View Full Version : Intriguing Comments from BCS Commissioners

December 8th, 2010, 11:46 AM
Interesting comments from league commissioners... courtesy of Brett McMurphy (http://twitter.com/BrettmcmurphY) of AOL Fan House...

WAC's Benson on FBS schools: 'I think whether in 2 or 5 years, will there be 130 FBS members? Wouldn’t surprise me."

WAC's Benson: 'five non AQ's would support a plus 1.' SEC's Slive: 'if they (other commishes) want to put plus 1 on table' he'd listen
SEC's Slive on Plus 1: "If my colleagues were interested in continuing to pursue that discussion, I would be interested

Big Ten's Delany said he & SEC's Slive in favor of removing cap so more than 2 teams from same conference can get BCS bowl bid

Big 10's Delany 'everyone has been enhanced by the BCS'

Big East commish Marinatto: TCU average travel in MWC 1,100 mile avg trip; in Big East will be 1,208 mile avg trip

Big 12's Dan Beebe said league examining whether to have a name change. Jokes will call it 'the real Big 10'

Big Al
December 8th, 2010, 05:49 PM
Please note that whenever Delany opens his mouth, he is only thinking of how it will benefit his conference. He would have loved, loved, loved to get MSU into the Big Cash System this year along with Wisconsin & OSU.

Also, when he says "everyone", he really means "everyone in the Big Ten".

December 9th, 2010, 08:39 PM
Further on what was said...

And college football's behemoths -- the automatic qualifying BCS conference commissioners -- vow they'll keep it that way.

They indicated that after providing the non-automatic qualifying leagues unprecedented financial reward and access to the BCS bowls in the past, enough is enough. They flat out said if those leagues try to get even more there could be dire consequences.

"Don't push it past this because if you push it past this, the Big 12's position is we'll just go back to the old (bowl) system," Big 12 commissioner Dan Beebe told FanHouse. "You're getting the ability to get to places you've never gotten before. We've Jerry-rigged the free market system to the benefit of those institutions and a lot are institutions that don't even fill their stadiums."

Pac-10 commissioner Larry Scott had the same message.


December 9th, 2010, 10:11 PM
Please note that whenever Delany opens his mouth, he is only thinking of how it will benefit his conference. He would have loved, loved, loved to get MSU into the Big Cash System this year along with Wisconsin & OSU.

Also, when he says "everyone", he really means "everyone in the Big Ten".

Everyone in the Big Ten who doesn't advocate for a playoff like JoePa at Penn State.

Started reading "Death to the BCS" ... one of the writers, Josh Peter, used to write at the New Orleans Times Picayune and is one of the best investigative writers in the country (so I take him, Dan Wetzel and Jeff Passan at their word).

Here's an excerpt for those who haven't read it ...

For two years, we pored over thousands of pages of tax filings, university contracts, and congressional testimony. We criss-crossed the country interviewing the pertinent power players in college football, on and off the record. We filed dozens of Freedom of Information requests. We wanted to answer one question: Why is college football really saddled with the brain-dead Bowl Championship Series? We sought the truth because tens of millions of fans deserve it.

We discovered an ocean of corruption: sophisticated scams, mind-numbing waste, and naked political deals — enough to prove that the confused excuses spat out by the suits in charge and regurgitated by their well-paid public relations people are empty drivel. While the sleaze should be enough to cause the death of the BCS, it’s simply emblematic of a long battle best represented by two men. One stands for common sense and the possibilities the great game can offer. The other is about protecting the one-sided system that enriches and empowers the very few who led college football into this morass, even as it runs counter to their teams’ competitive interests.

You’ve heard of the first. His name is Joe Paterno. He’s the eighty-three-year-old icon who, after sixty-one seasons coaching at Penn State, the last forty-five as head coach, is as steadfast a proponent of a playoff as ever. He is us. He is you. He is everyone whose gag reflex engages upon the mere thought of how college football crowns its national champion.

You might not have heard of the other. His name is Jim Delany. He’s the balding, sixty-two-year-old former assistant district attorney who is the commissioner of Penn State’s conference, the Big Ten. He is one of the most powerful people in college athletics. His influence far outweighs that of even the NCAA president, because Delany belongs to the group that hijacked college football and refuses to let go.

Paterno may be the king of the sport, but Delany is the ayatollah, speaking the word of God.

And that word is no.

Big Al
December 10th, 2010, 11:54 PM
Everyone in the Big Ten who doesn't advocate for a playoff like JoePa at Penn State.

Started reading "Death to the BCS" ... one of the writers, Josh Peter, used to write at the New Orleans Times Picayune and is one of the best investigative writers in the country (so I take him, Dan Wetzel and Jeff Passan at their word).

I'm a big fan of Dan Wetzel's reporting and I think he's pegged the sham that is the BCS. Much as I like Jo Pa, though, his opinion on playoffs doesn't count for squat in the Big Ten. I bet Penn State's AD & President know their school is richer because of the BCS, so they'll never go for a playoff system and they're the ones that Delany listens to, not Joe Paterno. Hell, even Jim Tressel at OSU has made pro-playoff statements but we all know what Gordon Gee, OSU's president thinks of the BCS.

Also, I think it's really rich that Dan Beebe is talking like the Big-12 has given enough and if all this access talk from the non-BCS schools doesn't stop they're gonna take their ball and go home. The BCS almost killed his conference, so you'd think he'd be a little more circumspect in his comments. What a toolbox.