View Full Version : D1B Fishin Log 2006

March 8th, 2006, 07:14 PM
3/6/6 - Kinnickinnik River, River Falls, WI

Early inland trout opener - barbless artificial only

18 degrees, had a helluva time staying warm, at least my hands. Took a guy from work and taught him how to nymph fish. I caught a 15" brown on a leech patterned wooley bugger. Dan caught two, one similar size and one a bit bigger on red, copper johns he expertly tied. A few fish took shots at our strike indicators so we tried elk hairs for a while and I even took a few cast with a small mouse pattern I use for northern and bass. We ended the day with a fish on the last cast and proceeded to drink Jim Beam and beers to close out a decent opener. We took my wonderful mother out to dinner at Muddy Waters in Prescott, had a couple local brews and a huge cheese burger. She lives less than a mile from the river.

3/7/6 - Rush River, don't know the town but just above the Rt. 10 bridge.

Snowing pretty heavy. Saw quite a few big fish. Dan quickly got the hang of nymph fishing and landed a 17" brown(red copper john). Hopefully I'll get some of the pix here soon. I got nothing. Was in guide mode and spotting fish for him. I took a huge **** next to a locked outhouse on a campground. Wiped up with a pair of clean underwear and washed my hands with shaving cream and snow.

March 8th, 2006, 08:07 PM
I took a huge **** next to a locked outhouse on a campground. Wiped up with a pair of clean underwear and washed my hands with shaving cream and snow.

Reminds me of my old bird hunting buddies, every time we were bird hunting he would have to take a dump in the middle of what ever field we were in. Carried gas station blue window cleaning paper for his wipes. :rolleyes:

Of course he was a peach compared to another guy we called "peepants", he once had to **** while driving through Cedar Rapids, so peepants stopped his car in the street and hung his azz out the open door and let her go. ripped his undies off, wiped and left em lay right there. :eek:

I use to do quite a bit of night fishing for walleye, sauger here, but we had big floods a couple of years ago and the river just isn't the same. Not much fishing there now. I caught a state record Saugeye before the flood.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
March 8th, 2006, 08:35 PM
just bought in new ultra light combo at Dicks last night along with a bunch of new spinners and such. I had a $150 in gift certificates for dicks to be used for golf shoes and iron covers but that only ran me $85 so it gave me a chance to finally buy some new goodies for fishing that i probably wouldn't have done if it was money out of my pocket. I haven't seriously fished in about 4 years because of school and limitted time; I probably went 4 or 5 times a year lately. But i put new line on all my reels and i'm gonna put in atleast one good day a week once the lakes thaw, another 2 or 3 weeks. Let ya know how i do, i fish primarily for Bass and Pickeral.

March 8th, 2006, 08:40 PM
just bought in new ultra light combo at Dicks last night along with a bunch of new spinners and such. I had a $150 in gift certificates for dicks to be used for golf shoes and iron covers but that only ran me $85 so it gave me a chance to finally buy some new goodies for fishing that i probably wouldn't have done if it was money out of my pocket. I haven't seriously fished in about 4 years because of school and limitted time; I probably went 4 or 5 times a year lately. But i put new line on all my reels and i'm gonna put in atleast one good day a week once the lakes thaw, another 2 or 3 weeks. Let ya know how i do, i fish primarily for Bass and Pickeral.

Good deal. Mighty fine trout fishing in PA, I hear.

March 8th, 2006, 08:47 PM
Reminds me of my old bird hunting buddies, every time we were bird hunting he would have to take a dump in the middle of what ever field we were in. Carried gas station blue window cleaning paper for his wipes. :rolleyes:

Of course he was a peach compared to another guy we called "peepants", he once had to **** while driving through Cedar Rapids, so peepants stopped his car in the street and hung his azz out the open door and let her go. ripped his undies off, wiped and left em lay right there. :eek:

I use to do quite a bit of night fishing for walleye, sauger here, but we had big floods a couple of years ago and the river just isn't the same. Not much fishing there now. I caught a state record Saugeye before the flood.

Let me know if you ever make it to Cedar Falls. I've got a line on a great place to fish. ***** it, you can go there yourself. Take 218 north just out of town and look for the Benton Concrete Co. Stop in at the weigh station and politely ask permission to fish their sand pits. There's at least 12 of em about a quarter mile in. Might help if you tell em your an ex Panther. If they deny, PM me and I'll get you in. Sand pits are loaded with northerns, big bass, carp, crappies, sunnies, and walleyes/saugers. Periodically the Cedar floods and naturally stocks em. No one fishes them, really. Good luck.

