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August 23rd, 2010, 06:03 PM
Delusional, seriously. NDSU's FOOTBALL PROGRAM and its Facilities and Fan Support and ties to the NFL are TOP 5 in FCS. PERIOD.

There is no arguing that whatsoever, the last 2 years have had about 10+ games that were 2-3 points, NDSU has YET to be blown out in the past 4 years and don't you dare try and water down the 3 count them 3 FBS teams NDSU beat in a 2 year span (almost 5 if you count the 1 point losses to Minn 06 and Wyoming 08)

Show me another FCS team that has even SNIFFED 5 FBS wins in 2-3 years. Im waiting.

Silenoz I agree, Montana, Appy St, NDSU, James Madison, and maybe Delaware.

MPLS bison is a SIOUX fan, dont listen to him.

the WAC commish was on that plane, of course it wasnt reported, because the commish and NDSU didnt want that out in the media during all this choas.

August 23rd, 2010, 08:44 PM
there are only a handful of FCS programs with the facilities to go FBS and NDSU is one of them. Silenoz and Lakes have covered most.

Even if we dont get the invite this time the fact the WAC comish was in town is a very good sign for the future. I think NDSU wants to be FBS and I think Dr. Taylor is being coy.

August 23rd, 2010, 09:43 PM
I've been reading a lot of stuff since my last post. So much that I can't recall where I saw this nugget -- FBS conferences require eight teams!

JMHO, but if only Idaho and San Jose are left, then they go Big Sky-Great West and the WAC goes into the history books. You really think there are eight schools ready, willing and able to upgrade to FBS?

I think there are 6 teams that they could pull from the Big Sky/Great West:

Montana St
Sac State
Portland St
UC Davis
Cal Poly

That would be 8 teams.

August 23rd, 2010, 11:02 PM
I think there are 6 teams that they could pull from the Big Sky/Great West:

Montana St
Sac State
Portland St
UC Davis
Cal Poly

That would be 8 teams.
If Portland State gets invited then the Communists have already won

Poly's Brutality
August 24th, 2010, 02:57 AM
I think there are 6 teams that they could pull from the Big Sky/Great West:

Montana St
Sac State
Portland St
UC Davis
Cal Poly

That would be 8 teams.
WAC needs four, maybe Montana, Texas State, and maybe Cal Poly and UC Davis; they need four to create a bigger splash and make it a bigger deal. The four do not have to be FCS, as generally less desirable, though.

August 24th, 2010, 08:08 AM
Delusional, seriously. NDSU's FOOTBALL PROGRAM and its Facilities and Fan Support and ties to the NFL are TOP 5 in FCS. PERIOD.

There is no arguing that whatsoever, the last 2 years have had about 10+ games that were 2-3 points, NDSU has YET to be blown out in the past 4 years and don't you dare try and water down the 3 count them 3 FBS teams NDSU beat in a 2 year span (almost 5 if you count the 1 point losses to Minn 06 and Wyoming 08)

Show me another FCS team that has even SNIFFED 5 FBS wins in 2-3 years. Im waiting.

Silenoz I agree, Montana, Appy St, NDSU, James Madison, and maybe Delaware.

MPLS bison is a SIOUX fan, dont listen to him.

the WAC commish was on that plane, of course it wasnt reported, because the commish and NDSU didnt want that out in the media during all this choas.

Still goes down as a loss. Another Bison poster said there are NO moral victories so I guess we go by what he said. I think most schools have ties to the NFL so that doesn't matter, and as for facilities its very attractive to have a dome built in 1992 only to have your playoff record sit at 0-0. Thats right 18 years without hosting a playoff game..very attractive to the FBS world, also no national titles since 1990, 1 conference title since joining the FCS and that during a transitional period but I suppose that don't matter because you have fan support. Tell you what you go 3-8 this year your fan support will be less and less.

August 24th, 2010, 08:45 AM
So lets say the WAC breaks apart, where do the current teams in the WAC go?

August 24th, 2010, 08:46 AM
So lets say the WAC breaks apart, where do the current teams in the WAC go?

