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December 8th, 2009, 09:37 AM
I actually think that it will be more of a factor. In 2000 we didn't run the spread. Now, I don't know how the plays are changed at the line but if it involves a lot of audibles, I think it will be difficult. How was the crowd after SDSU went up by 3 scores?


December 8th, 2009, 09:46 AM
I actually think that it will be more of a factor. In 2000 we didn't run the spread. Now, I don't know how the plays are changed at the line but if it involves a lot of audibles, I think it will be difficult. How was the crowd after SDSU went up by 3 scores?

The crowd was still their but not nearly at the level they were after mariani returned the kickoff for a touchdown with five minutes left in the third.

December 8th, 2009, 09:50 AM
I actually think that it will be more of a factor. In 2000 we didn't run the spread. Now, I don't know how the plays are changed at the line but if it involves a lot of audibles, I think it will be difficult. How was the crowd after SDSU went up by 3 scores?

I don't think we've called as many audibles this year as we have in the past. I could be wrong though.

December 8th, 2009, 09:54 AM
I don't think we've called as many audibles this year as we have in the past. I could be wrong though.

We call audibles by hand signals from the sidelines.. The players go into the play knowing an audible will be called based on the defensive scheme. AE gives a hard count, ball is not hiked, everyone looks over to the sidelines and gets the new play..

The thing is, the new play is just a wrinkle of the first play out of the same formation so the OL is doing the same blocking scheme

December 8th, 2009, 09:55 AM
I actually think that it will be more of a factor. In 2000 we didn't run the spread. Now, I don't know how the plays are changed at the line but if it involves a lot of audibles, I think it will be difficult. How was the crowd after SDSU went up by 3 scores?

The plays are changed at the line by both vocal and visual audible. The noise won't be so much a factor since the signals come from the sideline. The snap count comes from the sideline as well, but is changed at the line sometimes although that is done vocally since the o-line is in their stance at that point and must remain there, that could be an issue so changes of the snap count my be less frequent and you won't see as many jumps by the d-line offsides like with SCSU.

If you watch the offense in between plays you can see everyone getting the play or the next two plays since there is no huddle and sometimes two to three plays will go back to back to keep the defense from changing personel. Quite smart, and it will wear out the defensive front 7 and leave them gassed in the 4th quarter, Richmond can testify to that as their front seven were tore to bits in the final 5 minutes of the 4th quarter by zone read after zone read runs for 10 to 15 yard gains each time.

December 8th, 2009, 09:58 AM
We call audibles by hand signals from the sidelines.. The players go into the play knowing an audible will be called based on the defensive scheme. AE gives a hard count, ball is not hiked, everyone looks over to the sidelines and gets the new play..

The thing is, the new play is just a wrinkle of the first play out of the same formation so the OL is doing the same blocking scheme

Not always true, that is why some of the audibles take a minute to change the play, the QB will change the play with his first cadence and then update the o-line blocking scheme with his next set it is that way on about 20 percent of the changes at the line give or take. It is a very complex but simple offense to run given the correct personel.

December 8th, 2009, 10:02 AM
I guess houndawg deleted what he posted a few minutes ago, or the mods did.....but what he did put up was bann worthy for sure...... so glad to be back to talking football here.

December 8th, 2009, 10:05 AM
I guess houndawg deleted what he posted a few minutes ago, or the mods did.....but what he did put up was bann worthy for sure...... so glad to be back to talking football here.

Well I'm sure both schools hear comments like that from time to time (at least I have but it's usually people from Western). But there are more important things at hand. I don't think I ever saw an answer to the question about speed of the D-line for UM.

December 8th, 2009, 10:06 AM
Well I'm sure both schools hear comments like that from time to time (at least I have but it's usually people from Western). But there are more important things at hand. I don't think I ever saw an answer to the question about speed of the D-line for UM.

