View Full Version : JMU Players Involved In Fight...
January 24th, 2011, 03:53 PM
BreezeJMU (
MikeABarber Mike Barber
Sources confirm JMU investigating involvement of members of the football team in the weekend fight at a frat party that left 3 hospitalized.
17 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
January 24th, 2011, 04:47 PM
Who is in the hospital.....the JMU players???
January 25th, 2011, 03:17 AM
The bare bones of the story so far is that someone identified as a JMU football players got beat up at a frat party by multiple people (not said who started it), then sometime around 3 am, the a sizeable group of people (claimed to be football players) came back and went nuts, injuring several people and causing a lot of damage at the frat house.
Of course this is only one side of the story, but from what I read on JMU's board from a few first-hand accounts, it doesn't look good for whoever was in that group that came back. However it's all second-hand internet knowledge at this point and should be treated as such.
January 25th, 2011, 07:15 AM
January 25th, 2011, 07:41 AM
Not good news for a program that was already out of control on the field. With a below average offense returning, mediocrity looks like its in for a long stay in H-Burg.
January 25th, 2011, 08:06 AM
With all their efforts to change the social culture of students this year, the school has got to be disappointed that two serious incidents have occurred involving the football team. Mickey needs to get ahead of this thing or it may get laid at his door. Too many players involved for him to just wait it out.
January 25th, 2011, 09:02 AM
That's the same article I posted at the beginning of the thread. Later Mike Barber from Harrisonburg Daily News, who does all the coverage for JMU sports, sent the tweet that there were players being looked at.
January 25th, 2011, 12:00 PM
There really isn't any real news other than a short blurb and a few tweets from the local sports reporter, Mike Barber. There is a lot of internet speculation at the moment. The Athletic Department is definitely investigating, so that alone, is definitely bad news for the football team and Mickey Matthews. I'm guessing the fraternity isn't exactly innocent in this whole thing but regardless if a # of football players were involved in a fight of this magnitude they should all be punished accordingly. Lose your scholarship, get expelled, etc.
This would be the 2nd incident this year. Matthews and Bourne need to do the right thing and tighten their grip or they are going to lose donors, fans and success.
January 25th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Not good news for a program that was already out of control on the field. With a below average offense returning, mediocrity looks like its in for a long stay in H-Burg.
Definitely not good. Even if somehow "justified" as self-defense big FB players are always gonna be in the wrong. Hope noone was seriously injured.
January 25th, 2011, 01:14 PM
I'm sure we're a long way from having all the facts come out, but reportedly a football player got beat up at the party (I've heard differing reasons why, everything from the "he said something to someone's girlfriend" to "he was asked to leave and refused") and then he went and got some of his football player buddies and they drove back and started a huge fight. Hard (see: impossible) to claim self-defense when you leave and come back with friends to get the thing going again.
Reign of Terrier
January 25th, 2011, 04:55 PM
If this is true (that it was football players), the bright side is that they know team work. the bad new is that they will lose as a team
January 25th, 2011, 07:31 PM
whether its the Rose brothers or any other football players,seems to me JMU players have been given the idea that they might be above the law.MM and the AD need to gain control and punish accordingly or the new stadium will be missing a few fans next year.It really looks bad for the head coach if he can't control his players.
January 26th, 2011, 07:20 PM
Guess someone took "Put up your Dukes" literally...
January 26th, 2011, 09:48 PM
I hate to see stuff like this. I was in a fraternity at Georgia Southern, and football still gets a lot of Greek support.
January 31st, 2011, 04:19 AM
I guess if there is a positive about this it is that Robert Morris U just got a couple more starters for next season.xeyebrowx
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