View Full Version : Question for FCS fans on the APR
May 25th, 2011, 03:01 PM
legitimate question:
If your school had been sanctioned for APR violations every year between 2006-2011, and your A.D. had been quoted on the record in 2006 stating that he/she "didn't understand the APR, and he/she wished the NCAA had done a trial run in the 1st year", would he still have a job at your University?
Seriously. I'm curious to know what kind of accountability there is around the rest of this division.
May 25th, 2011, 03:05 PM
Why don't you just start a board called "I hate Sam Baker" and go ask leading questions there.
Just to make you mad, I'm gonna say I would love for him to keep his job after saying that, haha.
May 25th, 2011, 03:08 PM
legitimate question:
If your school had been sanctioned for APR violations every year between 2006-2011, and your A.D. had been quoted on the record in 2006 stating that he/she "didn't understand the APR, and he/she wished the NCAA had done a trial run in the 1st year", would he still have a job at your University?
Seriously. I'm curious to know what kind of accountability there is around the rest of this division.
Part of the reason our bball coach lost his job was because of APR. AD got fired for a different reason but he was feeling the heat because of the hires he made.
May 25th, 2011, 03:08 PM
He may be the worst leader and most incompetent AD out there, but he is one hell of an accountant. We are one of the few athletic departments in the country that are breaking even or making a profit. In this economy, that's pretty important.
I do wish, however, that as soon as this economy picks up we can him and get a big dreamer.
May 25th, 2011, 03:09 PM
Why don't you just start a board called "I hate Sam Baker" and go ask leading questions there.
Only if you start a board call "LGSE needs to learn what's allowed on the FCS Discussion Board or he will have that board turned off for posting"
The original post was a serious question.
May 25th, 2011, 03:13 PM
Let it go Opie.
Enough is a enough.
We all get the point
You do not like Sam
If you were in charge at Georgia Southern Ole Sammy Boy would be ran out of town.
Enough Opie, move on.
Ole Sammy will be at GSU until the powers that be decide it is time for him to move on Not you.
May 25th, 2011, 03:13 PM
...and that was a serious suggestion. It's quite obvious you want people to say "oh my gosh, that is terrible. Of course I would want him fired" just so you can have another thread arguing about firing Sam Baker. Pretty sure there's at least 3 out there now, so why not continue one of those. We get it. Ur AD sucks. What do you want of us to do about it? Kill him?
BTW, if you bang goats that's cool but I'm not starting a board for you; do it yourself.
May 25th, 2011, 03:13 PM
At UC Davis, the coach and the AD's job would be in very serious and immediate jeopardy.
May 25th, 2011, 03:13 PM
He may be the worst leader and most incompetent AD out there, but he is one hell of an accountant. We are one of the few athletic departments in the country that are breaking even or making a profit. In this economy, that's pretty important.
Not that hard to do when you are sitting on the goldmine of potential that is Ga Southern, and you do so little by way of capital improvements that you fall behind your rivals. Think about it. We have a 14,000 seat stadium, but we average 20,000.
Do you truly think Erk wanted GSU to have such low expectations for ourselves that we are satisfied with "breaking even" while our rivals leave us in the dust? I don't.
May 25th, 2011, 03:17 PM
Legal, What do you suggest we do about it?
May 25th, 2011, 03:17 PM
legitimate question:
If your school had been sanctioned for APR violations every year between 2006-2011, and your A.D. had been quoted on the record in 2006 stating that he/she "didn't understand the APR, and he/she wished the NCAA had done a trial run in the 1st year", would he still have a job at your University?
Seriously. I'm curious to know what kind of accountability there is around the rest of this division.
Can't tell you what my Universitiy's position would be on that, but I can tell you, as an educator, that we are subject to constantly changing rules, either in content or measure. These rules are often motivated more by politics than academic concern. Is it possible that the rules were initially ambiguous or that they changed mid stream and he was legitimately confused? Yes, it's entirely possible. Is that what actually happened? I have not idea. If the rules were clear and he had 5 or more years to figure them out, then I would be concerned that he has not been replaced.
May 25th, 2011, 03:19 PM
Let it go Opie.
Enough is a enough.
We all get the point
You do not like Sam
If you were in charge at Georgia Southern Ole Sammy Boy would be ran out of town.
Enough Opie, move on.
Ole Sammy will be at GSU until the powers that be decide it is time for him to move on Not you.
So pathetically typical.
