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Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2010, 06:51 PM
Congrats to EWU. But Nova's on a roll and wins next week, I'm afraid.

nova will kick their a**es, a FFD game would have been a heck-of-a game....

December 11th, 2010, 06:52 PM
Congrats to EWU. But Nova's on a roll and wins next week, I'm afraid.

Probably true, but that's why the games are played. As an aside, at least the Big Sky has a team other than Montana in the semi's! Big point of contention from the CAA elitists.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 11th, 2010, 06:52 PM
I disagree, that ball was catchable, IMO. It only hit the ground six or eight feet from the receiver, who was definitely held up. Hell, without interference I could have caught that ball, and I'm 45 and fat, and haven't played organized football since the 8th grade. Granted, it would have taken a hell of an effort on my part, but not on the part of the EWU receiver.

Not from the TV angle, incidental contact between receiver and defender

December 11th, 2010, 06:54 PM
Bison Fan in Fertile MN, the DB grabbed and held the guy. Nothing incidental about that.

December 11th, 2010, 06:55 PM
As an EWU fan, I hate to say it, but I agree. It appeared to be a ground caused fumble. But like someone else noted, the angles weren't the best for the two replays. I know I'd be pissed if the situation was flipflopped. NDSU deserves a lot of credit. They've been on the road the entire playoffs, and were still bringing it.

As for the miricle 90 yard scoring drive with two minutes left, it's what EWU has done all season. They way they were playing in the snow, I was certain they were done with the fumble. I think if the Bison would've run on 4th and 2 instead of punting, they had a great chance of getting the first down and putting the game away. I understand why they punted. EWU had been self destructing with turnovers and just flat out not catching or being able to run in the snow. I was shocked to see them convert to 4th downs and get into the end zone. But, like I said, they had like 7 games with similarly intense endings during the regular season.

NC Aggie
December 11th, 2010, 06:55 PM
Bad call by refs. Ground called that fumble...but I am sure hard to de-cipher on the field. The catch was that there had to be indisputable evidence and I doubt the review crew wanted to go there at Cheney.

NC Aggie
December 11th, 2010, 06:57 PM
Funny how you can say you would have been a better fit than the team you just lost to. Win on the field and STFU.

Nice language......

Go Bison
December 11th, 2010, 07:03 PM
Bison Fan in Fertile MN, the DB grabbed and held the guy. Nothing incidental about that.

I did see that call and it was a call that the ref had to make. The DB totally grabbed the guy and didn't turn around. Therefore IMHO it was a good call.

December 11th, 2010, 07:04 PM
Nice language......

Content is more important than language.

December 11th, 2010, 07:05 PM
Not from the TV angle, incidental contact between receiver and defender

From the TV angle it was interference. Sorry.

December 11th, 2010, 07:09 PM
All I have to say is Great Game by both teams. I do love how Eastern did not give up and came out with the win! GUTS! You will need it with Villanova but I am behind you all the way!

NC Aggie
December 11th, 2010, 07:22 PM
Content is more important than language.
Then hy use that language?

December 11th, 2010, 07:24 PM
Then hy use that language?

Because I was angry at the poster that I was responding to. This isn't rocket science, man.

December 11th, 2010, 07:33 PM
I did see that call and it was a call that the ref had to make. The DB totally grabbed the guy and didn't turn around. Therefore IMHO it was a good call.

I totally agree, Bison. The replay showed that the d-back held the receiver for a considerable time and impeded his ability to get to the ball. In situations that like that, refs almost never consider or invoke the uncatchable possibility, because it's so hard to know how far downfield the receiver would have gotten. While I think the qb was down before the fumble, in fact on his back, I can see how the replay official might have decided that the replay was not conclusive. The replay officials have been very reluctant to overturn calls in the FCS playoff games, I've noticed. Everyone around me, most of whom were cheering for EWU, thought the qb was down before the fumble. I was watching the game with Breske.

