View Full Version : Why do people hate the NBA?

SU Jag
January 31st, 2006, 02:23 PM
Why do people dislike the NBA so much? The NBA is very popular with in the black community but why is it so disliked outside the black community? Is it the same situation as NASCAR? NASCAR is a very popular sport but it isnt as popular across cultural lines. Can anyone explain?

January 31st, 2006, 02:34 PM
Why do people dislike the NBA so much? The NBA is very popular with in the black community but why is it so disliked outside the black community? Is it the same situation as NASCAR? NASCAR is a very popular sport but it isnt as popular across cultural lines. Can anyone explain?

I can only explain for me. I don't care for either. Typically, when it comes to team sports I need an affiliation with the team to care. I love basketball (SoCon and ACC) but never gained an appreciation for any NBA team. So to this day, I could care less. The NFL is not far behind.

The only team sport that is somewhat different is baseball, my father loved baseball and from about the age of nine until my high school days we would make trips to Atlanta to watch the Braves. So I still pull for them.

I will admit when it comes to NASCAR, I don't get it. Period.

January 31st, 2006, 02:36 PM
People don't like it because it isn't like it used to be with class guys. Now guys are just after the almighty dollar. Some people don't like it because of the race card - I am not one of those. If you can play, I don't care if you're white, black, pink, orpurple.

I like the NBA still. I like the 12' jump shot, I like making a layup with your off-hand, I like boxing out etc. That's why I can appreciate Kobe's 81 more then Wilt's 100 because Kobe hit jumper after jumper.

Yes, being born and raised in Chicago and seeing MJ for years did spoil me, but just because my Bulls will not go 72-10 anytime soon (the Pistons of this year would get throttled by that Bulls team) doesn't mean I am not a fan still.

As for NASCRAP - 400 left turns takes no talent if you ask me. If you want to race come to Chicago during rush hour and try to cross 4 lanes.

January 31st, 2006, 02:40 PM
Pro sports in general do little for me. The NBA has never captured my attention, but then again the NHL gets me during Stanley Cup time only. I'm too busy with college sports.

January 31st, 2006, 02:48 PM
Why do people dislike the NBA so much? The NBA is very popular with in the black community but why is it so disliked outside the black community? Is it the same situation as NASCAR? NASCAR is a very popular sport but it isnt as popular across cultural lines. Can anyone explain?

I only keep up with Lez Boulez minimally since they are my hometown team, and every once in a while I will glance at a NBA headline in the paper...but generally I can't stand the NBA and I can't tell you the last time I was able to watch an entire NBA game. Actually, I can....never (I've tried, usually during the playoffs...but I always end up changing the channel or leaving the arena early to drink my boredom away without paying $7 a beer). My main beef with the NBA is that there just isn't any heart in it. Yeah, I'm sure LeBron (first player that comes to mind, but only because he declined to compete in the dunk contest....again) plays with alot of heart (maybe I'm wrong about that...why won't he please his fans and compete in the dunk contest??), and I'm sure there are plenty of other players who generally do play with heart and passion and actually care about the game. But it's a half-assed game in the NBA. It's a one-on-one show off contest. Very rarely does a team come along that is actually a TEAM, not just a showboat player or two with a posse of stand-in's as teammates (i.e., Kobe and the Lakers).

The NBA's catch-phrase might as well be "There isn't an I in TEAM...but there is a ME!!!" : flamemad

I grew up watching ACC basketball, and IMO there is nothing better than watching a great ACC game, or any great college game for that matter. :nod: :nod: There is nothing in the NBA that can compare to a UNC/Duke game, or (until this year) a Maryland/Duke game. I'll take any conference game at Duke, Maryland, Kentucky, Michigan state, etc. over a NBA game any day of the week. :nod: :nod: The college game is so much more passionate. Then there's March Madness...I absolutely love it.

