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December 17th, 2009, 02:27 PM
49er fans take it easy. Being new to the board with a new team takes time to garner respect. Shooting your mouth off at App fans who are quick to shoot down most other teams (although some provide great discussion) is not the battle you want. Be positive and constructive and it will get you far!

We have been hearing about raising money for awhile at UNCC and the money hasn't flowed in like other places to date (ODU comes to mind). If the numbers rise fast with a plan now in place, the early slow trickle will be forgotten about.

apples oranges

ODU went after funds in a boom time 2006

we launched our campaign in the worst economic time in our lifetime, still surpassed the first 5m goal

I used to have respect for App St fans until I read this board...

December 17th, 2009, 02:34 PM
apples oranges

ODU went after funds in a boom time 2006

we launched our campaign in the worst economic time in our lifetime, still surpassed the first 5m goal

I used to have respect for App St fans until I read this board...

I'll agree in the timing a little. The difference is they had a GREAT recruiting area that produces D-1/NFL talent and the people ATE it up and still would if they decided right now and not 3 years ago. They had more people wanting season tickets than seats in the stadium (that includes this year). I have never heard of Charlottee being that type of area. It won't be a quick rise. Take your time...

December 17th, 2009, 02:43 PM
apples oranges

ODU went after funds in a boom time 2006

we launched our campaign in the worst economic time in our lifetime, still surpassed the first 5m goal

I used to have respect for App St fans until I read this board...

Don't let the opinions of a few of our fans get you down. The administration at ASU I'm sure is taking you guys seriously. As is a good-sized portion of our fanbase.

December 17th, 2009, 02:45 PM
Don't let the opinions of a few of our fans get you down. The administration at ASU I'm sure is taking you guys seriously. As is a good-sized portion of our fanbase.

good to hear someone from App not talking poorly about Charlotte. xthumbsupx

December 17th, 2009, 03:07 PM
They're Garbage!


In all seriousness, I wish you the best (except against ASU). Just calm it down with the craziness about FBS.....

Metro- Fall football Saturday's are an amazing thing, and I hate to see someone's college career go by without one. If you get the chance, don't miss the opportunity to come up to Boone for a gameday, even the Packman (of Southern Fried Football) says it's one of the best atmospheres in the south. I'm looking forward to only having to drive 30 min to see an App game when you finally tee it up.

December 17th, 2009, 03:13 PM
They're Garbage!

even the Packman (of Southern Fried Football) says it's one of the best atmospheres in the south.

OH! NO! See if Fudge says it's great us Niner fans are going to have to assume it's the worst place on Earth. Fair or not to App, anything Fudge says is immediate GARBAGE to any Niner fan. He is a world beating Assine and burned whatever little respect we had for Daddy Billy's Little Bast*** long ago during our CUSA days.

December 17th, 2009, 03:17 PM
I don't think the FBS talk is crazy. Sure it isn't eminent and we know that. But that's where our AD wants our program to go, and with the Big 10 already talking expansion, the dominoes will be set for the next conference shift, which we're hoping to be a part of.

mountaineer in Cane Land
December 17th, 2009, 04:05 PM
no offense to Charoltte fans, but I do not think if you go FBS you will have a shot at a BCS conference. The ACC has not need for UNCC since they already own the TV/merchandise market in Charlotte. If the Big East expands they probably would take Memphis, or Central Florida. I would think that their best option would form a conference, perhaps with App, Georgia Southern, and some CAA teams. One thing I am sure of is that if UNCC fans think that is is going to be an easy move from no program to BCS you have no idea what you are talking about.

December 17th, 2009, 04:11 PM
I don't see the ACC as an option either. Pretty much Big East or nothing for BCS. Big East would only be interested b/c the Charlotte TV market.

I can certainly see Memphis, but why wasn't Memphis selected the first time the Big East raided CUSA?

December 17th, 2009, 04:32 PM
I don't see the ACC as an option either. Pretty much Big East or nothing for BCS. Big East would only be interested b/c the Charlotte TV market.

I can certainly see Memphis, but why wasn't Memphis selected the first time the Big East raided CUSA?

Duh! It's Menpiss!xsmiley_wix

Charlotte won't be considered for the Big East until we move up to FBS and play a few years at that level. Hopefully by that time there will be no more BCS and we won't want to be in the Big East anyway. I hope that CUSA splits into two conferences eventually. I think our basketball program and a willingness to move to FBS rapidly would make us a prime candidate for a relatively basketball weak CUSA East division based new conference. App might also fit well in such a conference.

mountaineer in Cane Land
December 17th, 2009, 04:48 PM
can't say why Memphis hasn't been invited yet, personally I think Central Florida makes more sense, they have a new 45,000 seat stadium, great market in Orlando, and arer only a couple of hours from South Florida University. Charlotte getting a team might be the best thing for App. for years App fans, and the University, have been on the fence on whether to go FBS or stay FCS. With Charlotte starting a program, this might be the push App needs.

December 17th, 2009, 09:57 PM
in which conference do you FCS gurus see Charlotte ending up?

mountaineer in Cane Land
December 17th, 2009, 10:22 PM
If Charlotte serious about playing in the FCS for atleast 3 or 4 years, the Southern, or the Big South would make sense. But if I was a betting man, Charlotte has plans to move up in 2 years. If that happens probably forming a new conference with App, JM, Georgia Southern seems to make sense. Alot of unknown factors will come into play in the next 6 or 7 years, so we will have to wait and see.

GA St. MBB Fan
December 17th, 2009, 10:37 PM
he said, "were" as in the past, when the ACC - BE shakeup happened UCF was in the MAC (not the Asun or Cusa)


They were in the A-Sun for all sports except football, and played football in the MAC.

December 17th, 2009, 10:58 PM
If Charlotte serious about playing in the FCS for atleast 3 or 4 years, the Southern, or the Big South would make sense. But if I was a betting man, Charlotte has plans to move up in 2 years. If that happens probably forming a new conference with App, JM, Georgia Southern seems to make sense. Alot of unknown factors will come into play in the next 6 or 7 years, so we will have to wait and see.

I'm almost certain you have to have 4 years in FCS before you can move to FBS.

mountaineer in Cane Land
December 17th, 2009, 11:31 PM
no, there is no time restrictions on when you can move up. 4 years ago, Florida Atlantic started a program, played one year in the FCS and then moved up.

December 17th, 2009, 11:39 PM
That's incorrect. FAU was a FCS member from 2001 to 2004 (4 seasons).

December 17th, 2009, 11:39 PM
Jackman...thanks for correcting that (though you were off by one season....but still nice job). Not sure where these other people get this stuff.

FAU has been around for 9 years...played 5 seasons at the FCS level and then moved up. They werent FBS until 2006...and were an independent for the prior 5 years prior to moving to the Sun Belch.

FIU played for 3 years at FCS (just in case you he goes there) before moving to the Sun Belch.

That said, there are pseudo time restrictions based on the moratorium...and furthermore...the NCAA likes a plan (See S. Alabama) prior to moving straight into FBS...or even FCS. I could be wrong, but you can only give 30 rides a year in FBS...and that means you wont even be remotely competitive until 3 years in...something the NCAA would probably not want to happen.

mountaineer in Cane Land
December 17th, 2009, 11:44 PM
just thought about what I posted, and I'm wrong about my statement. Yes, when Florida Atlantic moved up, there were no time retrictions, but since that time, the NCAA slapped a moritorium on FCS teams moving up until, i believe, June 2010. Too many teams that had no business moving up, were doing it just for the financial gains, so the NCAA put a stop to it. It should be real interesting to find out what guide lines the NCAA comes up with.

December 18th, 2009, 12:06 AM
just thought about what I posted, and I'm wrong about my statement. Yes, when Florida Atlantic moved up, there were no time retrictions, but since that time, the NCAA slapped a moritorium on FCS teams moving up until, i believe, June 2010. Too many teams that had no business moving up, were doing it just for the financial gains, so the NCAA put a stop to it. It should be real interesting to find out what guide lines the NCAA comes up with.

Any possibility of the forced demotion of conferences, such as part of the MAC or...pretty much all of Sun Belt?

December 18th, 2009, 06:35 AM
We know it will take time to "garner respect." However having several App fans talking down from the get go to us is ridiculous.

We're looking forward to having fruitful discussions with those that are open to the idea of Charlotte playing football without the preconceived notations that we think we're better than them, etc.

Comes down to producing a winning football team...

apples oranges

ODU went after funds in a boom time 2006

we launched our campaign in the worst economic time in our lifetime, still surpassed the first 5m goal

I used to have respect for App St fans until I read this board...

Glad we could help xcoffeex

in which conference do you FCS gurus see Charlotte ending up?

A lot could happen (even for the FCS) if the Big 10 starts another conference shuffle.

December 18th, 2009, 08:00 AM
I'll agree in the timing a little. The difference is they had a GREAT recruiting area that produces D-1/NFL talent and the people ATE it up and still would if they decided right now and not 3 years ago. They had more people wanting season tickets than seats in the stadium (that includes this year). I have never heard of Charlottee being that type of area. It won't be a quick rise. Take your time...

This isn't exactly true. You're comparing 2 VERRRRRRY different things. Charlotte has been selling FSLs (not tickets) which is only the right to buy a season ticket. Obviously that is MUCH tougher to sell ($1000-2500 per seat). I think selling $4m worth of "rights" in this economy without even an assurance of a team, or even where the team would play (and atleast 4-5 years out) is WAY more impressive than selling season tickets (for $200 each) 1 year before a team takes the field.

Mr. Bojangles
December 18th, 2009, 08:20 AM
Just wanted to chime in on this thread with my first post here.

First of all, I am just happy to have a football team at Charlotte to talk about. It has been a long time coming.

It is true that our long term goal is to join the FBS. I admit, that I have no clue how long it could take to make that jump. There are so many unknown factors out there that could affect us moving up. I am just focused now on getting the program up and running. We will have plenty of time to think about that once we get rolling.

Look forward to learning as much as I can about the FCS over the next few years here.

And App fans, you have every right to be worried. The sleeping giant in the state of NC has finally awakened. Looking forward to the rivalry.


December 18th, 2009, 09:11 AM
Just wanted to chime in on this thread with my first post here.

First of all, I am just happy to have a football team at Charlotte to talk about. It has been a long time coming.

It is true that our long term goal is to join the FBS. I admit, that I have no clue how long it could take to make that jump. There are so many unknown factors out there that could affect us moving up. I am just focused now on getting the program up and running. We will have plenty of time to think about that once we get rolling.

Look forward to learning as much as I can about the FCS over the next few years here.

And App fans, you have every right to be worried. The sleeping giant in the state of NC has finally awakened. Looking forward to the rivalry.



December 18th, 2009, 09:21 AM
your signature

December 18th, 2009, 10:34 AM
The sleeping giant in the state of NC has finally awakened.

This occurred in 2004 when ASU's old AD was let go.

December 18th, 2009, 10:38 AM
Amen and Thank God!!!!!!!!!

December 18th, 2009, 11:32 AM
Any possibility of the forced demotion of conferences, such as part of the MAC or...pretty much all of Sun Belt?


And the reason is the same reason that the NCAA can't impose a playoff system on FBS.