Nice sauger!!

March 8th, 2006, 09:11 PM
My uncle is coming to vistit tomorrow evening. Friday morning we'll put a little 10 ft. crawdad in the water equiped with a 5 hp outboard and an electric trolling motor. We'll fish the flats and the mangrove lined shores. We'll likely catch some speck trout, maybe a red ot two, and if we're lucky, get into some Snook. We'll be fishing soft plastics and shallow diving plugs. The forecast high for Friday is 81 degrees. If the fishing is bad, we'll head to Shepherd's on Clearwater beach and have lunch, being served by some co-ed in a bikini.

March 8th, 2006, 09:35 PM
3/6/6 - Kinnickinnik River, River Falls, WI

Early inland trout opener - barbless artificial only

18 degrees, had a helluva time staying warm, at least my hands. Took a guy from work and taught him how to nymph fish. I caught a 15" brown on a leech patterned wooley bugger. Dan caught two, one similar size and one a bit bigger on red, copper johns he expertly tied. A few fish took shots at our strike indicators so we tried elk hairs for a while and I even took a few cast with a small mouse pattern I use for northern and bass. We ended the day with a fish on the last cast and proceeded to drink Jim Beam and beers to close out a decent opener. We took my wonderful mother out to dinner at Muddy Waters in Prescott, had a couple local brews and a huge cheese burger. She lives less than a mile from the river.

3/7/6 - Rush River, don't know the town but just above the Rt. 10 bridge.

Snowing pretty heavy. Saw quite a few big fish. Dan quickly got the hang of nymph fishing and landed a 17" brown(red copper john). Hopefully I'll get some of the pix here soon. I got nothing. Was in guide mode and spotting fish for him. I took a huge **** next to a locked outhouse on a campground. Wiped up with a pair of clean underwear and washed my hands with shaving cream and snow.

By the way D1B, you sound like a hell of a fly fisherman. I don't know a damn thing about fly fishing, but its something I would like to learn in the future. I have seen some guys that do very well fly fishing wading the flats. If you and/or your brother are ever down here, I'll take you to some spots if you teach me to throw a fly. I'll buy the beer.

March 8th, 2006, 09:49 PM
By the way D1B, you sound like a hell of a fly fisherman. I don't know a damn thing about fly fishing, but its something I would like to learn in the future. I have seen some guys that do very well fly fishing wading the flats. If you and/or your brother are ever down here, I'll take you to some spots if you teach me to throw a fly. I'll buy the beer.

We'd love to. Thanks for the invite. I'm planning a tarpon trip down that a way soon. We'll be in touch.

I've never flyfished for snook. But I hear its a blast. Read alot about it. An 8-10 wt rod, forward shooting line to cast big flys, use streamers, shrimp and crab patterns. Just gear up and go. Regardless of what Grizo says, fly fishing is not that hard.;) Especially in a boat - don't have to worry bout your backcast.

Check out http://members.ij.net/danscustomflys/TopSnookFlies.htm

March 8th, 2006, 09:54 PM
By the way D1B, you sound like a hell of a fly fisherman. I don't know a damn thing about fly fishing, but its something I would like to learn in the future. I have seen some guys that do very well fly fishing wading the flats. If you and/or your brother are ever down here, I'll take you to some spots if you teach me to throw a fly. I'll buy the beer.

BTW, good luck. Hope you slay em.:nod:

March 8th, 2006, 10:21 PM
We'd love to. Thanks for the invite. I'm planning a tarpon trip down that a way soon. We'll be in touch.

I've never flyfished for snook. But I hear its a blast. Read alot about it. An 8-10 wt rod, forward shooting line to cast big flys, use streamers, shrimp and crab patterns. Just gear up and go. Regardless of what Grizo says, fly fishing is not that hard.;) Especially in a boat - don't have to worry bout your backcast.

Check out http://members.ij.net/danscustomflys/TopSnookFlies.htm

I still haven't caught a freakin' tarpon. My buddy bought his boat early summer of last year. The first two times we went out, we decided to fish the passes. There were tarpon rolling all around us, but we were a couple of relocated yanks that didn't have a clue how to fish for one. We threw all kind of **** in the middle of the school to no avail. Even if we did manage to hook one, we didn't have the tackle to land it. This spring, we're prepared. Can't wait for the tarpon to return! The same goes for Kingfish. I've seen lot of them, but haven't caught one. You're supposed to troll for the Kings and my buddy now has his boat all decked out with down riggers and ****. Can't wait for the spring!