NASCAR...watching cars drive around in circles...yeah, that's a real hoot. :eek:

January 31st, 2006, 02:57 PM
I don't know that the NBA is "widely disliked" outside the black community. I just like the college game much better now. It's purer and more of a team game. For some reason, the overall quality of play in the NBA seems to have declined over the years. I loved the Sixers back in the day, when they had Wilt, Hal Greer, Wali Jones, Chet Walker, Luke Jackson and Billy Cunningham. Those guys could shoot far better than the Sixers of today, and the average scores were far higher.

January 31st, 2006, 02:58 PM
I agree with Bandl about the team aspect of the NBA being absent. It is all about one-on-one showmanship. This was readily apparent during the last summer Olympic games where the U.S. team was beaten by international TEAMS even though those teams were comprised of lesser athletes.

College basketball is a much better game and much more entertaining to watch IMO.

January 31st, 2006, 02:58 PM
Bandl: I agree about the team game in the NBA it's one-on-one junk. One gripe though: ACC basketball is the best? :bang: :nono:

BigTen hoops is by far the best style of hoops. Let me guess you are saying it is boring. All the ACC is is running up and down the court with little defense and a multitude of 3's being jacked up all the time. We both know that does not take a whole helluva lot of talent when you only need to concentrate on half the game, disregarding defense entirely. I think that is why you see more Big 10 teams in the Elite 8 and Final Four - 3/8 last year and 2/4 just as an example. I know in prior years it was a higher percentage in the Elite 8 but I don't have the time to research it right now.

Big 10 #1 Scoring Offense 78
ACC #1 Scoring Offense 83
ACC #1 Scoring Defense 69
Big 10 #1 Scoring Defense 59

3 pointers attempted:

Big 10 #1 442
ACC #1 473, ACC #2 471

I am not a huge Pro sport fan either

(1) College football - ND, CCU
(2) College hoops - U of I, CCU
(3) MLB - White Sox
(4) College Baseball - CCU
(5) NFL - Da Bears
(6) NBA - Da Bulls
(7) NHL regular season

NHL Playoffs I am addicted to. It is great drama. Who can forget the 7 OT game the Flyers played a few years ago? I remember staying up til 3am when it ended cheering for (Dallas was it? Whoever was playing the fu***ng Flyers) to beat the damn Flyers in my dorm room with about 15 other guys, half of whom were die hard Flyer fans.

And the great Dallas OT game last year? The NHL Playoffs are great!!!

January 31st, 2006, 03:00 PM
Bandl: I agree about the team game in the NBA it's one-on-one junk. One gripe though: ACC basketball is the best? :bang: :nono:

BigTen hoops is by far the best style of hoops. Let me guess you are saying it is boring. All the ACC is is running up and down the court with little defense and a multitude of 3's being jacked up all the time. we both know that does not take a whole helluva lot of talent when you only need to concentrate on half the game, disregarding defense entirely. I think that is why you see more Big 10 teams in the Elite 8 and Final Four - 3/8 last year and 2/4 just as am example. I know in prior years it was a higher percentage in the Elite 8 but I don't have the time to research it right now.

Big 10 #1 Scoring Offense 78
ACC #1 Scoring Offense 83
ACC #1 Scoring Defense 69
Big 10 #1 Scoring Defense 59

3 pointers attempted:

Big 10 #1 442
ACC #1 473, ACC #2 471

I said IMO. I grew up watching ACC. I didn't say I don't like watching other conferences. I didn't say that I prefer ACC because of so-and-so statistic. Don't twist my words.

January 31st, 2006, 03:04 PM
Do you have ADD? Can't watch defense for 35 seconds? :smiley_wi

j/k there are good teams in both conferences...to each their own

I'll watch any college hoops, I love Utah State for the past 6-7 years. Stu Morrill is an unbelievably underrated coach. Watched them last night play Hawai'i

January 31st, 2006, 03:09 PM
Do you have ADD? Can't watch defense for 35 seconds? :smiley_wi

j/k there are good teams in both conferences...to each their own

Do I have AD..OOOHH, A BIRD OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!!!! Huh?? What's your question?? ;)

I grew up a Maryland b-ball fan (didn't go there though, don't much like the state itself and could care less about the rest of their sports...can't explain it). ACC will always be my first choice to watch. SEC used to be my second, but not so much recently, as they've fallen down as of late. Big Ten is honestly my second favorite conference to watch now. But if there's two good teams playing...I'll watch ANY college b-ball game over ANY NBA game. :nod:

January 31st, 2006, 03:19 PM
No hate. I just don't follow basketball of any type or nascar.