The NCAA is a voluntary organization. Individual institutions can choose for themselves which sports to play, at what level to play them and in which conferences they want to play in.

The best analogy would be a European Parliament in a multi part system.

The conferences are like the political parties, except they TRY to keep their membership down instead of increasing it.

The parties come together to form loose "coalitions". The current "ruling" coalition in the NCAA political structure is the BCS. These six conferences then use the rules of this "parliament" to make sure that the other coalitions (non-BCS FBS, FCS, BB-onlies, DII, and DIII) don't have the political power to displace them.

But the same rules and stratified political structure also protect the individual "rights" of the member institutions to form conferences and to play at their current playing level.

The NCAA can impose a minimum threshold that an institution must reach to move up a level, but once that institution crosses that magical line, it can sink below that line with no consequences other than loss of revenue and competitive ability. It then becomes the sole decision of that institution whether or not competing at that level still works for them or not.

Just because the MAC isn’t in the ruling coalition of the NCAA doesn’t mean they don’t have powerful friends within the coalition who find that supporting the MAC has benefits to them. I’d dare say the Big 10 would have severe issues with anyone wanting to send their record padding whipping boys down to FCS.

December 18th, 2009, 11:47 AM
[QUOTE=metro49er;1498909]Here is what I have wanted and we need:
a crisp fall afternoon, 65 degrees, I have a cooler of beer, a grill on, all my favorite old college teammates and friends around, my kids around me throwing a football, a Niners chant going, cheerleaders walking by handing stuff out, my 49ers tent up with a lawn chair, and lots of laughing and green being worn by all.

Is that above wish such a big deal?

Not at all. The college experience is certainly enhanced by football. Good Luckxthumbsupx

December 18th, 2009, 11:57 AM
This isn't exactly true. You're comparing 2 VERRRRRRY different things. Charlotte has been selling FSLs (not tickets) which is only the right to buy a season ticket. Obviously that is MUCH tougher to sell ($1000-2500 per seat). I think selling $4m worth of "rights" in this economy without even an assurance of a team, or even where the team would play (and atleast 4-5 years out) is WAY more impressive than selling season tickets (for $200 each) 1 year before a team takes the field.

Thanks for joining AGSxthumbsupx. They had seat licenses too if I am correct. The economy thing is the thing that keeps it from apples to apples but their support of football is MUCH stronger than what we've seen so far from UNCC

December 18th, 2009, 12:18 PM
This occurred in 2004 when ASU's old AD was let go.

Yep. 'Cept it seems some in our camp would be happy if we hit the snooze bar.

December 18th, 2009, 01:20 PM
Thanks for joining AGSxthumbsupx. They had seat licenses too if I am correct. The economy thing is the thing that keeps it from apples to apples but their support of football is MUCH stronger than what we've seen so far from UNCC

ODU has 14,000 season tix, which is excellent

I suspect we will get to that point, once a FSL is not required- closer to kickoff and a coach is hired, etc
I would like to know where ODU was 4 years ago...

today, we have 3400 FSL sold - which is essentially a donation of $1000 each seat (pretty pricey)

season tix will be $150 ea, if we don't have 10,000 I will be stunned come 2013

December 18th, 2009, 01:22 PM
your signature

I assume you are making another UNC dig,

Once again since you dont seem to get it....


I went to both schools.

December 18th, 2009, 01:30 PM
Thanks for joining AGSxthumbsupx. They had seat licenses too if I am correct. The economy thing is the thing that keeps it from apples to apples but their support of football is MUCH stronger than what we've seen so far from UNCC

No, I don't think they did.xnonox and it is much to early in OUR process to say that.

Mr. Bojangles
December 18th, 2009, 01:43 PM
No, I don't think they did.xnonox and it is much to early in OUR process to say that.

I did a little searching to see what the requirements were to get ODU football tickets. The best I could find is that you had to be a 'Big Blue Club' member and the seating order was based on your donations to the Club. From what I found, the minimum cost to join the Big Blue Club is $100.

I'm sure someone from ODU on this board knows. I followed their start loosely but would love to know their timeline of things like ticket sales, hiring a coach, announcing a conference, stadium renderings etc. I guess they already had a Stadium and a Conference lined up. Things like that help when you try to sell $1000-$2500 rights to buy tickets.

Monarch Nation
December 18th, 2009, 03:01 PM
We did not sell seat licenses. We had several million plus dollar donations made at basketball halftimes, and a few were made without the fanfare.

The Big Blue Club is $100 to join, but that is the least amount. A donation of at least $1000 is needed if you want to sit between the 35 yard lines high enough to see the field. The luxury suites went for at least $20K/year on a five year lease (I believe, since that was not an option for me).

Those who did not join the Big Blue Club did not get season tickets. We had to deny about 1000 season tickets. Regardless, we sold our entire season.

As far as the timeline goes, the head coach was hired in 2007 or so. We recruited for 2008 and red shirted the entire squad while recruiting for the 2009 season which we played. We also salted some JUCOs in there for upperclassman leadership and playing ability.

Conference announcement was pretty much automatic since we are full CAA members. The stadium was built in 1936 as a WPA roject and required extenive renovations including an end zone building (with the suites) and a video scoreboard.

December 18th, 2009, 03:24 PM
Conference announcement was pretty much automatic since we are full CAA members. The stadium was built in 1936 as a WPA roject and required extenive renovations including an end zone building (with the suites) and a video scoreboard.

I believe I saw somewhere that the stadium required $20 million in renovations, is that so?

Memorial Stadium in Charlotte was also a WPA work project stadium, and we were quoted a price tag of $20 million in renovations to get it to FCS quality (before the ground/utilities under it started forming sinkholes). Does ODU or Norfolk own the stadium?

December 18th, 2009, 03:55 PM
I assume you are making another UNC dig,

I went to both schools.

That's horrible!xeekx

Did your parents force you to go to Chapel Hill thinking you'd get a good education or did you, yourself get tricked into it?

So sad.xbawlingxxsmhxxnonono2x

December 18th, 2009, 03:57 PM
to put things in context, Charlotte will allocate 6,000 out of the 15,000 seats to students. So out of the 9,000 seats available to the public, we've already sold the rights to a little over 1/3 of those.

Not a bad start given the economy, IMHO

Mr. Bojangles
December 18th, 2009, 04:11 PM
We did not sell seat licenses. We had several million plus dollar donations made at basketball halftimes, and a few were made without the fanfare.

The Big Blue Club is $100 to join, but that is the least amount. A donation of at least $1000 is needed if you want to sit between the 35 yard lines high enough to see the field. The luxury suites went for at least $20K/year on a five year lease (I believe, since that was not an option for me).

Those who did not join the Big Blue Club did not get season tickets. We had to deny about 1000 season tickets. Regardless, we sold our entire season.

As far as the timeline goes, the head coach was hired in 2007 or so. We recruited for 2008 and red shirted the entire squad while recruiting for the 2009 season which we played. We also salted some JUCOs in there for upperclassman leadership and playing ability.

Conference announcement was pretty much automatic since we are full CAA members. The stadium was built in 1936 as a WPA roject and required extenive renovations including an end zone building (with the suites) and a video scoreboard.


We are just now officially seeking corporate dollars. There have been behind the scenes conversations, but now that everything is concrete, I think we will start to see some announcements.

The CFO of Lowes is a Charlotte grad and was on our FSL sales committee. They recently dropped the naming rights to Lowe's Motor Speedway, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them put their name on our Stadium.

Monarch Nation
December 18th, 2009, 04:19 PM
I believe I saw somewhere that the stadium required $20 million in renovations, is that so?

Memorial Stadium in Charlotte was also a WPA work project stadium, and we were quoted a price tag of $20 million in renovations to get it to FCS quality (before the ground/utilities under it started forming sinkholes). Does ODU or Norfolk own the stadium?

$24.5 mil, but most of the money went to the end zone bldg. Very little went on the existing stadium. I believe that was because if/when we need to expand, the current configuration will not allow for much expansion, so we will demolish the existing stadium and build new, but we will do it in stages very much like JMU is doing.

ODU owns the stadium, having purchased it from Norfolk some time ago.

I gotta tell you guys, basketball is OK, but football is the king. I'm glad you're getting into it.

Monarch Nation
December 18th, 2009, 04:21 PM

We are just now officially seeking corporate dollars. There have been behind the scenes conversations, but now that everything is concrete, I think we will start to see some announcements.

The CFO of Lowes is a Charlotte grad and was on our FSL sales committee. They recently dropped the naming rights to Lowe's Motor Speedway, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them put their name on our Stadium.

I hope so. Naming a stadium is a cash cow, and for a college stadium it is a win-win situation.

December 18th, 2009, 04:28 PM
$24.5 mil, but most of the money went to the end zone bldg. Very little went on the existing stadium. I believe that was because if/when we need to expand, the current configuration will not allow for much expansion, so we will demolish the existing stadium and build new, but we will do it in stages very much like JMU is doing.

ODU owns the stadium, having purchased it from Norfolk some time ago.

I gotta tell you guys, basketball is OK, but football is the king. I'm glad you're getting into it.

Never been a fan of the "arch-bow" stadium design. Makes it hard to add seats withou demolishing the existing stands. Looks like that's what you guys would have to do to expand further. Hope you have the money and reason to do so in the not too near future.

In our case the county wouldn't consider selling Memorial to us, we didn't want a stadium 8 miles from campus anyway and its falling apart.

On the otherhand the county would have been more than happy to take our money to fix their stadium. Nice when the renter pays the rent and for the improvement projects too!xnonox


We are just now officially seeking corporate dollars. There have been behind the scenes conversations, but now that everything is concrete, I think we will start to see some announcements.

The CFO of Lowes is a Charlotte grad and was on our FSL sales committee. They recently dropped the naming rights to Lowe's Motor Speedway, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them put their name on our Stadium.

Dude, icxnay on the namay dropay on nonay 49eray messagey boardanay, umkay!xshhhx

December 21st, 2009, 09:32 AM
That's horrible!xeekx

Did your parents force you to go to Chapel Hill thinking you'd get a good education or did you, yourself get tricked into it?

So sad.xbawlingxxsmhxxnonono2x

Coming from UNCcomuter?

December 21st, 2009, 06:21 PM
Coming from UNCcomuter?

Unfounded and distorted biases continue?xeyebrowx

I'd expect a graduate of Chapel Hill College to be better informed.xsmhx

70% of UNC Charlotte students live on campus or COMMUTE less than 5 miles. If that makes us a commutter school then we'll just have to live with that, and better local housing options that Chapel Hill.xcoffeex

December 21st, 2009, 06:26 PM
On another note, who wants to start scheduling games in 2013?

I think we'll have to do independent at least a year or two.

DX Man
December 21st, 2009, 06:31 PM
I believe I saw somewhere that the stadium required $20 million in renovations, is that so?

Memorial Stadium in Charlotte was also a WPA work project stadium, and we were quoted a price tag of $20 million in renovations to get it to FCS quality (before the ground/utilities under it started forming sinkholes). Does ODU or Norfolk own the stadium?

What is FCS quality?xeyebrowx

December 21st, 2009, 07:06 PM
What is FCS quality?xeyebrowx

Um.....a scoreboard that doesn't work on 1950's bulbs.

