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December 17th, 2010, 10:42 PM
If you look back at previous posts, I had called this from the beginning. People don't realize how much all of that traveling wears you down. Nova was obviously not themselves tonight. EWU was the greater team and deserved to win. Congrats EWU - just glad that Delaware won't get another crack at us because if we somehow won tonight, Delaware would've smoked us - and I'd much rather go down to a team I have no emotion to whatsoever.

On another note, I feel like the game got shortened A LOT by the game clock guy. Time on the clock CONSISTENTLY was going when it shouldn't have been. How nobody on the Nova bench or anyone did not realize this is remarkable. Still no excuse for the result - it was just frustrating trying to play catchup when the time was running when it shouldn't have been.

December 17th, 2010, 10:42 PM
They did tonight. EWU had some moments, but 'Nova going out and playing like crap certainly helped. Nothing against EWU, maybe they caused a few of those fumbles, and they came away with the W in the end, but the 'Nova that played tonight wasn't anything like the 'Nova that's played every game since the season finale against UD.

How very true. Nova is a much much better team that what they shown tonight. Like I stated before, that was one of the worst games I have ever seen them play in a long time. If Nova was firing on all cylinders or even most of their cylinders, they would not have lost that game. With that said, EWU came out to play and they deserved the win.

December 17th, 2010, 10:42 PM
Good job EWU, you made me a believer in you and I personally think you have the team to win it all this year.

'Nova, what happened, that was one of the worse games I have seen you play in a long time.

Oh and that turf EWU, horrible. Yes it gives you the advantage and it makes it hard on teams to win there, but man, tough on the eyes. I am surprised that the NCAA hasn't banned this type of turf (yes I am talking about Boise St as well).

CAA teams seem to always have a tough time with Big Sky teams and I think it is because the Big Sky focuses on stripping the ball while on defense.

This game reminded me and many others of the JMU/Montana game. JMU clearly the better team, but had 4 turnovers that cost them the game.

Clearly? I don't think so, fan. Favored? Sure. But let's not get carried away.

'Nova had three turnovers in the first quarter, but was down by only six at halftime. I'm pretty sure the turnovers were pretty even after that, and they still lost by more than six.

Somebody else will have to tell me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by memory here.

December 17th, 2010, 10:42 PM
Says a LOT about Villanova, that they were unable to beat the dumbest team in the nation. 'Nova had the brains AND the brawn, and still lost by two scores.

'Nova must just plain suck at football.

Real classless post. Defending champs who lost in the semifinal game 3000 miles away? Yeah, we're awful.

December 17th, 2010, 10:43 PM
Congrats to EWU. You capitalized on all of our mistakes. Can't believe we were still in it almost to the end. This team was dead after the UNH game, so I can't be too mad. Too many unforced mistakes on offense and blown assignments on defense and they took advantage of all of them. The only thing that bothers me was the fumble for a TD. he didn't lose the ball until he was forced back 3 yards. I don't know if he was down, but forwardprogress was stopped. Brings back memories of McNeese...

December 17th, 2010, 10:44 PM
I was one of those who didn't see EWU having a prayer against Nova.
Maybe the travel caught up to them, but what a game by EWU - some gutsy calls!
Anyway, I'm here to say I was wrong!
Congratulations EWU Eagles !!!!!!

Now I hope my Hens can prevent an All-Eagle NC game.

December 17th, 2010, 10:45 PM
If you look back at previous posts, I had called this from the beginning. People don't realize how much all of that traveling wears you down. Nova was obviously not themselves tonight. EWU was the greater team and deserved to win. Congrats EWU - just glad that Delaware won't get another crack at us because if we somehow won tonight, Delaware would've smoked us - and I'd much rather go down to a team I have no emotion to whatsoever.

On another note, I feel like the game got shortened A LOT by the game clock guy. Time on the clock CONSISTENTLY was going when it shouldn't have been. How nobody on the Nova bench or anyone did not realize this is remarkable. Still no excuse for the result - it was just frustrating trying to play catchup when the time was running when it shouldn't have been.