That kinda of thing just isn't my bag, man.
Austin Powers

Marcus Garvey
January 31st, 2006, 03:21 PM
The NBA was fun to watch, about 25 years ago. 100 Points per team was a low-scoring game back then! After Dr. J retired, it began a slow decline that culminated with Michael Jordan's first retirement. It was fun to watch, the teams played as teams. I still liked the early 80's Sixers: Dr. J, Andrew Toney, Maurice Cheeks, Mark EYE-VA-ROHNIEEEEEE, etc...

I quit watching the NBA after Barkley was traded to the Suns, and have had no reason to regret that decision. Everybody claims it's a defensive leage these days, but that's only half-true. Yes, the players are bigger and stronger, thus making the underneath game more difficult. But players also lack profiency in the basics, namely free-throws and jump shots. That's why so many foreign players are getting drafted. These guys are better at the basics, and they actually play team basketball in Europe! NBA teams don't set each other up, and whatever happened to the traditional Point Guard? Throw in the Zone Defense getting leagalized, and count on low scoring games for quite a while.

Last year's Suns were fun to watch because Steve Nash got everybody to play together, and play better. It was like watching the Sixers and Nuggets playing in '85.

January 31st, 2006, 04:17 PM
I don't like the NBA version of basketball for one very big reason: superstar favoritism by the referees. I'm forced to take my son and daughter to one or two Suns games a year, and it just pains me to see the obvious disparity in the fouls called by the refs. A few years ago I watched our journeyman center get absolutely MUGGED every time down the floor by Tim Duncan and company----no fouls called. Then when Duncan gets the ball, our guy hand checks him and gets a foul called. Repeatedly. It's just not fun to watch....besides, like my dad always said: Give each team 100 points, and play the last 5 minutes.

Give me college hoops any day of the week over NBA. Course, I feel the same way about college football over the NFL. I'll be at the FBR Open in Scottsdale Sunday afternoon, cuz I could care less about the Super Bowl. The FBR Open---Now THERE'S "The Greatest Show on Turf". :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

January 31st, 2006, 04:24 PM
What's the point in 100 points a tie is a tie 0-0 = 100-100

January 31st, 2006, 04:31 PM
I don't like the style of play. Too much one-on-one. Very little motion-type offense. I don't like the fact that pure athleticism is favored over basketball skills. Guys like Trajon Langdon and Nick Collison should be stars in any bball league because of their bball skills, but are soon out of the league or are relegated to be a role player.

Marcus Garvey
January 31st, 2006, 06:27 PM
Give me college hoops any day of the week over NBA.

Well, if you want, you should have no trouble getting tickets to an Arizona St. baskeball game. They don't even sell-out against Arizona. Then again, I suppose it's a pain in the arse drive to Tempe from your place on a weeknight.

Rob Evans is done at ASU. His innability to recruit talent when he had Ike Diagou is inexecusable. I wonder what names will be on Lisa Love's list to replace him?

January 31st, 2006, 07:36 PM
I don't like the NBA because many of the players are uneducated, whiney, spoiled brats! :nonono2:

Marcus Garvey
January 31st, 2006, 07:59 PM
I don't like the NBA because many of the players are uneducated, whiney, spoiled brats! :nonono2:

Dude, you just described working in a restaurant!

January 31st, 2006, 08:48 PM
Dude, you just described working in a restaurant!

Wouldn't know, never worked in one. :)

January 31st, 2006, 09:15 PM
I don't like the NBA because many of the players are uneducated, whiney, spoiled brats! :nonono2:

Unfortunately, this is what I see as well and I was a huge NBA fan for years. MANY years ago Bball was my no.1 sport. (Yes at times I was the only white guy on the court and some of my best buddies are still guys that I played playground ball with.)