A ticketing system that can handle on-line purchases for Will Call.

Bathrooms that work.

Concession stands not on wheels hooked to a truck.

Parking for more than 500 cars.

And a stadium that doesn't sink in the ground.

We were quoted $20 milliom in improvements needed to be made to Memorial to meet our minimum requirements, by HOK Sports.

December 21st, 2009, 07:20 PM
No one denies that your team has the facilities to recruit in football, that's obvious. We'll have pretty damn good facilities too. In addition to that, we'll be able to offer more options other that just facilities and a education. The city of Charlotte > Boone. More things for students to do, period.

i hope Charlotte the best. But I gotta disagree that there's more things to do. UNCC is in the middle of the hood several miles from Actual Charlotte. Way more to do in Boone imo.

And as far as bball goes, not really a big fan period, but App fan when watching, but hasn't UNCC and ASU traded victories the past 5-6 years?

December 21st, 2009, 07:23 PM
i hope Charlotte the best. But I gotta disagree that there's more things to do. UNCC is in the middle of the hood several miles from Actual Charlotte. Way more to do in Boone imo.

And as far as bball goes, not really a big fan period, but App fan when watching, but hasn't UNCC and ASU traded victories the past 5-6 years?

I live in this neighborhood. Its quite nice and the only reason there was a crime issue was because people came here to rob students. And that has dropped the last two years. IDGAF if there's more to do in Boone or University City.

December 21st, 2009, 07:45 PM
We used to be in CUSA.

I know it hurts that you have no FBS ambition. We do, along with a top flight hoops team, and incredible all sports. You are a one trick pony.

btw, you did read my fees link right? UNC Boone is $200 more right now than Charlotte.

enjoy the competition hater

Just want to point out you're wrong.



App athletic fee is 279

UNCC General Fee is 792.

Guarantee that UNCC spends more of that general fee on Athletics than App's athletic fee.
Also, App is much more transparent with their information.

Just saw where you "owned an App fan" with the truth. Thought it was pretty funny.

December 21st, 2009, 09:41 PM
First post:

First, I've enjoyed the site thus far, Thank you for the hospitality. I love the layout and hope to spend time here instead of working in the future,

Secondly, thank you to MOSS for not dropping a lawsuit to get his stolen avatar back.

Third and while I'm glad that the Niners will be competing on the gridiron in 2013. I've yet to have an App fan say that this is a good idea and wish us luck. "The Alums will never pay for it...... Your commuter students don't care" etc. are the responses I hear

Love has come from Elon and WCU. Indifference from State, UNC, and Wake people. Fear and dread from App and ECU. They seem a little nervous about us coming in. I wonder why?, as this could be some big league rivalry building.

Best of Luck.


December 21st, 2009, 10:16 PM
Just want to point out you're wrong.



App athletic fee is 279

UNCC General Fee is 792.

Guarantee that UNCC spends more of that general fee on Athletics than App's athletic fee.
Also, App is much more transparent with their information.

PS, you're an App fan? What's up with the Liberty avatar?

Just saw where you "owned an App fan" with the truth. Thought it was pretty funny.


Athletics Fees:

UNC Charlotte: $477 ($0 in debt service fees)

App. State: $634 ($75 in debt service fees)

First post:

First, I've enjoyed the site thus far, Thank you for the hospitality. I love the layout and hope to spend time here instead of working in the future,

Secondly, thank you to MOSS for not dropping a lawsuit to get his stolen avatar back.

Third and while I'm glad that the Niners will be competing on the gridiron in 2013. I've yet to have an App fan say that this is a good idea and wish us luck. "The Alums will never pay for it...... Your commuter students don't care" etc. are the responses I hear

Love has come from Elon and WCU. Indifference from State, UNC, and Wake people. Fear and dread from App and ECU. They seem a little nervous about us coming in. I wonder why?, as this could be some big league rivalry building.

Best of Luck.


Don't be so harsh Tintin. There are a few App fans on this board that realize we can help each other long term, and who look forward to a good rivalry on the field with us.

December 22nd, 2009, 02:19 AM

Don't be so harsh Tintin. There are a few App fans on this board that realize we can help each other long term, and who look forward to a good rivalry on the field with us.

Welcome to AGS Tintin. From what I've heard some App fans are worried that they'll be competing with Charlotte head on with recruiting in the QC (this is just from people I've talked to about Charlotte getting a football program, this is not a sample of people from this message board and in no way reflects the opinions of anyone on this board). Which means the number of prized recruits coming to Boone will dwindle. Honestly it kind of worries me a tad bit as well. Especially since I really want to see App maintain their level of dominance over teams without any threat.

I know a lot of Charlotte fans want the jump to the "FBS" level as soon as possible but I believe jumping too soon might do more harm than good.

Metro can be a bit of a hard nose at times but his opinion about UNC-CH is justifiable. There are too many kids walking around other schools campus who would blindly route for Chapel Hill / Duke / UNC-R over their own school in any sport (which is very disheartening). Metro is referring to the amount of funding Chapel Hill gets for academia purposes while it's "sister" schools have to take massive amounts of pay cuts. It also doesn't help that Charlotte's brand is always being confused with Chapel Hill. They have a thread on their message board that astronomically large in size depicting all the instances where there has been a issue with name confusion with their brand.

If they (Charlotte) gets a strong core of followers and a lot of alumni support over the next 5-10 years then I could see a move up.

Correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't it a requirement to have a certain size stadium before you move up to the next level? If so, I think it would be easier to just go ahead and build the entire stadium instead of just having the lower bowl.

Love the renderings of the new stadium. Has a very Greco/Roman Colosseum feel.

App fans really need to stop getting on the new guys case. In state rivalries are a good thing to have.

I'm looking forward to seeing what other stragglers will get on this message board from NNN. The more the merrier. This is an excellent place to talk about college football!!!!

December 22nd, 2009, 08:00 AM
There's no longer a stadium size requirement for FBS, other than it has to be large enough so you can average 15,000 in actual attendance. It's possible some conferences may have their own requirements.

December 22nd, 2009, 12:56 PM
There's no longer a stadium size requirement for FBS, other than it has to be large enough so you can average 15,000 in actual attendance. It's possible some conferences may have their own requirements.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I wasn't sure if they had gotten rid of that rule or not.

I remember reading about having more than 15k average. Just wasn't sure about the size of the stadium.

December 22nd, 2009, 01:27 PM
Some people saying that UNC-C will draw well in Charlotte are leaping at nothing. Many times large cities can be too much of a distraction. Especially with other circuses in town. Many teams do not draw well being in a large city.

Villanova doesn't draw well. They do not draw well in Birmingham. All those NYC teams did not draw well, and that is with over 8 million people in the area. Finally decided to close shop.

I hope UNC-C does well if they do get to the point of playing football, but it sure doesn't guarantee that they will draw good crowds.

December 22nd, 2009, 03:24 PM
College football in the south > than the north. We will have no direct competition in Charlotte. Obviously people are still going to leave from Charlotte to go to other schools games, but we're hoping to loop some of those into Charlotte games as well.

December 22nd, 2009, 03:58 PM
College football in the south > than the north. We will have no direct competition in Charlotte. Obviously people are still going to leave from Charlotte to go to other schools games, but we're hoping to loop some of those into Charlotte games as well.

There are a lot of people growing up in the Charlotte Metro region twiddling their thumbs watching College football on saturday afternoons wishing they were at games. Now they will have the opportunity to go out and support a local team and finally find that cure for that itch they have been scratching for a while now.

I'll just go back to my favorite movie of all time and quote that...

"If you build it...They will come" In Charlotte's case I believe that will be true.

December 22nd, 2009, 10:30 PM
Some people saying that UNC-C will draw well in Charlotte are leaping at nothing. Many times large cities can be too much of a distraction. Especially with other circuses in town. Many teams do not draw well being in a large city.

Villanova doesn't draw well. They do not draw well in Birmingham. All those NYC teams did not draw well, and that is with over 8 million people in the area. Finally decided to close shop.

I hope UNC-C does well if they do get to the point of playing football, but it sure doesn't guarantee that they will draw good crowds.

We don't need to draw well.
We've got 3300 FSL holders and hope to have 5500 totalring . We've got tickets for 7000 students. We might have 1000 misc tickets that will go to the public.
We've got 12500-13000 in place before we have to "draw" anyone.


December 22nd, 2009, 10:39 PM
We don't need to draw well.
We've got 3300 FSL holders and hope to have 5500 totalring . We've got tickets for 7000 students. We might have 1000 misc tickets that will go to the public.
We've got 12500-13000 in place before we have to "draw" anyone.


We still have to get those 7000 students to show up. I'd think we'd average 4500 students at first.

December 22nd, 2009, 11:07 PM
We still have to get those 7000 students to show up. I'd think we'd average 4500 students at first.

No way. You have to remember that a lot of students don't care at all about football and the one that do ahve grown up following other college teams with their families so it will be hard to break those ties.

December 23rd, 2009, 09:00 AM
you'd be surprised how many college students sit in their apartments watching UNC-CH, NC State, etc. games.

December 23rd, 2009, 10:17 AM
I don't think it will be too hard to get the students to show up at first. After all it will be shinny and new and the thing to do. We average between 2000 and 3000 students per home basketball games. Having a schedule that has a nice balance of decent opponents and winnable games will help determine if the students build a tradition of making game attendance a must-do.

January 8th, 2010, 03:22 AM

Still looking good for approval. We wouldn't have asked for the fee increase if we didn't already know the answer. Our Chancellor is not a rah-rah cheerleader who would risk his PR firm managed reputation with the rest of the system just to throw up a despiration play like WSSU did.

The Cats
January 8th, 2010, 09:19 AM

.....read the comments at the bottom of the article from the UNC-C fans.....

the most paranoid group I've ever seen...... seems EVERYBODY is against Charlotte according to them. xviolinx

January 8th, 2010, 09:28 AM
I don't think everyone is against UNC-c so much as we have heard this junk about them starting football for thirty plus years. Then when they say, OK all we need to do to show support and raise money to start the program is sell 5000 psl's. Then months or years after the set deadline, they pull out all stops, including enticing some former Panther players to hawk the psl's on the street, they get maybe half of them sold.
Then their "football fans" jump on the boards and talk about how they are too good to play football in the CAA or even 1-AA football.
Makes you want to puke.

January 8th, 2010, 09:31 AM
I don't think everyone is against UNC-c so much as we have heard this junk about them starting football for thirty plus years. Then when they say, OK all we need to do to show support and raise money to start the program is sell 5000 psl's. Then months or years after the set deadline, they pull out all stops, including enticing some former Panther players to hawk the psl's on the street, they get maybe half of them sold.
Then their "football fans" jump on the boards and talk about how they are too good to play football in the CAA or even 1-AA football.
Makes you want to puke.

I agree with you...its the assumptions that are being made before a single down is played that irk me.

January 8th, 2010, 11:13 AM
What assumptions have been made that you ladies object to?

January 8th, 2010, 12:51 PM
No one has said we're too good for the CAA. I'd love to be in the CAA for football. We'll enjoy our time in 1-AA, but God forbid we have aspirations to play football at the highest level of competition in college.

