stupid one.

The Citadel response was clever, but not really fair for a football discussion. Football doesn't hold a candle to the accomplishments of our troops - they shouldn't be in the same thread.


2. Whether you choose to accept it or not, 49er athletics are OFFICIALLY referred to as Charlotte. Anything referencing academics is UNCC. What you choose to call us is up to you, but there is only one official way. Athletics = Charlotte. Academics = UNCC.

FACT - UNCC is short for the name of your school, this is a message board not a legal document, deal with it.

3. No one expects to come in and dominate the FCS. Remember, our fan base has never been exposed to football, so most are familiar with conferences from basketball (and all other sports). We realize our football teams will take several years to get up to par, but we don't want to take our other programs down a notch to do so. This is exactly why we are trying to find a football-only home. The CAA is the most logical step if we HAVE to go all sports, but it could still be considered a small step down. For example, if we look at basketball RPIs - last year the A-10 was above the CAA, and well above the Southern and Big South conferences. This is why we look at those leagues with discontent. It has almost nothing to do with football. The App States and James Madisons of the world may be L's on our schedule for the first several years, but we won't go without a fight. I'll wait until they start putting together teams to tell you just how much of a fight that may be.

FACT - your fans do expect to dominate see links in posts provided above. 10th in the A-10 or 8th in the CAA in basketball doesn't really matter much, this isn't 1977.4. I don't think it will take us as long as most programs to get up to speed. You can call it cockiness if you want, but I call it a combination of confidence and opportunity. Charlotte is RIPE with talent for the region and there's an NFL team uptown. Say what you want about Judy Rose, but she's traditionally made some pretty good coaching picks. We'll take our lumps, but I think we'll improve quicker than any lower-profiled teams in podunk USA (just a figure of speech, btw).

FACT - NFL towns don't translate to success for colleges. Define "long". Let's not pretend that UNCC actually has significant market share in Charlotte metro area, that is reserved for UNC-CH, Duke, and NCSU and even South Carolina and Clemson.

5. Conference affiliation is not totally reliant on football. We expect to move to an FBS conference sooner, rather than later, because of a number of factors. We're the 17th largest city in the nation. We're one of the largest cities in the southeast. We're smack-dab in the middle of ACC/SEC country. We're home to grads from schools across the nation. We've already played (very well) in CUSA in other sports...and this was back when Cincy, Louisville and Marquette were there. What conference wouldn't be excited about picking up a school in our situation? You don't think DePaul's athletics got them into the Big East a few years ago do you? It certainly doesn't help to have competitive teams (which I'm certain we will) - but they aren't necessarily the end-all, be-all of conference affiliation. I hope no one is claiming we'll be good enough to get an FBS invite on football prowess alone.

FACT - UNCC is not South Florida don't expect too much. Charlotte is a very fickle sports market, almost as bad as Atlanta. Being in the middle of ACC/SEC country really isn't a good thing as stated in market share earlier.

The parts I bolded above make me shake my head.....its like you guys are in some alternate reality. Your links/posts show no Charlotte fans claiming we will dominate FCS in any way, shape or form. That is a "FACT".

June 24th, 2011, 03:00 PM
OK, I'll bite:

Much better written post by a UNCC fan, but still misguided.

1. The original comment by Coach Lambert was nothing more than a playful jab at the conferences that weren't interested in us. It's the same as a friend on the playground making a dare because you won't do something. In fact, it invoked the exact same response he was probably going for. You hate us and want to shut us up, right? You'd be a great team to have on our schedule.

FACT - 7 teams from those conferences are on your schedule, so it was not only an arrogant comment, but a stupid one.

He was most likely referring to the auto-bid for each conference and he was just getting a rise out of the masses, which he did very effectively by the way. Now everyone wants to beat us by 100 right? Either way that is your OPINION

The Citadel response was clever, but not really fair for a football discussion. Football doesn't hold a candle to the accomplishments of our troops - they shouldn't be in the same thread.



2. Whether you choose to accept it or not, 49er athletics are OFFICIALLY referred to as Charlotte. Anything referencing academics is UNCC. What you choose to call us is up to you, but there is only one official way. Athletics = Charlotte. Academics = UNCC.