I was a huge Sixer and Dr.J fan my brother was a Larry Bird fan (brother lived in Boston) and we would go to games together in Philly. There was some great ball from Cheeks and the Doctor and some lame brained crap from Lloyd Free and Dawkins. But in the end the class of Bird and Erving came through.

I see no such redeeming acts in the NBA today. I am totally disgusted with the NBA and have not watched a game since the Detroit fiasco of a year ago.

As a teacher I will not support obnoxious behavior by overpaid, undereducated punks who do not appreciate that society overrewards their skills and therefore there is a return to the game that is warranted.

When I see class acts whose behavior pays homage to a great game such as Erving, Bird, Cousy, Russell, and Robertson then I will watch the NBA again.

Until then give me the Good Old Boys of NASCAR. They come to my town twice a year with a party you would not believe. They meet, greet, and are good to their fans and call out the obnoxious brats in their own profession.

It seems the NBA is an apologist for obnoxious punk behavior. I will not go to another NBA game and will not watch their product.

The latest Neilson ratings demonstrate that the rest of America feels the same. The NBA's ratings are below hockey!!! Hockey is not even broadcast nationwide!

Keep the Gangsta image NBA, It will put you out of business.

January 31st, 2006, 09:23 PM
Unfortunately, this is what I see as well and I was a huge NBA fan for years. MANY years ago Bball was my no.1 sport. (Yes at times I was the only white guy on the court and some of my best buddies are still guys that I played playground ball with.)

I was a huge Sixer and Dr.J fan my brother was a Larry Bird fan (brother lived in Boston) and we would go to games together in Philly. There was some great ball from Cheeks and the Doctor and some lame brained crap from Lloyd Free and Dawkins. But in the end the class of Bird and Erving came through.

I see no such redeeming acts in the NBA today. I am totally disgusted with the NBA and have not watched a game since the Detroit fiasco of a year ago.

As a teacher I will not support obnoxious behavior by overpaid, undereducated punks who do not appreciate that society overrewards their skills and therefore there is a return to the game that is warranted.

When I see class acts whose behavior pays homage to a great game such as Erving, Bird, Cousy, Russell, and Robertson then I will watch the NBA again.

Until then give me the Good Old Boys of NASCAR. They come to my town twice a year with a party you would not believe. They meet, greet, and are good to their fans and call out the obnoxious brats in their own profession.

It seems the NBA is an apologist for obnoxious punk behavior. I will not go to another NBA game and will not watch their product.

The latest Neilson ratings demonstrate that the rest of America feels the same. The NBA's ratings are below hockey!!! Hockey is not even broadcast nationwide!

Keep the Gangsta image NBA, It will put you out of business.

I hear that keys. I can not believe how much bitching and bellyaching went on when the new dress code was introduced. If you claim to be a professional, why not act and look like it.

Michael Jordan was great at this. Always in a suit on the way to a game because he recognized that when fans saw him between the bus and the building it may be the only time. He wanted them to have a positive memory and perception of him. Class act all the way.

January 31st, 2006, 09:49 PM
I hear that keys. I can not believe how much bitching and bellyaching went on when the new dress code was introduced. If you claim to be a professional, why not act and look like it.

Michael Jordan was great at this. Always in a suit on the way to a game because he recognized that when fans saw him between the bus and the building it may be the only time. He wanted them to have a positive memory and perception of him. Class act all the way.

I am probably over emotional on this point as I discovered Basketball in 6th grade and became a fanatic to the point of following Big 5 Basketball in Philly.

I was a flat out gunner and used BBall as a personal release. In college I played pick up games with UD Football Linemen in the off season and looked forward every day to trying to beat those guys. (They out weighed me from 70 to 100 lbs. )

I love the game of basketball but I will not set foot in a NBA game or even watch a game as long as the punks are being featured.

One of the advantages of being an Old Fart is I can do what I please in many areas with no consequence. This is one of those areas.

