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Accelerati Incredibilus
May 5th, 2011, 08:39 AM
The Southern Conference existed and thrived for DECADES before appy state and will do the same if you secede or not. Wooed heavily? I think not. Three GOOD schools left in response to your entry. VMI only returned when we called them a bunch of scalawags (ok i made that up) but they did leave until we convinced them to come back. I don't care one way or another what appy does. Stay....GREAT! Secede....GREAT! JUST MAKE UP YOUR PEACOCKIN' MIND! I saw the stats on money spent on sports in our conference the other day. Appy state isn't even #1 in YOUR OWN STATE! I don't believe that you understand how much such a move would cost you. It seems stupid to leave where you have been successful just so that you can poke out your overalls and say we play "big time" football.

Nice try pup, but that ain’t the way it went down. Only one of the three (W&M) left due to the addition of what they viewed as inferior academic institutions and didn’t make the move until the admissions of Marshall, ETSU and UTC were announced. ECU & Richmond left because they wanted no part of 1-aa. ECU struggled, but survived while Richmond played brutal schedules from 1977 thru 1985 and failed miserably (going 18-58) before joining the Yankee Conference in 1985. W&M was the only one of the thee that stayed true to 1-aa.

“I saw the stats on money spent on sports in our conference the other day. Appy state isn't even #1 in YOUR OWN STATE! I don't believe that you understand how much such a move would cost you. It seems stupid to leave where you have been successful just so that you can poke out your overalls and say we play "big time" football.”

How do you expect ASU to be #1 in a state with 4 BCS programs and another 30+ year FBS program? As far as FCS programs we blow everybody away in $’s spent on football. The only thing that could distort the figures is Elon’s scholarship cost of around $2,400,000 (average of $34,550 per player in & out of state). Is success the only criteria for being in a conference or division? ASU has a huge advantage over almost every school in the SoCon and FCS, so we should be successful. Six straight conference championships and an 83% winning percentage in conference games since 2005 is more than just successful. No conference program is on the same level as ASUs in terms of winning, facilities, support, funding, and exposure. GSU is taking the necessary steps to get there and I am excited to see it. I have enjoyed our time in the SoCon, but seasons change and it is time for ASU to move on.

May 5th, 2011, 09:09 AM
Nice try pup, but that ain’t the way it went down. Only one of the three (W&M) left due to the addition of what they viewed as inferior academic institutions and didn’t make the move until the admissions of Marshall, ETSU and UTC were announced. ECU & Richmond left because they wanted no part of 1-aa. ECU struggled, but survived while Richmond played brutal schedules from 1977 thru 1985 and failed miserably (going 18-58) before joining the Yankee Conference in 1985. W&M was the only one of the thee that stayed true to 1-aa.

“I saw the stats on money spent on sports in our conference the other day. Appy state isn't even #1 in YOUR OWN STATE! I don't believe that you understand how much such a move would cost you. It seems stupid to leave where you have been successful just so that you can poke out your overalls and say we play "big time" football.”

How do you expect ASU to be #1 in a state with 4 BCS programs and another 30+ year FBS program? As far as FCS programs we blow everybody away in $’s spent on football. The only thing that could distort the figures is Elon’s scholarship cost of around $2,400,000 (average of $34,550 per player in & out of state). Is success the only criteria for being in a conference or division? ASU has a huge advantage over almost every school in the SoCon and FCS, so we should be successful. Six straight conference championships and an 83% winning percentage in conference games since 2005 is more than just successful. No conference program is on the same level as ASUs in terms of winning, facilities, support, funding, and exposure. GSU is taking the necessary steps to get there and I am excited to see it. I have enjoyed our time in the SoCon, but seasons change and it is time for ASU to move on.

Yep...and let's not forget that Citdog's alma mater, THE Military College of the South, was breeched by a woman..


not to mention getting their *** handed to them by a VMI cheerleader...


...is it any wonder App St wants to leave the likes of this bunch?

May 5th, 2011, 12:16 PM
Not what I said. I said that trying to have what the major programs in your state have is a dream. FBS is a reality, but that reality is more likely moderately attended games against UL-Lafayette or Tulane with little to no national coverage.

The "reality" is that App will go from arguably the nation's best FCS team to the 6th best FBS team in their own state. No question that the aspiration to get to that point is a real one.