March 8th, 2006, 10:42 PM
I still haven't caught a freakin' tarpon. My buddy bought his boat early summer of last year. The first two times we went out, we decided to fish the passes. There were tarpon rolling all around us, but we were a couple of relocated yanks that didn't have a clue how to fish for one. We threw all kind of **** in the middle of the school to no avail. Even if we did manage to hook one, we didn't have the tackle to land it. This spring, we're prepared. Can't wait for the tarpon to return! The same goes for Kingfish. I've seen lot of them, but haven't caught one. You're supposed to troll for the Kings and my buddy now has his boat all decked out with down riggers and ****. Can't wait for the spring!

Damn! That sounds nice!

March 8th, 2006, 11:49 PM
FINALLY a thread that I can post on that I know a little somethin' somethin' about.

I do miss the fishing in Florida.

Having friends in the Port Richey/Tampa area, I did most of mine there. Specifically, on the flats near Green Key Beach...load up a Greenback, and a lot of trout/Red Fish were done for.

Anclote Island, in July/August, usually on a new moon, out going tide, and at night, always produced some good Snook for me. I've yet to catch a Snook in the day time.

Fishing season, for rivers and steams, in Western & Central Montana is open in May through November. Those is Eastern Montana are open all year, as are the lakes and reservoirs.

I try to follow the rules, but end up fishing year round just the same. Catch & Release all the way, so not following the rules is kind of a "non-issue" with me.

The only time you'll hear me say fly fishing is hard is when I'm out with other's that think they know how to do it. That's when their schooling begins.;)

March 9th, 2006, 07:54 AM
Enjoy reading about the fishing trips in other parts of the country.
Sure makes me want to pull out the old canoe this year....:nod:


March 9th, 2006, 08:55 AM

Question. Why did you fish so far north for the Wisconsin opener? I fished Iowa and Wisconsin on Saturday and saw BWOs hatch on two different creeks with 40 degree temps. Saturday was tough with bluebird sky and all the fish in these little coulees go into hiding when the sun is out. Sounds like you had a good time.

I am ready to try some steelhead fishing, I have an 8 wt, with a sink tip and a reel with a ton of backing on it.

Trout fishing in Wisconsin is terrible:D There's no fish here.

March 9th, 2006, 09:56 AM

Question. Why did you fish so far north for the Wisconsin opener? I fished Iowa and Wisconsin on Saturday and saw BWOs hatch on two different creeks with 40 degree temps. Saturday was tough with bluebird sky and all the fish in these little coulees go into hiding when the sun is out. Sounds like you had a good time.

I am ready to try some steelhead fishing, I have an 8 wt, with a sink tip and a reel with a ton of backing on it.

Trout fishing in Wisconsin is terrible:D There's no fish here.

The trip was really to visit my mother. I manage to work in a bit of fishing. I've fished the Kinni and Rush and I know where to go. They are outstanding, for Wisconsin, and are actually rivers vs creeks. We had a good time, a little success too. You mind telling us where you fish in WI/IA? I'm always looking for new spots.

Oh, how did you do?

Steelhead - Have you tried the Pere Marquette or Big Manistee (Michigan) - they are excellent. Steelhead are tops in my book!

March 9th, 2006, 10:13 AM

I started out in Coon Valley on Saturday, but there were so many other people around that I became annoyed, packed up and drove an hour to NE Iowa. I just moved here in September so I have had limited time exploring the inland creeks and streams. I have fished quite a bit in the Coon Valley complex of streams. There are tons of fish in there, almost too many. You tend to catch alot of cookie cutter 12-13 inchers (all wild fish) and anything bigger is a rarity. But the place is tons of fun with a 3 weight. I had a blast there in September with hoppers. But I am going to try and branch out and find some lesser fished streams. I don't feel bad mentioning the Coon Valley complex since it is in every guidebook.

On Saturday I caught and released 7 fish total, the largest was 13 inches. I caught every fish on a size 18 baetis nymph trailed on #12 Pheasant tail. I saw a few rises on BWOs and Midges but I don't think the fish were really looking up. The fish on the two creeks I fished on Saturday were still bunched up in the deeper holes and and despite the warm weather they had not spread out

As for Iowa, I have found a pretty good creek that is very much like the Wisconsin Creeks and it's full of wild fish. I have only seen one other fisherman there the whole winter. The problem is the water is so damn clear that the fish are very spooky and fickle.