January 8th, 2010, 03:47 PM
No one has said we're too good for the CAA. I'd love to be in the CAA for football. We'll enjoy our time in 1-AA, but God forbid we have aspirations to play football at the highest level of competition in college.

We just need to walk away from this Moss. Lots of Dick Spanglers on this board.

Bogus Megapardus
January 8th, 2010, 04:43 PM
There are a lot of people growing up in the Charlotte Metro region twiddling their thumbs watching College football on saturday afternoons wishing they were at games.

As an otherwise-disinterested observer who knows nothing of the sports culture in Charlotte, I am wondering who in Charlotte, if anyone, travels the twenty minutes or so to enjoy Davidson's historic 110-year-old football program. If not, why? Will UNC-Charlotte be superior from the get-go?

January 8th, 2010, 05:03 PM
As an otherwise-disinterested observer who knows nothing of the sports culture in Charlotte, I am wondering who in Charlotte, if anyone, travels the twenty minutes or so to enjoy Davidson's historic 110-year-old football program. If not, why? Will UNC-Charlotte be superior from the get-go?

Apples and Oranges

Non-Scholarship vs. Full Scholarship

2000 students and...........who's in Davidson's football conference vs 25,000 students (soon to be 35,000) with FBS aspirations.

While I enjoy throwing Davidson under a bus any chance I get, just can't do it on this one.

January 8th, 2010, 05:25 PM
We just need to walk away from this Moss. Lots of Dick Spanglers on this board.

It really isn't anyone on this message board that I've seen that makes it so infuriating, its the random guy you meet who tells you that UNCC will be competing in the BCS national championship game in 5 years, and that App plays such small time ball. It just makes me chuckle, when there is clearly more App stuff around charlotte than UNCC stuff.

Bogus Megapardus
January 8th, 2010, 06:04 PM
Apples and Oranges

Non-Scholarship vs. Full Scholarship

2000 students and...........who's in Davidson's football conference vs 25,000 students (soon to be 35,000) with FBS aspirations.

While I enjoy throwing Davidson under a bus any chance I get, just can't do it on this one.

I understand the size difference and the public-versus-private debate. As for scholarships - I come from a conference that fills stadiums without them. But for heaven's sake, Davidson has been playing football forever. They were once a scholarship school, I believe, and played against UNC, Duke and Georgia Tech on a regular basis.

It's just that mountaineer_dax suggested that people in Charlotte presently have no college football at all, and I was wondering if Davidson had any traction at all in the area.

As to your point about "who's in Davidson's football conference" -- would you say that a team is "judged by the company it keeps" in this regard? What if Richmond or Colgate or Yale were to visit Davidson regularly - would that make a difference to people in Charlotte about their perception of Davidson football?

Good luck with Charlotte football. There's no reason why it should not be a success.

January 8th, 2010, 06:30 PM
It really isn't anyone on this message board that I've seen that makes it so infuriating, its the random guy you meet who tells you that UNCC will be competing in the BCS national championship game in 5 years, and that App plays such small time ball. It just makes me chuckle, when there is clearly more App stuff around charlotte than UNCC stuff.

You can thank Boise St. and even USF for that. It took BSU only 10 years to become a power. And USF went from not existing to being the #2 team in the country at a time in 2007.

I think there is potential in Charlotte, especially with their CUSA mates close bye. But they don't have the money and it's sad to see the academic side suffer as a result of launching football.

January 8th, 2010, 08:10 PM
You can thank Boise St. and even USF for that. It took BSU only 10 years to become a power. And USF went from not existing to being the #2 team in the country at a time in 2007.

I think there is potential in Charlotte, especially with their CUSA mates close bye. But they don't have the money and it's sad to see the academic side suffer as a result of launching football.

We just started the $10 million dollar Levine Scholarship Program and offer over 15 doctorial programs. I have no idea why you would think that launching football would hurt academics but you are mistaken, especially in NC where supposedly the state doesn't pay for athletics. The state will, no doubt, not pay for UNC Charlotte Athletics. Just ask the App St and ECU fans about that.

Football hurting academics is a lie, at least in North Carolina anyway. Two completely separate revenue streams.

January 8th, 2010, 08:21 PM
It really isn't anyone on this message board that I've seen that makes it so infuriating, its the random guy you meet who tells you that UNCC will be competing in the BCS national championship game in 5 years, and that App plays such small time ball. It just makes me chuckle, when there is clearly more App stuff around charlotte than UNCC stuff.

Who's that Crackhead?xeyebrowx

It's none of the fans I associate with. Most of the fans I know have been forced by our situation to become startup football program experts these last 3 years to deal with all the folks with knee-jerk reactions or "learned" opinions. We could probably tell you more about USF football's start-up than the average USF fan. One thing most of my fellow involved fans do know well is the #s and objectives related specifically to UNC Charlotte Football startup. We, because of our market damands, will have to move to FBS as soon as we can justify. That's not a knock on FCS, that's our financial situation.

BCS? Let's just say I hope the BCS isn't even a factor when we move up.

January 8th, 2010, 08:28 PM
I understand the size difference and the public-versus-private debate. As for scholarships - I come from a conference that fills stadiums without them. But for heaven's sake, Davidson has been playing football forever. They were once a scholarship school, I believe, and played against UNC, Duke and Georgia Tech on a regular basis.

It's just that mountaineer_dax suggested that people in Charlotte presently have no college football at all, and I was wondering if Davidson had any traction at all in the area.

As to your point about "who's in Davidson's football conference" -- would you say that a team is "judged by the company it keeps" in this regard? What if Richmond or Colgate or Yale were to visit Davidson regularly - would that make a difference to people in Charlotte about their perception of Davidson football?

Good luck with Charlotte football. There's no reason why it should not be a success.

Johnson C. Smith Bulls Division II Football draws more than Davidson Football. I can't explain it. Then again, we have folks in the city of Charlotte who think UNC Charlotte's main campus is on the other side of the Moon and will say stuff like "its so far away". Actual driving distance = 8 miles. So you can imagine that the 20 mile trek to the far north known as Davidson would be like heading off to Pluto for these people.

The Cats
January 9th, 2010, 10:32 AM
Then again, we have folks in the city of Charlotte who think UNC Charlotte's main campus is on the other side of the Moon and will say stuff like "its so far away". Actual driving distance = 8 miles.


just as GaState expects Atlanta to support their new team, UNC-C expects Charlotte so support their start up program. Not going to happen in either city..... too much competition (pro sports & established college teams UNC/UGA) for the limited sports dollar. xbangx

January 9th, 2010, 11:07 AM

just as GaState expects Atlanta to support their new team, UNC-C expects Charlotte so support their start up program. Not going to happen in either city..... too much competition (pro sports & established college teams UNC/UGA) for the limited sports dollar. xbangx

If we can get 6500 to show up once a week for three months of the year (sometimes on schools nights), we can get 13,000 to show on a saturday afternoon twice a month to see the most popular sport in the country. Scheduling and winning will be the determining factors on increase to that number.

January 10th, 2010, 10:38 PM
new article on Football at Charlotte: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/423/story/1173203.html#none

January 11th, 2010, 12:32 AM
If UNCC football was meant to be there would have been more support for it.

Dubois said his expectations for raising money from donors and selling stadium seats had turned out to be "overly optimistic" and "wishful thinking," which led to the size of the student fee.

As is the football program itself. Only being pushed by a few students and alums, my cousin goes there and he says no one gives a crap about it.

Here is another Charlotte Observer newspaper article from today.

January 11th, 2010, 07:04 AM
If UNCC football was meant to be there would have been more support for it.

Dubois said his expectations for raising money from donors and selling stadium seats had turned out to be "overly optimistic" and "wishful thinking," which led to the size of the student fee.

As is the football program itself. Only being pushed by a few students and alums, my cousin goes there and he says no one gives a crap about it.

Here is another Charlotte Observer newspaper article from today.

Anyone could have used this exact same arguement to have Kidd-Brewer Stadium bulldozed any time before 2005. You act like student fees at App doesn't help keep your athletics programs afloat. I bet there's lots of athletics facilities on App's campus that have their existence or modernization thanks to debt service fees. One could also use your arguement to justify closing down your men's basketball program right now.

"Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones."

The Moody1
January 11th, 2010, 07:35 AM
Anyone could have used this exact same arguement to have Kidd-Brewer Stadium bulldozed any time before 2005.[/I]

Are you kidding, or are you just that ignorant?

January 11th, 2010, 07:56 AM
Are you kidding, or are you just that ignorant?

Did you have more than 20,000 season ticket holders before you won the first national championship?

Did you have more than 10,000?

Did you have more than 5000?

Because we asked for a WHOLE lot more money than App season tickets and YOSEF Club dues cost and we still sold 3200 FSLs at $1000 to $2500 a piece.

Did App. bring in more than $5.6 million a year before the first national championship? Does it now?

Because if the answer to either is yes then you are wasting time and resources playing FCS ball, move up!

ThompsonThe is using the argument that there is no support for Charlotte football. I’m merely showing that the support is very similar and pretty good for us considering we don’t even have a playing team to sell. No one is suggesting that App. Should bulldoze Kidd-Brewer or stop the basketball program, but both are as silly as saying there is no support for Charlotte Football.

January 11th, 2010, 08:37 AM
If the people at UNCC get off their high horse and actually give ASU the credit it deserves there wouldn't be so much animosity on the part of ASU folks. For some reason UNCC has always considered themselves superior to ASU. Why? Because of 1 Final Four appearance back in the 70's? Come on. Overall you guys are 19-13 all time vs ASU in your marquee sport of basketball which the school pours most of its money into. I just don't get it. I grew up in Gaston County and many of my high school classmates attended UNCC. I now live outside Charlotte, so I know a lot about the school. If your school would cease with the elitist attitude we may be able to get something done which would be beneficial to both institutions.

January 11th, 2010, 08:47 AM
If the people at UNCC get off their high horse and actually give ASU the credit it deserves there wouldn't be so much animosity on the part of ASU folks. For some reason UNCC has always considered themselves superior to ASU. Why? Because of 1 Final Four appearance back in the 70's? Come on. Overall you guys are 19-13 all time vs ASU in your marquee sport of basketball which the school pours most of its money into. I just don't get it. I grew up in Gaston County and many of my high school classmates attended UNCC. I now live outside Charlotte, so I know a lot about the school. If your school would cease with the elitist attitude we may be able to get something done which would be beneficial to both institutions.

Elitist attitude?

Don’t get UNC Charlotte confused with the City of Charlotte, no one at UNC Charlotte has an elitist attitude over anyone.

When has ANYONE from UNC CHARLOTTE had an elitist attitude over anyone?

Guess you're getting that C at the end of what YOU call us confused with a Ch. CHARLOTTE actually is willing to play App. CHARLOTTE has no animosity towards your University. Sure, we pick on your basketball program just as your fans picked on us about not having football, that's called being fans.

But Charlotte has consistently shown a willingness to play App. in numerous sports, so if THAT'S what you're referring to there is no basis in fact for your elitist comment. Talk to the powder blues about not playing you.

January 11th, 2010, 09:53 AM
Is the support really there?

