View Full Version : I had to.....
December 10th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Looks like the weather has been taken outof play with a forcasted high of 32.....
That also means that the unsold tickets (which I'm having a hard time believing) ought to be sold.............
And that means more noise!!!!!!!!!!!xbawlingx
December 10th, 2009, 01:41 PM
Will the warmer temps make it louder?
December 10th, 2009, 01:45 PM
Looks like the weather has been taken outof play with a forcasted high of 32.....
That also means that the unsold tickets (which I'm having a hard time believing) ought to be sold.............
And that means more noise!!!!!!!!!!!xbawlingx
They have unsold tickets? How is this possible on Thursday....xsmhx
What is going on up there?
December 10th, 2009, 01:49 PM
They have unsold tickets? How is this possible on Thursday....xsmhx
What is going on up there?
Some fans could have been afraid of the cold and the noise. xeyebrowx
December 10th, 2009, 01:49 PM
Will the warmer temps make it louder?
I'll dig out my physics books from college and get back to you later when I've found the right formulas xrotatehxxsmiley_wix
December 10th, 2009, 01:54 PM
Looks like the weather has been taken outof play with a forcasted high of 32.....
That also means that the unsold tickets (which I'm having a hard time believing) ought to be sold.............
And that means more noise!!!!!!!!!!!xbawlingx
how many tickets are still unsold?
December 10th, 2009, 01:58 PM
Breaking News:
Here's a link to 50 seconds of stadium noise Montana fans listen to everyday during football season to assist in full cheer preperation. I hear the mp3 was recorded at a Montana football game but that report cannot be officially verified. However, from CNN reports I have seen, several fans were taken to local hospitals due to various ruptured eardrum issues during this recording.
In addition, it has been reported that Montana fans are preparing for Saturday's game by yelling all week, irregardless of the situation.
At dinner yesterday, Gunner Lyles of 415 Grizzly Rd was heard yelling, "HEY WOMAN, PASS THE GIBLETS!"
December 10th, 2009, 02:26 PM
On the griz website is mentioned only 22,500 sold and I thought the capacity was around 25k ........Not sure if they sell any standing room..damn if I know where you fit in anymore people in that arena....By the way I would guess that the temperature in the stadium ownt' make any difference in the decible level. Other than eating a lot of beans I dont know what other sound producing devices the have up yonder......
December 10th, 2009, 02:28 PM
xlolx You all are just too much. xrotatehx And here a thought it was only some CAA fans who posted such funny... stuff. :D
December 10th, 2009, 02:29 PM
On the griz website is mentioned only 22,500 sold and I thought the capacity was around 25k ........Not sure if they sell any standing room..damn if I know where you fit in anymore people in that arena....By the way I would guess that the temperature in the stadium ownt' make any difference in the decible level. Other than eating a lot of beans I dont know what other sound producing devices the have up yonder......
man, i really wish i could have cut into those left over tix....but 72 hour round drive is out of my reach right now as a poor little college kid. ha xbawlingxxbawlingx
December 10th, 2009, 02:30 PM
Don't know where you got 32 degrees on Saturday from?
This link provides a way better look at the temp:
Looks like low 20s with possibly 1 inch of snow.
Not too bad considering earlier this week was below 0
Is the bad weather that is currently hitting the east coast and midwest hitting any part of where App State is?
December 10th, 2009, 02:31 PM
Dam you 89......
The colder it is the quieter it will be, the impedance goes up as the temperature drops. The colder it is, the slower the sound travels too so we want it warmer xrulesx
December 10th, 2009, 02:33 PM
Looks like the weather has been taken outof play with a forcasted high of 32.....
That also means that the unsold tickets (which I'm having a hard time believing) ought to be sold.............
And that means more noise!!!!!!!!!!!xbawlingx
Personally, I've been avoiding all of the weather and noise crap, but...WOOOOOO!
Been keeping a close eye on the weather myself, and I'm so glad it will be warm(er)!
Weather won't be a factor, and the fans will be warm. Glad to know it!
Come on Saturday! Get here already!
As an aside...My bro, his wife and 18 year old son will be over on Friday and we're having a party and watching the W&M/'Nova game. We'll be tailgating by 11:00 on Saturday.
December 10th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Don't know where you got 32 degrees on Saturday from?
This link provides a way better look at the temp:
Looks like low 20s with possibly 1 inch of snow.