I've never fished for Steelhead, I am hoping to get a shot at some in some of the tribs in Wisconsin later on the month. Any suggestions on where to start.

March 9th, 2006, 10:26 AM

Check your inbox. I have this thing about not naming some of these smaller waters on the internet.

March 9th, 2006, 12:18 PM

Check your inbox. I have this thing about not naming some of these smaller waters on the internet.

Got it. Thanks much!

Nice opener for you. Those pheasant tails are something else.

Re: Steelhead - Most Great Lakes Tributary stream/rivers will hold steelhead. The Bois Brule up off Lake Superior is unbelievable, but it's a haul.

I haven't fished the Wisconsin Side of Lake Michigan, but I've fished the Michigan side quit a bit. I'm looking forward to doing some soon. I'll let you know how it goes.

Cap'n Cat
March 9th, 2006, 12:31 PM
3/6/6 - Kinnickinnik River, River Falls, WI

I took a huge **** next to a locked outhouse on a campground. Wiped up with a pair of clean underwear and washed my hands with shaving cream and snow.


I've seen him use contact cases for chew spitters!!!

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

March 9th, 2006, 08:02 PM
I used to fly fish for largemouth bass and bluegill a lot. But then I got into crappie and you can catch so many more on jigs I just couldn't take it. Then I found out that jigs...which I never fished with much before until I started targeting crappie...catch the heck out of everything down here.

Don't know about real trout but the problem with the stuff that lives down here is that you just flat out catch a lot more using other techniques. It's hard to pick up the flyrod when you know you'd be catching a lot more doing something else!

March 9th, 2006, 09:51 PM
I used to fly fish for largemouth bass and bluegill a lot. But then I got into crappie and you can catch so many more on jigs I just couldn't take it. Then I found out that jigs...which I never fished with much before until I started targeting crappie...catch the heck out of everything down here.

Don't know about real trout but the problem with the stuff that lives down here is that you just flat out catch a lot more using other techniques. It's hard to pick up the flyrod when you know you'd be catching a lot more doing something else!

I'm with ya John. Flys are extremely effective for trout and salmon. I did practically nothing for 8 years but fly fish (live in Alaska). Now that I'm back, I mainly hit the early trout opener as all the lakes are still frozen. Once they clear up, it's on the boat and trolling for muskies, salmon, and pike. I always bring my fly gear, much to Cap'ns chagrin, though. In some situations it's more effective (bass, pike and sunnies). It's also more sporting.

March 11th, 2006, 09:27 AM
FINALLY a thread that I can post on that I know a little something' somethin' about.

The only time you'll hear me say fly fishing is hard is when I'm out with other's that think they know how to do it. That's when their schooling begins.;)

Schooling, that's a laugh!!!! More like "grocery store'n" because Grizo favorite fishing hole is behind the local grocery store (right by the back door). Always amazes me how his fish always come out of the water already frozen. Even in summer!

March 11th, 2006, 12:38 PM
Schooling, that's a laugh!!!! More like "grocery store'n" because Grizo favorite fishing hole is behind the local grocery store (right by the back door). Always amazes me how his fish always come out of the water already frozen. Even in summer!

Spoken like a true bait fisherman, and graduate of a trouser trout/pocket perch fishing program.

March 11th, 2006, 06:42 PM
The "Pocket Fisherman". Best invention EVER!

Now I have 2 things to play with in my pocket!:)

March 11th, 2006, 10:31 PM
Fishing season, for rivers and steams, in Western & Central Montana is open in May through November. Those is Eastern Montana are open all year, as are the lakes and reservoirs.

I try to follow the rules, but end up fishing year round just the same. Catch & Release all the way, so not following the rules is kind of a "non-issue" with me

Interesting, for some reason I thought it was open all year. I actually saw a guy fishing on the Gallatin River this afternoon.

March 11th, 2006, 11:01 PM
Interesting, for some reason I thought it was open all year. I actually saw a guy fishing on the Gallatin River this afternoon.

If you came over here, Hansel, in some of the more secluded spots along the Clark Fork, or Bitterroot, you'd probably see me fishing too.

I should have been a little clearer initially...when I said Western Montana, I should have said the Western District of Montana, which include all waters in Montana west of the Continental Divide. Same for when I said Central Montana, I meant District, which covers all waters in Montana east of the CD, where you live.