FACT - UNCC is short for the name of your school, this is a message board not a legal document, deal with it.

fair enough

3. No one expects to come in and dominate the FCS. Remember, our fan base has never been exposed to football, so most are familiar with conferences from basketball (and all other sports). We realize our football teams will take several years to get up to par, but we don't want to take our other programs down a notch to do so. This is exactly why we are trying to find a football-only home. The CAA is the most logical step if we HAVE to go all sports, but it could still be considered a small step down. For example, if we look at basketball RPIs - last year the A-10 was above the CAA, and well above the Southern and Big South conferences. This is why we look at those leagues with discontent. It has almost nothing to do with football. The App States and James Madisons of the world may be L's on our schedule for the first several years, but we won't go without a fight. I'll wait until they start putting together teams to tell you just how much of a fight that may be.

FACT - your fans do expect to dominate see links in posts provided above. 10th in the A-10 or 8th in the CAA in basketball doesn't really matter much, this isn't 1977.

FACT - the difference is in the payout. Also, we got rid of a head coach, are rebuilding and have one of the best incoming freshman classes outside the BCS according to Dave Telep. This is not 1977, but there is more basketball tradition at this school than just one final four.

4. I don't think it will take us as long as most programs to get up to speed. You can call it cockiness if you want, but I call it a combination of confidence and opportunity. Charlotte is RIPE with talent for the region and there's an NFL team uptown. Say what you want about Judy Rose, but she's traditionally made some pretty good coaching picks. We'll take our lumps, but I think we'll improve quicker than any lower-profiled teams in podunk USA (just a figure of speech, btw).

FACT - NFL towns don't translate to success for colleges. Define "long". Let's not pretend that UNCC actually has significant market share in Charlotte metro area, that is reserved for UNC-CH, Duke, and NCSU and even South Carolina and Clemson.

I see where you are coming from here but we all know that one or two solid seasons can change some of that. It's kind of like when Davidson went to the Elite 8. All of a sudden everyone in Charlotte is a Davidson fan. People love band wagons. Miami Heat. Case and point. Besides, people are already excited. We will sell out at first...and IF we win then we will continue to sell out. If we do not then your point has the potential to be a reality. I have to have faith in my Alma Mater that they know what they are doing and no one's opinion can skew me from that.

5. Conference affiliation is not totally reliant on football. We expect to move to an FBS conference sooner, rather than later, because of a number of factors. We're the 17th largest city in the nation. We're one of the largest cities in the southeast. We're smack-dab in the middle of ACC/SEC country. We're home to grads from schools across the nation. We've already played (very well) in CUSA in other sports...and this was back when Cincy, Louisville and Marquette were there. What conference wouldn't be excited about picking up a school in our situation? You don't think DePaul's athletics got them into the Big East a few years ago do you? It certainly doesn't help to have competitive teams (which I'm certain we will) - but they aren't necessarily the end-all, be-all of conference affiliation. I hope no one is claiming we'll be good enough to get an FBS invite on football prowess alone.

FACT - UNCC is not South Florida don't expect too much. Charlotte is a very fickle sports market, almost as bad as Atlanta. Being in the middle of ACC/SEC country really isn't a good thing as stated in market share earlier.

Honestly given the bang up job UNCCHeat is doing with their athletics I would think people want a break from the ACC. lol

June 24th, 2011, 03:01 PM
The parts I bolded above make me shake my head.....its like you guys are in some alternate reality. Your links/posts show no Charlotte fans claiming we will dominate FCS in any way, shape or form. That is a "FACT".


June 24th, 2011, 03:10 PM
Much better written post by a UNCC fan, but still misguided.

FACT - 7 teams from those conferences are on your schedule, so it was not only an arrogant comment, but a stupid one.

FACT - UNCC is short for the name of your school, this is a message board not a legal document, deal with it.

FACT - your fans do expect to dominate see links in posts provided above. 10th in the A-10 or 8th in the CAA in basketball doesn't really matter much, this isn't 1977.

FACT - NFL towns don't translate to success for colleges. Define "long". Let's not pretend that UNCC actually has significant market share in Charlotte metro area, that is reserved for UNC-CH, Duke, and NCSU and even South Carolina and Clemson.

FACT - UNCC is not South Florida don't expect too much. Charlotte is a very fickle sports market, almost as bad as Atlanta. Being in the middle of ACC/SEC country really isn't a good thing as stated in market share earlier.

Last post I'll make, because this is the incessant bickering that results from message board debates.

1. I stand by my original comment. Whether we've scheduled 7 teams or 17 teams from these conferences, it was a playful remark. A single game in our first two seasons is a different story than consistently playing us year-in and year-out. Take the seriousness down a notch.

