View Full Version : Navy's Offense

December 23rd, 2005, 09:21 AM
Sure looked obsolete last night to me. Yep, if I think it's clear that any school using that offensive scheme should ditch it immediately. 51 points and 629 total yards just isn't going to cut it in modern day football.

December 23rd, 2005, 09:39 AM
Yes and with that type of offense you can't really recruit the quality athletes necessary to be a consistent winner.

Marcus Garvey
December 23rd, 2005, 11:55 AM
Totally... Smartest thing Nebraska ever did was fire Frank Solich! uh-huh!

December 23rd, 2005, 01:10 PM
Not that I would have tanked Sewak, but now that he's gone I'm thrilled to see BVG. :hyped: I belive that the option will still be a large part of GSU football. Just have to wait and see.

Paul Johnson is an offensive genius. :bow:

catamount man
December 23rd, 2005, 05:22 PM
Paul Johnson is an offensive genius. :bow:

And a WCU graduate, class of 1979. GO CATAMOUNTS!!! :hurray:

December 24th, 2005, 11:03 AM
Yes and with that type of offense you can't really recruit the quality athletes necessary to be a consistent winner.

Yes but, Navy is never going to bring in legions of blue chippers so that is the kind of offense they need to be effective. I am real happy to see Navy sustain some of last season's success.

December 24th, 2005, 11:24 AM
Not that I would have tanked Sewak, but now that he's gone I'm thrilled to see BVG. :hyped: I belive that the option will still be a large part of GSU football. Just have to wait and see.

Paul Johnson is an offensive genius. :bow:

I was mostly thinking of big time football and all the myths about not being able to commit to the option. Speaking of Paul Johnson: I continue to believe the best thing Nebraska could've done if it were going to change coaches was hire Johnson and get him to bring his offense to Lincoln.

On recruiting big time athletes: I think a big time school would have no problem recruiting athletes that could make that offense work very well at the BCS league level. Nebraska's 1995 team, for kind of an example, did not have an NFL type quarterback, a lot of NFL type offensive linemen, or NFL type wide receivers. It had players suited to running the offense it ran.

And it was the most dominant college football team of my football-watching lifetime (I'm 48). I realize 1995 was now 10 years ago but football hasn't changed that much since them. To this day I grin when I think of listening to tall the SEC fans calling talk shows to say things like, "You can't run option offense against SEC defenses because speed stops the option" and "Nebraska's not going to be able to score with Florida."


It'd be very possible for a, say, Nebraska to commit to the offense Navy now runs, recruit the best of the kinds of athletes it needs to run it, and put up big numbers against the best BCS league defenses.

December 27th, 2005, 01:12 AM
Not that I would have tanked Sewak, but now that he's gone I'm thrilled to see BVG. :hyped: I belive that the option will still be a large part of GSU football. Just have to wait and see.

Paul Johnson is an offensive genius. :bow:

As a 22 year Naval Officer, I was thrilled when they hired Johnson. I watched that game and was in awe the entire time. I could not BELIEVE they NEVER punted the entire game. Now THAT is faith in your offense!!! I was glad, too, because I'm in two different office pools, and I gave Navy the highest weight in both pools!!!! :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: