View Full Version : savannah state shambles
May 18th, 2010, 02:54 PM
May 18th, 2010, 03:30 PM
I saw that yesterday. It is very sad. Hate to see it end like that. I really believed that they were on the right track to field a winning team before 2012.
May 18th, 2010, 03:38 PM
Right is right and Wrong is wrong!
May 18th, 2010, 03:57 PM
It's not sad, it's shameful. And Wells was right on target: if a historically white school had fired a black coach, disallowed only his black recruits, and called into question the coach's interracial relationship in the firing decision, protests would have shut down the school.
The video also illustrates the appearance of significant incompetence in the SSU athletic department.
1. The interim AD is asked if Wells was fired. She said "he had a choice". The interviewer noted the choice was resign or be fired and asked if there was any scenario whatsoever in which SSU would retain Wells. She shakes her head "no" but reiterated "but he had a choice".
2. SSU first claimed that Wells' five white verbal commits were invalid because he was not allowed to recruit outside the state, but forgot to mention that ten players were already on the team outside Georgia (including two from Canada). Then, they claim there were NCAA compliance issues involved, but admitted none referred to Wells. Then they claimed the paperwork for these five recruits could not be located. Yet the paperwork Wells filed for the 14 black recruits (including a kid from Florida with an Atlanta mailing address) was in place.
2. The Interim coach is asked about the status of Wells' recruits. he gives an "aw, shucks" grin and tells the interviewer he was only aware of recruits he was following as an defensive secondary assistant. What school's assistant (much less head coach) would say that on TV?
Nine coaches in 13 seasons, one win over a I-AA team in four years, and a two game home season in 2010. And with leadership like that, 0-11 wouldn't surprise me a bit.
May 18th, 2010, 04:07 PM
2. SSU first claimed that Wells' five white verbal commits were invalid because he was not allowed to recruit outside the state, but forgot to mention that ten players were already on the team outside Georgia (including two from Canada). Then, they claim there were NCAA compliance issues involved, but admitted none referred to Wells. Then they claimed the paperwork for these five recruits could not be located. Yet the paperwork Wells filed for the 14 black recruits (including a kid from Florida with an Atlanta mailing address) was in place.
This is the crux of the issue to me. Savannah State had a rediculous story about why the white recruits weren't given scholarships. When they got caught in the lie, they changed their story to this "mysterious missing paper work" stuff. For their story to be true, a few things must happen: Wells must have failed to fill out the appropriate paper work for the players he recruited. The players recruited by other coaches were properly documented and therefore allowed to join the team. This means that Wells only recruited the 4 or 5 white players and had no hand in recruiting the other 14 or so signees and that the other coaches had no idea that he was recruiting these white players. This makes no sense.
May 18th, 2010, 04:10 PM
It's not sad, it's shameful. And Wells was right on target: if a historically white school had fired a black coach, disallowed only his black recruits, and called into question the coach's interracial relationship in the firing decision, protests would have shut down the school.
The video also illustrates the appearance of significant incompetence in the SSU athletic department.
1. The interim AD is asked if Wells was fired. She said "he had a choice". The interviewer noted the choice was resign or be fired and asked if there was any scenario whatsoever in which SSU would retain Wells. She shakes her head "no" but reiterated "but he had a choice".
2. SSU first claimed that Wells' five white verbal commits were invalid because he was not allowed to recruit outside the state, but forgot to mention that ten players were already on the team outside Georgia (including two from Canada). Then, they claim there were NCAA compliance issues involved, but admitted none referred to Wells. Then they claimed the paperwork for these five recruits could not be located. Yet the paperwork Wells filed for the 14 black recruits (including a kid from Florida with an Atlanta mailing address) was in place.
2. The Interim coach is asked about the status of Wells' recruits. he gives an "aw, shucks" grin and tells the interviewer he was only aware of recruits he was following as an defensive secondary assistant. What school's assistant (much less head coach) would say that on TV?
Nine coaches in 13 seasons, one win over a I-AA team in four years, and a two game home season in 2010. And with leadership like that, 0-11 wouldn't surprise me a bit.