This is so true, I remember yelling at the TV and add in the bad calls by the refs and there you have it. But ultimately, it Nova that gave the game away and EWU that won it.

Blue Hen Nation
December 17th, 2010, 10:45 PM
Regardless of inane comments from some village idiot, tomorrow's winner takes it all. Mark my words!

December 17th, 2010, 10:46 PM
Real classless post. Defending champs who lost in the semifinal game 3000 miles away? Yeah, we're awful.

i dont think you understood his post.

December 17th, 2010, 10:47 PM
This is so true, I remember yelling at the TV and add in the bad calls by the refs and there you have it. But ultimately, it Nova that gave the game away and EWU that won it.

You were yelling at the TV?????? Imagine Nova fans who recognized this.... hahaha

December 17th, 2010, 10:47 PM
Real classless post. Defending champs who lost in the semifinal game 3000 miles away? Yeah, we're awful.

You have no sense of context, apparently. Look again at what I was responding to and perhaps you'll understand my post. I'll wait for your apology.

December 17th, 2010, 10:48 PM
i dont think you understood his post.

I understood it quite well. It was sarcastic. But I was one of the few who said EWU would give Nova hell this week, so the sarcasm doesn't work at all for me.

December 17th, 2010, 10:49 PM
I understood it quite well. It was sarcastic. But I was one of the few who said EWU would give Nova hell this week, so the sarcasm doesn't work at all for me.

He was just cheapshoting the CAA fan who had just cheapshoted the Big Sky, i dont think he was trying to degrade Nova.

December 17th, 2010, 10:52 PM
Oh okay, sorry I didn't see that he was directly responding to some stupid Delaware fan. EWU is very tough. How can you call them dumb? They were more physical against a Nova team that was more physical against Delaware. I do think Delaware wins the national championship because of Devlin - but EWU will give them hell as well.

December 17th, 2010, 10:57 PM
I understood it quite well. It was sarcastic. But I was one of the few who said EWU would give Nova hell this week, so the sarcasm doesn't work at all for me.

Well, I'm sorry that I wasn't paying strict attention to your posts and I humbly apologize. Do you recognize the sarcasm here as well?

December 17th, 2010, 10:58 PM
Oh okay, sorry I didn't see that he was directly responding to some stupid Delaware fan. EWU is very tough. How can you call them dumb? They were more physical against a Nova team that was more physical against Delaware. I do think Delaware wins the national championship because of Devlin - but EWU will give them hell as well.

I suppose the 'dumb' comment came from EWU making some questionable calls during the game. Who goes for it on 4th and 4 with only a couple minutes left inside of easy field goal range when you are only up by three? That being said, the calls worked out in EWU's favor tonight, so, you can't argue with the results.

December 17th, 2010, 11:00 PM
Oh okay, sorry I didn't see that he was directly responding to some stupid Delaware fan. EWU is very tough. How can you call them dumb? They were more physical against a Nova team that was more physical against Delaware. I do think Delaware wins the national championship because of Devlin - but EWU will give them hell as well.

Sorry, didn't see your reply before I posted again.

Hey, stuff happens, ya know? Griz lost two fumbles inside the Bobcat 5 yard line, threw an interception at the MSU 20...

Sometimes it's the mistakes that cost the game. It sucks, but it's reality, and part of the game.

'Nova is a tough team, and I'm sure they will be for a long time to come. And that Szczur guy, what a good man, not to mention a great athlete.

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

December 17th, 2010, 11:09 PM
The big sky deserves so much more credit. They might not have the depth of the caa or socon but the top of that league is great. Montana and ewu have been physically novas toughest oppenents going back to last year disregarding temple. Nova out hit app state last week and we physically dominated them, but we were physically dominanted tonight. I was VERY impressed with ewu's run defense. Absolutely outstanding.

December 17th, 2010, 11:16 PM
I thought Nova lacked focus tonight. A big let down after what I saw last week. Nova did not look prepared to play.