3.2 million in pledges is impressive no matter how you spin it. But it still won't pay for the stadium. Is there anyway to retrofit the soccer stadium for football? Building a new stadium on the backs of your students is my main problem with this proposal.

January 11th, 2010, 10:21 AM
Don’t get UNC Charlotte confused with the City of Charlotte, no one at UNC Charlotte has an elitist attitude over anyone.

When has ANYONE from UNC CHARLOTTE had an elitist attitude over anyone?

See precious posts in this thread

January 11th, 2010, 10:22 AM
Is the support really there?

3.2 million in pledges is impressive no matter how you spin it. But it still won't pay for the stadium. Is there anyway to retrofit the soccer stadium for football? Building a new stadium on the backs of your students is my main problem with this proposal.

That was Plan B, however, Belk Track and Field seats 4000 now and is on the boarder of the Toby Creek flood plain. To build even 10,000 temporary seats on the other side of the field would have cost $35 million (per HOK Sports) and with the creek and major structures nearby it would have been impossible to expand further past that anyway. That means that we would have gotten much lower value for our investment to build there. To make it a halfway decent football stadium we’d have to ruin one of the best soccer/track stadiums in the state.

And BoA Stadium is too big and too expensive.

And Memorial Stadium would require $20 million in upgrades and that investment would eventually have been left in Mecklenburg County's happy hands when we would leave Memorial.

An on campus stadium, built from scratch, is the best investment of the football fees and will have better long term benefits for all parties involved. Especially because we can build a better facility NOW thanks to the lower interest rates and labor costs.

Students paid for Halton Arena without benefit of a vote. Students paid for the new Student Union without benefit of a vote. Students did vote FOR raising fees for football (the highest vote turnout in UNC System History, 37%) and they voted 87% to raise fees. The majority of students want this because it will make the University better. Fees will always go up. Athletic fees will eventually go up to support a program that will struggle to raise revenue without football. This is something tangible that the students can see, and understand why their fees paid for it. All schools in the UNC System have and continue to use service debt fees to build all types of facilities.

January 11th, 2010, 10:25 AM
And BoA Stadium is too big and too expensive

Most expensive venue in the NFL

January 11th, 2010, 10:26 AM
See precious posts in this thread

Quote them. I have seen no examples that weren't responses to others wanting to beat us down. When people start throwing stuff at each other they shouldn't be surprised when people get defense or fight back.

January 11th, 2010, 10:29 AM
Most expensive venue in the NFL

It would be expensive for us because it's not owned by the City/County but by the Richardsons.

They would charge hundreds of thousands for per game rent.

They would make us pay all field maintainence costs.

They would get the concessions revenue.

Others would get the parking revenue.

We'd be playing in a cavern (we don't expect to draw 20,000 out of the gate, much less 73,000).

BoA would be bad for us all the way around.

I admire the gumption of GSU and UTSA for playing in their big facilities.

January 11th, 2010, 10:33 AM
Quote them. I have seen no examples that weren't responses to others wanting to beat us down. When people start throwing stuff at each other they shouldn't be surprised when people get defense or fight back.

I believe Bobby Lutz is 8-1 this year. What's Buzz's record this year? 5-4?

Funny how you App fans talk about our basketball program, when you can't even draw 2,000 fans in Boone. Your last coach had to put tarps over the upper level of the Holmes Center so it didn't look so empty all the time.

2 NCAA Tournament appearances, we've been more to that this decade, even with the bad stretch we had over the last 4 years.

We'll never go to the SoCon, because they aren't even close to the A-10 in basketball. I doubt we ever go All Sports to the CAA either, unless a few teams from the A-10 go over for All Sports.


January 11th, 2010, 10:34 AM
It would be expensive for us because it's not owned by the City/County but by the Richardsons.

They would charge hundreds of thousands for per game rent.

They would make us pay all field maintainence costs.

They would get the concessions revenue.

Others would get the parking revenue.

We'd be playing in a cavern (we don't expect to draw 20,000 out of the gate, much less 73,000).

BoA would be bad for us all the way around.

I admire the gumption of GSU and UTSA for playing in their big facilities.

Car Care Bowl pays a insane amount of money...so will the ACC whenever they come to CLT

January 11th, 2010, 11:07 AM
Did you have more than 20,000 season ticket holders before you won the first national championship?

Did you have more than 10,000?

Did you have more than 5000?

Because we asked for a WHOLE lot more money than App season tickets and YOSEF Club dues cost and we still sold 3200 FSLs at $1000 to $2500 a piece.

Did App. bring in more than $5.6 million a year before the first national championship? Does it now?

Because if the answer to either is yes then you are wasting time and resources playing FCS ball, move up!

ThompsonThe is using the argument that there is no support for Charlotte football. I’m merely showing that the support is very similar and pretty good for us considering we don’t even have a playing team to sell. No one is suggesting that App. Should bulldoze Kidd-Brewer or stop the basketball program, but both are as silly as saying there is no support for Charlotte Football.

I am only responding to the overhyped bravado of UNCC becoming the king of football. Am almost surprised at some of your message board posts on CAA and other places, including this, that they are not saying that UNCC will win a BCS championship within three years.
I live near UNCC, and I know that there is very little support for them taking up football. My son goes to college, and I know many students at UNCC. Have yet to talk with one that thought it was a good idea.
And those student fee increases are ridiculous.
Way, way too high.
Football would be fine there, but not on the backs of your students. A high percentage of those that has gone there cares less about football percentage wise than most alums because they wouldn't have gone there without football if it was a big deal to them.

January 11th, 2010, 11:12 AM
I believe Bobby Lutz is 8-1 this year. What's Buzz's record this year? 5-4?

Funny how you App fans talk about our basketball program, when you can't even draw 2,000 fans in Boone. Your last coach had to put tarps over the upper level of the Holmes Center so it didn't look so empty all the time.

2 NCAA Tournament appearances, we've been more to that this decade, even with the bad stretch we had over the last 4 years.

We'll never go to the SoCon, because they aren't even close to the A-10 in basketball. I doubt we ever go All Sports to the CAA either, unless a few teams from the A-10 go over for All Sports.


Arrogant, maybe

Inaccurate, not really.

It would be a lot like me, or any Niner, telling you that App should move to the Big South. How does that help App? How would moving ALL our sports, especially basketball (our bread and butter, and still will be for sometime) to a conference with a lower RPI, lower NCAA Tournament bids and less national attention help 49ers basketball? Now add to that that the CAA already has A10 members as football only's and its really hard to justify moving to another conference for ALL sports. We respect that the SoCon doesn't do "football-only", which is why we haven't asked.

January 11th, 2010, 11:24 AM
I am only responding to the overhyped bravado of UNCC becoming the king of football. Am almost surprised at some of your message board posts on CAA and other places, including this, that they are not saying that UNCC will win a BCS championship within three years.
I live near UNCC, and I know that there is very little support for them taking up football. My son goes to college, and I know many students at UNCC. Have yet to talk with one that thought it was a good idea.
And those student fee increases are ridiculous.
Way, way too high.
Football would be fine there, but not on the backs of your students. A high percentage of those that has gone there cares less about football percentage wise than most alums because they wouldn't have gone there without football if it was a big deal to them.

You can no more quantify your assumption that there is little support for 49er football than I can say that we'll be in the Big East by 2020. You have no facts to back up your statement; it's your opinion and one that is seen through black and gold colored glasses.

I can point to 3200 FSL's and $4 million in public FSL sells revenue to back up my claims that there is enough support for FCS level football at Charlotte.

What is also your opinion is that the fees are too high. Our students have already disagreed with you on the topic; and as I am a graduate student who paid my way undergraduate and will for graduate, I'll gladly pay these fees. There's a fact for you. People can vote with their feet. There are two wonderful UNC System institutions within 150 miles of us that do not play football or charge fees for it.

UNC Charlotte has shown a sound financial plan for football to the BoG. They have already expressed their support for it. UNC Charlotte has a consistent history of raising donations to offset such fees (see Halton Arena) once projects are underway and has shown a consistent history of paying back loans and debt service fees early. That is one of numerous reasons why this is going through the BoG so easily.

Like I said before, our fees have been raised to equally high amounts before without our consent and for many things that have not benefitted me directly. I, as a student, accept that as part of the deal. Football will make UNC Charlotte a better place. There is NO App fan that would say football has hurt Appalachian State University. It won't hurt UNC Charlotte or its students either.

Pay it forward.

January 11th, 2010, 11:54 AM
Your students voted in a generalized way.....they had no idea that you were going to pawn off on them the payment of a football program. Who did your poll? Acorn?

I believe if your students were polled fairly on the exact increase that it would be defeated overwhelmingly.

You keep mentioning App State and football. Yeah the National Championships were great.....after almost 80 years of playing football to get on a string. But all the hype about how many more student requests and better students is way overrated. Appalachian can only take a small percentage of application they receive each year, and it's been that way for years.
Many people were touting this additional applicants until you take a look at Western Carolina and some other colleges in N.C. Western has not won much in football in years, yet they had a huge spike in applicants and quality also. So, I do not knot that the NC did them any good really.

January 11th, 2010, 12:27 PM
ASU averaged 15-18K each season before the 2005 season and averaged 23K in 2005 before the first championship due to the change in AD and overall leadership. Let's not act like ASU football just started 5 years ago.

Instead of arguing what UNCC football can be some of the 9er fans would rather smack an established program like ASU.

January 11th, 2010, 12:32 PM
Your students voted in a generalized way.....they had no idea that you were going to pawn off on them the payment of a football program. Who did your poll? Acorn?

I believe if your students were polled fairly on the exact increase that it would be defeated overwhelmingly.

You once again state an opinion. The poll had numerous questions including varying amounts they would be willing to pay. It was in no way generalized and was run by the Student Government Association; A BoG approved and supervised organization.

You keep mentioning App State and football. Yeah the National Championships were great.....after almost 80 years of playing football to get on a string. But all the hype about how many more student requests and better students is way overrated. Appalachian can only take a small percentage of application they receive each year, and it's been that way for years.

Many people were touting this additional applicants until you take a look at Western Carolina and some other colleges in N.C. Western has not won much in football in years, yet they had a huge spike in applicants and quality also. So, I do not knot that the NC did them any good really.

We don't have an additional application issue at Charlotte. One of the reasons we will be able to pay this debt off early is because we'll be adding 15,000 more students over the next 15 years to the 25,000 we already have.

I have a hard time believing that WHEN, and it will happen, App. St. asks for a service debt fee for Kidd-Brewer expansion that's in the several hundred dollar range; that any of you here that care SO MUCH about UNC Charlotte student fees will even bat an eye at applying similar fees to App. St. students.xliarx

January 11th, 2010, 12:33 PM
Instead of arguing what UNCC football can be some of the 9er fans would rather smack an established program like ASU.

I haven't seen one UNC CHARLOTTE poster on here 'smack" your football program. Or on CAA zone or even NinerNation.Net.

January 11th, 2010, 01:51 PM
Go A W A Y and get a team, and then we can talk.

January 11th, 2010, 02:16 PM
I haven't seen one UNC CHARLOTTE poster on here 'smack" your football program. Or on CAA zone or even NinerNation.Net.

I guess we have different definitionsxbangx. You have read this thread right?

