View Full Version : Is Georgia Southern back?

May 11th, 2011, 10:11 PM
Pretty amazing them getting back to the semis so quick.


Go Lehigh TU Owl
May 11th, 2011, 10:22 PM
Assuming they stay healthy i believe they're the faves heading into the season.

May 11th, 2011, 11:26 PM

May 12th, 2011, 05:03 AM
You bet they're back. Monken has done a helluva job getting them up and going with the Triple-O, but their defense was their strength last year, and will be again this season. They will be better in 2011.

May 12th, 2011, 07:13 AM
Us? Back? Sheesh... we're so honored just to be in the conversation. Please take it easy on us during our second season under Jeff Monken. The TO is an extremely difficult offense to master. It will take us many years to get back to the form we had back in our glory days. Gosh... with all the excellent FCS teams out there, we're secretly considering dropping to D2 just so we can remain competitive. Our defense isn't really all that good... they just got a few lucky breaks here and there last year. We're just another middle of the pack team struggling to make it in the super difficult SoCon. We will be lucky if we win a conference game all season!! So, no... we're not back... nothing to see here... move on.


May 12th, 2011, 07:56 AM
GSU and App State atop the conference. This is the way it should be. Until we both make like the Jeffersons of course. That being said I feel obligated to mention that we haven't lost to the same team 2 years in a row since 02.

May 12th, 2011, 09:00 AM
GSU and App State atop the conference. This is the way it should be. Until we both make like the Jeffersons of course. That being said I feel obligated to mention that we haven't lost to the same team 2 years in a row since 02.

How many games had you gone without loosing at The Rock when we came there in 2007? just saying......

May 12th, 2011, 09:04 AM
GSU and App State atop the conference. This is the way it should be. Until we both make like the Jeffersons of course. That being said I feel obligated to mention that we haven't lost to the same team 2 years in a row since 02.

Doesn't mean it can't happen... hell, you guys have lost to Western a few times. xeekx

May 12th, 2011, 09:29 AM
How many games had you gone without loosing at The Rock when we came there in 2007? just saying......

I think that's why he said two years in a row. The 2007 game hurt because of that win streak we were riding at home. You also killed our conference win streak this time though. We did make sure to beat you in your house in 2008 though and again in The Rock in 2009. It's def. gonna be a great game this year.

And Pike, we've not lost to WCU since 2004 and the time they beat us before that was 1998, so I hope our chances of keeping the "No 2 in a Row" streak are better than WCU's chances of being able to beat our teams little sisters tea party club.

May 12th, 2011, 09:40 AM
I think that's why he said two years in a row. The 2007 game hurt because of that win streak we were riding at home. You also killed our conference win streak this time though. We did make sure to beat you in your house in 2008 though and again in The Rock in 2009. It's def. gonna be a great game this year.

And Pike, we've not lost to WCU since 2004 and the time they beat us before that was 1998, so I hope our chances of keeping the "No 2 in a Row" streak are better than WCU's chances of being able to beat our teams little sisters tea party club.

I hope (and expect) that it will a great game this year. I still have nightmares about our visit in '09. Horrible game for us AND freezing; it was tough to stay til the clock ran out on that one!

May 12th, 2011, 09:47 AM
I hope (and expect) that it will a great game this year. I still have nightmares about our visit in '09. Horrible game for us AND freezing; it was tough to stay til the clock ran out on that one!

Really it was a delayed payback for the 2003 (maybe 2004???) beating we took. This has all the makings of a quasi-conference championship game.

May 12th, 2011, 09:52 AM
The GSU/App games in 2006, 2007, and 2008 were absolutely epic... must see football!

And yes, GSU is back, they arrived last November.

May 12th, 2011, 10:13 AM
The GSU/App games in 1998, 1999, and 2000 were absolutely epic... must see football!

And yes, GSU is back, they arrived last November.


May 12th, 2011, 11:13 AM
It's amazing what Monken did since our 2009 final record was our third worst since 1942.

:D see what I did there?

May 12th, 2011, 01:06 PM
GaSo is definitely my favorite fan base as far as online forums etc go. An old public school with a history and aspirations beyond repeating JV titles. I'm glad App has a like-minded school in the SoCon and it's only right that we are the two on top this year. Warm and fuzzies aside, come black Saturday its f***ing war and I hate you all.

May 12th, 2011, 01:13 PM
I have a feeling that Chatt town will go to both of your houses and put a beating on you. Imagine how that would shake things up.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
May 12th, 2011, 01:15 PM
I have a feeling that Chatt town will go to both of your houses and put a beating on you. Imagine how that would shake things up.

That's a bold statement! Even for a homer.

May 12th, 2011, 01:18 PM
Gotta learn to kick a field goal first ;-)

May 12th, 2011, 01:20 PM
Gotta learn to kick a field goal first ;-)

No, no, no, GO FOR TWO!!!

May 12th, 2011, 01:22 PM
That's a bold statement! Even for a homer.

Probably not as bold as you think.

May 12th, 2011, 01:27 PM
I'd go for two too if my kicker missed 4-5 in a row including PAT's.

May 12th, 2011, 02:49 PM
That's a bold statement! Even for a homer.

Probably not as bold as you think.

Very bold statement, considering UTC has never put a beating on Georgia Southern in football.

In the four occasions UTC has beaten Georgia Southern, only once has it been in Statesboro. Only sixteen points total separated those losses .... 2 points in 1996, 1 point in 2006, 7 points in 2007 (at Paulson) and 8 in 2009.

I guess an average differential of 3.75 points constitutes a beating for some UTC fans ...

May 12th, 2011, 02:49 PM
I have a feeling that Chatt town will go to both of your houses and put a beating on you. Imagine how that would shake things up.