February 1st, 2006, 05:11 AM
NBA is tasteless, not enough character in the league just a bunch of overgrown neanderthals trying to look better than the next man, dont tell me this isnt true although it hasnt always been this was.

catamount man
February 1st, 2006, 05:57 AM
[QUOTE=blackfordpu Michael Jordan was great at this. Always in a suit on the way to a game because he recognized that when fans saw him between the bus and the building it may be the only time. He wanted them to have a positive memory and perception of him. Class act all the way.[/QUOTE]

Amen. Ever since MJ retired, there hasn't been that dominant prescence in the league. Antics of Allen Iverson, Ron Artest, and others have soured me on the league. I loved it when MJ was around. I still watch occasionally, especially the playoffs, but that's about it. When it comes to bball, give me the college game.

February 1st, 2006, 07:57 AM
5 1-on-1 games is not my cup of tea

not to mention they are overpaid and whine alot

Gil Dobie
February 1st, 2006, 07:58 AM
The Michael Jordan era turned me off of the NBA. The big thing was the over-protection of the stars when it comes to calling fouls. Sure it happened with Wilt, Russell, Kareem, Magic & Larry. When Jordan came along star protection was raised to a different level. If a defender looked a MJ the wrong way, they would call a foul, while Jordan would get away with many fouls on the other end. Now it's common place in the NBA.

I still like to watch the NBA once in a while, but it is not the same exciting product today as it once was.

SoCon Din
February 1st, 2006, 09:24 AM
All reasons stated above I agree with. I remarked the other day that I'd trade the Atlanta Hawks for another arena football team and not even yawn about it. There are some quality guys out there - Tim Duncan's and Steve Nash's and Jason Kidd's.....but for the most part it's a bunch of idiots worried about their contract and so on. Outside of Detroit and maybe a few other teams, defense is a JOKE, and I'd be more entertained watching my high school team run the Princeton-style offense. I'd actually rather watch my old high school's girls team that's ranked #1 in the state.

The dress code thing did it in for me. What a bunch of crybabies. Again, I miss the old ones- Larry Bird, MJ, Barkley, Clyde the Glide, D Robinson, etc.

February 1st, 2006, 09:53 AM
I can only speak for myself (and my son), but I really like the NBA. I will admit that how much I watch depends on how the Sonics are doing, but even when the Sonics are really bad I will still watch.

The one thing that drives ma crazy is the superstar foul rules, and how much influence the refs have in general. I think sometimes the NBA refs get confused and think they are the star of the game, and there is no doubt favoritism.

Plus you gotta love any league that as Mark Cuban as an owner.

February 1st, 2006, 10:08 AM
No hate here at all......................Watch every chance I get. :nod:

Get the NBA league pass on Directv every year. :nod:

SU Jag
February 1st, 2006, 11:20 AM
No hate here at all......................Watch every chance I get. :nod:

Get the NBA league pass on Directv every year. :nod:

Me too! :)

February 1st, 2006, 12:00 PM
I prefer the college game. Emphasis on team as opposed to some disjointed one-on-one games going on. Far less prima donnas. I feel like if I see the last 5 minutes of an NBA game I've seen it all.

February 1st, 2006, 01:10 PM
I was a big NBA fan as a kid. Wilt, Elgin Baylor and Jerry West were my idols (showing my youth here).
Today the game has evolved into streetball where all that seems to count is to impress someone with your moves . Wouldn't surprise me if they start awarding style points for dunk difficulty and cross-over dribbles, which would have been called travelling, or palming back in the day. Allen Iverson is the epitome of selfish basketball and I detest it. Just keep on dribbling until I have a shot and pass only if I have to. :mad:
And yes, I believe there's a racial identity with basketball just as there's becoming one with baseball. In Delaware you have to be hard-pressed to find a black kid playing high school baseball. The few that do, however, excel in the sport! On the other hand, the only schools where white kids play basketball are the Catholic, or private schools. I guess that's just the way it is :confused:

Reed Rothchild
February 2nd, 2006, 12:08 AM
I don't like it because it is very obvious that they do not play hard until the playoffs arrive. Then, the playoffs start and the weak teams end up getting rolled and players still don't try. Then it gets to the conference finals and its ok, but by that time its the summer and I'm into baseball and sick of the 1 month+ of the NBA playoffs I have already been exposed to. Their season is way too long and the playoffs seem even longer.