December 17th, 2010, 11:26 PM
I thought Nova lacked focus tonight. A big let down after what I saw last week. Nova did not look prepared to play.

Agreed, here. 9,000 miles of traveling in two weeks, final exams and the energy required to not only execute and keep focus came calling tonight. No team commiting five turnovers, especially the number in their own end of the field, wins unless its opponent is bad. EWU deserved to win this game because they executed better. I predicted a high-scoring shootout and that's pretty much what we got. Was impressed with the Eagles' RB. Very good change of direction. He had guys missing all night. Congrats, Eagles. But I don't see EWU beating Delaware, who I expect to win on Saturday.

December 17th, 2010, 11:48 PM
Agreed, here. 9,000 miles of traveling in two weeks, final exams and the energy required to not only execute and keep focus came calling tonight. No team commiting five turnovers, especially the number in their own end of the field, wins unless its opponent is bad. EWU deserved to win this game because they executed better. I predicted a high-scoring shootout and that's pretty much what we got. Was impressed with the Eagles' RB. Very good change of direction. He had guys missing all night. Congrats, Eagles. But I don't see EWU beating Delaware, who I expect to win on Saturday.

Personally - I am loving all the excuses! I guess if they would of won more regular season games then they would not have had to travel 9000 miles! Just sayin!

December 17th, 2010, 11:51 PM
Conrats to the Eagles. They played hard, and had a terrific plan. Nova looked tired. They gave it a game effort, but a hobbled Whitney, losing Szczur, and all the turnovers was just too much.

December 18th, 2010, 12:02 AM
But I don't see EWU beating Delaware,

That is same phrase that was repeated over and over last week, just a different team. We'll see how it all plays out.

I personally think EWU stands a great chance of beating GSU in Frisco.

Side Judge
December 18th, 2010, 12:10 AM
Great game by the EWU QB - also mighty impressed by the FR running back who stepped up into some mighty big shoes - and equally outstanding WR play. It did look like the travel and wear n' tear finally caught up to Szczur and Whitney.

But this game was won by the D - will be interesting to see how they do against a quality (and rested) spread offense or against the TO on a neutral (and green) field...

December 18th, 2010, 12:30 AM
congratulations eagles! you guys were definitely the better team. pretty ballsy playcalling, awesome execution, it was really fun to watch.

either UD or GSU will be a FANTASTIC matchup. you'll be able to watch the other semifinal, worry-free.

December 18th, 2010, 01:10 AM
That was definately a fun game to watch. Congratulations on the win, Eagles!

December 18th, 2010, 02:39 AM
No offense EW fans, but Villanova will simply destroy you on Friday if Jones is out. Even if Jones is 100% healthy, they will defeat you handily.
Huge O line
great QB
Szczur is an absolute madman when healthy!
Quality coaching
Formidable defense also
Again, no offense EW fans, it's just a fact.


December 18th, 2010, 02:44 AM
Game over

For you.

December 18th, 2010, 04:01 AM
EWU looked damn good. Great speed. A QB as good as I've seen. If they are not dropping passes in the 1st half the game might have been over at halftime.
My respect for EWU certainly went way up after this game. Many are going to want to say VU travel caused them to lose. It seemed to me that EWU was just talented enough to win that game. Well done.

December 18th, 2010, 05:41 AM
Congrats on a Great win EW ! I hope we can make it an All Eagle NC game.

December 18th, 2010, 07:24 AM

xsmileyclapx All Eagle playoff,love it

December 18th, 2010, 08:32 AM
Agreed, here. 9,000 miles of traveling in two weeks, final exams and the energy required to not only execute and keep focus came calling tonight. No team commiting five turnovers, especially the number in their own end of the field, wins unless its opponent is bad. EWU deserved to win this game because they executed better. I predicted a high-scoring shootout and that's pretty much what we got. Was impressed with the Eagles' RB. Very good change of direction. He had guys missing all night. Congrats, Eagles. But I don't see EWU beating Delaware, who I expect to win on Saturday.