I'm thinking if no leagues take them maybe go Independant or FCS.

Lehigh Football Nation
August 24th, 2010, 09:23 AM
So lets say the WAC breaks apart, where do the current teams in the WAC go?

Hawai'i: independent. They can do this easily.
La Tech: C-USA or Sun Belt.
Utah State: Either C-USA or the MVC. I'd lean towards C-USA.
San Jose State: If they drop football, the WCC. If they keep football, the Big West.
New Mexico State: If they drop football, the WCC. If they keep football, the Big West.
Idaho: They may be forced to go to the Big Sky.

Here's the interesting part. Why did I mention the Big West? Because the Big West could create an interesting FCS conference with the remnants of the WAC, Cal Poly/UC Davis, and some start-ups:

Cal Poly
UC Davis
San Jose State (from WAC)
New Mexico State (from WAC)
Cal State-Fullerton (start-up)
Pacific (start-up)
San Diego (affiliate, from WCC)

It's a tight, regional conference, so travel costs are down. All really belong in FCS, not swimming with the Pac-12. And most are full sport Big West members, so they'd have a seat at the table in football and more clout in other sports, too, since they sponsor football now.

Franks Tanks
August 24th, 2010, 11:50 AM
Hawai'i: independent. They can do this easily.
La Tech: C-USA or Sun Belt.
Utah State: Either C-USA or the MVC. I'd lean towards C-USA.
San Jose State: If they drop football, the WCC. If they keep football, the Big West.
New Mexico State: If they drop football, the WCC. If they keep football, the Big West.
Idaho: They may be forced to go to the Big Sky.

Here's the interesting part. Why did I mention the Big West? Because the Big West could create an interesting FCS conference with the remnants of the WAC, Cal Poly/UC Davis, and some start-ups:

Cal Poly
UC Davis
San Jose State (from WAC)
New Mexico State (from WAC)
Cal State-Fullerton (start-up)
Pacific (start-up)
San Diego (affiliate, from WCC)

It's a tight, regional conference, so travel costs are down. All really belong in FCS, not swimming with the Pac-12. And most are full sport Big West members, so they'd have a seat at the table in football and more clout in other sports, too, since they sponsor football now.

New Mexico State does have a pretty good basketball program. That may allow them to attract attention from and land in another FBS conference.

I agree that the other schools-- Utah State, Idaho etc. may have an extremely difficult time finding another FBS conference to join and may need to create one or move to FCS.

August 24th, 2010, 12:26 PM
New Mexico State does have a pretty good basketball program. That may allow them to attract attention from and land in another FBS conference.

I agree that the other schools-- Utah State, Idaho etc. may have an extremely difficult time finding another FBS conference to join and may need to create one or move to FCS.

They wont create a new FBS conference. They will rebuild the WAC. Some are looking at the WAC desirablility as a right now thing. My point is the WAC is nearing shambles stage. It may be an opportunity to enter FBS/All sports conferece at the bottom of the heap. Whatever the WAC was is no more. What it will be lies in the future. I hope NDSU has a chance to help the conference rebuild to a new and brighter future.

August 24th, 2010, 02:14 PM
Still goes down as a loss. Another Bison poster said there are NO moral victories so I guess we go by what he said. I think most schools have ties to the NFL so that doesn't matter, and as for facilities its very attractive to have a dome built in 1992 only to have your playoff record sit at 0-0. Thats right 18 years without hosting a playoff game..very attractive to the FBS world, also no national titles since 1990, 1 conference title since joining the FCS and that during a transitional period but I suppose that don't matter because you have fan support. Tell you what you go 3-8 this year your fan support will be less and less.

Can you, JBB, LakesBison, and MplsBison please stop this endless bickering. Both NDSU and UND have had fine teams and have been very successful over the years. Both, at various times and especially their fans, have expressed a desire to improve and be at the highest level of competition for them. Both should look at the possibility of moving to D1A (FBS) if the opportunity presents itself.