A good number to call in Bozeman, regarding the boundaries is (406) 994-4042.

March 12th, 2006, 01:25 AM
If you came over here, Hansel, in some of the more secluded spots along the Clark Fork, or Bitterroot, you'd probably see me fishing too..."Time passes slowly up here in the mountains,
We sit beside bridges and walk beside fountains,
Catch the wild fishes that float through the stream,
Time passes slowly when you're lost in a dream."

March 12th, 2006, 12:10 PM
"Time passes slowly up here in the mountains,
We sit beside bridges and walk beside fountains,
Catch the wild fishes that float through the stream,
Time passes slowly when you're lost in a dream."

"I keep listening for footsteps
But I ain't never hearing any
From the shore, I fish for trout
I catch a lot, sometimes too many"

March 12th, 2006, 04:26 PM
"I keep listening for footsteps
But I ain't never hearing any
From the shore, I fish for trout
I catch a lot, sometimes too many"

They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa
To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be
happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!!!

-Napoleon XIV

March 12th, 2006, 10:49 PM
Didn't get out this weekend. Did stop at Gander Mountain to use a couple gift certs:

Side Planer Board - Grizo, In a couple weeks, I'll be catching 10lb. browns with this.

Bullet Diver - Deep trolling on great lakes

Pink Lady - another diver board

Zara Spook
Slip bobbers
Eye Popper
3 spools of Spyerwire

March 13th, 2006, 12:08 AM
Didn't get out this weekend. Did stop at Gander Mountain to use a couple gift certs:

Side Planer Board - Grizo, In a couple weeks, I'll be catching 10lb. browns with this.

Bullet Diver - Deep trolling on great lakes

Pink Lady - another diver board

Zara Spook
Slip bobbers
Eye Popper
3 spools of Spyerwire

I love my side planer board. It's one you use on the pole, not on a seperate line like a great lakes boat using multiple planer boards. it's just a little one for a single pole, after it springs you reel it in with the fish. I use it trolling for lakers in Canada when the other yahoos I go with are hoarding the straight line trolling off the back of the boat. They made endless fun of me when I bought it till I started catching fish on it.

March 13th, 2006, 12:31 AM
Side Planer Board - Grizo, In a couple weeks, I'll be catching 10lb. browns with this.

If you're gonna' fly fish, and use a board, don't forget your head gear, bro'! I don't like 'em, because they screw up my back cast.;)

Biggest Brown I ever caught was 7lbs, and hopefully it's still alive, swimmin' it's ass off.

March 13th, 2006, 03:13 AM
If you're gonna' fly fish..."And yer good gal leaves and she's long gone a-flying
And yer heart feels sick like fish when they're fryin'"

March 13th, 2006, 07:56 AM
We went out Saturday on my buddy's boat. Fished Clearwater pass and the intercoastal. It was VERY windy - got skunked. The water temps were still in the mid-60's and 70 degrees in supposed to be the magic number for the fish to become more active. Hopefully I'll have a better report next trip.

March 13th, 2006, 08:34 AM
I had an awesome weekend on the spring creeks I fished. Even though the water was high an dirty the trout were still aggressive. I used big streamers and just had a ball. On Friday I caught 5 fish over 15 inches. Largest was 19 inches, must have caught 25 fish but I hooked well over 30. Smallest fish of the day was 10 inches. That's best trout fishing I have experienced since I moved to Wisconsin. And it's the kind of day you envision happening when you take up the sport. Streamer fishing may not be as aesthetically pleasing as dry flies, but there is just something about a good size brown trout hell bent on murder slamming into size 4 kiwi muddler. I think Brown trout must be one of the hardest striking fish in fresh water.

March 13th, 2006, 08:55 AM
I had an awesome weekend on the spring creeks I fished. Even though the water was high an dirty the trout were still aggressive. I used big streamers and just had a ball. On Friday I caught 5 fish over 15 inches. Largest was 19 inches, must have caught 25 fish but I hooked well over 30. Smallest fish of the day was 10 inches. That's best trout fishing I have experienced since I moved to Wisconsin. And it's the kind of day you envision happening when you take up the sport. Streamer fishing may not be as aesthetically pleasing as dry flies, but there is just something about a good size brown trout hell bent on murder slamming into size 4 kiwi muddler. I think Brown trout must be one of the hardest striking fish in fresh water.

Great trip TF! Thanks for sharing (even though I am a bit envious).