Your dreams are cute. Chatt has never put a 'beating' on either team. The Mocs have improved, but I think you're getting ahead of yourself....unless your definition of a beating is squeaking by last minute.

May 12th, 2011, 03:25 PM
UTC has beaten ASU twice since 1988, both times by three whole points.

UTC has won in Boone since 1983, the year before GSU became a member of 1-AA. That's 27 years for those counting at home.

As for the GSU/UTC series the all-time score is GSU 877 - UTC 390 or 36.5 to 16.3 on average.

I'd say that was a BOLD statement.

And the answer to the thread is YES. Should be a fun game in Boone this year.

May 12th, 2011, 03:54 PM
Eagles are going to absolutely crush UTC in Paulson.

May 12th, 2011, 04:47 PM
Yes a win constitutes a beating. I have a feeling we will BEAT both Georgia Southern and App State. Happy now. It's not far fetched at all. A Chattanooga team with 50 scholarships nearly got it done last year. The sad thing is that fans who consider themselves so much more knowledgeable than everyone, are so stupid that they believe what happened since 1996 or 1988 has more relevance than what happened a year ago. There is a very very good chance Chattanooga can beat Georgia Southern, and that they can beat App State.

May 12th, 2011, 04:50 PM
Very bold statement, considering UTC has never put a beating on Georgia Southern in football.

In the four occasions UTC has beaten Georgia Southern, only once has it been in Statesboro. Only sixteen points total separated those losses .... 2 points in 1996, 1 point in 2006, 7 points in 2007 (at Paulson) and 8 in 2009.

I guess an average differential of 3.75 points constitutes a beating for some UTC fans ...

Also, Im pretty sure we beat you in 2010. You might want to go and look back at the record books. You have that all jacked up.

May 12th, 2011, 05:13 PM
Really it was a delayed payback for the 2003 (maybe 2004???) beating we took. This has all the makings of a quasi-conference championship game.

better not count those chickens boy.

The Eagle's Cliff
May 12th, 2011, 05:51 PM
Also, Im pretty sure we beat you in 2010. You might want to go and look back at the record books. You have that all jacked up.

Chatty has a very good chance and Coach Huesman might be the guy who turns the corner at that school and finally builds a program without so many transfers. The atmosphere at Finley in 2010 was the best I've seen at a regular season game there. Things are definitely moving in the right direction. Coleman is a good QB and they've got the guys to catch it.

Losses are losses, but it's worth noting that Jaybo Shaw started the first of a three game stretch (Chatty, Citadel, Samford) sharing time with True Freshman Jerrick McKinnon in the Chatty game. While McKinnon is talented and did his best, he was as clueless running the offense as The Citadel was the entire season. With a healthy Shaw, Chatty and Samford are both wins. The Citadel/GSU game was horrible for both teams. I think El Cid turned it over 9 times, but the Eagles only scored 20 on the day. The Samford game the following week was much the same for the Eagles' offense. That skid started in the 3rd Quarter of the Chatty game.

Everything will be interesting this year and I'm looking forward to every game. 2012 is the season when the speed will be back up to Georgia Southern standards at all the skill positions. That being said, Shaw runs it with precision and there isn't a tougher kid in ALL College Football.

My answer to the thread is: "We're back, but not BACK back.

May 12th, 2011, 06:31 PM
Georgia Southern had their way in the 1st half. But in the 2nd half it was all chatty once our defense adjusted. Expect more of the same in 2010. Yall had a nice playoff run. But the bottom line is that you are just another 5 loss team who got into the playoffs because chattanooga scheduled tough in the nonconference.

May 12th, 2011, 07:55 PM
Yes a win constitutes a beating. I have a feeling we will BEAT both Georgia Southern and App State. Happy now. It's not far fetched at all. A Chattanooga team with 50 scholarships nearly got it done last year. The sad thing is that fans who consider themselves so much more knowledgeable than everyone, are so stupid that they believe what happened since 1996 or 1988 has more relevance than what happened a year ago. There is a very very good chance Chattanooga can beat Georgia Southern, and that they can beat App State.

So now you've changed your statement from "will" to "can", good choice, can't argue that. However the us of "very very good chance" and the use of the word "and" just isn't so.

Horseshoe App
May 12th, 2011, 08:20 PM
Georgia Southern had their way in the 1st half. But in the 2nd half it was all chatty once our defense adjusted. Expect more of the same in 2010. Yall had a nice playoff run. But the bottom line is that you are just another 5 loss team who got into the playoffs because chattanooga scheduled tough in the nonconference.

This sounds like our game with you guys. Using your reasoning, we are going to totally murder Chatty in 2011:) I like the way you think!!!

The Eagle's Cliff
May 12th, 2011, 08:38 PM
Georgia Southern had their way in the 1st half. But in the 2nd half it was all chatty once our defense adjusted. Expect more of the same in 2010. Yall had a nice playoff run. But the bottom line is that you are just another 5 loss team who got into the playoffs because chattanooga scheduled tough in the nonconference.

Sorry for my response. I didn't realize this was the smack board and you were a delusional homer. You should be happy and flattered that folks are giving a perennial loser like Chattanooga props that put them ahead of Western Carolina.

May 12th, 2011, 10:57 PM
Georgia Southern had their way in the 1st half. But in the 2nd half it was all chatty once our defense adjusted. Expect more of the same in 2010. Yall had a nice playoff run. But the bottom line is that you are just another 5 loss team who got into the playoffs because chattanooga scheduled tough in the nonconference.

Guess naming dates wrong is contagious :)

Yes, we lost by 8 points last year (2010) ... my error in typing 2009. When you have to look back over 20 years to find four losses, it is easy to do !