December 11th, 2010, 07:43 PM
The PI seemed to be legit, but I wouldn't have pissed all over myself if it wasn't called either. As for the fumble, part of the blame needs to go to the quarterback on that one. It was sloppy conditions. He shouldn't have put himself in a position to allow the referees to effect the outcome. Now I don't want to say Jensen was being greedy trying to extend himself, but it wasn't 4th down and in a position where he needed to go for broke either. At some point you need to fight to play another play. But hey, he'll learn from the experience and be a better player for it. On a side note, I do think the red turf had an impact on the replays as well. On the catch/no catch review in the first half where it looked like the ball might have skipped off the turf. I thought it definitely should have been overturned and not ruled a catch, but the ball blends in too much with the turf and that sort of thing seemed to help EWU. Is that sort of thing going to be a homefield advantage? Only time will tell.

December 11th, 2010, 07:56 PM
Congrats to EW. A tough way for the Bison to lose, but lets face it, it was all house money. This team is young and this experience will pay off next year.

December 11th, 2010, 08:01 PM
LOL....probably because we would have 19K screaming fans for that game...that's why...so you....STFU!!

Oh ya, the Grizz come to Fargo 1st in the home/home but I'm sure they'll try to buy it out.......for a DII home patsy.

If you think home field makes THAT much difference, you're simply ignorant.

Oh, and why would the Griz buy out when we travel first? Just means we won't get the return game, doesn't it?

You need a little more education on this stuff.

Go Bison
December 11th, 2010, 08:32 PM
Not my best moment.....apologies!!

Too much emotion after the loss

Apology taken. Now time to step away from the computer.

December 11th, 2010, 08:37 PM
Apology taken. Now time to step away from the computer.

Uh...GoBison? I think it's up to me to accept that apology. And I do.

That said, it's not cool of me, at least on some level, to post a PM, but I feel if somebody is using the PM function to harass, then it's my (or anybody's) option on what they will do with that information.

Back to Mafia Wars...and curses on my wife and kid for getting me addicted to it (and then quitting)!!

Go Bison
December 11th, 2010, 08:41 PM
Uh...GoBison? I think it's up to me to accept that apology. And I do.

That said, it's not cool of me, at least on some level, to post a PM, but I feel if somebody is using the PM function to harass, then it's my (or anybody's) option on what they will do with that information.

Back to Mafia Wars...and curses on my wife and kid for getting me addicted to it (and then quitting)!!

Just trying to add a little humor to the situation. I thought you might find it funny if I accepted his apology before you replied. Have a good night!

December 11th, 2010, 09:06 PM
Great game, unfortunate ending for NDSU. Too bad Austin Richard had that stupid personal foul, or it might not have even gone to OT.

Best of luck to EWU, and dispel that East Coast Bias.

Side Judge
December 11th, 2010, 09:07 PM
I cleaned things up a bit due to language, though some of the replies still reflect some of the initial posts. Good to see everyone hugging it out - seriously, that's a tough way to end the season for NDSU, so I can appreciate the raw emotions.

Fantastic game for both teams - did FCS proud, especially given the conditions.

Lehigh Football Nation
December 11th, 2010, 10:43 PM
Those officials should be given their walking papers. I'm no fan of EWU or NDSU, but to determine a playoff winner in that fashion? Especially since it looked to me so clearly on the video feed that he was down before he fumbled the ball.

December 11th, 2010, 11:06 PM
I'm stunned at how many people think we got screwed, even some of our rival fans are up in arms about it. I will say we had our chance to seal the game and blew it but to end a season like that is just so numbing. I wish this on nobody, it just sucks.

Professor Chaos
December 12th, 2010, 03:08 AM
If I could've commented on this 7 hours ago I would've been kicked off this board. However, I would've expected myself to cool off in this time but the more I see the replays on the local new the more angry I get. I'm not the type of person to blame a loss on referees but these d-bags took the game out of the players hands for no good reason and the only thing I can substantiate it with is because they're not used to replay and they don't realize what's its for. Don't get me wrong, NDSU could've stopped EWU on numerous occasions and didn't but to see a game decided by a missed call (twice - and twice each time - 1st quarter and 4th quarter) is a travesty. The way this crew officiated the game, we might as well not had replay. Not sour grapes, its' the truth, anyone who saw the last play cannot dispute it. Let the players decide the game, apparently the CAA officiating team thinks otherwise.