Agreed. It is just plain pathetic and I do believe those in command at SUU are not only stupid but very racist. Nobody says anything when a black coach in that position has a white wife at schools like that but when the white guy does it... When they do go 1-10 or 0-11 this year I hope they realize it is because of their own stupidity. I have no doubt that Wells is a good coach who will land on his feet somewhere.
Lehigh Football Nation
May 18th, 2010, 04:21 PM
Something that might be overlooked in the piece was the bit at the very beginning where Wells made his "coaches' show" to hype up the program and the AD did not approve.
First and foremost, was there anything in that show snippet that was the least bit "poorly done" or unprofessional or objectionable? Many, many athletic departments produce similar shows. Was it a turf thing with the athletic department?
Second, wasn't the AD's threat that "you will burn bridges if it's not done right" seem awfully creepy in retrospect?
Finally, I can't help but see the hilarity of SSU's athletic department blaming the head coach for compliance issues that they almost certainly were responsible for. If Suggs says there are compliance issues, and Wells isn't involved, well, where does the finger point then?
May 18th, 2010, 04:56 PM
Just settle with the Coach and get that Administration together. The MEAC just got over the DSU fiasco and A&T's 0fer just a few years ago.
No more bush league antics, PLEASE! xbangx
May 18th, 2010, 06:15 PM
First and foremost, was there anything in that show snippet that was the least bit "poorly done" or unprofessional or objectionable? Many, many athletic departments produce similar shows. Was it a turf thing with the athletic department? Second, wasn't the AD's threat that "you will burn bridges if it's not done right" seem awfully creepy in retrospect?
SSU athletic director Bart Bellairs called Wells on the carpet because Wells produced the show outside the athletic department; presumably, beause SSU didn't have the means or interest to do it. Bellairs' quote could have referred to the fact that by Wells hiring his girlfriend to be the host, the nature of their personal relationship would soon follow.
ESPN made a point of not raising Bellairs' own departure into the discussion. Bellairs was the first white athletic director at SSU and left after just 18 months. His interim replacement was the aforementioned Ms. Suggs.
May 18th, 2010, 07:35 PM
At this point is looks like a "He said, she said" sort of thing.
May 18th, 2010, 08:22 PM
At this point is looks like a "He said, she said" sort of thing.
How can you say that. SSU is dead azz wrong. SSU is a crappy college with a huge alumni base. They could be a big MEAC school, if it were not for the Administration.
May 19th, 2010, 05:26 AM
'Former Savannah State football coach Robby Wells says he was fired earlier this year because he is white -- a charge the school, a historically black university, denies.' (Taken from the caption beneath the YouTube Clip)
I don't know what happened...could just be some personality issues or it could very well be race. But I'm surprised no one is upset and accusing him of playing "the race card". I wonder why?
May 19th, 2010, 07:11 AM
'Former Savannah State football coach Robby Wells says he was fired earlier this year because he is white -- a charge the school, a historically black university, denies.' (Taken from the caption beneath the YouTube Clip)
I don't know what happened...could just be some personality issues or it could very well be race. But I'm surprised no one is upset and accusing him of playing "the race card". I wonder why?
Because African-American racism toward Caucasians is tolerated in this country?
May 19th, 2010, 08:27 AM
Because African-American racism toward Caucasians is tolerated in this country?
I must have missed that episode...
Lehigh Football Nation
May 19th, 2010, 09:44 AM
There is another dimension to this story that was ignored by ESPN (
Flythe is supporting Wells' explanation. But I believe with all of my heart that Wells was given a choice to either resign or be fired. Theo Lemon was given the same choice. He told SSU to fire him.
I believe Wells sealed his fate when it was revealed publicly last Friday night that 28 players will not participate in spring practice (15 players quit the team, 13 players are ineligible). Once Flythe (whose nickname is "The Ayatollah") learned about this, I believe he offered Wells the choice of either resigning or being fired.