You also might be surprised at how many scholarships GSU was operating with over the last couple of years due to APR woes and transition between multiple coaches ... we sure didn't have 63 at our disposal.

And we had a chance to make the playoffs because Wofford whipped your tails. All you had to do was win and we would have been out. Got to play hard all season to have a shot ... still pretty sure, five loss team or not, we ended up with more wins that UTC.

May 13th, 2011, 08:06 AM
Georgia Southern had their way in the 1st half. But in the 2nd half it was all chatty once our defense adjusted. Expect more of the same in 2010. Yall had a nice playoff run. But the bottom line is that you are just another 5 loss team who got into the playoffs because chattanooga scheduled tough in the nonconference.

You guys shouldn't have let App. State score 35 points in the second half and you shouldn't have gotten massacred at Wofford. Take care of business in either of those games and you probably could have gotten into the playoffs.

May 13th, 2011, 08:19 AM
You guys shouldn't have let App. State score 35 points in the second half and you shouldn't have gotten massacred at Wofford. Take care of business in either of those games and you probably could have gotten into the playoffs.

Exactly, Chatts non-conference schedule had little to do with not making playoffs. We beat two ranked FCS teams that you lost to. You had a guaranteed spot if you beat Elon or Wofford.

May 13th, 2011, 08:52 AM
So now you've changed your statement from "will" to "can", good choice, can't argue that. However the us of "very very good chance" and the use of the word "and" just isn't so.

No my personal opinuion is that we will beat them. The only reason I used can is just for the sake of those who question the opinion. There is certainly question as to whether chattanooga will beat Georgia Southern and App. But there is none whatsoever as to whether they can get.

May 13th, 2011, 08:54 AM
The difference is that Chattanooga didn't need a complete collapse against Southern. They just had to pick their game up. They didn't trail by 3 tds in the 4th qtr. App State needed both to even have a chance to win.

May 13th, 2011, 08:56 AM
Exactly, Chatts non-conference schedule had little to do with not making playoffs. We beat two ranked FCS teams that you lost to. You had a guaranteed spot if you beat Elon or Wofford.

Well the teams had the same Socon record and Chattanooga won head-to-head. So clearly the nonconference had a lot to do with it.

May 13th, 2011, 09:21 AM
Sorry for my response. I didn't realize this was the smack board and you were a delusional homer. You should be happy and flattered that folks are giving a perennial loser like Chattanooga props that put them ahead of Western Carolina.

Why can't people use El Cit as an example?

May 13th, 2011, 09:42 AM
Well the teams had the same Socon record and Chattanooga won head-to-head. So clearly the nonconference had a lot to do with it.

Elon was ranked when we beat them. App State was #1 when we beat them. What ranked FCS teams did Chatt beat? That's the difference. Non-conf had nothing to do with it.

May 13th, 2011, 09:47 AM
Elon was ranked when we beat them. App State was #1 when we beat them. What ranked FCS teams did Chatt beat? That's the difference. Non-conf had nothing to do with it.

Georgia Southern and Furman. The same amount as you.

May 13th, 2011, 10:08 AM
Georgia Southern and Furman. The same amount as you.

Neither were top ten. Elon was #10 when we beat them, App was #1. Which was my point...

The committee looks at who you beat, not records alone.

May 13th, 2011, 10:10 AM
One of them was your team.

May 13th, 2011, 10:19 AM
Did UTC have the requisite 7 D-1 wins last year? If the answer is "no" look no farther than that as to why you didn't make the playoffs.

As for UTC winning at both Paulson and Boone, good luck. I look forward to UTC's visit to Statesboro... I will be there.

May 13th, 2011, 10:24 AM
The answer to the original question is that yes, GSU is back to being a force in FCS. The answer to the other discussion is yes UTC, GSU, ASU and Wofford will all be in the hunt for the SoCon and possibly National Titles. ASU has to learn to play some defense, GSU has to hold on to the ball, UTC has to learn how to win the close games and get a dependable kicker, and Wofford has to stay healthy for an entire season. GSU is back and so is the SoCon. Even Furman and Elon should make some noise this year and Samford is always competitive while WCU and Citadel have to be better as they only have one way to go.

The Eagle's Cliff
May 13th, 2011, 10:41 AM
Why can't people use El Cit as an example?

LOL, sorry! El Cid has actually beaten us 4 times and have given us several tough games in spite of their string of poor seasons.

May 13th, 2011, 12:02 PM
No my personal opinuion is that we will beat them. The only reason I used can is just for the sake of those who question the opinion. There is certainly question as to whether chattanooga will beat Georgia Southern and App. But there is none whatsoever as to whether they can get.

I agree, ASU can beat VT, however the chance of that occurring isn't "very very good".

May 13th, 2011, 12:13 PM
One of them was your team.

Congrats. How was your November? I think the playoff run speaks for itself. Good luck this year.

May 13th, 2011, 01:19 PM
*sigh* UTC guy, your coaches son/QB was quoted saying he wanted to be on the team to beat App. Unfortunately for him, chances are he will join the likes of Scott Riddle in the group of frustrated kids who never beat ASU. There is no way Nooga wins at GaSo and App. Ridiculous. I'd give you an outside shot at one of the two, but a slim one at that. These are two top 5 teams.

May 13th, 2011, 01:30 PM
Georgia Southern looks to be good next year. But, let's not forget that they lost 5 games last year.

May 13th, 2011, 01:32 PM
Georgia Southern looks to be good next year. But, let's not forget that they lost 5 games last year.

The same number ASU lost the year before we won our 1st national title.

May 13th, 2011, 01:48 PM
*sigh* UTC guy, your coaches son/QB was quoted saying he wanted to be on the team to beat App. Unfortunately for him, chances are he will join the likes of Scott Riddle in the group of frustrated kids who never beat ASU. There is no way Nooga wins at GaSo and App. Ridiculous. I'd give you an outside shot at one of the two, but a slim one at that. These are two top 5 teams.