Replay guys! If you're gonna have it, use it! If not, don't even waste our time pretending like you want to might the right call!

Sorry guys, I've tried to cool off for the last 7 hours and I can't, I hope these officials never officiate a game that means anything again. We had a lot of seniors who deserved better to end their careers. [/end rant]

Professor Chaos
December 12th, 2010, 03:15 AM
important review here....hahahah. i would hate for a team's season to end on a questionable review.

Wow, if only we knew how bad is was going to be at that time. If only we knew....

This just feels like the kind of game that's going to be decided by a safety or something crazy . . .


December 12th, 2010, 08:27 AM
The replay official is the one who makes the call and he was from the Pac 10 not the FCS. His only job is to make these decisions.

December 12th, 2010, 08:57 AM
This is called getting Fetted http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/883/capture3qt.png
http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/3109/fetted2.png (Notice the ref in perfect position)

December 12th, 2010, 09:48 AM
I'm stunned at how many people think we got screwed, even some of our rival fans are up in arms about it. I will say we had our chance to seal the game and blew it but to end a season like that is just so numbing. I wish this on nobody, it just sucks.

I agree. Don't like you guys, but thought you got screwed, but also thought you blew it. Replay call just blew my mind though.

December 12th, 2010, 11:05 AM
I agree. Don't like you guys, but thought you got screwed, but also thought you blew it. Replay call just blew my mind though.

We blew it no doubt. Ref is the thing people remember though. Hell of a way to go out.

Poly's Brutality
December 12th, 2010, 01:24 PM
Man. Forget the Pac-10 guy?... Do we need real judges in there? Also need faster higher-tech dissection frame analysis? Not exactly sure what it would show, but no question that was incredible end. OUch. Almost was feeling a little better strangely somehow about Poly's second-half "we turnover" meltdown to UC Davis watching the EW stumble and momentum shift for NDSU, but that was made even more irrelevant by the ending to this game being decided on replay/evidentiary overturn crisis of uncertain "fumble"? Wow. Part of the game they say? Well, I guess you say somebody had to lose? Like they say in soccer (another ouch), if you're not three goals better than the other team, whether you win or lose is way too subject to the referee.

December 12th, 2010, 01:41 PM
I watched the whole game, and coming as a fan of a team that has already been eliminated from the playoffs, I can say without bias that it was an absolute shame to have the best game of the playoffs to this point end in such a way.

I was certain after seeing all of three replay angles that they would overturn the call on the field, as that was clearly NOT a fumble. It was confirmed from three different angles, and I honestly cannot understand the logic of anyone watching it that can even attempt to justify otherwise.

It was a terrible way for NDSU to go out, especially after they played their hearts out to get to that point. Heck, even the "fumble" itself was essentially a result of a player putting forth extra effort. Now with that being said, I thought the pass interference call was the correct call on the final drive and you have to give EWU plenty of credit for digging deep and putting that drive together to send it into OT.

Good luck to the Eagles next week against Nova, because, believe me, you are going to need it. With Szczur back, Villanova is a completely different, and more dynamic team and they have proven that no atmosphere is too difficult for them to win in. I, personally, think that the Cats punch their ticket for Frisco next week, but if Bo Levi can hang onto the ball next week, EWU certainly has an opportunity.

Congrats to the Bison as well, it was an outstanding season and a nice run in the postseason. You guys will certainly be back.

December 12th, 2010, 04:16 PM
I watched the whole game, and coming as a fan of a team that has already been eliminated from the playoffs, I can say without bias that it was an absolute shame to have the best game of the playoffs to this point end in such a way.

I was certain after seeing all of three replay angles that they would overturn the call on the field, as that was clearly NOT a fumble. It was confirmed from three different angles, and I honestly cannot understand the logic of anyone watching it that can even attempt to justify otherwise.