EWU did it last week.

December 18th, 2010, 08:34 AM
I think Nova was still tired from running up and down the field all day at altitude in Boone! Seriously, great performance by the Eagles last night. Contrats on punching the ticket to Frisco!

December 18th, 2010, 08:39 AM
405 yard to 200? What happened to that rugged CAA squad?

December 18th, 2010, 08:39 AM
Personally - I am loving all the excuses! I guess if they would of won more regular season games then they would not have had to travel 9000 miles! Just sayin!

That is quite true. A better regular season record and VU is playing at home. They made their bed that they had to sleep in and it finally caught up with them. Having seen VU in person and on TV earlier this year, they clearly did not play well enough to deserve a win. The team who made the least mistakes won, which is as it should be. Some people prefer to see 'excuses', I see explanations as to why a certain outcome occured. No one is saying EWU did not deserve to win this game. They did. They just did not convince me that they, overall, are a better team talent wise. However, I will be the first to say that talent is not always going to win for you. It is a team game and if you have breakdowns, and the other team takes advantage of your mistakes (which is what a fumble is), you should lose. VU committed five or six fumbles against us back in September. Unfortunately, I don't think we were able to recover one of them. Had we taken advantage of those same mistakes, maybe a different outcome. While football is a very physical game, executing your plays is just as important as being big, tough and fast.

December 18th, 2010, 08:40 AM
How very true. Nova is a much much better team that what they shown tonight. Like I stated before, that was one of the worst games I have ever seen them play in a long time.If Nova was firing on all cylinders or even most of their cylinders, they would not have lost that game. With that said, EWU came out to play and they deserved the win.

If a frog had wings he wouldn't whomp his azz hopping.

December 18th, 2010, 08:40 AM
xsmileyclapx All Eagle playoff,love it

If so, I'm hoping it's an omen for the Super Bowl!!!!

December 18th, 2010, 08:41 AM
Considering we were 6-4 at one point this season going into the number 1 ranked team in the country's house, needing a win there to even possibly make the playoffs, I would have been ecstatic if you said Nova would have made it to the Final Four. I'll take us finishing as the 3rd or 4th best team in the country considering if it wasn't for a fumble by Delaware's RB at the Nova one yard line, Nova probably would have missed the field entirely.

December 18th, 2010, 08:43 AM
If so, I'm hoping it's an omen for the Super Bowl!!!!

Amen to that!

December 18th, 2010, 08:44 AM
That is quite true. A better regular season record and VU is playing at home. They made their bed that they had to sleep in and it finally caught up with them. Having seen VU in person and on TV earlier this year, they clearly did not play well enough to deserve a win. The team who made the least mistakes won, which is as it should be. Some people prefer to see 'excuses', I see explanations as to why a certain outcome occured. No one is saying EWU did not deserve to win this game. They did. They just did not convince me that they, overall, are a better team talent wise. However, I will be the first to say that talent is not always going to win for you. It is a team game and if you have breakdowns, and the other team takes advantage of your mistakes (which is what a fumble is), you should lose. VU committed five or six fumbles against us back in September. Unfortunately, I don't think we were able to recover one of them. Had we taken advantage of those same mistakes, maybe a different outcome. While football is a very physical game, executing your plays is just as important as being big, tough and fast.

That's funny, it seems to be exactly what a lot of people are trying to say without saying it. Just sayin'......

December 18th, 2010, 08:54 AM
Fact remains, CAA is the best followed closely by Southern. CAA will still be at the top whether or not we are in the finals. Even FCS has their Big East's, Mac's and Wac's.

December 18th, 2010, 09:53 AM
Congratulations EWU!

December 18th, 2010, 01:35 PM
Don't concern yourself with the foot lodged in my mouth, it's only mildly uncomfortable! I couldn't have been more off base!

Very impressive EW team showed up last night and popped Villanova (and Szczur) right square in the mouth! Great job EW, you guys played as a team and earned it. Kudos to Villanova for a fighting year w/ some great victories. I think the travel made it a weary playoffs for Nova.