See Guys,

Guys like this are the ones that will either disappear when App starts losing some or will fall hard when they do.

Not only do you not know how to win graciously, you have no idea how to lose graciously or even talk about football with anyone that isn't from your school.

So sad.

May 13th, 2011, 02:05 PM
Wow. What a statement from a member of a fan base that is well known for it's lack of class and realistic thinking. Do you have a sweet new app on your iPhone that notifies you whenever someone posts the word "Elon" or "Riddle" or "App/FBS"? I'm the type of fan that stays till the last second ticks off when we're getting man handled by Nova chanting ASU! ASU!

May 13th, 2011, 02:07 PM
I feel like, if gophoenix saw me in real life and knew who I was, he would try to tackle me in the knees.

May 13th, 2011, 02:18 PM
I agree, ASU can beat VT, however the chance of that occurring isn't "very very good".

No they are next to none. Because Virginia Tech is on a whole different level than App State. On the other hand App State and Chattanooga will be on a much more equal level.

May 13th, 2011, 02:21 PM
*sigh* UTC guy, your coaches son/QB was quoted saying he wanted to be on the team to beat App. Unfortunately for him, chances are he will join the likes of Scott Riddle in the group of frustrated kids who never beat ASU. There is no way Nooga wins at GaSo and App. Ridiculous. I'd give you an outside shot at one of the two, but a slim one at that. These are two top 5 teams.

Your statement is ridiculous. Chattanooga was easily to superior to both teams on the Saturday's they face them last year. They completely dominated Georgia Southern in the 2nd half. App needed a once in a life time 5 minute stretch filled with unbelievably lucky and rare plays to even be in that game. As well as an injury to our kicker.

May 13th, 2011, 02:22 PM
Wow. What a statement from a member of a fan base that is well known for it's lack of class and realistic thinking. Do you have a sweet new app on your iPhone that notifies you whenever someone posts the word "Elon" or "Riddle" or "App/FBS"? I'm the type of fan that stays till the last second ticks off when we're getting man handled by Nova chanting ASU! ASU!

Sounds pretty pathetic.

May 13th, 2011, 02:28 PM
Sounds pretty pathetic.

What's pathetic is the number of championship banners Georgia Southern and App State have in YOUR stadium. Enjoy those.

May 13th, 2011, 02:29 PM
Pathetic? Pathetic is 18 or so thousand white-clad UTC fans sitting on their hands the entire second half of the App game while their team's lead was chipped away. If the positions had been reversed and the game was at the Rock, our D plays would have been raucous. I've never seen that many people that quiet for such a long period of time. Even in the first half the elation about beating up on the #1 team in the nation was mild at best.

May 13th, 2011, 02:32 PM
Your statement is ridiculous. Chattanooga was easily to superior to both teams on the Saturday's they face them last year. They completely dominated Georgia Southern in the 2nd half. App needed a once in a life time 5 minute stretch filled with unbelievably lucky and rare plays to even be in that game. As well as an injury to our kicker.

Funny how good teams continue to get "lucky". "Easily superior", yet you continue to misuse words. You got BEAT last year just like 25 of the last 27 times you faces ASU.

May 13th, 2011, 02:36 PM
I was there, it was a wonderful experience. Got some old, fat UTC fan thrown out for coming down and yelling at the App fans. Also, some frat guy failed to capture my flag. He grabbed it, ran off and I promptly apprehended him. What a day.

May 13th, 2011, 02:53 PM
Pathetic? Pathetic is 18 or so thousand white-clad UTC fans sitting on their hands the entire second half of the App game while their team's lead was chipped away. If the positions had been reversed and the game was at the Rock, our D plays would have been raucous. I've never seen that many people that quiet for such a long period of time. Even in the first half the elation about beating up on the #1 team in the nation was mild at best.

Its pretty clear you weren't there and dont remember the game. The lead wasnt chipped away. It evaporated in just a few minutes in a fluky fashion. You weren't the number 1 team in the country either. -

May 13th, 2011, 02:57 PM
Funny how good teams continue to get "lucky". "Easily superior", yet another you continue to misuse words. You got BEAT last year just like 25 of the last 27 times you faces ASU.

My statement was correct. Chattanooga physically dominated you for the vast majority of that football game. Certainly early in the 4th App State took their play to another level but it still took lucky bounce after bounce for them to get back in that game. This wasnt something that "good teams continue to do" This was a stretch of a few minutes that you will see once in a lifetime.

May 13th, 2011, 03:07 PM
Two more words to add to the misused list. Vast and Dominated???

You guys had six more total yards on the day than ASU, yes SIX, congrats. You can complain about the UTC turnovers in the second half and claim they were "luck", but if you'll recall ASU also had three turnovers, which I'll assume weren't luck for UTC.


May 13th, 2011, 03:10 PM
This poor guy. He's digging himself deeper all the while stranded out on a little island all by his lonesome. xlolx The comments have to get more and more extreme.

Not even the other two Nooga fans are wading into this steaming pile. xchinscratchx

May 13th, 2011, 03:18 PM
I never knew what state Chatty was in until this thread... Now I know... Denial.

May 13th, 2011, 03:26 PM
Two more words to add to the misused list. Vast and Dominated???

You guys had six more total yards on the day than ASU, yes SIX, congrats. You can complain about the UTC turnovers in the second half and claim they were "luck", but if you'll recall ASU also had three turnovers, which I'll assume weren't luck for UTC.