2. UNCC is the name of the school, I said that much. I also said to call us what you like, as you have clearly chosen to do. Doesn't make it right. I was referring to the comment several pages ago about how someone refuses to call us anything other than "UNC-C" "because that's our name". It's not correct, but use it if you want. Just don't claim it's right.

3. I'm not going back to read old posts - I honestly don't care enough. I'll just say that if they were smack talking at one time about dominating, reality has set in. I haven't personally spoken to anyone that thinks we'll have immediate success. I can't speak for forum posters. I also didn't mention the '77 Final Four run anywhere in my post, not sure what that has to do with anything. Our basketball teams have struggled in the A-10 since moving, but last year was definitely a "down" year. Don't convince yourself that it's a regular occurrence. It also ignores the DOMINANCE that most of our other sports have displayed in the conference. You seem to be putting words in my mouth to refute.

4. Considering some former Panthers players helped get the football initiative off the ground, and Panthers games this season will be used as a platform to promote the program and sell PSLs, I have to say that having an NFL team absolutely helps us get started. It may mean nothing 20 years down the road, but it's 100% a plus at this time. I don't need to define "long", it was used as a term relative to other start-up teams. I just said it wouldn't take AS long - again, you're twisting words. And no - we don't have a big market share...this is a step towards changing that. What we do have is a ton of grads that have been waiting on this team.

5. Please show me where I used the words "South Florida" anywhere in my post. In fact, I believe I made a comparison to DEPAUL - and only in situation, not athletic talent. Agreed, Charlotte is a hugely fickle sports market. And being in ACC/SEC country is a huge selling point. Why wouldn't a conference (we'll say CUSA, only as an example) not want a piece of that pie? Though maybe not as large or vocal, ECU, Memphis, Marshall, etc. all have plenty of grads in this town. In fact, I work with grads from two of those three schools. The same could be said about almost any FBS conference. It also opens up another regional television market. Having a presence in Charlotte would be a worthwhile venture.

ursus arctos horribilis
June 24th, 2011, 04:02 PM
I try to refrain from posting in Internet discussions - it's a pointless effort for one smartass to prove another smartass right. However, I just had to speak up to clarify a few things:

1. The original comment by Coach Lambert was nothing more than a playful jab at the conferences that weren't interested in us. It's the same as a friend on the playground making a dare because you won't do something. In fact, it invoked the exact same response he was probably going for. You hate us and want to shut us up, right? You'd be a great team to have on our schedule.

The Citadel response was clever, but not really fair for a football discussion. Football doesn't hold a candle to the accomplishments of our troops - they shouldn't be in the same thread.

2. Whether you choose to accept it or not, 49er athletics are OFFICIALLY referred to as Charlotte. Anything referencing academics is UNCC. What you choose to call us is up to you, but there is only one official way. Athletics = Charlotte. Academics = UNCC.

3. No one expects to come in and dominate the FCS. Remember, our fan base has never been exposed to football, so most are familiar with conferences from basketball (and all other sports). We realize our football teams will take several years to get up to par, but we don't want to take our other programs down a notch to do so. This is exactly why we are trying to find a football-only home. The CAA is the most logical step if we HAVE to go all sports, but it could still be considered a small step down. For example, if we look at basketball RPIs - last year the A-10 was above the CAA, and well above the Southern and Big South conferences. This is why we look at those leagues with discontent. It has almost nothing to do with football. The App States and James Madisons of the world may be L's on our schedule for the first several years, but we won't go without a fight. I'll wait until they start putting together teams to tell you just how much of a fight that may be.

4. I don't think it will take us as long as most programs to get up to speed. You can call it cockiness if you want, but I call it a combination of confidence and opportunity. Charlotte is RIPE with talent for the region and there's an NFL team uptown. Say what you want about Judy Rose, but she's traditionally made some pretty good coaching picks. We'll take our lumps, but I think we'll improve quicker than any lower-profiled teams in podunk USA (just a figure of speech, btw).

5. Conference affiliation is not totally reliant on football. We expect to move to an FBS conference sooner, rather than later, because of a number of factors. We're the 17th largest city in the nation. We're one of the largest cities in the southeast. We're smack-dab in the middle of ACC/SEC country. We're home to grads from schools across the nation. We've already played (very well) in CUSA in other sports...and this was back when Cincy, Louisville and Marquette were there. What conference wouldn't be excited about picking up a school in our situation? You don't think DePaul's athletics got them into the Big East a few years ago do you? It certainly doesn't help to have competitive teams (which I'm certain we will) - but they aren't necessarily the end-all, be-all of conference affiliation. I hope no one is claiming we'll be good enough to get an FBS invite on football prowess alone.