January 11th, 2010, 02:30 PM
I guess we have different definitionsxbangx. You have read this thread right?

Quote somebody if you have a few in mind already. I don't remember seeing ANY smack about your football team though.

Go A W A Y and get a team, and then we can talk.

No one made you click the link that said "UNC-Charlotte in 2013"

January 11th, 2010, 11:17 PM
Quote somebody if you have a few in mind already. I don't remember seeing ANY smack about your football team though.

No one made you click the link that said "UNC-Charlotte in 2013"

You act like you own this thread. Similar to a lot of threads that several UNCC suppossed fans try to bully their opinion over other people. If you cannot handle a message board, you sure will not be able to handle football.

Your students had no idea how much additional a student fee increase would be proposed. You seem to come up with some sort of answer for everything. Life is not that simple....most of the time actual facts get in the way.

Good luck with football.

January 12th, 2010, 06:51 AM
I haven't seen one UNC CHARLOTTE poster on here 'smack" your football program. Or on CAA zone or even NinerNation.Net.


6 pages, pretty impressive. I think we have 6 posts about UNCC football on the App board.

January 12th, 2010, 07:51 AM
thompsonthe, no one is organizing any effective anti-football student push to save themselves from these awful fees. The students DID organize a successful pro-football drive with alumni, they did vote in a BoG approved SGA vote with the highest turnout in SGA vote history for the entire UNC System, and they are not taking to the streets with pitchforks against the football fees now. Perhaps they know that to get something, you have to give something? Anyway, you'll never see it my way so debating any of you on this is pointless. I don't believe for one second any App fan gives a flying turd about what UNC Charlotte students pay in athletic fees, you just don't want another FCS football program in your recruiting zone.

You act like you own this thread. Similar to a lot of threads that several UNCC suppossed fans try to bully their opinion over other people. If you cannot handle a message board, you sure will not be able to handle football.

What a useless statement. "Suppossed" fans? "bully their opinions"?


Your students had no idea how much additional a student fee increase would be proposed. You seem to come up with some sort of answer for everything. Life is not that simple....most of the time actual facts get in the way.

Your OPINION of the poll is nothing more than conjecture clouded by your desire to ignore its results. The FACT is that the poll results show that students want football and are willing to pay fees for it. That is a fact.

Good luck with football.

You too! See you in 2013.

ASU Tailgaiteer
January 12th, 2010, 08:15 AM
Do you really think ASU is concerned about antoher FCS program in the recruiting zone? The Carolinas recruiting market already contains the ACC, the SEC, ECU, the Southern Conference, and several quality programs in neighboring Virginia.

I am in favor of Charlotte having a football team. My biggest concern is how much support the team will receive one the novelty of an initial season wears off.

Look at your basketball team. In the midst of a successful season, you were able to sell out Halton for the Georgia Tech game. But one week later, despite a 10-4 record, only 4K were in attendance (and less than 1K students) for a Saturday night conference opener against St. Bonnies. In fact, the Bonnies represented 500 of those in attendance.
Again, this is a successful season and your premier athletic team.

In the days of HDTV and myriad choices in Charlotte, fan support may be your biggest concern going forward.

January 12th, 2010, 08:26 AM
Do you really think ASU is concerned about antoher FCS program in the recruiting zone? The Carolinas recruiting market already contains the ACC, the SEC, ECU, the Southern Conference, and several quality programs in neighboring Virginia.

I am in favor of Charlotte having a football team. My biggest concern is how much support the team will receive one the novelty of an initial season wears off.

Look at your basketball team. In the midst of a successful season, you were able to sell out Halton for the Georgia Tech game. But one week later, despite a 10-4 record, only 4K were in attendance (and less than 1K students) for a Saturday night conference opener against St. Bonnies. In fact, the Bonnies represented 500 of those in attendance.
Again, this is a successful season and your premier athletic team.

In the days of HDTV and myriad choices in Charlotte, fan support may be your biggest concern going forward.

IDGAF St. Bonnies!

If they came to Holmes those 500 fans would have outnumbered the App fans. No one gives a d*** about St. Bonnies, why should they? Because it's the conference opener? St. Bonnies consistently finishes near the bottom in the A10. I went to the Georgia Tech game! I did not go to the St. Bonnies game. Opponent means a lot. I can't believe 4K showed up! That's impressive to me.

I would expect App fans to have a better understanding of the difference between basketball attendance and football attendance.

ASU Tailgaiteer
January 12th, 2010, 08:49 AM
IDGAF St. Bonnies!

If they came to Holmes those 500 fans would have outnumbered the App fans. No one gives a d*** about St. Bonnies, why should they? Because it's the conference opener? St. Bonnies consistently finishes near the bottom in the A10. I went to the Georgia Tech game! I did not go to the St. Bonnies game. Opponent means a lot. I can't believe 4K showed up! That's impressive to me.

I would expect App fans to have a better understanding of the difference between basketball attendance and football attendance.

Thanks for making my point. I don't go to the Rock because of WHO the Mountaineers are playing, I go to the Rock BECAUSE the Mountaineers are playing.

I agree that our bball attendance is terrible as well, but bball is not our primary program. Right now, it's all you have to hang your hat on, and with 25,000 students + a LARGE local alumni base, there's no reason you shouldn't be filling Halton every game.

Your home football schedule the first few years is not going to be loaded with marquee programs (unless someone wants to play in Charlotte to attract local recruits), hence, your fan base will need to learn to support your team, regardless of the opponent (Davidson, Catawba, etc.)

January 12th, 2010, 10:29 AM
Elitist attitude?

Don’t get UNC Charlotte confused with the City of Charlotte, no one at UNC Charlotte has an elitist attitude over anyone.

When has ANYONE from UNC CHARLOTTE had an elitist attitude over anyone?

Guess you're getting that C at the end of what YOU call us confused with a Ch. CHARLOTTE actually is willing to play App. CHARLOTTE has no animosity towards your University. Sure, we pick on your basketball program just as your fans picked on us about not having football, that's called being fans.

But Charlotte has consistently shown a willingness to play App. in numerous sports, so if THAT'S what you're referring to there is no basis in fact for your elitist comment. Talk to the powder blues about not playing you.

You have to be kidding. I'm probably as close to our basketball program than anyone else on this board and we have to practically beg you guys to play us in basketball. Lutz only plays us when it is in his best interest to do so. In order to get your team to Boone we had to give you home games in 01/02 & 03/04 for a home game in 02/03, but Houston said that would never happen again and we didn't play during the 04/05, 05/06, and 06/07 seasons while Bobby held firm to his 2 for 1 requirement. He finally finally came around and scheduled home and home for 07/08 & 08/09, but it nothing is on the table going forward and Lutz isn't too keen on coming to Boone any time soon where the Niners have lost the last three times. You won't play us in baseball any longer since our program has seen a resurgence (last time was 2006), yet we play unc-ch, NC State, and WF - who even comes to Boone. Fact is I don't know of anything else we do play each other in. Believe what you want, but I know for a fact interest is a one way street on our part.

January 12th, 2010, 10:32 AM
Most expensive venue in the NFL

You seem to be omitting the fact the Panthers won't let you play in BOA Stadium. Yes, I know for certain because my son is close to the situation there.

January 12th, 2010, 12:09 PM
You seem to be omitting the fact the Panthers won't let you play in BOA Stadium. Yes, I know for certain because my son is close to the situation there.

Im not omitting anything...I am saying they CANT play there :D

January 12th, 2010, 01:19 PM
Im not omitting anything...I am saying they CANT play there :D

I was responding to the UNCC poster who said it was too expensive to play there.

January 12th, 2010, 03:27 PM
I was responding to the UNCC poster who said it was too expensive to play there.


Mr. Bojangles
January 12th, 2010, 09:53 PM
Thanks for making my point. I don't go to the Rock because of WHO the Mountaineers are playing, I go to the Rock BECAUSE the Mountaineers are playing.

I agree that our bball attendance is terrible as well, but bball is not our primary program. Right now, it's all you have to hang your hat on, and with 25,000 students + a LARGE local alumni base, there's no reason you shouldn't be filling Halton every game.

Your home football schedule the first few years is not going to be loaded with marquee programs (unless someone wants to play in Charlotte to attract local recruits), hence, your fan base will need to learn to support your team, regardless of the opponent (Davidson, Catawba, etc.)

In one of our worst seasons in 20 years, we averaged 6184 per game. Good enough for 85th best in the country for attendance.


In the decent season (NIT) we had before that, we averaged 7309, good enough for 76 in the country. 20th highest increase in attendance from the previous year.


Please do not base our football attendance projections on a game against St. Bonaventure while the students are still on winter break. Also, we all know basketball and football are different animals. Should we say that Clemson won't draw well in football because they don't sellout for basketball, or that Duke should sell out Wallace Wade because they sell out every game for hoops?

I do agree with you that people should go to games to see the home team, no matter the opponent. I'm at Halton every game no matter if we play GT or School of the Blind.

January 12th, 2010, 10:05 PM
I do agree with you that people should go to games to see the home team, no matter the opponent. I'm at Halton every game no matter if we play GT or School of the Blind.


January 13th, 2010, 09:19 PM
It's funny how after the decision was made to get football, App fans suddenly care so much about our students.

Face it, you don't care about the student fees, you simply don't want us to have football. Give it up, we're getting football.

January 13th, 2010, 11:03 PM
"Face it, you don't care about the student fees, you simply don't want us to have football."

That is where you are totally wrong. ASU would dearly love to have a close regional rival. Our folks are simply tired of UNCC's ......we're too good for ASU and the SoCon attitude.

January 14th, 2010, 09:27 AM
"Face it, you don't care about the student fees, you simply don't want us to have football."

That is where you are totally wrong. ASU would dearly love to have a close regional rival. Our folks are simply tired of UNCC's ......we're too good for ASU and the SoCon attitude.

Well, with the SoCon, they do have a point.

January 15th, 2010, 12:22 PM
It really isn't anyone on this message board that I've seen that makes it so infuriating, its the random guy you meet who tells you that UNCC will be competing in the BCS national championship game in 5 years, and that App plays such small time ball. It just makes me chuckle, when there is clearly more App stuff around charlotte than UNCC stuff.

Maybe so maybe not but please don't kid yourself by thinking for a second this has always been the case. In fact, I've lived in NC my entire life and App has pretty much been a non story until the day you beat Michigan. This is also when you started seeing App gear outside of Boone. I'm truely not saying this just to hate on App but I'm not going to let anyone imply that App was anywhere near Charlotte's level athletically until a few short years ago. Even today you're not near us in anything outside football but are certainly miles ahead of us in that sport.

By the way, I have a hard time believing any Charlotte fan has told you or anyone else, with a straight face, that we'll be anywhere near a BCS championship game in 5 years. No real Charlotte fans think that for a second. Futhermore most if not all of us will be extremly happy to play in FCS level. Yes, we do have aspirations of moving up to the BCS level simply because it's the best long term fit for our University. Maybe we don't get there as soon as we think, maybe we don't get there at all. Either way, I don't think Charlotte or any other University should be persecuted for wanting to 'eventually' play football at it's highest collegiant level. At the end of the day, we would love to have everyone's support but If you guys can't or won't understand what I've just said then, oh well, Charlotte football will move forward with or without you.