I submitted an Open Records Act request to SSU this Tuesday. By law, SSU has three days to supply the information that I requested. SSU, for various reasons, has told me that it will not provide the information to me until Monday. It will be interesting to see which players among the 28 were starters last season. Perhaps there is a quarterback on that list.
If a quarterback, or any starter for that matter, is on the list of underclassmen who quit the program then what is the reasoning behind that? How and why do 15 underclassmen up and quit the program like this? Many of them must not be satisfied with the direction in which the head coach is leading them. How and why do 13 underclassmen become ineligible? To have 28 players withheld from spring practice is devastating, even if only a half-dozen of them are starters. That's just my opinion.
The firing may have been handled badly, but it's theoretically possible could be more of a player revolt combined with the inability of SSU to keep their players eligible than out-and-out racism.
Then again, it's hard to tell who's telling the truth here in the SSU athletics department (check out the comment thread (
The names of the 28 players who will not participate in spring practice (15 have quit the team, 13 are ineligible) have not been released by SSU. I've been told that SSU might release the names Monday. SSU is aware (I think) that it is a public institution and that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all of its documents. If I have to go back to getting our lawyers involved like I did when Carlton Brown was there then that's what I will do. SSU makes itself look foolish when it attempts to keep information a secret. I haven't seen a 2010 schedule because SSU has not released one. I don't know how SSU will fare this season. I need to see the list of 28 players who will not participate in spring practice. If there are a lot of starters and guys who had substantial playing time last season on that list, it will be devastating to the Tigers.
Lehigh Football Nation
May 19th, 2010, 09:56 AM
Also worthy of mention about Flythe (
I can't help but think back to a September 2007 conversation when I asked Flythe about his nickname, "The Ayatollah." Virginia State is where the no-nonsense Flythe received the nickname.
"My nickname used to be 'The Ayatollah' because at Virginia State, I fired more coaches than anybody in the history of the CIAA," Flythe said, laughing. "But they don't call me that anymore. I've softened up a little."
Flythe appears to have a pretty itchy trigger finger when it comes to hiring and firing coaches. Going 2-9, with losses to Concordia-Selma and Webber thrown in there for good measure, may have been enough to axe him in their minds.
And about the scholarships: Wells only made a verbal offer to them - which fits, because it was before signing day. SSU should have contacted the recruits to tell them whether their scholarships will be honored, sure. But these players appear to be pawns in the overall game, and it's Wells that put them there.
I'm beginning to wonder if Wells is overplaying his race card. SSU's athletics department are still dead ringers for the keystone kops on a multitude of levels, Flythe shouldn't have such an itchy trigger finger, they shouldn't have waited so long to depose Wells if indeed that was what they were thinking. But racism? You can make a pretty good case that it wasn't.
May 19th, 2010, 10:34 AM
Also worthy of mention about Flythe (
Flythe appears to have a pretty itchy trigger finger when it comes to hiring and firing coaches. Going 2-9, with losses to Concordia-Selma and Webber thrown in there for good measure, may have been enough to axe him in their minds.
And about the scholarships: Wells only made a verbal offer to them - which fits, because it was before signing day. SSU should have contacted the recruits to tell them whether their scholarships will be honored, sure. But these players appear to be pawns in the overall game, and it's Wells that put them there.
I'm beginning to wonder if Wells is overplaying his race card. SSU's athletics department are still dead ringers for the keystone kops on a multitude of levels, Flythe shouldn't have such an itchy trigger finger, they shouldn't have waited so long to depose Wells if indeed that was what they were thinking. But racism? You can make a pretty good case that it wasn't.
That's all I'm saying...In the past, some of us who have given our opinion of unfair treatment have been accused of playing the race card, even when race wasn't mentioned. Yet now, here is a guy who shuffles the race card all over the place and no one (other than the last post) spoke up and accused the fired Coach of doing the same.
May 19th, 2010, 08:45 PM
Because African-American racism toward Caucasians is tolerated in this country?
Yeah right, because black people really have so freaking great in this country...............lolxlolx.