Yeah ......the Griz fans who are here will get to it trust me....xnodx

December 8th, 2009, 10:07 AM
My questions to Montana faithful are as follows, I was able to catch your game with SFA last week and noticed what I thought was decent play by your defensive line. What surprised me was that your defensive front seemed slower than what I am used to out of a SoCon front 4. They get off the ball great but their lateral movement and pusuit seemed lacking to me. (For reference I have coached the defensive line for a local high school this year and also played d-line and TE in college and high school). This presents a problem given the spread option look ASU and AE will give you, a lot of zone read (which means lateral moving zone blocking attack), quick cut backs by AE and RB's (which means the D-line will have to scrape quickly and stay home). Were your front 4 just having an off day or do they usually just press up field and let the LB's worry about the lateral stuff?

I saw the same thing, and what they were actually doing was quite deceptive, and effective. The Griz coaches do a great job of scheming for each quarterback, and thats exactly what they were doing. It wasn't slow play or anything, but rather they were blocking the passing lanes due to a 6 foot QB that couldn't see over the line because of it. The slow penetration is due to the defensive scheme. They were as well dropping one of the D Lineman back into coverage..which has resulted in our whole starting front 4 having interceptions now. So to answer your question, it was a defensive scheme that worked pretty well to stop a passing team. I wouldn't be surprised to see them use something similar to AE, giving him a couple yards on the run, and dropping a DL back into coverage. AE is a short guy too, and it works well to clog up the passing lanes. EDIT* I actually think our D Line will match up well with AE's style of play, as they are much more of a speed line than power. Either way, they seemed to have found a passing D that works for that style of passer, and our Rush D has been pretty good this season.

December 8th, 2009, 10:12 AM
[QUOTE=Mountaineer#96;1490232]The plays are changed at the line by both vocal and visual audible. The noise won't be so much a factor since the signals come from the sideline. The snap count comes from the sideline as well, but is changed at the line sometimes although that is done vocally since the o-line is in their stance at that point and must remain there, that could be an issue so changes of the snap count my be less frequent and you won't see as many jumps by the d-line offsides like with SCSU.


It, definitely, seems a lot smoother and quicker than in years past. I know watching our first years in the spread, we were a little slow getting the play from the sideline.

December 8th, 2009, 10:17 AM
I saw the same thing, and what they were actually doing was quite deceptive, and effective. The Griz coaches do a great job of scheming for each quarterback, and thats exactly what they were doing. It wasn't slow play or anything, but rather they were blocking the passing lanes due to a 6 foot QB that couldn't see because of it. They were as well dropping one of the D Lineman back into coverage..which has resulted in our whole starting front 4 having interceptions. So to answer your question, it was a defensive scheme that worked pretty well to stop a passing team. I wouldn't be suprised to see them use something similar to AE, giving him a couple yards on the run, and dropping a DL back into coverage. AE is a short guy too, and it works well to clog up the passing lanes.

Interesting take...I could see that as well and agree it was effective given SFA pass happy attack and 6 foot QB. Makes sense and it worked xnodx. Problem is ASU is run first pass second and AE is a highly mobile QB not like SFA's. Another issue is like I was talking about earlier is the way ASU attacks the defensive perimeter that they are constantly pushing into diffrent areas with their spread option alignments, this makes the defense cover everywhere and everything thus pushing them out of the box to cover trips right, two WR's left leaving a LB on AE shadow detail which is a matchup ASU will take all day and punish the D with. Couple that with a no huddle system and plays called at the line = tired defensive front and spread out secondary. Only hope on the defensive side of ball is team speed, depth, and gaining a few luck breaks here and there to force 3rd and long.

So I am sorta asking again, what does the Griz front 4 or 7 bring to the table in raw team speed to slow / stop the speedy ASU offense. Based on what I could determine from watching you guys VS. SFA there is a big mismatch there.

December 8th, 2009, 10:18 AM
[QUOTE=Mountaineer#96;1490232]The plays are changed at the line by both vocal and visual audible. The noise won't be so much a factor since the signals come from the sideline. The snap count comes from the sideline as well, but is changed at the line sometimes although that is done vocally since the o-line is in their stance at that point and must remain there, that could be an issue so changes of the snap count my be less frequent and you won't see as many jumps by the d-line offsides like with SCSU.