January 15th, 2010, 02:21 PM
You act like you own this thread. Similar to a lot of threads that several UNCC suppossed fans try to bully their opinion over other people. If you cannot handle a message board, you sure will not be able to handle football.

pfffffft, laughable.
Yes please ThompsonThe, explain the rigors of being a football fan to us poor Charlotte fans, for we could never understand.

Your students had no idea how much additional a student fee increase would be proposed. You seem to come up with some sort of answer for everything. Life is not that simple....most of the time actual facts get in the way.

Good luck with football.

You probably won't remember because you're not a Charlotte fan and very obviously not in tune with what's going on but no one knew what the fee's would be at the time of the survey. They didn't hide it from the students, it was a simple vote to determine if the students would support any fee increase and as many have said, it was and overwhelming yes.

January 15th, 2010, 02:32 PM

6 pages, pretty impressive. I think we have 6 posts about UNCC football on the App board.

So you're saying App fans don't sit around and discuss a program that doesn't exsist yet? Who would've guessed.

The Moody1
January 15th, 2010, 02:57 PM
In fact, I've lived in NC my entire life and App has pretty much been a non story until the day you beat Michigan. This is also when you started seeing App gear outside of Boone.

You must have been living with your head in the sand. Other than your final four appearance in the 70's UNCC has been a non-story. Since our teams are nowhere near UNCC's , please enlighten me, what are the great achievements in UNCC athletic history?

mountaineer in Cane Land
January 15th, 2010, 04:46 PM
ya I would like to know the answer to that question too, why do alot of UNCC fans believe that they have a better athletic program that us, and in general, one of the top programs in the south, when the facts are you have no football program, your non revenue sports such as baseball never make it to the NCCA tourniments, and your men's basketball program, while decent, is probably just a 50 or 60 program, that when they get to the NCAA tourniment, which on average is probably once every 3 or 4 years, is usually gone by the second round. I'm not trying to be critical, but, in my opinion, I do not see anything that makes me feel that your program is one of the best in the South, much less in North Carolina.

January 15th, 2010, 05:13 PM
Of the 16 sports teams Charlotte offers, 7 earned conference titles in the past year.
*Insert "well you're only in the A10" excuse here*

January 15th, 2010, 06:21 PM
Maybe so maybe not but please don't kid yourself by thinking for a second this has always been the case. In fact, I've lived in NC my entire life and App has pretty much been a non story until the day you beat Michigan. This is also when you started seeing App gear outside of Boone. I'm truely not saying this just to hate on App but I'm not going to let anyone imply that App was anywhere near Charlotte's level athletically until a few short years ago. Even today you're not near us in anything outside football but are certainly miles ahead of us in that sport.

By the way, I have a hard time believing any Charlotte fan has told you or anyone else, with a straight face, that we'll be anywhere near a BCS championship game in 5 years. No real Charlotte fans think that for a second. Futhermore most if not all of us will be extremly happy to play in FCS level. Yes, we do have aspirations of moving up to the BCS level simply because it's the best long term fit for our University. Maybe we don't get there as soon as we think, maybe we don't get there at all. Either way, I don't think Charlotte or any other University should be persecuted for wanting to 'eventually' play football at it's highest collegiant level. At the end of the day, we would love to have everyone's support but If you guys can't or won't understand what I've just said then, oh well, Charlotte football will move forward with or without you.


I was using it.

Nobody is persecuting you for anything, other than saying ridiculous things, like your athletic program is light years ahead of us. It clearly isn't. Sure you've got a decent basketball program. You went to a final four before half the population of the earth was born (again hyperbole, but I bet i'm not far off the mark). That's great. I'm glad you are finally getting football it's something to be proud of. It's just the general attitude some of your fans have (and that which was expressed in your posts) that turns people off.

January 15th, 2010, 06:36 PM
It's fun watching App fans try and play victim. It's pretty pathetic.

January 15th, 2010, 06:40 PM
Why is it just about always the same Charlotte fans posting? Do you just not have that many?

January 15th, 2010, 06:42 PM
You guys do realise that you are not even the largest state school in the county that you are in.

The Cats
January 15th, 2010, 07:13 PM
You guys do realise that you are not even the largest state school in the county that you are in.

Let me guess.... CPCC.... in excess of 70,000 students xhurrayx xhurrayx xhurrayx

January 15th, 2010, 08:51 PM
ya I would like to know the answer to that question too, why do alot of UNCC fans believe that they have a better athletic program that us, and in general, one of the top programs in the south, when the facts are you have no football program, your non revenue sports such as baseball never make it to the NCCA tourniments, and your men's basketball program, while decent, is probably just a 50 or 60 program, that when they get to the NCAA tourniment, which on average is probably once every 3 or 4 years, is usually gone by the second round. I'm not trying to be critical, but, in my opinion, I do not see anything that makes me feel that your program is one of the best in the South, much less in North Carolina.

Just like to point out that since joining the A10 we have been to the NCAA baseball tournament 2 times in 4 years, and as the A10 is a 1 bid conference in baseball that translates into 2 A10 Baseball Championships in the last 3 seasons. Last year was a down year.xhurrayx

We also have the 9th best record in the nation over the last 4 years.xhurrayx


You guys do realise that you are not even the largest state school in the county that you are in.

Your research skills are improving, slowly. xsmileyclapx

January 15th, 2010, 09:20 PM
In fact, I've lived in NC my entire life and App has pretty much been a non story until the day you beat Michigan.

I grew up in gaston County and now live outside Charlotte and seem to remember the I-AA National Championship being a pretty big news event in Charlotte.

I'm truely not saying this just to hate on App but I'm not going to let anyone imply that App was anywhere near Charlotte's level athletically until a few short years ago. Even today you're not near us in anything outside football but are certainly miles ahead of us in that sport.

Now I know you have lost your mind. Since 2000 you guys are a whopping 3-2 vs ASU in men's basketball. In baseball you are afraid to play us. Oh your coach was fine playing us as long as our program stunk, but since the Chris Pollard era you guys are 1-2-1 vs ASU (your lone win came by 1 run). You haven't played us since 2006 and try as hard he can to accomodate you guys Coach Pollard says the Niners just can't seem to find a date on their schedule for little old ASU. You can't talk RPI since in 2009 ASU's was 80 and UNCC's was 157. Besides the A-10 is a horrible baseball league. Last year the league RPI was 20 while the SoCon's was 9. Fact is the SoCon's RPI has been far better than the A-10's the last ten years. Pollard has been taking a lot of talent out of Charlotte the past 5 years and it seems your coach wants nothing to do with giving him a better story to tell. Oh yea, you own us in womens basketball. Big deal. Everybody has owned us the past 10 years. You also have a 4 game series record advantage in soccer. Don't know about tennis, golf, ect and don't care. It all adds up to the fact UNCC has zero superiority over ASU anywhere except in their minds.

January 15th, 2010, 09:28 PM
I grew up in gaston County and now live outside Charlotte and seem to remember the I-AA National Championship being a pretty big news event in Charlotte.

Yeah, I grew up in Gaston County too. Yes App winning the National Championship was a big story in the regional press. Don't worry, if Charlotte ever won a national championship in any sport the Disturber would either ignore it or put it on page 9 of the sports section. Some could even say App recieves better coverage from OUR local paper than we do, on average.

Now I know you have lost your mind. Since 2000 you guys are a whopping 3-2 vs ASU in men's basketball. In baseball you are afraid to play us. Oh your coach was fine playing us as long as our program stunk, but since the Chris Pollard era you guys are 1-2-1 vs ASU (your lone win came by 1 run). You haven't played us since 2006 and try as hard he can to accomodate you guys Coach Pollard says the Niners just can't seem to find a date on their schedule for little old ASU. You can't talk RPI since in 2009 ASU's was 80 and UNCC's was 157. Besides the A-10 is a horrible baseball league. Last year the league RPI was 20 while the SoCon's was 9. Fact is the SoCon's RPI has been far better than the A-10's the last ten years. Pollard has been taking a lot of talent out of Charlotte the past 5 years and it seems your coach wants nothing to do with giving him a better story to tell. Oh yea, you own us in womens basketball. Big deal. Everybody has owned us the past 10 years. You also have a 4 game series record advantage in soccer. Don't know about tennis, golf, ect and don't care. It all adds up to the fact UNCC has zero superiority over ASU anywhere except in their minds.

Can't we all just get along?xtwocentsx

Syntax Error
January 16th, 2010, 06:16 AM

They are not FCS so why the heck are they on our discussion board????

January 16th, 2010, 07:19 PM
I post 1 thing, and the mods remove it, nice. I guess provoking others isn't in the board rules as I see the idiot app fan's posts are still up.

January 16th, 2010, 09:29 PM

They are not FCS so why the heck are they on our discussion board????

They are not FCS because they don't have a football team. If and when they get a football team they will be FCS. You do realize that FBS and FCS are football only classifications of Division One. There is no FCS/FBS in any other sport.

Mr. Bojangles
January 16th, 2010, 10:42 PM
ya I would like to know the answer to that question too, why do alot of UNCC fans believe that they have a better athletic program that us, and in general, one of the top programs in the south, when the facts are you have no football program, your non revenue sports such as baseball never make it to the NCCA tourniments, and your men's basketball program, while decent, is probably just a 50 or 60 program, that when they get to the NCAA tourniment, which on average is probably once every 3 or 4 years, is usually gone by the second round. I'm not trying to be critical, but, in my opinion, I do not see anything that makes me feel that your program is one of the best in the South, much less in North Carolina.

I hope you are not comparing Charlotte's basketball and baseball programs to App State's.

In basketball, we have 9 Conference Championships, 11 NCAA Tourney appearances (including several 'at-large' bids), and 6 NIT appearances. I believe we were last ranked in 2005 when we were ranked 17th in the country.

In baseball, we have 5 Conference Championships, and 4 NCAA appearances, most recently in 2008.

Please post App State's success in these sports if you would like to compare.

January 17th, 2010, 09:08 AM
I hope you are not comparing Charlotte's basketball and baseball programs to App State's.

In basketball, we have 9 Conference Championships, 11 NCAA Tourney appearances (including several 'at-large' bids), and 6 NIT appearances. I believe we were last ranked in 2005 when we were ranked 17th in the country.

In baseball, we have 5 Conference Championships, and 4 NCAA appearances, most recently in 2008.

Please post App State's success in these sports if you would like to compare.

I would think that the head-to-head records since 2000 were fairly relevant to this debate

SoCon - better baseball conference, A-10 better basketball conference.

ASU was 70 spots better in RPI than UNCC in baseball last year and only 10 spots lower in 2008.


Charlotte is currently 91 in basketball RPI, ASU is 160.

The Cats
January 17th, 2010, 10:22 AM
Saint.... I think you like to argue just for the sake of arguing. You do it on here just like you do when you come to the Catamount Pride board.

First of all.... the 49er fans are even more arrogant than the Appy fans (if that is possible).... so I have no idea what you guys hope to accomplish in your back and forth..... neither fan base will concede a point even in the light of hard facts..... both of you, give it up.

