View Full Version : Dan Snyder Wants Reporter Fired For Picking On Him

February 2nd, 2011, 06:52 PM
Dan Snyder, Redskins Owner, Wants Writer Fired For Satire (http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2011/02/02/dan-snyder-redskins-owner-reportedly-wants-writer-fired-over-s/)

It's safe to say that Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder and Dave McKenna, a writer with the Washington City Paper, won't be sharing guacamole at a Georgetown City Paper Sunday.

Indeed, Snyder is trying to have McKenna fired and is considering suing the City Paper over a satirical piece aimed squarely at the owner that ran in November.

And the original story he wants the guy fired for (definitely worth reading)...

The Cranky Redskins Fans Guide To Dan Snyder (http://mirror.washingtoncitypaper.com/articles/40063/the-cranky-redskins-fans-guide-to-dan-snyder.html)

We’ve been told a New Dan Snyder walks among us. The line that’s been in heavy rotation out of Redskins Park (and Snyder’s wholly-owned media empire) all season holds that he’s letting football people run the football team. His wife, Tanya Snyder, is out selling the transformation, too. Last week she went on local TV to tell an interviewer that he is now surrounded by “better people,” and that he’s “grown and he’s evolved.”