I guess we should all just wait around, keep our mouths shut, and twiddle our thumbs until the "powers that be" decide to do the right thing for the University? Nope, sorry. I won't be silenced. there needs to be a public outcry at this point. It's the only way the message will get through to Prsident Keel. Valleyboy, if you're satisfied with Sam Baker and his cronies running our athletic program into the ground, then I feel sorry for you. I happen to love GSU way more than that.
This APR thing is a total embarassment to our entire school. It has gone on for 6 years, and not a single individual has been held accountable. The time to speak out is now.
I feel sorry for you that you would rather see GSU go down the tubes than you would rock the boat.
May 25th, 2011, 03:25 PM
So pathetically typical.
I guess we should all just wait around, keep our mouths shut, and twiddle our thumbs until the "powers that be" decide to do the right thing for the University? Nope, sorry. I won't be silenced. there needs to be a public outcry at this point. It's the only way the message will get through to Prsident Keel. Valleyboy, if you're satisfied with Sam Baker and his cronies running our athletic program into the ground, then I feel sorry for you. I happen to love GSU way more than that.
This APR thing is a total embarassment to our entire school. It has gone on for 6 years, and not a single individual has been held accountable. The time to speak out is now.
I feel sorry for you that you would rather see GSU go down the tubes than you would rock the boat.
I have no reason to rock the boat. My boy left GSU after the coaching change. I do not have a dog in this fight. I have respect for the GSU program. I want GSU to be sucessful.
May 25th, 2011, 03:30 PM
Legal, What do you suggest we do about it?
I've already suggested killing him.
May 25th, 2011, 03:37 PM
LGSE walking away from Sam Baker's house
May 25th, 2011, 03:43 PM
Here's LGSE interrupting an important GSU meeting where Sam was going to announce a $200 million renovation to the fieldhouse and stadium and show the financing for the project was based solely on alumni support he had drummed up over the previous two years and gold he had mined off of GSU's campus, because hey, the campus is literally a goldmine after all.
If he had just made the announcement sooner, he might have been spared.
That's LGSE on the right btw.
May 25th, 2011, 03:46 PM
May 25th, 2011, 04:34 PM
I've already suggested killing him.
LGSE walking away from Sam Baker's house
Here's LGSE interrupting an important GSU meeting where Sam was going to announce a $200 million renovation to the fieldhouse and stadium and show the financing for the project was based solely on alumni support he had drummed up over the previous two years and gold he had mined off of GSU's campus, because hey, the campus is literally a goldmine after all.
If he had just made the announcement sooner, he might have been spared.
That's LGSE on the right btw.
May 25th, 2011, 04:35 PM
It is just a total embarrassment. We have a bunch of fans who have more loyalty to an AD that lets them be an insider than they do to GSU. Sammy would not be able to get a job at an NCAA school after GSU. Think about that for a second. We have an AD that has been at the premiere FCS institution that not one school would ever grant an interview to.
May 25th, 2011, 05:02 PM
It is just a total embarrassment. We have a bunch of fans who have more loyalty to an AD that lets them be an insider than they do to GSU. Sammy would not be able to get a job at an NCAA school after GSU. Think about that for a second. We have an AD that has been at the premiere FCS institution that not one school would ever grant an interview to.So true.
The Eagle's Cliff
May 25th, 2011, 08:18 PM
It is just a total embarrassment. We have a bunch of fans who have more loyalty to an AD that lets them be an insider than they do to GSU. Sammy would not be able to get a job at an NCAA school after GSU. Think about that for a second. We have an AD that has been at the premiere FCS institution that not one school would ever grant an interview to.
So true.
May 25th, 2011, 10:59 PM
Marlboro mom wanted more than you, player.
May 26th, 2011, 07:39 AM
Here's LGSE interrupting an important GSU meeting where Sam was going to announce a $200 million renovation to the fieldhouse and stadium and show the financing for the project was based solely on alumni support he had drummed up over the previous two years and gold he had mined off of GSU's campus, because hey, the campus is literally a goldmine after all.
If he had just made the announcement sooner, he might have been spared.
That's LGSE on the right btw.
Nice, that's more of an answer than LGSE has given me.
Again Legal, are internet forums enough or what do you suggest we do to remove the cancer that is Sam Baker? What other ideas do you have? It's a start, but I'm not sure internet forums are enough.
May 26th, 2011, 10:06 AM
Only if you start a board call "I Bang Goats"
The original post was a serious question.
the previous post is under review
May 26th, 2011, 10:25 AM
Can we rename this thread "Post pictures and make them into funny situations involving LGSE" and proceed from there?
They would have to also involve Sam Baker in some faint sense I suppose
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