It was a terrible way for NDSU to go out, especially after they played their hearts out to get to that point. Heck, even the "fumble" itself was essentially a result of a player putting forth extra effort. Now with that being said, I thought the pass interference call was the correct call on the final drive and you have to give EWU plenty of credit for digging deep and putting that drive together to send it into OT.

Good luck to the Eagles next week against Nova, because, believe me, you are going to need it. With Szczur back, Villanova is a completely different, and more dynamic team and they have proven that no atmosphere is too difficult for them to win in. I, personally, think that the Cats punch their ticket for Frisco next week, but if Bo Levi can hang onto the ball next week, EWU certainly has an opportunity.

Congrats to the Bison as well, it was an outstanding season and a nice run in the postseason. You guys will certainly be back.

I just think the refs wanted out of the cold and snow. Even though I wasn't cheering for NDSU...it was a shame for the game to end like that. If you cannot even trust replay why even have it.

Gil Dobie
December 12th, 2010, 07:58 PM
Kind of busy with the Blizzard this weekend in Minnesota, just wanted to say Congrats to EWU, and good luck next week.

December 13th, 2010, 07:03 AM
Congrats to EWU. That was a B.S. call but our D gave up the 90 yard drive and therefore we do not deserve to move on. Regardless I'm very proud of this team and what they accomplished considering the year we had last year, and the fact that we are such a young team. I have no doubt that the Bison will in the hunt for the title for years to come.

December 13th, 2010, 08:14 AM
First SDSU now NDSU...I hope us UXD teams can follow in your footprints. You represented the state well. Best of luck in 2011.

December 13th, 2010, 08:27 AM
Congrats to EWU on the victory, but I feel the same as the vast majority here......it was an absolute shame that the refs didn't allow that spectacular game to be decided on the field by the players. By saying this I do not mean that I think NDSU wins for sure if the play is reversed, but at least they would have had the opportunity. Also some say we don't deserve to win, because of the 90 yard drive we gave up and I can see that point, but instant replay is there to ensure there are no MAJOR mistakes made to take the game out of the players hands and in two cases in this game they failed and failed miserably. Those two plays were easy to call in slow motion and they F'd it up both times and I would be saying this even the sitiuation was reversed and EWU got jobbed. Good Luck against Nova and hopefully Jones is healthy, cuz without him I don't think you stand to much of a chance. Bison fans will be pulling for ya though......give em hell!!!

Professor Chaos
December 13th, 2010, 08:36 AM
I don't understand why the overwhelming thought is NDSU deserved to get the hosejob by the replay official because of the 90 yard drive to end regulation. Sometimes your players make plays and sometimes they don't, in the case of the last drive EWU make the plays with two critical 4th down conversions and several other clutch throw and catches. Did EWU deserve to lose the game for dropping a TD pass that would've put them up 21-3 or getting two FGs blocked and giving up a return TD on specials teams? No. Likewise, NDSU didn't deserve to lose based on the last drive of regulation. Sometimes your players make the plays and sometimes the opposing players make the plays, when they don't have the opportunity to make plays because of a gutless (non)decision by the replay official, that's an injustice.

December 13th, 2010, 11:16 AM
On a side note, I do think the red turf had an impact on the replays as well. On the catch/no catch review in the first half where it looked like the ball might have skipped off the turf. I thought it definitely should have been overturned and not ruled a catch, but the ball blends in too much with the turf and that sort of thing seemed to help EWU. Is that sort of thing going to be a homefield advantage? Only time will tell.

Exactly. The ncaa needs to get its arms around these 'colored' fields that have a negative impact on the game.

December 13th, 2010, 01:03 PM
Exactly. The ncaa needs to get its arms around these 'colored' fields that have a negative impact on the game.

with or without the red field, I think that was pretty obviously not a catch, it definitely looked like it bounced off the turf, or at least grazed it.

Go Bison
December 13th, 2010, 01:14 PM
I thought we should get everyone's opinion on this call earlier in the game. This personal foul penalty was pretty key to the outcome of the game as well.


December 13th, 2010, 04:00 PM
Can't tell if #63 was giving him the business while he was getting off the pile.