The words are used correctly. What is the total yardage supposed to prove? you scored 4 of your tds in a 5 or 6 minute period of the flukiest football Ive ever seen. The VAST majority of the game you were dominated. I'm sorry that you guys are so blind to the truth. All Chattanooga has needed all these years is the right coach. They have managed to find the wrong one for so long. But now they have the right guy and Chattanooga is going to be a big time FCS program. Get used to it.

May 13th, 2011, 03:44 PM
Wow, nice to have a perennial doormat stand up and thump its chest... you can tell it is summer.

I took a look at Chatty's schedule and results last year and they only had six D-1 wins, hence no playoffs- again.

However, they had a chance to achieve that magical 7th win and likely secure a playoff position the last game of the season but alas, with their season on the line in what was a defacto playoff game for them they were *** raped 41-14 by the mighty Terriers of Wofford- who lost at home in the quarters to GSU 3 weeks later.

I'm sure our resident Chatty chest thumper has an excuse for that one too...

May 13th, 2011, 03:46 PM
The words are used correctly. What is the total yardage supposed to prove? you scored 4 of your tds in a 5 or 6 minute period of the flukiest football Ive ever seen. The VAST majority of the game you were dominated. I'm sorry that you guys are so blind to the truth. All Chattanooga has needed all these years is the right coach. They have managed to find the wrong one for so long. But now they have the right guy and Chattanooga is going to be a big time FCS program. Get used to it.

Vast majority is key here because see what happened is UTC began to absolutely CHOKE. Us scoring 4 TDs means UTC was giving them up. I don't believe a superior team would give up big play, after big play...If we weren't the better team that day, then we didn't win. The better team that day wins.Always. Who won?

May 13th, 2011, 03:48 PM
I'm sure our resident Chatty chest thumper has an excuse for that one too...

BJ was on his period that week..."still doesn't mean we're not the better team. We're bamf'ers over at UTC...We beat Alabama, Michigan, and Florida last year and we'll beat ASU and GSU this year...."


May 13th, 2011, 03:52 PM
The words are used correctly. What is the total yardage supposed to prove? you scored 4 of your tds in a 5 or 6 minute period of the flukiest football Ive ever seen. The VAST majority of the game you were dominated. I'm sorry that you guys are so blind to the truth. All Chattanooga has needed all these years is the right coach. They have managed to find the wrong one for so long. But now they have the right guy and Chattanooga is going to be a big time FCS program. Get used to it.

ASU scores the majority of their points on less than 2 minute drives. Last year alone they had over 25 TD drives that lasted less than 2 minutes. ASU scored, punched you in the mouth, took the ball and scored again, punched you in the month again, took the ball and scored again. How did ASU lead in time of possession and on the scoreboard at the end while be dominated the vast majority of the game?. Enjoy your moral victory. You sound like some ASU fans after the JMU game in 2008.

May 13th, 2011, 03:54 PM
ASU scores the majority of their points on less than 2 minute drives. Last year alone they had over 25 TD drives that lasted less than 2 minutes. ASU scored, punched you in the mouth, took the ball and scored again, punched you in the month again, took the ball and scored again. How did ASU lead in time of possession and on the scoreboard at the end while be dominated the vast majority of the game?. Enjoy your moral victory. You sound like some ASU fans after the JMU game in 2008.

How did you score 4 tds in 6 minutes and still only win by 1 point if you werent dominated the rest of the game? Keep reaching for you cliches like "moral victory" Chattanooga lost last year no doubt. Scoreboard is what. The only reason why we are even talking about it is because ASU fans want to believe that Chattanooga is not capable of beating them.

May 13th, 2011, 04:00 PM
BJ was on his period that week..."still doesn't mean we're not the better team. We're bamf'ers over at UTC...We beat Alabama, Michigan, and Florida last year and we'll beat ASU and GSU this year...."



May 13th, 2011, 05:00 PM
Scooooore board, scooooooore board, scooooore board....

May 13th, 2011, 05:28 PM
How did you score 4 tds in 6 minutes and still only win by 1 point if you werent dominated the rest of the game? Keep reaching for you cliches like "moral victory" Chattanooga lost last year no doubt. Scoreboard is what. The only reason why we are even talking about it is because ASU fans want to believe that Chattanooga is not capable of beating them.

I don't recall anyone saying that UTC is not capable of beating ASU. The beauty of college football is that anyone is capable of winning, the people on this board just don't think they will do it. We can go back and forth all day about last year's game and who played better, who should have won, who dominated the game, etc., but ASU won the game in the end. I know UTC is an upcoming program with a good coach, but here is my question: if UTC had a 35-14 lead in the 4th Quarter at home for their season opener which they had all off-season to prepare for and STILL couldn't pull out a win against ASU, how can you realistically expect them to come to Boone and pull it off this year? We all support our teams and I understand that, but you have to understand it would be an enormous upset to come to Boone and beat the 6-time defending SoCon champs.

Horseshoe App
May 13th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Your statement is ridiculous. Chattanooga was easily to superior to both teams on the Saturday's they face them last year. They completely dominated Georgia Southern in the 2nd half. App needed a once in a life time 5 minute stretch filled with unbelievably lucky and rare plays to even be in that game. As well as an injury to our kicker.

I tell you what, you and gophoenix need to have a cookout and sing kumbiya. You're hatred of App is so blatant. The odds are stacked so highly against you to beat both ASU and GSU, you shouldn't even mention it. Have some humility. Your team has improved dramatically, but don't start crowing until you prove you belong. By the way, we did WIN the game last year, so deal with it. Quit making excuses for your team choking. When, and if you beat us this year, start crowing then. Also, crow if you beat GSU. Again, please have humility until that time comes.