It, definitely, seems a lot smoother and quicker than in years past. I know watching our first years in the spread, we were a little slow getting the play from the sideline.

Yes it was HARD.....thanks for catching that!!! xrotatehxxrotatehx

December 8th, 2009, 10:19 AM
I saw the same thing, and what they were actually doing was quite deceptive, and effective. The Griz coaches do a great job of scheming for each quarterback, and thats exactly what they were doing. It wasn't slow play or anything, but rather they were blocking the passing lanes due to a 6 foot QB that couldn't see over the line because of it. The slow penetration is due to the defensive scheme. They were as well dropping one of the D Lineman back into coverage..which has resulted in our whole starting front 4 having interceptions now. So to answer your question, it was a defensive scheme that worked pretty well to stop a passing team. I wouldn't be surprised to see them use something similar to AE, giving him a couple yards on the run, and dropping a DL back into coverage. AE is a short guy too, and it works well to clog up the passing lanes.

I haven't seen Montana play...ever. So I'm at a disadvantage to everybody else on this site it seems but it sounds/seems effective to stopping a short passing game, but it seems like it wouldn't be very effective in stopping a run to the outside unless you cover the flats with the linemen, and then on top of that, how effective is it in stopping a more intermediate-deep threat passing game, because I have a feeling there will be more than 7 men in the box from time to time when that scheme is used just for sheer confusion. On top of all of this, how effective is it in covering a QB that slips the pocket, causes a man to commit to the run, then throws (or does SFA or SDSU or any other team do that effectively)?

December 8th, 2009, 10:19 AM
Good Article from the Winston-Salem Journal's App Trail Blog:


There is a mystique to Montana football.

For east-coast teams in the FCS, traveling to Missoula for a game is an experience.

A grizzly bear (stuffed, fortunately, and in a glass case) awaits visitors at the airport. It’s typically cold and snowy for December playoff games. And a mountain called Hellgate is the backdrop at Washington-Grizzly Stadium.

Gives a good back drop to the history between the two teams from their last meeting. I could not be more PUMPED.

December 8th, 2009, 10:32 AM
The crowd will impact App. St less than any other team that has visited Wa. Griz, I highly doubt that it will impact them much negatively at all. I am very curious to see what our D scheme is to contain AE, last week we had a great design against Moses, clogging the passing lanes and making it hard for him to find his 3rd or 4th reads, due to pressure being generated up front (no stunts/blitzes). That will not work this week. This will be a very tough team for the Griz to stop offensively -- our way to stay in this game is to not fall behind by much, if we hit a big play, don't have it called back by a dumb penalty, and not commit more than 2 turnovers. If the Griz are close in the 4th quarter, I would feel good about our chances.

My thoughts exactly, especially if you substitiute Apps for Griz in the second half of the statement. And yes, if Montana wins I WILL pull for them against the CAA team in the final.

December 8th, 2009, 10:35 AM
So I am sorta asking again, what does the Griz front 4 or 7 bring to the table in raw team speed to slow / stop the speedy ASU offense. Based on what I could determine from watching you guys VS. SFA there is a big mismatch there.

Montana's front 7 generally has good mobility and decent speed. The front 7 is very deep. Montana has been playing 6 or 7 linebackers all season, and rotating about 9 or 10 d-lineman (and I mean rotating). Most but not all of the d-lineman are a bit undersized.

The starting d-ends have good speed and mobility. One is a converted safety; the other is a coverted linebacker. Both have run under 5.0 in the 40. One is under-sized. His brother was a first round draft pick out of Miami and now starts at d-end for the Arizona Cardinals. The other d-ends generally have decent speed too. The mobility and speed of the d-tackles varies.

Of the linebackers, one is a converted safety. They are smart, disciplined, good tacklers and several are big hitters. I don't know if any have great speed. Probably not by ASU standards, in any event. The linebackers rely more on making good, quick decisions, and taking good angles--rather than raw speed--in getting to the ball.