No offense EW fans, but Villanova will simply destroy you on Friday if Jones is out. Even if Jones is 100% healthy, they will defeat you handily.
Huge O line
great QB
Szczur is an absolute madman when healthy!
Quality coaching
Formidable defense also
Again, no offense EW fans, it's just a fact.

December 18th, 2010, 06:09 PM
Don't concern yourself with the foot lodged in my mouth, it's only mildly uncomfortable! I couldn't have been more off base!

Very impressive EW team showed up last night and popped Villanova (and Szczur) right square in the mouth! Great job EW, you guys played as a team and earned it. Kudos to Villanova for a fighting year w/ some great victories. I think the travel made it a weary playoffs for Nova.

apology accepted:)

Blue Hen Nation
December 18th, 2010, 07:06 PM
xsmileyclapx All Eagle playoff,love it

You were saying?

December 19th, 2010, 09:33 AM
Having been at the game and then watching the ESPN recap on ESPNU it was evident the Eagles were in control most of the 2nd 1/2 and the 4th qtr in particular. You could see in the body language that VU was gassed. The Eagles were just in control. Even your hot shot O lineman was getting beat regularly by our D linemen.
I don't feel there is enough credit given the the O game plan and defensive schemes that kepy VU off balance so they didn't get on a roll and gain momentum. As we all know to have MO on your side is huge. Going into the locker room with a lead on the team you were not supposed to be worthy of being on the field with builds a lot of confidence.
And... no one has mentioned we didn't have our most explosive offensive weapon. While Super Mario did a great job, Taiwan would have tore 'em up!!
Szczur didn't do much because #5 and #10 shut him down, [U]give 'em some credit.
Eagles also had 4 fumbles.
Whitney only gave up 5 pic all year and the Eagles added 2 more, give 'em some credit.
But, thats why we play the game
Go Eags!!

colorless raider
December 19th, 2010, 11:34 AM
Don't concern yourself with the foot lodged in my mouth, it's only mildly uncomfortable! I couldn't have been more off base!

Very impressive EW team showed up last night and popped Villanova (and Szczur) right square in the mouth! Great job EW, you guys played as a team and earned it. Kudos to Villanova for a fighting year w/ some great victories. I think the travel made it a weary playoffs for Nova.

Trave, exams and an excellent EW team and throw in five turnovers and its all over.

December 19th, 2010, 11:58 AM
Fact remains, CAA is the best followed closely by Southern. CAA will still be at the top whether or not we are in the finals. Even FCS has their Big East's, Mac's and Wac's.

Aren't we full of ourselves! Fact is there is one Big Sky team & one CAA team playing for the Championship!

December 19th, 2010, 02:07 PM
Congrats to Eastern and that ugly red field. I glad that another team from the "Big Fluffy" is going to the Chipper.

December 19th, 2010, 02:38 PM
Fact remains, CAA is the best followed closely by Southern. CAA will still be at the top whether or not we are in the finals. Even FCS has their Big East's, Mac's and Wac's.

Fact remains, the last 3 years it's been CAA/BSC in the title game. xcoffeex

December 19th, 2010, 07:21 PM
Fact remains, the last 3 years it's been CAA/BSC in the title game. xcoffeex

And how has that worked out for the Big Sky so far?

December 19th, 2010, 08:22 PM
And how has that worked out for the Big Sky so far?

First trip for the Eagles so too soon to tell.

December 20th, 2010, 12:02 PM
If Bo Levi continues to play like this, and JC and company bring it like they did on Saturday, Look Out Hens!!!

December 20th, 2010, 12:03 PM
And if TJ recovers from his foot injury and is even close to 100%, EWU is the favorite to win it all IMO.

December 20th, 2010, 12:18 PM
If Bo Levi continues to play like this, and JC and company bring it like they did on Saturday, Look Out Hens!!!

Good luck with that considering Delaware gives up about 275 yards per game.