****, I must have missed all of the black love that is going around!!
May 20th, 2010, 07:44 AM
on a national scale Savannah St is ranked at the bottom of FCS ...there are obvious reasons that they are this way failure leaves clues.
May 20th, 2010, 09:36 AM (SSU Now Claims Wells Broke NCAA Rules)
Wells, who resigned Jan. 28 after two seasons, broke an NCAA rule on Jan. 20 when he invited an SSU student - a non-qualifier - to participate in weightlifting and conditioning drills with the football team.
SSU Assistant Athletics Director/Compliance Shed Dawson wrote in a report he submitted to the NCAA that, during a routine practice site visit, he observed the prospective athlete participating in the practice session. The athlete had been declared a non-qualifier by the NCAA Eligibility Center and was not eligible to participate in team practices or competition.
"Coach Wells indicated he believed a non-qualifier could participate in practice during a 45-day period," Dawson wrote in his report to the NCAA. "The student matriculated with the university Spring 2010 after completing one additional course after graduation" at Fork Union (Va.) Military Academy.
SSU's self-imposed sanction is that the "student will miss two practices immediately upon being certified as eligible to participate (upon receipt of initial eligibility waiver or after the full year of residence, whichever is sooner.)"
May 20th, 2010, 10:24 AM
as I said on onnidan. It's time for SSU to take the WSSU plunge and go back to a more manageable situation in Division II.
Lehigh Football Nation
May 20th, 2010, 10:27 AM (SSU Now Claims Wells Broke NCAA Rules)
On Feb. 9, SSU notified the NCAA that Wells, who had already resigned, broke another rule when he "provided names and possibly contact information for select prospective student-athletes" to WSAV-TV reporter Ken Slats. "An additional violation accrued during the publication of the students' information via" a television broadcast by Slats, SSU reported.
A bit of chutzpah, yanking the five kids' scholarships that the coach verballed and then claiming that it's an NCAA violation by the former coach by leaking their names to the press. My hunch is that the investigation into that one won't stop at Robby Wells' door.
As for the Jan. 20th violation, that was pretty minor.
The bigger question is about the 28 players that couldn't participate in spring practice - with a significant portion being academically ineligible to play. Unlikely, however, that SSU's athletic department will be highlighting that too much - after all, that reflects badly on their own compliance department.
The only thing for sure is there's a bitter, ugly war going on between Wells and SSU's athletic department. And while Wells (IMO) is overplaying his hand by claiming racism, SSU's athletic department still has plenty to answer for.
May 20th, 2010, 10:34 AM
A strange allegation, since the interim AD told ESPN that no violations were committed by Wells himself.
SSU would be better served saying nothing, because it's going to cost them even more in the inevitable legal settlement they've got themsleves into.
May 20th, 2010, 06:17 PM
How can you say that. SSU is dead azz wrong. SSU is a crappy college with a huge alumni base. They could be a big MEAC school, if it were not for the Administration.
It may be a crappy administration but I said it looks like "he said she said" because at this point all I can see is one side saying one thing and the other side saying another. How do I know who to believe? I don't have any indepdent corraboration of either story. He said he was fired because of his race. She says he wasn't. They each have their story.
June 17th, 2010, 11:45 AM
Latest has the folks at Savannah State calling their dismissed football coach a "pathological liar".
In speaking with the AJC, Flythe called Wells a “pathological liar” and is adamant that race had nothing to do with his dismissal.
“It’s ludicrous that someone would make those accusations,” a heated Flythe told the AJC.
Wells was given a one-year contract extension in December 2009.
The university confirmed other news reports that 13 of the players were ineligible to participate in spring practice and that 20 players had either quit or were dismissed from the team.
Lehigh Football Nation
June 17th, 2010, 12:58 PM
I'm with DFW on this: SSU had better be steeling themselves for a settlement. This bit of name-calling - nothing more, as its basically unsubstantiated - will not help matters one bit.
Weird that the AJC would claim they have some sort of incriminating "letters" but wouldn't make them public.
June 17th, 2010, 04:03 PM
Just plain shameful. They deserve to lose every game in every sport.
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