App is already better than the 6th team in NC AND SC, Duke sucks, Wake is weak, and we've played ECU to the wire with a 3rd string QB. So, youre saying when we're recruiting better athletes we'll get worse? I think youre more jealous than anything.

May 5th, 2011, 01:08 PM
App is already better than the 6th team in NC AND SC, Duke sucks, Wake is weak, and we've played ECU to the wire with a 3rd string QB. So, youre saying when we're recruiting better athletes we'll get worse? I think youre more jealous than anything.



May 5th, 2011, 02:03 PM


Not saying we're better than ECU, but we were as much as they could handle, without Armanti. Also, I dont know if you noticed, but Wake and the Blue Devils arent exactly powerhouses beside App. The carolina teams should line up something like USC, UNC, NCST, Clemson, ECU, App/Wake, Duke. The first 4 being most alike, and the 5th 6th and 7th being most alike in terms of competativeness, then there is Duke.

There is no reason to think App's program cannot become as competative as ECU, and ECU has been very competative with NCST, UNC, Vtech, and WV, with a couple of wins in there. I think a winning CUSA season along with a win over NCST, WV or VT would be a pretty exciting season.

May 5th, 2011, 02:30 PM
Yep...and let's not forget that Citdog's alma mater, THE Military College of the South, was breeched by a woman..


not to mention getting their *** handed to them by a VMI cheerleader...


...is it any wonder App St wants to leave the likes of this bunch?

appa just because you want to engage in "horizontal amourous activities" with ms. ******** that does NOT mean the rest of us want to view her manatee like physique.

it is indeed shocking how women are overcome with desire while in the presence of a The Citadel Man. it is as dangerous for us to walk the streets in the 'late united states' as it is in Afghanistan. Instead of bullets we have to dodge your mothers, sisters, wives, girlfriends, who are just unable to control themselves while in the presence of such a SUPERIOR breed of man.

May 5th, 2011, 02:47 PM
What's wrong with being the big fish in a small pond? Just sayin' :)

Whats wrong with moving on to another topic? What is this, month three you've kept this same concept alive? Two or three different threads, same result. I want App to move up, and I'm even sick of it.

May 5th, 2011, 02:59 PM
HAHA, very true....and it just got delayed some more xbangx

May 5th, 2011, 03:01 PM
Of course a private school is better at wasting money. And it hasn't helped Elon win the SoCon or beat App. It's pretty easy to see the correlation between fans of schools that haven't beaten ASU in recent memory and those who are so outspoken and bitter. GaSo and Wofford fans are much less hostile, while fans of The Burlington School for Yankees and the Poor Man's West point get all feisty. Of course you want us to "secede." You want to be able to compete in the conference again.

Who said I wanted you guys to leave? I am just tired of App fans looking down their nose at the rest of us. You didn't see Florida State doing that to Duke and Wake and Maryland. And that's what it comes down to. Ego. App fans want to leave because of the ego. Some give good reasons, other than that every reason becomes a smack filled post on how much better everything is or how bad the rest of us suck. It's fine. I think the conference overall is better off without the divisiveness of the App fans. Elon and Furman posts get pretty bad from time to time, but at the end of the season there's not this ego and hostility toward each other.

You guys might do well in the long run in FBS. But the problem is, so many of your fans not only don't know how to lose, but they can't take it well when it happens. It's going to be a long road for those fans, especially if short term success brings in a longer term mediocrity before things stabilize. In fact, look at Marshall for just that concept. There are going to be fans that flat out bolt when App starts losing.

May 5th, 2011, 03:12 PM
Maybe we can replace them with Elon fans who are use to it already.

May 5th, 2011, 03:30 PM
You guys might do well in the long run in FBS. But the problem is, so many of your fans not only don't know how to lose, but they can't take it well when it happens. It's going to be a long road for those fans, especially if short term success brings in a longer term mediocrity before things stabilize. In fact, look at Marshall for just that concept. There are going to be fans that flat out bolt when App starts losing.

I can argee with some of that, but Marshall's average attendance is 17% higher than it was during their 1-AA days even with a less than average season, so I'm not sure you can point to them as an example.

May 5th, 2011, 03:34 PM

May 5th, 2011, 03:42 PM
For the record I may be in the minority of App fans who want to stay right where we are. Love the fact that we compete for "True" National Championships instead of playing in half filled stadiums for a bowl game nobody cares about. I believe many are hoping we will be the second coming of Boise State not realizing how many Marshalls or Idaho Vandals are out there. But change is the only thing that is constant. Hope some of our more fickle fans are prepared for it.

