View Full Version : UNH/Delaware Tickets Sales

December 8th, 2010, 01:27 PM
Anyone have some inside info on how this game is selling? I have so many people watching this game and I hoping it doesnt look like an Empty Stadium

Listen I know all the reasons why Playoff attendance is always low so please dont clog this thread up with that stuff... just if anyone can post anything related to ticket sales and how they are going would be great.

Also if anyone know how UNH Sales and Buses are doing also

December 8th, 2010, 01:31 PM
I'd be shocked if the official attendance is over 14k for this game. UD always reports lower than actual anyway, but the DSU game in '07 was the highest playoff game ever at UD and that was 19k. The Lehigh quarterfinal game in '00 was a huge turnout but was only reported to be 16k. Considering those were two really local schools and both brought significant crowds of their own for those games (and not to knock UNH, but I would think it's unlikely for UNH to come close to matching those visiting contingents with the distance in mind and the game being a Friday night game) there's no way this game gets to those numbers. 13k was the attendance last week - I say 12k will be the actual game attendance. You'll see empty seats, but it will be pretty loud (more vocal football fans for playoff games).

December 8th, 2010, 01:49 PM
I would go to the game just to avoid listening to Pam Ward (though I guess the mute button would work, too)

December 8th, 2010, 02:12 PM
I'd imagine there will be a smaller general public turnout at the game & a larger student turnout at the game than normal for a playoff quarterfinal. I'll be there!

December 8th, 2010, 02:22 PM
I'd imagine there will be a smaller general public turnout at the game & a larger student turnout at the game than normal for a playoff quarterfinal. I'll be there!

Are exams still going on? Figured most students would have headed home by the weekend, although it would be great to hear that a bunched stayed around to cheer on the team.

December 8th, 2010, 02:24 PM
I'd be shocked if the official attendance is over 14k for this game. UD always reports lower than actual anyway, but the DSU game in '07 was the highest playoff game ever at UD and that was 19k. The Lehigh quarterfinal game in '00 was a huge turnout but was only reported to be 16k. Considering those were two really local schools and both brought significant crowds of their own for those games (and not to knock UNH, but I would think it's unlikely for UNH to come close to matching those visiting contingents with the distance in mind and the game being a Friday night game) there's no way this game gets to those numbers. 13k was the attendance last week - I say 12k will be the actual game attendance. You'll see empty seats, but it will be pretty loud (more vocal football fans for playoff games).

why is UD playoff attendance so much lower than regular season?

December 8th, 2010, 02:26 PM
Are exams still going on? Figured most students would have headed home by the weekend, although it would be great to hear that a bunched stayed around to cheer on the team.

Finals don't start at UD until this Friday, Dec 10th. Most finals are scheduled over the following week (none on the weekend) so this is actually the last Friday all students are still on campus. Being a Friday night and the game being on national TV there should be a large student contingent at this game. That should make up for the grown-up crowd that may be less of a turnout due to the game being Friday night (i.e. travel from work). But, it will be plenty loud.

December 8th, 2010, 02:31 PM
why is UD playoff attendance so much lower than regular season?

Same as every school - only a week to sell. UD has 10K season ticket holders, say 75% renew for playoff, you have to make that up with walk-up sales. Plus, every school under-reports attendance to make some $$ from the game minus what they have to give the NCAA. UD outdrew App St last week & ASU was about 5-9K higher than UD in the regular season I believe.

December 8th, 2010, 02:33 PM
why is UD playoff attendance so much lower than regular season?

For all the same reasons everyone but Montana's attendance is lower during the playoffs than during the regular season (for reference, see that UD had more people at its playoff game this past weekend than Appy St did, and Appy St averages about 8k more than UD in the regular season). There are plenty of families that make up UD's crowd, and as with most families, that includes grandmoms, moms, and kids. They tend not to be the most hardy of football fans (sure it's sexist, but also true) and they tend not to be in much attendance come playoff time. Same with older people, and Delaware has a wide age range of fans. Heck, UD's student attendance is pretty dismal, but it's been that way for a long time. Basically it's a family crowd. My group is 16 people, 8 of whom are under the age of 7. I took my 2 year old to the game last week (along with the 5 and 7 year olds) and the little guy couldn't hang. Just too cold. And the females (mostly) and old people didn't come, so out of my group of 16, we used 8 tickets. Can't imagine we're different than most. And also remember, regular season games are scheduled months and months in advance - the game this Friday had 5 days notice. Just aren't going to get 20k anywhere in FCS land like that, except in Missoula.