Everything else I've read has just been smack talk, which I'm fine with. I just wanted to clear up a few points from my perspective on the "facts" being tossed around.

Nice work! Too bad we haven't seen more of ya. The straight shooter approach is a good read.xthumbsupx

June 24th, 2011, 04:16 PM
So I'm only supposed to take the statements you'd like me to take seriously, seriously. Seriously...

June 24th, 2011, 04:26 PM
It took a start up Eagle program how many years to win the NC?

We were a club team '82-'83, then started playing in the NCAA in '84.

Then we won our first NC in '85. So, 4 years.

June 24th, 2011, 04:44 PM
This has got to be the best Summer threads on AGS ever. Start adding hot chicks in bikini pictures to every comment and this could be epic!

June 24th, 2011, 04:46 PM
This has got to be the best Summer threads on AGS ever. Start adding hot chicks in bikini pictures to every comment and this could be epic!


June 24th, 2011, 04:49 PM

Join Date: Nov 2010

How would you know, this is your first Summer on ASG.com?

June 24th, 2011, 05:00 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010

How would you know, this is your first Summer on ASG.com?

Arguing about stupid stuff is what you call the best?

...have fun with your team.

June 24th, 2011, 05:11 PM
Arguing about stupid stuff is what you call the best?

...have fun with your team.

Its better then watching turf replacements and playing kiss-***. Message boards aren't about affirmations.

June 24th, 2011, 06:05 PM
How can we talk about anything related to Charlotte without mentioning Brooklyn?


Thought we could all use a little break from the pissing contest. Merry Friday ladies, see y'all Monday!

June 24th, 2011, 06:41 PM
How can we talk about anything related to Charlotte without mentioning Brooklyn?


Thought we could all use a little break from the pissing contest. Merry Friday ladies, see y'all Monday!

Finally something we can all agree on. Well done asumike!

June 24th, 2011, 07:11 PM
I <3 titties

June 24th, 2011, 07:22 PM
And being called UNC-Tweetsie doesn't phase me in the least. I love the history, culture and people of western North Carolina. Nothing embodies the hardworking attitude of Appalachia more than the folks who built the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad.

Here she is steaming through Boone (with Howard Knob in the background) in the early 1900s. xnodx


I can stomach Tweetsie Tech, but any association of ASU with unc-ch makes me want to hurl.

June 24th, 2011, 10:08 PM
Are you guys still talking about this? Sheesh.

June 24th, 2011, 10:30 PM
Yes and I respect The Citadel, but Charlotte grads do this as well (we even have a Memorial Hall on our campus to honor our alums who died in service to their country) I'm guessing Ap grads and most other schools have grads fighting and dying for our country as well.

when your list looks like this one then maybe we'll talk.


ursus arctos horribilis
June 25th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Its better then watching turf replacements and playing kiss-***. Message boards aren't about affirmations.

The first part I don't agree with cuz I love seeing the process & progress on those every time.

The second part though...cogent.


June 26th, 2011, 12:32 AM
The first part I don't agree with cuz I love seeing the process & progress on those every time.

The second part though...cogent.

I actually am into the technical aspects of stadium construction and even field turf replacements myself (Engineer); but its still not the most exciting thing in the world for most folks.

ursus arctos horribilis
June 26th, 2011, 01:58 PM
I actually am into the technical aspects of stadium construction and even field turf replacements myself (Engineer); but its still not the most exciting thing in the world for most folks.

Not exactly exciting but it is interesting. That's all I need some days when we ain't got a good Donnybrook going!:D

ursus arctos horribilis
June 27th, 2011, 02:36 PM
I actually am into the technical aspects of stadium construction and even field turf replacements myself (Engineer); but its still not the most exciting thing in the world for most folks.

Oddly enough considering the timing I just saw a thread pop up over on the FCS News Feeds forum for the webcam that is set up for 49er's new field.xlolx

June 27th, 2011, 02:40 PM
Oddly enough considering the timing I just saw a thread pop up over on the FCS News Feeds forum for the webcam that is set up for 49er's new field.xlolx

i'll bet the unnc boys are all watching that cam while pleasuring themselves and chanting "FBS", "FBS"...........