May 5th, 2011, 03:47 PM
For the record I may be in the minority of App fans who want to stay right where we are. Love the fact that we compete for "True" National Championships instead of playing in half filled stadiums for a bowl game nobody cares about. I believe many are hoping we will be the second coming of Boise State not realizing how many Marshalls or Idaho Vandals are out there. But change is the only thing that is constant. Hope some of our more fickle fans are prepared for it.

Better to play in a half filled stadium of 50,000 than a half filled stadium of 8,000.

May 5th, 2011, 03:55 PM
Better to play in a half filled stadium of 50,000 than a half filled stadium of 8,000.

Opinons vary.... Give me a ring that says Nat. Champs any day over CarQuest Champs!

May 5th, 2011, 04:16 PM
Opinons vary.... Give me a ring that says Nat. Champs any day over CarQuest Champs!

Even though you know there are 80 teams in the nation that can beat you?

May 5th, 2011, 04:20 PM
Even though you know there are 80 teams in the nation that can beat you?


May 5th, 2011, 05:35 PM
The pups gone all caps watch out. Attendance means people actually care about your team.

May 5th, 2011, 05:37 PM
The pups gone all caps watch out. Attendance means people actually care about your team.

or it's the only entertainment that doesn't involve a sheep or a goat for 6 counties?

ursus arctos horribilis
May 5th, 2011, 05:51 PM
Even though you know there are 80 teams in the nation that can beat you?

No different than in FBS unless you are in one of the respected conferences. It just costs more to realize it.

May 5th, 2011, 06:46 PM
No different than in FBS unless you are in one of the respected conferences. It just costs more to realize it.

You also receive more compensation, though.

Like your conference is actually paid money for broadcast rights... instead of your conference paying a station to broadcast a few games... for example.

ursus arctos horribilis
May 5th, 2011, 07:10 PM
You also receive more compensation, though.

Like your conference is actually paid money for broadcast rights... instead of your conference paying a station to broadcast a few games... for example.

What? Your conference has to pay for broadcasts? I think PSU got $75K (not huge but still..) from the local station when Montana played there this past season?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding ya.

May 5th, 2011, 07:26 PM
What? Your conference has to pay for broadcasts? I think PSU got $75K (not huge but still..) from the local station when Montana played there this past season?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding ya.

Yes the Socon PAYS.

May 5th, 2011, 08:24 PM
Elon and Furman posts get pretty bad from time to time, but at the end of the season there's not this ego and hostility toward each other.

Well, isn't that more because ya'll are both usually setting at 6-5 at the end of the season?

ursus arctos horribilis
May 5th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Yes the Socon PAYS.

Whoa, I did not know that.

May 5th, 2011, 08:42 PM
Well, isn't that more because ya'll are both usually setting at 6-5 at the end of the season?

So you answer with smack. Mature.

The plague of locusts has swarmed.

This thread is dead.

This topic is dead.

Please let App get a conference and take this group with them. Everyone left is better off without the constant FCS and SoCon bashing by this group.

May 5th, 2011, 08:47 PM
yeah, gophoenix would never dream of responding with smack. he is much too mature for such shenanigans.

....wait a second....

May 5th, 2011, 09:00 PM
yeah, gophoenix would never dream of responding with smack. he is much too mature for such shenanigans.

....wait a second....


This is probably gophoenix v4 or 5..he's already pouted himself off the site and from App threads a good 3 or 4 times now. xbawlingx Poor guy can't help himself it seems.

May 5th, 2011, 09:08 PM


May 5th, 2011, 09:12 PM
So you answer with smack. Mature.

The plague of locusts has swarmed.

This thread is dead.

This topic is dead.

Please let App get a conference and take this group with them. Everyone left is better off without the constant FCS and SoCon bashing by this group.

Ahhh, get over yourself GP. This is in jest. Not all App fans bash the SoCon or want to leave FCS. We just have a hard time accepting a morally superior attitude from a fan of a school who has yet to defeat us. Lighten up, Francis.....

May 5th, 2011, 10:50 PM
So you answer with smack. Mature.

The plague of locusts has swarmed.

This thread is dead.

This topic is dead.

Please let App get a conference and take this group with them. Everyone left is better off without the constant FCS and SoCon bashing by this group.

What's the matter Kyle got a little sand in your elon?