December 8th, 2010, 02:33 PM
Are exams still going on? Figured most students would have headed home by the weekend, although it would be great to hear that a bunched stayed around to cheer on the team.

With it being a quarterfinal AND a Friday night game AND it's on ESPN2, I'd say that's a seeting for more students to come out. One of the reasons for apathy has been well we're not the kinda team that's on ESPN, well, there is only one game in the country Friday night & it's in Newark.

December 8th, 2010, 02:34 PM
Same as every school - only a week to sell. UD has 10K season ticket holders, say 75% renew for playoff, you have to make that up with walk-up sales. Plus, every school under-reports attendance to make some $$ from the game minus what they have to give the NCAA. UD outdrew App St last week & ASU was about 5-9K higher than UD in the regular season I believe.

Well, that certainly reinforces my post that came after this.

December 8th, 2010, 02:59 PM
Gee thanks everyone just what I asked not do YOU ALL DID! lol I still love you all :)

So know one has any inside info?? no UD students on here that can snoop for us?

December 8th, 2010, 03:18 PM
UD students wouldn't have a clue what ticket sales are.

Sorry but unless you're lucky enough to be talking to someone in the respective ticket offices, you're not going to find out ticket sales estimates, short of waiting for the info to be reported by the News Journal either tomorrow or Friday.

History indicates that there will be between 11K-19K there on Friday. What else do you need to know?

December 8th, 2010, 03:29 PM
UD students wouldn't have a clue what ticket sales are.

Sorry but unless you're lucky enough to be talking to someone in the respective ticket offices, you're not going to find out ticket sales estimates, short of waiting for the info to be reported by the News Journal either tomorrow or Friday.

History indicates that there will be between 11K-19K there on Friday. What else do you need to know?

Do you know who will be sitting next to me?

December 8th, 2010, 03:52 PM
Do you know who will be sitting next to me?

Yes I am trying to find out who is sitting next to YorkCountyUNHfan ;-) OK I was trying to get lucky enough that maybe just maybe someone on this board had a second cousin once removed who bought a dog off a UD Alumni guy who's wife is sleeping with the Director of ticket sales. And maybe he would be so kind to find out for us.

December 8th, 2010, 04:07 PM
Yes I am trying to find out who is sitting next to YorkCountyUNHfan ;-) OK I was trying to get lucky enough that maybe just maybe someone on this board had a second cousin once removed who bought a dog off a UD Alumni guy who's wife is sleeping with the Director of ticket sales. And maybe he would be so kind to find out for us.

You rang???

December 8th, 2010, 04:19 PM

December 8th, 2010, 04:26 PM
You rang???

So your the guy with the dog? or are you doing the Directors wife? Help me here!!

December 8th, 2010, 09:45 PM
That is the director's wife.

Side Judge
December 8th, 2010, 09:55 PM
Do you know who will be sitting next to me?

Could well be Gov. (and future president) Christie from NJ - he's a Hen grad who apparently attends most of the home games...

December 9th, 2010, 07:50 AM
Could well be Gov. (and future president) Christie from NJ - he's a Hen grad who apparently attends most of the home games...

I think he's been at all but one home game this year, actually ran into him & made him laugh at last week's games - he's a good guy.

December 9th, 2010, 07:57 AM
Do you know who will be sitting next to me?

VP Joe Biden. Make sure you aren't in the path between him and the ESPN camera. TV cameras are like magnets to the guy.

December 9th, 2010, 08:02 AM
Yes I am trying to find out who is sitting next to YorkCountyUNHfan ;-) OK I was trying to get lucky enough that maybe just maybe someone on this board had a second cousin once removed who bought a dog off a UD Alumni guy who's wife is sleeping with the Director of ticket sales. And maybe he would be so kind to find out for us.

Dayum, If I had known that he was the Director of ticket sales, I would have never divorced her!!!

UNH Fanboi
December 9th, 2010, 09:08 AM
VP Joe Biden. Make sure you aren't in the path between him and the ESPN camera. TV cameras are like magnets to the guy.

It would be some welcome exposure for FCS if both Biden and Christie were at the game and got some camera time.

December 9th, 2010, 09:22 AM
VP Joe Biden. Make sure you aren't in the path between him and the ESPN camera. TV cameras are like magnets to the guy.

Biden gaffe #2538, 12/10/10: "It's great to see all the fans out for this Delaware-Vermont playoff game!.... What?.... Damn!"xlolx