SideLine Shooter
June 27th, 2011, 02:45 PM
i'll bet the unnc boys are all watching that cam while pleasuring themselves and chanting "FBS", "FBS"...........

Dog, I wish you would make a trip to north of Charlotte to that fine UNCC campus and straighten them out. You should be able to handle all of their fans.

June 27th, 2011, 03:02 PM

SideLine Shooter
June 27th, 2011, 03:09 PM

Is that the Kohl's parking lot?

July 1st, 2011, 10:31 AM
App's associate AD just said we called UNCC as soon as they announced football but they haven't called them back.

July 1st, 2011, 10:39 AM
App's associate AD just said we called UNCC as soon as they announced football but they haven't called them back.

Haha... their coach is just as delusional as their fans:

"Jay Sutton was very quick to call UNC Charlotte once they announced their plans, but so far that call has gone unreturned. Charlie Cobb and Charlotte AD Judy Rose do talk on occasion about the business side of athletics in NC. I'm sure both schools could find benefit to meeting on the field, outside of the final score."

July 1st, 2011, 11:09 AM
Man I'd love to give those fools 70 points of humble pie. I guess we will have to just enjoy watching them get destroyed by other SoCon schools

July 1st, 2011, 03:11 PM
Man I'd love to give those fools 70 points of humble pie. I guess we will have to just enjoy watching them get destroyed by other SoCon schools

70 is not enough. I was thinking more along the lines of what we did to the W Terriorists on Halloween night a while back.

July 1st, 2011, 04:45 PM
You know good and well that the 49'ers will have an excuse for not calling.Probably lost the number will all those millions of people wanting 49'er tickets.
Their campus is sooooo big, it's only been what 3 years, they probably have not walked the number across campus yet.
They are in a cosmopolitan setting, cannot expect them to have time to get back in touch.
With the multitude of BCS teams continuously calling, it probably got misplaced.
Conference after conference calling to just hope and prey that they join for football only probably got in the way.

July 2nd, 2011, 06:38 AM
I think most of our fans, myself included, would love to come up and play appalachian. I'm from hickory area, been to boone a number of times, and I've never been to a game up there actually.

I think you have to look at our first 2 years schedule though. Nothing in year 1 (2013) resembles appalachian. In year 2 (2014) we do face georgia southern. However, when that game was scheduled that could have potentially been your 2nd year of FBS (based on rumors and FBS studies). We have no FBS opponents scheduled until 2019 so that wasn't part of our plan I assume.

As for not even returning the phone call. . . . . . . I have no idea. Add it to the pile of moves or AD makes that 49er fans question.

July 2nd, 2011, 06:44 AM
I think most of our fans, myself included, would love to come up and play appalachian. I'm from hickory area, been to boone a number of times, and I've never been to a game up there actually.

I think you have to look at our first 2 years schedule though. Nothing in year 1 (2013) resembles appalachian. In year 2 (2014) we do face georgia southern. However, when that game was scheduled that could have potentially been your 2nd year of FBS (based on rumors and FBS studies). We have no FBS opponents scheduled until 2019 so that wasn't part of our plan I assume.

As for not even returning the phone call. . . . . . . I have no idea. Add it to the pile of moves or AD makes that 49er fans question.

Thanks for breaking a stereotype. Most Cee fans I've talked to seemed to think she walked on water.

July 2nd, 2011, 07:51 AM
Why did they wait until after they got kicked out of C-USA to start football?

July 2nd, 2011, 08:01 AM
Thanks for breaking a stereotype. Most Cee fans I've talked to seemed to think she walked on water.
hmmmm. That's interesting. What age group? Most of the folks i know, 35 and under, are not big fans.

Why did they wait until after they got kicked out of C-USA to start football?
Rumor is we were studying it in 2001-ish then 9/11 hit and we slept on it. I don't really buy that because that flies in the face of starting the program at the beginning of the worst recession since the great depression.

The transition from CUSA (w/ Louisville, Cincy, etc.) to A10 was a wake up call though.

According to the ESPN article, Judy has been pushing for football for 20+ years.


July 2nd, 2011, 09:34 AM
Senior Associate Athletic Director for Charlotte:


All this chatter about App not getting a return phone call is 100pct false. They have been super supportive of us.
10 hours ago

We talk to our counterparts on a regular basis about a lot of things related to football. Open lines of communication all around.
10 hours ago

July 2nd, 2011, 01:47 PM
Senior Associate Athletic Director for Charlotte:


All this chatter about App not getting a return phone call is 100pct false. They have been super supportive of us.
10 hours ago

We talk to our counterparts on a regular basis about a lot of things related to football. Open lines of communication all around.
10 hours ago
Since the comment came from our App Associate AD, one side is not being truthful. Since App has a difficult time finding quality ooc fcs teams to play us, and we have a huge alumni population in the Charlotte area, I have a hard time believing our guy is being less than honest about this.