With a few games a week, each against a different opponent, it is harder to keep up with teams. With football, most of the games are played on the same day and there is more time to build up. With baseball series, it seems like your team is playing 1 game over 4 or more days so you don't miss much if you can't catch every game in a series. In the NBA it feels like if you miss 1 game, you've missed too much and it is too late to catch up.

Funny thing is that teams like the Pistons and San Antonio actually play some sort of sound, fundamental basketball. But, their matchup in the finals is always "boring" in the eyes of those who follow it.

February 2nd, 2006, 01:19 PM
I am another former big NBA fan.. used to keep track of the games every night. What did it for me was Michael Jordan left in 1998. After that I didn't care. Furthermore, I'll agree the NBA has a gangsta image. Why would I want to root for A.I.? He went to G'town.. great school.. and can barely form a sentence. I think Kobe is trash... I am sick of seeing the Kobe watch on sportscenter every night... who cares about 80pts! We all know he IS the Lakers... so he should be doing that every night... Knicks vs. Kobe.. Portland vs. Kobe, Spurs vs. Kobe is what it should say on the tickets... he only has teamates to give him the ball. Also the influx of foreigners has perhaps disengaged interest. Who would you rather follow? The stud from UNC, Illinois, Kansas who made Final 4 headlines and had a great collegiate career? Or a no-name from Russia or Serbia? The only player I'd watch is Shaq, but he is in decline, so what's the point?

The only NBA I somewhat follow is the Nets, because the embody the team concept to a certain degree... and that's only reading the paper. I don't watch the games.

The last of the greats was Reggie Miller retiring.. and he was invisible the past few seasons. Now, there is really nobody that has the legendary status of Jordan, Barkley, Bird, Isiah, Magic, Stockton, Malone, Ewing, Dumars, Clyde, Hakeem. Those players were class acts... who can match their carisma and skill today? Those players appealed to everyone.

February 2nd, 2006, 02:14 PM
IMHO, the NBA is not as popular today because there is a lack of starpower. I can remember as far back as Dr. J, Moses Malone, and "The Iceman" George Gervin (Okay, he's the ABA, but you get my drift) and even to Magic, Bird, and Jordan. These guys were superheroes. They had Saturday morning cartoons made about them (at least Jordan did). The reason for that was we were able to LITERALLY grow up watching these guys. Most of them went to college (except Moses), and you were able to watch them throughout college. Once you became a fan of them in college, then you were able to watch them in the pros. Therefore, if you followed a guys entire career, you may have been able to watch them for almost twenty years. For example, Michael Jordan went to UNC in 1980, and didn't completely retire until 2002. That was a twenty year career in the spotlight (he was out for two years). When kids go to the NBA straight from high-school, most people have no idea who they are. Therefore, the kids not only have to learn to play at the highest level (which, except in a few cases, takes three to four years, the length of a college career), they have to become known. That's not an easy thing to do, especially in today's entertainment driven culture, where there are a million options for people to spend their time and money on.

I agree. Earlier I posted that I was never an NBA fan, but that is not entirely true. (I will now show my age). I remember rooting for Bill Russell and the Celtics. For whatever reason though I lost interest after that.

February 2nd, 2006, 08:01 PM
Why do people dislike the NBA so much? The NBA is very popular with in the black community but why is it so disliked outside the black community? Is it the same situation as NASCAR? NASCAR is a very popular sport but it isnt as popular across cultural lines. Can anyone explain?