Why argue with a school that is still years from playing their first game, and could not even conceivably know or understand what their program will be up against in the FCS or FBS.

January 17th, 2010, 12:47 PM
I enjoy bringing facts and results to a discussion when people make blanket statements with little to no research (very similar to posts on the WCU board). You may not like what those facts suggest so I understand your point of view.

January 17th, 2010, 03:46 PM
I would think that the head-to-head records since 2000 were fairly relevant to this debate

SoCon - better baseball conference, A-10 better basketball conference.

ASU was 70 spots better in RPI than UNCC in baseball last year and only 10 spots lower in 2008.


Charlotte is currently 91 in basketball RPI, ASU is 160.

And we have the ninth best baseball record in the nation the last 5 years and usually win the A10 Baseball Championship and auto-bid................so I guess that high RPI helps App the same way some CAA fans tell us that the A10 multi-bids do in basketball.......not so much.xwhistlex

January 17th, 2010, 03:56 PM
Hmmm, I thought this was a football board. I can understand the discussion turning to other sports when you don't have a football team. Good luck to UNCC as you face the challenge of starting a football program, but shouldn't the debate about other sports be moved to that topic?

January 17th, 2010, 04:00 PM
Hmmm, I thought this was a football board. I can understand the discussion turning to other sports when you don't have a football team. Good luck to UNCC as you face the challenge of starting a football program, but shouldn't the debate about other sports be moved to that topic?

More than happy to get back to football, and I totally agree.xpeacex

January 17th, 2010, 05:55 PM
I enjoy bringing facts and results to a discussion when people make blanket statements with little to no research (very similar to posts on the WCU board). You may not like what those facts suggest so I understand your point of view.

Saint old buddy, the only problem with presenting the facts is no matter how hard someone wants to spin things they can't argue with cold, hard, numbers.

January 17th, 2010, 05:58 PM
Saint old buddy, the only problem with presenting the facts is no matter how hard someone wants to spin things they can't argue with cold, hard, numbers.

Lots of folks here can argue all day against any facts, I've learned that already in my short time here.xnodx

January 17th, 2010, 06:00 PM
Hmmm, I thought this was a football board. I can understand the discussion turning to other sports when you don't have a football team. Good luck to UNCC as you face the challenge of starting a football program, but shouldn't the debate about other sports be moved to that topic?

UNCC fans attempted to proclaim athletic superiority over ASU by dragging their other sports into the discussion. We just responded.

January 17th, 2010, 06:03 PM
UNCC fans attempted to proclaim athletic superiority over ASU by dragging their other sports into the discussion. We just responded.

You have not once seen me claim athletic superiority with APP in anything but basketball. I only claim parity in baseball. No idea what App's facilities are like but Kidd-Brewer looks nice. I happen to think UNC Charlotte has made a big inverstment in facilities the last 15 years and it shows.

I think a lot of App fans take Charlotte fans' high aspirations as a sign we are arrogant and think we are superior. That is not the case, we simply wish to set our expectations higher. That's all.xtwocentsx

January 18th, 2010, 11:05 PM
You have not once seen me claim athletic superiority with APP in anything but basketball. I only claim parity in baseball. No idea what App's facilities are like but Kidd-Brewer looks nice. I happen to think UNC Charlotte has made a big inverstment in facilities the last 15 years and it shows.

I think a lot of App fans take Charlotte fans' high aspirations as a sign we are arrogant and think we are superior. That is not the case, we simply wish to set our expectations higher. That's all.xtwocentsx

You are the exception to the rule from most of my encounters with UNCC fans. Here are links to \our facilities. I think they will pass mustard with just about any around.

Athletic Center at KBS:


Sofield Indoor Practice Facility:

Holmes Convocation Center:

Beaver Field at Smith Stadium (Baseball):

Lloyd Softball Stadium:

Soccer Stadium:

January 18th, 2010, 11:15 PM
Charlotte I believe, esp since it's almost certainly I-A bound, will stop off for a bit in the Big South then move up when C-USA calls.

I agree, go with the Big South

February 11th, 2010, 02:55 PM
I agree, go with the Big South

Your Commissioner has already said no thank you. We haven't made our FBS aspirations very secret, so a lot of the FCS conferences aren't interested. Right now it looks like our best FCS conference bet is the CAA. Our AD is supposed to talk with the CAA Commissioner in the near future about affiliate membership.

Lehigh Football Nation
May 13th, 2010, 12:24 PM

Programs Launching in 2011-2013

* University of Texas at San Antonio (San Antonio, Texas): NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision, Independent (2011-2012 as an FCS independent, hopefully joining an FBS conference in 2013) – President Ricardo Romo, Athletics Director Lynn Hickey, Head Coach Larry Coker.
* University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Charlotte, N.C.): NCAA Division I Football Championship Subdivision, Conference TBD (2013) – Chancellor Philip L. Dubois, Athletics Director Judy Rose, Head Coach TBA

Emphasis added. There's no indication that UNCC is on the track to FBS the same way UTSA is. Also, it looks like the CAA may NOT be their conference.

May 13th, 2010, 12:52 PM
I think they will pass mustard with just about any around.

It's pass muster.


May 13th, 2010, 01:09 PM
No, he literally meant "pass mustard"... it's an old High Country tradition dating back to the 1860s. Mustard was regarded as a luxury condiment and was only found at the finer establishments. As a right of passage into adulthood, parents would "pass the mustard" to their children.


May 13th, 2010, 01:57 PM
I thought Beaver Field was the softball field??????

May 13th, 2010, 02:03 PM
Your Commissioner has already said no thank you. We haven't made our FBS aspirations very secret, so a lot of the FCS conferences aren't interested. Right now it looks like our best FCS conference bet is the CAA. Our AD is supposed to talk with the CAA Commissioner in the near future about affiliate membership.

Is the CAA going to 16? Seems to be getting a little crowded.

May 13th, 2010, 02:12 PM
Interesting Q & A interview with UNCC AD Judy Rose in today's Charlotte Observer


May 13th, 2010, 08:47 PM
Is the CAA going to 16? Seems to be getting a little crowded.

Add Charlotte, Fordham, Stony Brook and Albany. Splits into North and South fairly good only problem is does Nova or Towson go North like always.

Lehigh Football Nation
May 14th, 2010, 09:24 AM
Is the CAA going to 16? Seems to be getting a little crowded.

Add Charlotte, Fordham, Stony Brook and Albany. Splits into North and South fairly good only problem is does Nova or Towson go North like always.

Wait a minute - I got it! Split into four pods, play a championship game... and UNH plays Delaware once every seven years. Brilliant! xrolleyesx xlolx

May 14th, 2010, 09:58 AM
Is the CAA going to 16? Seems to be getting a little crowded.

Haven't you read the papers? CAA deciding whether to go to 14 or 16 and form its own TV network, pressure on the Southland to partner with the Big Sky, the Southern looking at Big South schools to go to 16, whether the Patriot will split between the football scholarship and non-football scholarship schools, all that sort of stuff... xlolx

May 14th, 2010, 11:23 AM
Why doesn't the FCS just form its own superconference? That would go GREAT!xlolx

May 15th, 2010, 04:43 PM
Haven't you read the papers? CAA deciding whether to go to 14 or 16 and form its own TV network, pressure on the Southland to partner with the Big Sky, the Southern looking at Big South schools to go to 16, whether the Patriot will split between the football scholarship and non-football scholarship schools, all that sort of stuff... xlolx

What you didn't hear that MVC is adding Montana, Montana State, Northern Colorado, Central Arkansas, Texas State, Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston State?

Redbird Ray
May 15th, 2010, 05:12 PM
What you didn't hear that MVC is adding Montana, Montana State, Northern Colorado, Central Arkansas, Texas State, Stephen F. Austin, Sam Houston State?

I would love it if the MVC made an attempt at FBS and added Texas State along with Missour State, Illinois State, Southern Illinois, North Dakota State, and maybe Wichita State to create a new FBS league with existing FBS members like North Texas, Tulsa, Northern Illinois and Arkansas State.

May 22nd, 2010, 09:08 AM
LOL @ Judy Rose. "We won't damage basketball for football". Like our basketball program has done anything noteworthy in the last 10 years. When the basketball program is making Sweet 16 and Elite 8 appearances like clockwork, then she can make statements like that. Otherwise, it just makes her look ridiculous.

SideLine Shooter
May 22nd, 2010, 09:29 AM
LOL @ Judy Rose. "We won't damage basketball for football". Like our basketball program has done anything noteworthy in the last 10 years. When the basketball program is making Sweet 16 and Elite 8 appearances like clockwork, then she can make statements like that. Otherwise, it just makes her look ridiculous.

Exactly, but that is the whole uncc mindset, at least the ones that might care just a little bit.

May 22nd, 2010, 11:47 AM
I would love it if the MVC made an attempt at FBS and added Texas State along with Missour State, Illinois State, Southern Illinois, North Dakota State, and maybe Wichita State to create a new FBS league with existing FBS members like North Texas, Tulsa, Northern Illinois and Arkansas State.

These types of ideas are now defunct.

FBS won't let any new school up unless they have an invitation from an existing FBS conference.

To me that means each school would have to receive an invite up to FBS, join and then they could form a new conference.

At least that is how I understand what the new rules will be.

May 23rd, 2010, 12:25 AM
Exactly, but that is the whole uncc mindset, at least the ones that might care just a little bit.

Interestingly enough I think that's been a real issue for us all along. It's not that we shouldn't want to protect our only revenue sport, its that the majority of our rabid fans aren't college football fans. They are college basketball fans. Certain people just don't care about basketball and certain people don't care about football. Charlotte has always lost those fans that perfer football because we haven't had it till soon. Conversely, those that love college basketball we do get, but they have an unrealistic view of the importance of our college basketball program in relationship to football.

I'm not saying we should leave the A-10 for the SoCon or CAA, but there will be compromises made and some of my fellow 49ers don't want to even think about that.

August 23rd, 2010, 05:45 PM
Interesting rumor about former NC State coach Chuck Amato being seen in the Charlotte 49ers athletic department today. Perhaps coming on board as a consultant..........

August 24th, 2010, 07:46 AM
You better hope it isn't for coaching, that guy put NC State back 4 years after Rivers graduated.

SideLine Shooter
August 24th, 2010, 08:00 AM
I'm hearing the name Mike Minter being thrown around.

He is now coaching a small Christian School team. BEST HIGH SCHOOL RECRUITER AROUND.

Bogus Megapardus
August 24th, 2010, 09:26 AM
I'm hearing the name Mike Minter being thrown around.

More than that - Minter is actively lobbying for the job:


August 24th, 2010, 10:18 AM
Amato is a great recruiter with connections in this state that run deep. Not to mention Florida. I think he just dropped by for a consultation. He was also at Panthers' training yesterday. Minter is lobbying hard for the job but its one thing to do well at a private school with a local NFL name coach. He has ZERO college experience in coaching. I would be fine with Amato (or another experienced college coach) training Minter as a coach-in-waiting.

Here's an article for the Georgia State fans:


August 24th, 2010, 03:09 PM
Minter has been campaigning for quite some time. He is the only candidate that has expressed interest publicly to this point. The search is going to start in the Spring of 2011 & a coach will be selected by that Summer.