March 13th, 2006, 04:01 PM
I had an awesome weekend on the spring creeks I fished. Even though the water was high an dirty the trout were still aggressive. I used big streamers and just had a ball. On Friday I caught 5 fish over 15 inches. Largest was 19 inches, must have caught 25 fish but I hooked well over 30. Smallest fish of the day was 10 inches. That's best trout fishing I have experienced since I moved to Wisconsin. And it's the kind of day you envision happening when you take up the sport. Streamer fishing may not be as aesthetically pleasing as dry flies, but there is just something about a good size brown trout hell bent on murder slamming into size 4 kiwi muddler. I think Brown trout must be one of the hardest striking fish in fresh water.

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:


Cap'n Cat
March 13th, 2006, 04:27 PM
Didn't get out this weekend. Did stop at Gander Mountain to use a couple gift certs:

Side Planer Board - Grizo, In a couple weeks, I'll be catching 10lb. browns with this.

Bullet Diver - Deep trolling on great lakes

Pink Lady - another diver board

Zara Spook
Slip bobbers
Eye Popper
3 spools of Spyerwire

BTW, D1B - the Rush River is a couple miles southeast of Ellsworth, Bizzle.

March 13th, 2006, 04:45 PM
BTW, D1B - the Rush River is a couple miles southeast of Ellsworth, Bizzle.

Thanks Bro.:read: xcoffeex

Cap'n Cat
March 13th, 2006, 05:13 PM
Thanks Bro.:read: xcoffeex

Hey, don't get snizzly with me, Snizzle. I'll slap you are like I did from 1966 until 1984.

You indicated in a previous post that you forgot what town it was near.

:mad: :mad:

I'm working WAY late tonight. Call.


March 13th, 2006, 06:17 PM
Hey, don't get snizzly with me, Snizzle. I'll slap you are like I did from 1966 until 1984.

You indicated in a previous post that you forgot what town it was near.

:mad: :mad:

I'm working WAY late tonight. Call.


Meant no harm at all. :read: cuz I need to read up on where I fish and xcoffeex cuz I like this one.

March 13th, 2006, 06:40 PM
I heard the Rush River in WI is the money spot. Somebody pulls a 10 lb'r out of there every year.

Cap'n Cat
March 13th, 2006, 06:46 PM
I heard the Rush River in WI is the money spot. Somebody pulls a 10 lb'r out of there every year.

Triber - YOU'RE the guy who moved to the LaCrosse area????????

I started a whole thread tryin' to find you!!!!!

Cap'n Cat
March 13th, 2006, 06:56 PM
http://mq-mapgend.websys.aol.com/?e=9&GetMapDirect=Gme5diw%2ca%3a9u12%3b%40%245q%2dzw9z7 2%26%3d1l%21aagu67%3a9u%40nhwr5q%40y%26dw20gy%24nl rzs%26u2gu%2c2%3a9672%3b%40b20w%24%3a%26%40%245q%2 dtx1072%26%3d1l%21wya967%3a%26%4025u6%40l%3b%40zau u%24%3a

Go to MapQuest and trace the river. It lets out into Lake Pepin on the Mississippi.

March 13th, 2006, 06:59 PM
http://mq-mapgend.websys.aol.com/?e=9&GetMapDirect=Gme5diw%2ca%3a9u12%3b%40%245q%2dzw9z7 2%26%3d1l%21aagu67%3a9u%40nhwr5q%40y%26dw20gy%24nl rzs%26u2gu%2c2%3a9672%3b%40b20w%24%3a%26%40%245q%2 dtx1072%26%3d1l%21wya967%3a%26%4025u6%40l%3b%40zau u%24%3a

Go to MapQuest and trace the river. It lets out into Lake Pepin on the Mississippi.

Yup, I'm here now:D

When did you post the thread? I did go about a month where I lost touch with a computer when I moved last fall.

Cap'n Cat
March 13th, 2006, 07:01 PM
Yup, I'm here now:D

When did you post the thread? I did go about a month where I lost touch with a computer when I moved last fall.

About a month ago.


Where, exactly, are you? D1B and I are in LaCrosse all the time. When I travel to Michigan every couple of weeks, I stop at the Wisconsin Welcome Center on I-90 to piss and throw out my beer bottles.

March 13th, 2006, 07:03 PM
I actually live in Onalaska, I'm like a couple of minutes off of I-90. Where are you?

March 13th, 2006, 07:05 PM
You must have posted that thread in the Lounge, I don't check that board as often.