I just hate EVERY TEAM in the NBA except the Pistons... :smiley_wi :smiley_wi

February 2nd, 2006, 08:15 PM
IMHO, the NBA is not as popular today because there is a lack of starpower. I can remember as far back as Dr. J, Moses Malone, and "The Iceman" George Gervin (Okay, he's the ABA, but you get my drift) and even to Magic, Bird, and Jordan. These guys were superheroes. They had Saturday morning cartoons made about them (at least Jordan did). The reason for that was we were able to LITERALLY grow up watching these guys. Most of them went to college (except Moses), and you were able to watch them throughout college. Once you became a fan of them in college, then you were able to watch them in the pros. Therefore, if you followed a guys entire career, you may have been able to watch them for almost twenty years. For example, Michael Jordan went to UNC in 1980, and didn't completely retire until 2002. That was a twenty year career in the spotlight (he was out for two years). When kids go to the NBA straight from high-school, most people have no idea who they are. Therefore, the kids not only have to learn to play at the highest level (which, except in a few cases, takes three to four years, the length of a college career), they have to become known. That's not an easy thing to do, especially in today's entertainment driven culture, where there are a million options for people to spend their time and money on.

Shock all the guys you mentioned from Russell to Jordan were totally class acts. Bill Russell is a guy I would hold up to be a role model in every area of his life (Yes I know what he did at the U. of San Francisco!!) Iverson in my view is still a punk who has yet to figure out how to win as a team player.

I truly hope the Mo Cheeks (who was one of my all time great bball players) can get Iverson on the right page but I will not hold my breath. :eek:

Jordan without a doubt presented himself as a class act. But as much as I love basketball as a great game, i will never lower myself to support a game that has Artest as a participant. The guy is a disgrace and I do not have to suport his criminal behavior with my dollars. :nod: :nod: :nod:

February 2nd, 2006, 08:51 PM
I don't like the NBA because I don't like the hip-hop culture, which seems to have been engulfed by the players.

Third and Long
February 2nd, 2006, 09:25 PM
One reason I don't like the NBA is what happened with Antonio Davis this year and "the Brawl" from last year.

February 2nd, 2006, 09:46 PM
Sport - Why I hate it

NBA - Hip Hop Culture
Nascar - Red Neck Culture
NFL - Alcoholic Fans
MLB - Just plain boring
NHL - Just plain boring

Love all college sports, even the SWAC

February 2nd, 2006, 10:31 PM

February 3rd, 2006, 01:21 AM
It's no fun for me. I think it is too easy to score. A bball game here 2 nights ago ended 64-2..it was 32-2 at the half. it just isn't fun for me

February 3rd, 2006, 01:23 AM
Sport - Why I hate it

NBA - Hip Hop Culture
Nascar - Red Neck Culture
NFL - Alcoholic Fans
MLB - Just plain boring
NHL - Just plain boring

Love all college sports, even the SWAC

I'm not a fan of Nascar, 300 miles in a never ending left turn is boring, but Red Neck Culture?

February 3rd, 2006, 01:24 AM
It's no fun for me. I think it is too easy to score. A bball game here 2 nights ago ended 64-2..it was 32-2 at the half. it just isn't fun for me

Without looking it up, I'd be willing to bet that this wasn't an NBA game.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :p

February 3rd, 2006, 01:25 AM
Without looking it up, I'd be willing to bet that this wasn't an NBA game.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :p

high school. butthe sport in general is what i'm talking about

February 3rd, 2006, 01:37 AM
Without looking it up, I'd be willing to bet that this wasn't an NBA game.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :p

OK. I haven't been following the thread because, well, I hate the NBA. But the title of the thread has to do with the NBA. There's a HUGE difference between college b-ball and the NBA, even if a lot of the college guys are trying to position themselves for the big $$$$.

Edit - somehow quoted myself :rolleyes: , but I meant to quote Mark. Sorry.

Gil Dobie
February 3rd, 2006, 06:56 AM
Why do people dislike the NBA so much? The NBA is very popular with in the black community but why is it so disliked outside the black community? Is it the same situation as NASCAR? NASCAR is a very popular sport but it isnt as popular across cultural lines. Can anyone explain?

Another reason I don't go to a lot of NBA games anymore is the price of tickets. In the early 1990's my season tickets to the Timberwolves were $20 per seat, 20 rows up in the corner. Now the same tickets are $84 each. I guess they had to pay Kevin Garnett's $27 Million per year somehow.