I would suspect that UNCC is asking for a home and home for football, while not being willing to offer App the same for basketball. If true, I hope we can work it out.

July 2nd, 2011, 03:06 PM
Haha... their coach is just as delusional as their fans:

"Jay Sutton was very quick to call UNC Charlotte once they announced their plans, but so far that call has gone unreturned. Charlie Cobb and Charlotte AD Judy Rose do talk on occasion about the business side of athletics in NC. I'm sure both schools could find benefit to meeting on the field, outside of the final score."


July 2nd, 2011, 03:17 PM
Since the comment came from our App Associate AD, one side is not being truthful. Since App has a difficult time finding quality ooc fcs teams to play us, and we have a huge alumni population in the Charlotte area, I have a hard time believing our guy is being less than honest about this.

I would suspect that UNCC is asking for a home and home for football, while not being willing to offer App the same for basketball. If true, I hope we can work it out.

Actually the quote came from "the voice of the mountaineers" in regards to your Associate AD, not the AD himself.

Our Associate AD has further added that: There have been no unreturned phone calls to anyone regarding football scheduling. We will talk to anyone.

I'm going to go that your sportscaster just had bad information.

July 2nd, 2011, 03:24 PM

Guess what, there can be more than one associate AD. It's not like David Jackson is some soccer dad who announces games on the weekends. He works in the office so he knows what he's talking about.

Considering the lines of crap that have come out of Judy Rose's mouth, I'll go with the people that don't work for her.

And that quote came from a live chat yesterday.

July 2nd, 2011, 03:29 PM
"Jay Sutton was very quick to call UNC Charlotte once they announced their plans, but so far that call has gone unreturned."

Perhaps this statement is a fancy way of saying that there are no immediate scheduling plans?

July 2nd, 2011, 03:49 PM
I guess not returning calls gives the head coach plausable deniability to make "nervous" claims.

July 2nd, 2011, 04:02 PM
Oh no he called, but he's just too nervous to drive down there and knock on her door. Clearly terrified of losing right?

July 2nd, 2011, 07:34 PM
I guess not returning calls gives the head coach plausable deniability to make "nervous" claims.


J Cline

July 3rd, 2011, 02:01 PM

J Cline

<sarcasm> Yeah, you two are just so clever.. </sarcasm>

July 3rd, 2011, 03:33 PM
Ok ok...all of you, some good natured banter is appreciated but let's keep it good natured

July 3rd, 2011, 03:35 PM
Ok ok...all of you, some good natured banter is appreciated but let's keep it good natured


July 3rd, 2011, 03:35 PM
<sarcasm> Yeah, you two are just so clever.. </sarcasm>

Hey I think you might have an HTML error - I can see the scripting next to the text.

July 4th, 2011, 07:47 AM
<sarcasm> Yeah, you two are just so clever.. </sarcasm>

Ok kids, here we have an example of something you say when you run out of real things to say.

July 4th, 2011, 07:47 AM
Hey I think you might have an HTML error - I can see the scripting next to the text.


July 4th, 2011, 10:29 AM
Ok kids, here we have an example of something you say when you run out of real things to say.

OUCH!!!! lol

July 4th, 2011, 09:24 PM
OUCH!!!! lol

Yeah, that one really hurt.


July 5th, 2011, 07:53 AM
Yeah, that one really hurt.


Party on, Wayne.
Party on, Garth.

July 5th, 2011, 08:02 AM
Party on, Wayne.
Party on, Garth.

We are not worthy!!!


July 5th, 2011, 08:09 AM
You guys go ahead. I'm just gonna stay here and ...lick the cat's butt.

July 5th, 2011, 11:19 AM
You guys go ahead. I'm just gonna stay here and ...lick the cat's butt.

What does this mean?

July 5th, 2011, 04:12 PM
It's a quote from Wayne's World

July 5th, 2011, 04:24 PM
It's a quote from Wayne's World


ursus arctos horribilis
July 5th, 2011, 05:20 PM
It's a quote from Wayne's World


July 6th, 2011, 09:03 AM

Perfect use of Red. Superb even.