View Full Version : Proposed Legacy Bowl hobbled by additional postseason bid, financial questions

March 30th, 2011, 07:50 AM
03-30-2011 08:40 AM

From the start, MEAC programs like South Carolina State and Florida A&M were cool to the idea of a proposed Legacy Bowl that would decide a mythical black college national champion. When the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference was given a pair of berths in last season’s Football Championship Subdivision playoffs, the idea was all but dead. [...]http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/TheDerisoReport/~4/up0SD-SaIos

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March 30th, 2011, 11:15 AM
Interesting read Nick... seems the finances were not in order

Commissioners Dennis Thomas and Duer Sharp, of the MEAC and SWAC respectively, initially said the two leagues would split $3 million in an ESPN-sponsored game, to be played Dec. 17 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. But then South Carolina State school president George Cooper said he confirmed, through Thomas, that the actual payout for the game was $600,000 — a much smaller figure that would then be split among league members. Participating squads, Cooper said, would have to cover a wide range of expenses involving the team, band and cheerleaders from that guaranteed money.

And of course, there is that whole competing at the highest level thing... doubt the SWAC message would be similar...

“I’m glad that we’re (still) in. I think you want to compete against the best,” Pough added. “The last thing you want to do is run away from a competition such as this, especially when it could be said that we’re taking our ball and going home instead of competing against the best. So I’m excited about a chance that we continue to try to do our best against the top teams in the Championship Subdivision — and I look forward to strengthening our schedule and working to get our program to the point where we can compete effectively against those guys.”

3rd Coast Tiger
March 30th, 2011, 12:16 PM
Interesting read Nick... seems the finances were not in order

And of course, there is that whole competing at the highest level thing... doubt the SWAC message would be similar...

I am all about competing at the highest level.

This message brought to you by a SWAC alum.

March 30th, 2011, 04:34 PM
The Deriso Report always seems to be biased towards the SWAC. They wrote that FAMU and SC State first supported the Legacy Bowl and that is completely false! From the beginning, they were both vocal about their opposition of the game. Dr Ammons of FAMU addressed the Alumni and informed us of his opposition of the game when it first came out which is how most of us found out about it. In fact, no MEAC school has gone on record supporting the Legacy Bowl. The opposition was so heated to where Commissioner Thomas moved the vote from Nov to March and issued a gag order to the schools hoping he could mount some support by then.

There are even SWAC schools that want to return to participating in the playoffs. JSU is very vocal about returning to the playoffs and has even mentioned leaving the SWAC to do so.