View Full Version : I-A instant replay

January 4th, 2006, 11:43 PM
I don't know if I was the only person that noticed this during the game, but I thought that the instant replay reminded me off the old instant replay in the NFL. What I mean by this is the refs (booth) make the call on what is reviewed and it often slows down the game. They reviewed some plays that were pretty obviously the correct call, and didnt review some obviously missed calls (TD after young's knee was down). I dont think USC would have reviewed the play that the booth thought was a fumble (ball came out about 2 seconds after the whistle was blown) which basically gave Texas a free timeout. I really like the use of instant replay in certain situations, but I see this becoming what the NFL was before it was banned, with stupid reviews or no reviews when its necessary. I like the NFL setup because the coaches are responsible and not someone in a booth.

I guess I was just wondering what everyone else thought about this after the game.

January 5th, 2006, 12:00 AM
I don't know if I was the only person that noticed this during the game, but I thought that the instant replay reminded me off the old instant replay in the NFL. What I mean by this is the refs (booth) make the call on what is reviewed and it often slows down the game. They reviewed some plays that were pretty obviously the correct call, and didnt review some obviously missed calls (TD after young's knee was down). I dont think USC would have reviewed the play that the booth thought was a fumble (ball came out about 2 seconds after the whistle was blown) which basically gave Texas a free timeout. I really like the use of instant replay in certain situations, but I see this becoming what the NFL was before it was banned, with stupid reviews or no reviews when its necessary. I like the NFL setup because the coaches are responsible and not someone in a booth.

I guess I was just wondering what everyone else thought about this after the game.

They did blow it on that Vince Young play, but what I don't like about the NFL rule is that the coaches are (at least I think) limited to how many times they can ask for it. If I'm wrong about that I think I do like the NFL approach better.

For sure USC would've challenged when Young's knee went down. I was pulling for Texas but that was pretty bad.

Reed Rothchild
January 5th, 2006, 08:40 AM
In the Mountain West Conference, the coaches are allowed to chose when and what plays are challenged.

January 5th, 2006, 09:42 AM
I don't know if I was the only person that noticed this during the game, but I thought that the instant replay reminded me off the old instant replay in the NFL. What I mean by this is the refs (booth) make the call on what is reviewed and it often slows down the game. They reviewed some plays that were pretty obviously the correct call, and didnt review some obviously missed calls (TD after young's knee was down). I dont think USC would have reviewed the play that the booth thought was a fumble (ball came out about 2 seconds after the whistle was blown) which basically gave Texas a free timeout. I really like the use of instant replay in certain situations, but I see this becoming what the NFL was before it was banned, with stupid reviews or no reviews when its necessary. I like the NFL setup because the coaches are responsible and not someone in a booth.

I guess I was just wondering what everyone else thought about this after the game.

What I noticed (and I watched a LOT of bowl games this year) is that the ref's appeared more hesitant to make the tough calls. They'd look at each other, waiting for somebody else to make the call...even on fairly obvious ones like the non-fumble you referred to in your post. It seems like the instant replay has become a crutch so they don't have to worry. I like it better when the human element is added in, or at the very least it's the coach who decides. Texas definitely benefited from a "free" timeout last night at a very critical time, on a play that in the old days wouldn't have even been considered for a review. :twocents: :twocents:

January 5th, 2006, 11:45 PM
I generally dislike instant reply, and, the BCS Championship Game made me hate instant replay. On multiple occasions, the instant reply halted the flow of action. Long pauses during drives affect momentum and change the outcome of games in ways that replay fans don't consider. On just about every play, there is something that _could_ be reviewed. The way the Texas-USC game was reviewed slowed the game down to a baseball pace at times.

Hopefully I-AA can avoid this mess.

Third and Long
January 6th, 2006, 06:47 AM
They did blow it on that Vince Young play, but what I don't like about the NFL rule is that the coaches are (at least I think) limited to how many times they can ask for it. If I'm wrong about that I think I do like the NFL approach better.

For sure USC would've challenged when Young's knee went down. I was pulling for Texas but that was pretty bad.
You are not wrong about the NFL, except... that the coordinators in the booth have tvs so they can tell the head coach when to challenge the play. They also only have two challenges per half because it affects their timeouts. Inside the two minute warnings the booth looks at the plays.

January 6th, 2006, 11:31 AM
You are not wrong about the NFL, except... that the coordinators in the booth have tvs so they can tell the head coach when to challenge the play. They also only have two challenges per half because it affects their timeouts. Inside the two minute warnings the booth looks at the plays.
They only have two challenges per game, unless they use two and win, then they get a third. I think two per half would be better, personally, with the 2 minute drill up stairs.

College does not allow "any electronic device of any nature (other than headset/telephone communication to the field), in any booth or on any sideline." That's what makes the mountain west challenge system tougher.

I think that the booth officals also have to wait for replays some replays from the TV and if they are on the ball quick and go, then not much is going to happen (though I guess they could stop it and ask the 'truck' for replays and angles.