The Eagle's Cliff
May 13th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Since becoming 1-AA in 1982, UT-Chattanooga has won 7 games just 4 times in those 29 seasons and never more than 7 wins in a season. They've been to the playoffs once and lost in the first round in 1984. They are 4-20 vs Ga Southern, 4-23 vs. App St, 5-22 vs Furman, 5-9 vs Wofford, 2-6 vs Elon and are barely over .500 vs Citadel and Western Carolina.

The above is evidence that obviously UT-Chattanooga will run the table in the SoCon (as usual) in 2011 and the answer to the thread is Chattanooga is Back!

Now we just have to figure out what a Moc is. It's not short for Moccasin (shoe, river bend, or Indian) or Mocking Bird. Scrappy the Mockinbird dresses like an Engineer and rides a Chattanooga Choo-Choo, but it's just Mocs. So the Tennessee-Chattanooga Mocs-not-Moccasin-not-Mockingbird-not-Choo-Choo-not-Engineer-just-Mocs?

May 13th, 2011, 07:14 PM
Lets be serious Georgia Southern runs a triple option. This is 2011 It will work well a lot of the time, but it will be stopped multiple times every year. To run that offense and then claim you are the favorite to win anything is stupid. Russ Huesman will never again lose to Georgia Southern while they run a triple option they way he is recruiting defense. This isnt high school and your not a military Academy, your players are not disciplined enough to eun that well enough to win every week.

May 13th, 2011, 07:23 PM
When it comes to app State. Regardless of what history says. We are on your level now. Deal with it. Get used to it. There is a very good chance Chatt will beat you. Because they now have as good of coaching and as good of players, and as good of depth.

May 13th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Lets be serious Georgia Southern runs a triple option. This is 2011 It will work well a lot of the time, but it will be stopped multiple times every year. To run that offense and then claim you are the favorite to win anything is stupid. Russ Huesman will never again lose to Georgia Southern while they run a triple option they way he is recruiting defense. This isnt high school and your not a military Academy, your players are not disciplined enough to eun that well enough to win every week.

You know what? In spite of your proclamation I'm guessing the Eagles will be at Paulson Stadium on October 8th and maybe, by some miracle, they'll find some way to make the game competitive. By the way, in the 20+ years that we've run the option we've had one losing season; how many has UT-C had in the last 20? Like others have said, why don't you just wait to crow when your boys have actually done something? Maybe you just like the taste of crow?

May 14th, 2011, 08:15 AM
How about you start a poll asking if UTC is on ASU's level?

Your opinion is in the minority. UTC has stepped up no doubt, but really there was only one way to go.

The Eagle's Cliff
May 14th, 2011, 09:21 AM
Will chattownmocs be at Paulson on Oct 08 or will he be at home watching Tenn vs Georgia?

May 14th, 2011, 10:11 AM
Lets be serious Georgia Southern runs a triple option. This is 2011 It will work well a lot of the time, but it will be stopped multiple times every year. To run that offense and then claim you are the favorite to win anything is stupid. Russ Huesman will never again lose to Georgia Southern while they run a triple option they way he is recruiting defense. This isnt high school and your not a military Academy, your players are not disciplined enough to eun that well enough to win every week.


Well now see there you go talking trash about our offensive scheme and philosophy of the Spread Option attack. Funny you’ve made the same statement & mistake that fans of opposing teams have since 1985.
After playing for 8 national championships & going 10-5 last year with a freshman squad your hypothesis holds water like a sieve. GSUs offense is still young although they made great strides in the final part of the 2010 season. Ga. Southern’s execution for 2011 should be advanced over last year. I don’t believe that Southern’s offense will score 50ppg and average 500 ypg as they did during the PJ era but 35ppg and 440 ypg are will within their reach for the 2011.

May 14th, 2011, 10:46 AM
I hope GSU wins every game BUT 1!!!!!!!

May 14th, 2011, 11:06 AM
Well now see there you go talking trash about our offensive scheme and philosophy the Spread Option attack. Funny you’ve made the same statement & mistake that fans of opposing teams have since 1985.
After playing for 8 national championships & going 10-5 last year with a freshman squad your hypothesis holds water like a sieve. GSUs offense is still young although they made great strides in the final part of the 2010 season. Ga. Southern’s execution for 2011 should be advanced over last year. I don’t believe that Southern’s offense will score 50ppg and average 500 ypg as they did during the PJ era but 35ppg and 440 ypg are will within their reach for the 2011.

I'm confused. xrotatehx

May 14th, 2011, 11:24 AM
Scheme – system, plan, method, design
Philosophy- attitude, thinking, beliefs

May 14th, 2011, 02:19 PM
The flexbone is the complete opposite of spread. You have 9 players right around the ball at the line of scrimmage... and 2 wide receivers split wide. No where close to spread.


Not spread:

The Eagle's Cliff
May 14th, 2011, 03:18 PM
The flexbone is the complete opposite of spread. You have 9 players right around the ball at the line of scrimmage... and 2 wide receivers split wide. No where close to spread.

The "spread" formation in the context of the formation you're thinking of in 2011 is different than 1985 when Paul Johnson dubbed his formation as "spread". PJ basically used a wishbone which was broken, sending the halfbacks to the wings. At the time, the word spread accurately described the formation.

Spread-Option and Spread Offense are two different things. PJ's offense is more appropriately referred to as the Flex-Bone Triple Option, which describes formation and scheme.

ursus arctos horribilis
May 14th, 2011, 03:24 PM
The flexbone is the complete opposite of spread. You have 9 players right around the ball at the line of scrimmage... and 2 wide receivers split wide. No where close to spread.


Not spread:


May 14th, 2011, 03:40 PM
The flexbone is the complete opposite of spread. You have 9 players right around the ball at the line of scrimmage... and 2 wide receivers split wide. No where close to spread.