BISON Thunder
December 13th, 2010, 04:53 PM
Can't tell if #63 was giving him the business while he was getting off the pile.

#10 grabbed #63's leg and pulled him down on top of him...

December 13th, 2010, 05:26 PM
#10 grabbed #63's leg and pulled him down on top of him...

I saw the official between the two players looking at the two players and I accept that he had a better position than any of us on the play. Now, if the EWU player did something, the standard rule of he/she who responds gets caught would then seem to hold true in this case. It is not clear that the EWU player did something as there was a player blocking the camera view just prior to the NDSU player's action.

December 13th, 2010, 10:44 PM
Why bother with replay if you're going to disregard it? Bad, bad call on the fumble by the officials reviewing the play. Can't blame the officals on the field necessarily for their call.

Heck of a way to end the season for NDSU, who I thought was the better team.

BISON Thunder
December 14th, 2010, 08:49 AM
I saw the official between the two players looking at the two players and I accept that he had a better position than any of us on the play. Now, if the EWU player did something, the standard rule of he/she who responds gets caught would then seem to hold true in this case. It is not clear that the EWU player did something as there was a player blocking the camera view just prior to the NDSU player's action.

Not trying to appear to be whining (I know), but if you watch the above video it is clear #10 from EWU grabbed #63 from NDSU and pulled him down and over him (at the 28 second mark, you can see the white undershirt from his arm wrapped around his leg). The ref sees #63 falling on #10 and reaches for his flag. This is the oldest trick in the book. To the refs credit, I do not know if these two had been going at it all game and this was the final straw...or possibly the NDSU player said something. The result was fourth down and sixteen from the 31, rather than third down and one at the sixteen. If if's and but's were candies and nuts...we would all have a merry Christmas.

December 14th, 2010, 09:10 AM
I saw the official between the two players looking at the two players and I accept that he had a better position than any of us on the play. Now, if the EWU player did something, the standard rule of he/she who responds gets caught would then seem to hold true in this case. It is not clear that the EWU player did something as there was a player blocking the camera view just prior to the NDSU player's action.
Watch #63's right knee as he stands up at the 27 second mark.

December 14th, 2010, 11:30 AM
Let's face it, either of these teams would get absolutely wacked by 'Nova in the next round, but still. There's plenty of grumbling to do if you're an NDSU fan and some of it should be directed at the boneheaded decisions made by your HC not to kick chip shot field goals.

December 14th, 2010, 03:13 PM
Let's face it, either of these teams would get absolutely wacked by 'Nova in the next round, but still. There's plenty of grumbling to do if you're an NDSU fan and some of it should be directed at the boneheaded decisions made by your HC not to kick chip shot field goals.

I think we would have given Nova better run for their money in Fargo than EWU will in Cheney.

December 14th, 2010, 05:05 PM
Watch #63's right knee as he stands up at the 27 second mark.

You are correct. My Internet connection is slow and the video was jerky so I downloaded the file. I didn't see the EWU player grab NDSU player #63's knee on my initial viewing but the EWU player clearly grabs the NDSU player behind the knee and pulls him down when viewing the file offline. Sneaky play as the referee would have had to be looking for a player to pull a trick like that.

December 14th, 2010, 05:46 PM
#10 grabbed #63's leg and pulled him down on top of him...

Sure looked like that to me. Hopefully 'Nova will have enough of a lead that stuff like that won't help.

Also got my first look at the call on the final play.... IMO NDSU got hosed big time.

December 14th, 2010, 10:32 PM
Is it possible that Richard #63 when making his block on #10 grabbed his facemask and pulled him down?? It's tough to tell from that angle but sure looks like his hand is close to the facemask and I don't think #10 is diving for the ball carrier when he hits the ground. Now if you watch the ref he never went for his flag until Richard fell on #10.

Gil Dobie
December 15th, 2010, 08:23 AM
Well, I'm looking forward to next year. NDSU loses some great Seniors, but with 5-6 Freshmen starting at the end of this year, the future looks bright.