Everything is speculation at this point but it can be an interesting discussion if the mindless bantering can be stopped. It is good that UND is NDSU's primary rival and vice versa but it would be awesome if either took the step up. No matter which one makes the move first, the other will also move up at some time. The competition has encouraged the other school to make improvement.

So the real question is whether or not the WAC implodes and what are the possible opportunities and which schools (not just UND and NDSU) are likely to take advantage of that opportunity.

Waco Kid
August 24th, 2010, 04:17 PM
They won the GWFC title in 2006 only.

I was replying to his claim that they were #1 in FCS two years in a row.

Waco Kid
August 24th, 2010, 04:23 PM
Delusional, seriously. NDSU's FOOTBALL PROGRAM and its Facilities and Fan Support and ties to the NFL are TOP 5 in FCS. PERIOD.

There is no arguing that whatsoever, the last 2 years have had about 10+ games that were 2-3 points, NDSU has YET to be blown out in the past 4 years and don't you dare try and water down the 3 count them 3 FBS teams NDSU beat in a 2 year span (almost 5 if you count the 1 point losses to Minn 06 and Wyoming 08)

Show me another FCS team that has even SNIFFED 5 FBS wins in 2-3 years. Im waiting.

Silenoz I agree, Montana, Appy St, NDSU, James Madison, and maybe Delaware.

MPLS bison is a SIOUX fan, dont listen to him.

the WAC commish was on that plane, of course it wasnt reported, because the commish and NDSU didnt want that out in the media during all this choas.

Look I hope you guys get an invite from the WAC, and you move up if for nothing else to prove to my fellow ASU fans that we can certainly move up. However you need to take the rose colored glasses off. You have nice facilities (not the best in FCS though), good fan support (again not the best), and were a top 10 team several years (playing with D2 kids that couldn't qualify academically in D1). All in all you have a solid program, but stop acting like the FCS became the BCS when you moved up.

August 24th, 2010, 05:17 PM
Can you, JBB, LakesBison, and MplsBison please stop this endless bickering. Both NDSU and UND have had fine teams and have been very successful over the years. Both, at various times and especially their fans, have expressed a desire to improve and be at the highest level of competition for them. Both should look at the possibility of moving to D1A (FBS) if the opportunity presents itself.

Everything is speculation at this point but it can be an interesting discussion if the mindless bantering can be stopped. It is good that UND is NDSU's primary rival and vice versa but it would be awesome if either took the step up. No matter which one makes the move first, the other will also move up at some time. The competition has encouraged the other school to make improvement.

So the real question is whether or not the WAC implodes and what are the possible opportunities and which schools (not just UND and NDSU) are likely to take advantage of that opportunity.


Leave me out of his negative rants. Please. xsmileyclapx

I dont think having the best of anything is the determining factor. Having adequate facilities is enough. We have nice FCS football facilities. If we moved to the WAC they go to ok, but they are adequate.

it doesnt seem like anyone has a work ethic here. Most seem to think you already have to be Boise State or Michigan to move up. I see it as starting at the bottom. Getting into the FBS is the big thing. After that there is no where to go but up and forever to do it.

NDSU is justified in its ambitions as are the BISON fans that can see the light. If the WAC implodes to the point it is searching the FCS for decent additions I hope the search gets to NDSU. Its difficult to see this type of opportunity arising again anytime soon. This could be the proverbial "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity if we get it.

August 24th, 2010, 06:58 PM
I dont think having the best of anything is the determining factor. Having adequate facilities is enough. We have nice FCS football facilities. If we moved to the WAC they go to ok, but they are adequate.

it doesnt seem like anyone has a work ethic here. Most seem to think you already have to be Boise State or Michigan to move up. I see it as starting at the bottom. Getting into the FBS is the big thing. After that there is no where to go but up and forever to do it.

NDSU is justified in its ambitions as are the BISON fans that can see the light. If the WAC implodes to the point it is searching the FCS for decent additions I hope the search gets to NDSU. Its difficult to see this type of opportunity arising again anytime soon. This could be the proverbial "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity if we get it.
I agree that I don't think you need to be at the top of the mountain looking down to want to advance. I do think it does take commitment and I think all universities should give a serious look at the opportunities as who knows when the opportunity will arise in such dramatic fashion again.