Not spread:

" The name "flexbone" is somewhat controversial and usually reflects the school of thought from which the offense was born. Some practitioners, such as Air Force's famed former head coach, Fisher DeBerry, welcomed the name flexbone because the offense was seen as a modification of the traditional wishbone. Still others, such as Paul Johnson reject the moniker, preferring instead to call their systems, the "spread option offense". To these practitioners, the offense is more related to spread schemes such as the run and shoot, and simply uses the triple-option as a foundation instead of a dynamic passing game. The offense was actually born in the latter school of practitioners, with its origins attributed to Paul Johnson while at Georgia Southern in the mid-80s"

May 14th, 2011, 04:00 PM
You can see why the phrase "Spread Option" would come about when it is compared to the compacted wishbone formation.


May 14th, 2011, 09:20 PM
The "spread" part comes from the fact that the A-backs are up close to the line of scrimmage which makes them vertical threats in the passing game (compared to having them deep in the backfield in the wishbone). Essentially, we're running an option offense out of the old Run N' Shoot formation. Much of our passing game is basic Run N' Shoot concepts.

May 14th, 2011, 09:24 PM
Lets be serious Georgia Southern runs a triple option. This is 2011 It will work well a lot of the time, but it will be stopped multiple times every year. To run that offense and then claim you are the favorite to win anything is stupid. Russ Huesman will never again lose to Georgia Southern while they run a triple option they way he is recruiting defense. This isnt high school and your not a military Academy, your players are not disciplined enough to eun that well enough to win every week.

Didn't you guys get absolutely ****-canned by Wofford and their option offense at the end of last season...sure got that thing figured out don't you?

That's shocking. I was under the impression that you guys could just dominate any team running the option...because it's a high school offense and your athletes are too good...(somebody's been listening to the "experts" on College Football Live too much).

May 14th, 2011, 09:31 PM
Chattanooga is going to be a big time FCS program. Get used to it.

And sugar plums and lollipops and unicorns!!!

And we'll all live happily ever after...YOU'LL SEE!!

May 14th, 2011, 11:47 PM
Didn't you guys get absolutely ****-canned by Wofford and their option offense at the end of last season...sure got that thing figured out don't you?

That's shocking. I was under the impression that you guys could just dominate any team running the option...because it's a high school offense and your athletes are too good...(somebody's been listening to the "experts" on College Football Live too much).

Yea that defense got smoked just a little bit. 474 yards and 40min TOP....that's really shutting down the offense.

As for dominating us in the game last year, not really. The bs call on roughing the holder threw us out of sync or something cause after that is when things really fell apart. If you look at the stats for that game it was not really tilted in either direction. The 2 TOs for us compared to none for Chatty were the deciding factor. However there was no domination for either side in that game. There was a lot of sloppy play on our side though, and Chatty capitalized on it. I wouldn't count on that again.

May 15th, 2011, 10:12 AM
Lets be serious Georgia Southern runs a triple option. This is 2011 It will work well a lot of the time, but it will be stopped multiple times every year. To run that offense and then claim you are the favorite to win anything is stupid. Russ Huesman will never again lose to Georgia Southern while they run a triple option they way he is recruiting defense. This isnt high school and your not a military Academy, your players are not disciplined enough to eun that well enough to win every week.

Six titles, 8 championship game appearances, the two longest all time home winning streaks, the longest home playoff winning streak, the most ever playoff wins, the best playoff winning percentage, the all time leading rusher, the all time leading touchdown scorer, two Payton Award winners, and a QB recently inducted into the College Football HOF say otherwise.

May 15th, 2011, 12:00 PM
College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

ursus arctos horribilis
May 15th, 2011, 12:38 PM
College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

That offense has a good a chance of winning another NC as any other offensive scheme out there does.

May 15th, 2011, 01:07 PM
College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

isn't there a Univ of Tennessee event you're missing somewhere? I more than perhaps anyone ALIVE, as people who have followed the SoCon and the boards for almost a decade now will tell you, have no love for the stink or the eaglets of pig's ***. They have an elite program. You do not. You would have to completely dominate the subdivision for the next decade to catch up. We all know that is not going to happen.

May 15th, 2011, 01:46 PM
College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

Your remind me of the parrots I heard back in 1985,86,89,90,99,2000 and since. The Flexbone won’t work because things are different now and defensive backs are a lot faster. Tell me chattownmocs what types of offensives have you run that has accomplished as much as ours since 1985? The Moc’s have had many coaches, defensive scheme and players play against our system since 1985 and yet your record is 4-20 against GSU. Even though our team was young last year we improved throughout the season to make it to the quarter finals of the FCS playoffs. Where were the Moc’s and their superior offensive and defensive system? Will stick with what placed us in 8 NC games and the moc’s can use whatever flavor of the month offense that has done so well for you in the past.

May 15th, 2011, 01:56 PM
isn't there a Univ of Tennessee event you're missing somewhere? I more than perhaps anyone ALIVE, as people who have followed the SoCon and the boards for almost a decade now will tell you, have no love for the stink or the eaglets of pig's ***. They have an elite program. You do not. You would have to completely dominate the subdivision for the next decade to catch up. We all know that is not going to happen.

Well thanks Citdog, the “Stink” appreciates that back handed compliment. As for me I’ve always looked forward to the Citadel games. You always give GSU your best & for that I respect your team.
QUESTION – How long do you see the Citadel running the option? Will you attempt to stay with it or is it an attempt at a quick fix?

May 15th, 2011, 02:02 PM
talon in the next few years we are going to be back where we were during the Charlie Taaffe era.

May 15th, 2011, 02:15 PM
Well thats good news for Cit fans and for the SoCon. What type of Triple Option attack will the Cit run: the type Taaffie ran, GSU runs or some other scheme & formation.

