View Full Version : Bucknell Band Coming to Cedar Falls?

February 15th, 2006, 01:00 PM
I have heard many rumors about Bucknell's band actually coming up to Cedar Falls for Saturday's game. Not only that, they will play "UNI Fight!" with the Panther Pep Band. This is all a thank you for UNI's pep band playing as Bucknell's pep band last year when the Bison upset Kansas (Bucknell's band was on Spring Break).

I think this is an awesome idea. Shows a lot of class for both teams, for the Bison to take all that time to say thank you and for UNI to allow a rival band in the Dome. I hope this is true, would make Saturday even more interesting!

February 15th, 2006, 01:05 PM
I have heard many rumors about Bucknell's band actually coming up to Cedar Falls for Saturday's game. Not only that, they will play "UNI Fight!" with the Panther Pep Band. This is all a thank you for UNI's pep band playing as Bucknell's pep band last year when the Bison upset Kansas (Bucknell's band was on Spring Break).

I think this is an awesome idea. Shows a lot of class for both teams, for the Bison to take all that time to say thank you and for UNI to allow a rival band in the Dome. I hope this is true, would make Saturday even more interesting!
If I remember correctly, didnn't UNI's band also play for UM last year in the tournament?

February 15th, 2006, 02:53 PM
If I remember correctly, didnn't UNI's band also play for UM last year in the tournament?

I'm not sure about that. They very well might have.

All I know is UNI has an excellent pep band (as well as marching band) so its cool they have gotten some positive attention. UNI has an excellent School of Music.

It would be cool to hear UNI Fight twice as loud too! xlolx

February 16th, 2006, 01:16 PM
Also, Bucknell has to look good for national TV, so why not brnig the band along. All the money they are getting from this fairy tale run can pay for it anyhow.

Pards Rule
February 17th, 2006, 06:49 AM
Yes it would be great PR for the school too. Like, "we're squaring off today but do remember fondly what you guys did for us last year vs. Kansas"