View Full Version : I'm surprised no GSU or App. State fans have brought this up...
January 17th, 2010, 09:14 PM
Starting next year, the SoCon (if you count only football-playing members) will have more (twice as many, in fact) private schools than the CAA, Big Sky, MVC, SLC, and OVC combined.
So what's the next phase of the plan of the SoCon private school mafia? Are they going to kick GSU and ASU out of the conference and replace us with Hofstra and Northeastern?
January 17th, 2010, 10:31 PM
GSU will be FBS very soon now that Grube and Sammy are gone.
The Cats
January 17th, 2010, 10:40 PM
GSU will be FBS very soon....
Do it... rather than talk about it. xwhistlex
January 18th, 2010, 02:30 AM
Starting next year, the SoCon (if you count only football-playing members) will have more (twice as many, in fact) private schools than the CAA, Big Sky, MVC, SLC, and OVC combined.
Ironically, the only two private schools in the CAA, Big Sky, MVC, SLC and OVC are the last two National Champs
This isn't anything new to discussion. The last three "SoCon swaps" have been public for private (Marshall for Wofford, VMI for Elon and ETSU for Samford).
Amazing to think that in the mid 90's, Furman was the only football-playing private school in the SoCon (and Davidson was the only other private school period). No wonder their women's sports have been dominant in the SoCon. :p
The move that really irked this argument was the addition of Samford.
Geographically they make little sense. And the SoCon top brass gloated over their academics, standards and such. Not saying it's a bad thing, but it was very much implied that private schools are the future of the conference as the 5 private schools get more attention than the other 7 public members.
January 18th, 2010, 05:41 AM
GSU will be FBS very soon now that Grube and Sammy are gone.
How does their departure make it more feasible?
January 18th, 2010, 06:23 AM
Starting next year, the SoCon (if you count only football-playing members) will have more (twice as many, in fact) private schools than the CAA, Big Sky, MVC, SLC, and OVC combined.
So what's the next phase of the plan of the SoCon private school mafia? Are they going to kick GSU and ASU out of the conference and replace us with Hofstra and Northeastern?
Good idea, they wouldn't lose as many games as GSU:pxsmiley_wix
January 18th, 2010, 06:35 AM
Amazing to think that in the mid 90's, Furman was the only football-playing private school in the SoCon (and Davidson was the only other private school period). No wonder their women's sports have been dominant in the SoCon. :p
Remember that prior to the arrival of ASU and others there were other private (small) schools in the Socon. They left because they didn't like the direction the conference was headedxeyebrowx
Typically the Citadel and VMI are included in this discussion even though they are not private. Their size and their more narrow mission should include them in the group of small schools. Additionally, on the schools that left in the 70s, Richmond was one. W&M another. W&M is not private but certainly would fit in the group.
Also, for all the other publics not named ASU, the privates have held up the conference's jock strap the last few years in football.
2005 playoffs - ASU and FU.
2006 Playoffs - ASU and FU.
2007 Playoffs ASU and WC
2008 Playoffs ASU and WC.
2009 playoffs ASU and Elon.
so unless you are an ASU fan like T-dog, step up before you xbawlingx
Third, I have changed my view point of this issue somewhat. Not who I think should be in the conference because personally I think we should have added some larger public schools. But my guess is the conference is looking at stability and longevity and my guess is with the number of public schools that would like to end up in FBS, the Socon has chosen the schools that would prefer to stay in FCS which generally are going to small and/or private schools.
Now with all that said, GTFO if you don't like it:Dxlolx
January 18th, 2010, 07:01 AM
Who cares what the school is public or private? If anything, the private institutions are at a disadvantage in recruiting, admissions, funding, support, etc.
I just don't understand the griping. Show up, win your games.
January 18th, 2010, 07:17 AM
How does their departure make it more feasible?
They are the pair that turned GSU into a coaching fiasco. Grube stepped down a few weeks ago and a lot of people think the AD, Sam Baker, isn't far behind him.
January 18th, 2010, 07:34 AM
Remember that prior to the arrival of ASU and others there were other private (small) schools in the Socon. They left because they didn't like the direction the conference was headedxeyebrowx
The only one I can think of before ASU that left (excluding the ACC schools) is GWU
January 18th, 2010, 08:03 AM
The only one I can think of before ASU that left (excluding the ACC schools) is GWU
They left afterwards. Richmond and W&Mxsmiley_wix and the timing was closer to the entrance of WCU, Marshall and UTC.
and my statement isn't critical, it is simply pointing out when you have a league of diverse schools, you can't make everyone 100% happy.
January 18th, 2010, 08:59 AM
From a football standpoint the SoCon currently has a good competitive group of schools and the latest private school, Samford, has been very competive so what's the problem. ASU has developed nice rivalrys in GSU, Furman, Wofford, and recently Elon so no real complains here. I'm still on the fence on the FBS/FCS issue. Had we won the last 2 football NCs I would feel differently.xcoffeex
January 18th, 2010, 09:07 AM
From a football standpoint the SoCon currently has a good competitive group of schools and the latest private school, Samford, has been very competive so what's the problem. ASU has developed nice rivalrys in GSU, Furman, Wofford, and recently Elon so no real complains here. I'm still on the fence on the FBS/FCS issue. Had we won the last 2 football NCs I would feel differently.xcoffeex
Thanks, I agree. It is interesting to consider why the discussion even comes up. I can think of only two reasons. One would be competition and the other would be attendance. I think the smaller schools have proved their competitive value. As far as attendance, one would think that larger schools have the advantage but it is certainly not a guaranty of drawing more.
On the FBS issue, I have always thought schools should do what is in their best interest and if moving to FBS is in their best interest, I wish them success.
January 18th, 2010, 10:49 PM
They left afterwards. Richmond and W&Mxsmiley_wix and the timing was closer to the entrance of WCU, Marshall and UTC.
and my statement isn't critical, it is simply pointing out when you have a league of diverse schools, you can't make everyone 100% happy.
What I find interesting is back in the 70's W&M and Richmond left the SoCon because they believed the larger public institutions were taking control of the league, yet nobody criticised them for it. However today the large public institutions complain about the same thing because only in reverse but get beat up for it. Go figure.
January 18th, 2010, 11:53 PM
And the lesson is to protect your privates!!;):D
From someone who resides in a totally 'private' conference:o
February 11th, 2010, 06:12 PM
And the lesson is to protect your privates!!;):D
Spoken like a true wrestler. xsmiley_wix
February 12th, 2010, 10:18 AM
How does their departure make it more feasible?
Because with real leadership and the athletic department might actually start growing again like the rest of the university continually does despite any economic conditions. The athletic programs especially the football team use to be a source of growth for the entire university now with Sam Baker at the helm it has been turned into a line item budget concern only and as a result has gotten worse especially the last eight years. I think an App person could easily see how leadership change at the top can have a HUGE influence what happens on the field and every other area.
February 12th, 2010, 10:21 AM
From a football standpoint the SoCon currently has a good competitive group of schools and the latest private school, Samford, has been very competive so what's the problem. ASU has developed nice rivalrys in GSU, Furman, Wofford, and recently Elon so no real complains here. I'm still on the fence on the FBS/FCS issue. Had we won the last 2 football NCs I would feel differently.xcoffeex
Those trophy's are not going to help you once you move up. Things off the field matter more than a bunch of kids and coaches who no longer will be at the school once the move is made.
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