May 15th, 2011, 02:27 PM
isn't there a Univ of Tennessee event you're missing somewhere? I more than perhaps anyone ALIVE, as people who have followed the SoCon and the boards for almost a decade now will tell you, have no love for the stink or the eaglets of pig's ***. They have an elite program. You do not. You would have to completely dominate the subdivision for the next decade to catch up. We all know that is not going to happen.

Get over Yosef. I'd have to agree with you about shattanooga though.

May 15th, 2011, 03:01 PM
Well thats good news for Cit fans and for the SoCon. What type of Triple Option attack will the Cit run: the type Taaffie ran, GSU runs or some other scheme & formation.

Craig Candeto was hired as the new qb's coach in the offseason. He is of course your Paul Johnson's former quarterback at canoe u. It was hard to tell last season what it was we were even TRYING to do as we put the ball on the ground so often. Charlie ran the three back behind the Qb offense that he brought with him from hudson high school. We only seemed to line up that way in short yardage or goal to go situations.

May 15th, 2011, 03:04 PM
Get over Yosef. I'd have to agree with you about shattanooga though.

i have made my feelings quite clear on the subject over the years. Starting probably around when your daddy was carrying you around in his testicle satchel.

ursus arctos horribilis
May 15th, 2011, 03:11 PM
appreciates that back handed compliment.

There is but one incarnation that a poster can receive from citdog and that is of the back handed variety. Even those are few and far between so enjoy it when it happens.

May 15th, 2011, 03:25 PM
There is but one incarnation that a poster can receive from citdog and that is of the back handed variety. Even those are few and far between so enjoy it when it happens.

I love you too Ursus.

May 15th, 2011, 05:21 PM
College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

You obviously have no clue about FCS football. Go to panthertalk and join the Ga State crowd, you'll get along perfect.

May 16th, 2011, 10:04 AM
Lets be serious Georgia Southern runs a triple option. This is 2011 It will work well a lot of the time, but it will be stopped multiple times every year. To run that offense and then claim you are the favorite to win anything is stupid. Russ Huesman will never again lose to Georgia Southern while they run a triple option they way he is recruiting defense. This isnt high school and your not a military Academy, your players are not disciplined enough to eun that well enough to win every week.

College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

holy crap

great thread

May 16th, 2011, 10:06 AM
Lets be serious Georgia Southern runs a triple option. This is 2011 It will work well a lot of the time, but it will be stopped multiple times every year. To run that offense and then claim you are the favorite to win anything is stupid. Russ Huesman will never again lose to Georgia Southern while they run a triple option they way he is recruiting defense. This isnt high school and your not a military Academy, your players are not disciplined enough to eun that well enough to win every week.

College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

Craig Candeto was hired as the new qb's coach in the offseason. He is of course your Paul Johnson's former quarterback at canoe u. It was hard to tell last season what it was we were even TRYING to do as we put the ball on the ground so often. Charlie ran the three back behind the Qb offense that he brought with him from hudson high school. We only seemed to line up that way in short yardage or goal to go situations.

My brother played baseball with at the Academy with him, good dude

May 18th, 2011, 04:59 PM
College football has come a long way since 2000. Particulary FCS football. But go ahead and cling to the 90s. Continue to waste elite level talent on the triple option and see how many championships it gets you. The answer will be 0.

somehow we lucked into a semi-final run while your pro style offense kept your asses at home...as usual.

The quickest way to tell that somebody doesn't know **** about football is when they start blaming things on "the scheme"...

Any competent fan knows that there are tons of different SOUND offensive and defensive schemes...none of them is particularly easy to stop if the team running it knows what they are doing and has good athletes. When you have morons spouting off at the mouth about why a particular scheme is somehow flawed they can't back it up with anything because they don't know the first thing about X's and O's or how offenses work in the first place.

It's the kind of guy who if he was coaching a pee wee football team probably just tells the lineman to "block" and draws up the plays for the running backs and the receivers...a mouth breather.

I can assure you that Wofford/GSU/Navy/ etc...aren't racking up rushing yards every week because their scheme is fundamentally flawed. If you ask any defensive coordinator which offense he'd RATHER face he'll pick Chattanooga's vanilla pro style scheme any day of the week because he's familiar with it and it doesn't do anything to get him out of his comfort zone.

Huesman is basically committing coaching mal-practice every week by putting you in that pro-style scheme that literally does NOTHING to take defensive coordinators out of their comfort zone.

"OH NO!! Is that a blast play out of the I formation! I'm gonna have to scrap my entire defensive scheme to stop that!"

"OH NO!! an off tackle play! where are they coming up with this stuff!!??"

May 18th, 2011, 10:10 PM
Funniest thing ive ever read on AGS, chatty fan telling GSU fans they will never win a championship with the triple option!

May 18th, 2011, 11:02 PM
somehow we lucked into a semi-final run while your pro style offense kept your asses at home...as usual.

The quickest way to tell that somebody doesn't know **** about football is when they start blaming things on "the scheme"...

Any competent fan knows that there are tons of different SOUND offensive and defensive schemes...none of them is particularly easy to stop if the team running it knows what they are doing and has good athletes. When you have morons spouting off at the mouth about why a particular scheme is somehow flawed they can't back it up with anything because they don't know the first thing about X's and O's or how offenses work in the first place.
Execution is indeed everything, but scheme is huge, dude. It's a legitimate factor.
Look no further than the playcallig of Chris Hatcher and his cousins. Bubble screens galore and predictable runs. It was horrible to watch, and we sucked. The exact same talent went to the semis the next year with a completely different scheme. The moral of the story is twofold:
1. Scheme and gameplan matter, and 2. Hatcher and his cousins really sucked.