Not too bad considering earlier this week was below 0
Is the bad weather that is currently hitting the east coast and midwest hitting any part of where App State is?
sittin in my dorm right now... 30 degrees with a wind chill of 19...sunshinin' though
we had bout 1/4 of freezing rain from that system 2 nights ago, but just rain otherwise.
December 10th, 2009, 02:36 PM
Don't know where you got 32 degrees on Saturday from?
This link provides a way better look at the temp:
Looks like low 20s with possibly 1 inch of snow.
Not too bad considering earlier this week was below 0
Is the bad weather that is currently hitting the east coast and midwest hitting any part of where App State is?
From right here:
December 10th, 2009, 02:37 PM
That is great that the system missed App State.
I wonder if the system (storm) hit Villanova hard?
December 10th, 2009, 02:38 PM
Don't know where you got 32 degrees on Saturday from?
This link provides a way better look at the temp:
Looks like low 20s with possibly 1 inch of snow.
Not too bad considering earlier this week was below 0
Is the bad weather that is currently hitting the east coast and midwest hitting any part of where App State is?
Someone's confused somewhere, says high 32 and low 26:
As for Boone, just mostly clear currently 27, high of 30 today, low of 16 and 35mph wind gusts. Saturday high of 38, low of 30 with mintry mix and freezing rain Sunday.
December 10th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I will stick with AccuWeather, they have not been wrong when I have had to count on them while traveling in MT for my job.
They usually nail it within 1 degree almost every time.
December 10th, 2009, 02:40 PM
weather channel says 32.....NWS service says 26
December 10th, 2009, 04:40 PM
Dam you 89......
So I was right. It WILL be loud in your stadium. :D
December 10th, 2009, 04:47 PM
Will the warmer temps make it louder?
I don't think so. Cold air is more dense, thus it carries sound better. When it is warmer, the air is less dense and sound waves dissipate quicker.
It won't be cold enough to really matter though. Griz will still win. They are on a roll, moreso than ASU, methinks. When you are down by 21 at halftime and score 34 UNANSWERED POINTS in the fourth quarter, you are a force to be reckoned with.
One more thing: Mariani is an unstoppable force. Period. Good luck to the ASU defense on that one.
December 10th, 2009, 04:52 PM
One more thing: Mariani is an unstoppable force. Period. Good luck to the ASU defense on that one.
Second or third best receiver we've faced this year. And he is stoppable.
He's definitely the best return man we've played... and that's where he really scares me. I have a feeling he will burn us once. Jerry always kicks deep. xmadx I really hope it's just once.
December 10th, 2009, 04:56 PM
I'll dig out my physics books from college and get back to you later when I've found the right formulas xrotatehxxsmiley_wix
As a Physics teacher....the warmer temps would have no affect on the Amplitude of sound coming from the source(s) but would have an effect on the speed of sound so it will just get to the pleyers slightly faster....
December 10th, 2009, 04:59 PM
Second or third best receiver we've faced this year. And he is stoppable.
He's definitely the best return man we've played... and that's where he really scares me. I have a feeling he will burn us once. Jerry always kicks deep. xmadx I really hope it's just once.
Very debatable. I've seen Hudgins play and he is athletic as hell, but I'd rather have Mariani on my team. I mean just imagine his numbers if he got 120 balls a season xeekx
December 10th, 2009, 04:59 PM
The weather certainly won't be an issue in this one. This is pretty warm for Montana standards at this time of the year and pretty normal for what Appalachian must be used to. The cold weather itself may come into play for a couple plays, but it certainly won't be an advantage to either team.
The noise...yeah, everyone is sick of hearing it but it will be a much of one is anyone's guess, but the noise will be louder than Appalachian has faced as a visitor yet without any question.
The fact the tickets aren't sold out yet is quite interesting, but there is the issue of most of the student section being out of Missoula at this time of year. Most of the people I know going to the game are graduates, most current students are en route home, and there's a high number of out-of-staters at UM. Still, at a game like this I'd expect tickets to have sold out by now. I think they will by gametime, but the fact its even in question is pretty shocking.
I'd give anything to bring down the tickets left number by 1, but I'm kinda far away for this one :p
December 10th, 2009, 05:01 PM
Does anyone have a picture of this amazing, pop your ear drums, get blinded by the sheer awesomeness, stadium? I have never heard of it before today.
December 10th, 2009, 05:17 PM
Does anyone have a picture of this amazing, pop your ear drums, get blinded by the sheer awesomeness, stadium? I have never heard of it before today.
One hasn't been posted in the last 5 minutes, I am pretty sure :p
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