August 28th, 2010, 04:12 PM
I thought this was interesting, that the Montana State AD mentioned UTSA...

Speculation persists that UTSA will be a strong candidate to join the Western Athletic Conference.

Just this week, while telling the Bozeman (Mont.) Daily Chronicle that his school had been contacted, Montana State athletic director Peter Fields singled out the Roadrunners.

“That's a school the WAC will go after,” he said.

Provided the conference survives long enough to extend an offer.

http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/dan_mccarney_if_wac_calls_utsa_should_answer_yes_1 01616773.html?showFullArticle=y

August 28th, 2010, 06:09 PM
gjw007, ditto. I've been listening to this bickering since we were all on D2football.com. UND, NDSU, USD and SDSU should be playing each other every year and let everything be decided on the field.

August 28th, 2010, 06:21 PM
gjw007, ditto. I've been listening to this bickering since we were all on D2football.com. UND, NDSU, USD and SDSU should be playing each other every year and let everything be decided on the field.

What a great idea!

August 29th, 2010, 12:52 PM
Texas State will get the WAC invite

Green Laser
August 29th, 2010, 06:23 PM
Texas State will get the WAC invite

Which most likely won’t be worth squat!

August 29th, 2010, 06:51 PM
Neutral observer here...noticed no one is thinking outside the box: Don't join the WAC. Form the Big North Conference. The Dakota schools, the Montana schools, Idaho and Utah State. Every other WAC school is out unless they can find a travel partner. Assume one west coast team joins along with San Jose State and you have a ten team conference.

You don't want to join the WAC. Flying to Honolulu, Las Cruces and Ruston will kill your athletic departments. And you certainly don't want Karl Benson as your commissioner. He's now ruined the WAC twice.

August 29th, 2010, 07:22 PM
Zibby - tons of posts and threads saying exactly what you just said, but unrealistic for many reasons.

And no alum from any of these schools would want to see their team go to the WAC.

August 29th, 2010, 08:30 PM
Neutral observer here...noticed no one is thinking outside the box: Don't join the WAC. Form the Big North Conference. The Dakota schools, the Montana schools, Idaho and Utah State. Every other WAC school is out unless they can find a travel partner. Assume one west coast team joins along with San Jose State and you have a ten team conference.

You don't want to join the WAC. Flying to Honolulu, Las Cruces and Ruston will kill your athletic departments. And you certainly don't want Karl Benson as your commissioner. He's now ruined the WAC twice.

If Hawaii, NMSU and LaTech leave anyway, what's the difference? Add Montana, Montana State, Portland State, Sac State, UC Davis and Cal Poly. If Utah State leaves to the MWC as well, then add Weber State.

Not sure what happens to the Big Sky in this case... if UNC, Weber State, Idaho State and Eastern Wash emerge, then maybe they invite UND, USD and SUU from the Great West...then what? Maybe try to add Denver.

I Bleed Purple
August 29th, 2010, 09:05 PM
As far as FCS goes, I think two western FCS leagues are needed in football.

OOC is hard enough with one and a half leagues. Having just one out west would be a nightmare.

August 29th, 2010, 10:33 PM
Man wouldn't that be nice if the BSC did invite UND?

August 30th, 2010, 06:53 AM
Man wouldn't that be nice if the BSC did invite UND?

I would rather they go to the MVFC to play the SU's and UNI, but at this point we would take any conference that comes our way.

September 7th, 2010, 03:45 PM
This may be an eye-opener for some TXST, UTSA fans... just think if the California schools say it makes absolutely no-sense, it would be a far greater financial burden on the Texas schools - right? The California schools are much more "regional" to the WAC.

The biggest thing that this says is that FCS teams – especially the ones out west – are not as enticed by the WAC as some people seem to think. UC athletic director Greg Warzecka and Cal Poly athletic director Alison Cone are expected to talk today about how a move to the WAC made absolutely no sense for either school financially.