The key to their play will be have the knowledge, reaction time and discipline to be in the right gaps/places at the same time. The Griz swarm to the ball too, so this should help unless the initial defender or defenders not able to even slow the runner down.

I know Edwards is mobile and surprisingly durable, but I think the Griz are going to hit him hard. We'll see if he holds up.

Defending ASU will be a challenge for the Griz defense. As you seemed to indicate, this may be the key to the game.

I'm hoping that defending the Griz offense, and dealing with our talented and large o-line, will also be a challenge for ASU. Our H-back was first team all-conference too, and our tight ends are very good, big and physical.

December 8th, 2009, 11:03 AM
It is highly likely that crowd noise will be more of a factor than most of the ASU fans seem to realize. The normal crowd noise, on the field, can be uncomfortable and ear-piercing--particularly toward the north end zone. This game's crowd will probably be the loudest in stadium history. The stands are so close the field, about 7 yards from sideline, with the first row high enough to see over the players; and the stands are fairly steep. The endzones are set up the same way and fairly close to the back of the endzone.

If voice snap counts are used, they can be difficult to hear--and mistakes can be made. If plays are changed by audible, and not by a hand signal, the noise can impact this. If plays are changed only by hand signal, many types of plays will not be able to be changed. When the clock starts to run down, the crowd gets even louder.

If a team has a motion penalty or has to call a timeout as the clocks runs down, the crowd tends to be even louder on the ensuing play.

The crowd has been disruptive to many teams, but some teams have seemed to deal with it fairly well. However, the crowd is always a factor if the crowd is into the game. It will just depend on how ASU deals, or doesn't deal, with it.

Some teams have said the crowd noise impacted their defense too, as it was hard to communicate with their defensive players on the sidelines at critical times when their offense was on the field and the crowd was loud.

There are some good talkers and trash talkers in the first rows behind the opposing team's bench, and that is sometimes distracting, I've heard. Those rows and people are right on top of the opposing team. Some of these talkers are pretty funny too.

If ASU can get up on the Griz, this will eventually impact the crowd and start to take them out of their game. Many will yell the whole game, but some will stop if the Griz are not doing well.

I have no doubt that ASU is and will be well-prepared for extreme crowd noise, but I doubt that your coaches have underestimated the crowd noise like some of the fans seem to be doing.

December 8th, 2009, 11:04 AM
Montana's front 7 generally has good mobility and decent speed. The front 7 is very deep. Montana has been playing 6 or 7 linebackers all season, and rotating about 9 or 10 d-lineman (and I mean rotating). Most but not all of the d-lineman are a bit undersized.

The starting d-ends have good speed and mobility. One is a converted safety; the other is a coverted linebacker. Both have run under 5.0 in the 40. One is under-sized. His brother was a first round draft pick out of Miami and now starts at d-end for the Arizona Cardinals. The other d-ends generally have decent speed too. The mobility and speed of the d-tackles varies.

Of the linebackers, one is a converted safety. They are smart, disciplined, good tacklers and several are big hitters. I don't know if any have great speed. Probably not by ASU standards, in any event. The linebackers rely more on making good, quick decisions, and taking good angles--rather than raw speed--in getting to the ball.

The key to their play will be have the knowledge, reaction time and discipline to be in the right gaps/places at the same time. The Griz swarm to the ball too, so this should help unless the initial defender or defenders not able to even slow the runner down.

I know Edwards is mobile and surprisingly durable, but I think the Griz are going to hit him hard. We'll see if he holds up.

Defending ASU will be a challenge for the Griz defense. As you seemed to indicate, this may be the key to the game.

I'm hoping that defending the Griz offense, and dealing with our talented and large o-line, will also be a challenge for ASU. Our H-back was first team all-conference too, and our tight ends are very good, big and physical.

I hope he does, win or lose. I don't like to see anyone injured and I don't want to hear about how App would have won if he didn't get hurt. xthumbsupx

December 8th, 2009, 11:10 AM
I haven't seen Montana play...ever. So I'm at a disadvantage to everybody else on this site it seems but it sounds/seems effective to stopping a short passing game, but it seems like it wouldn't be very effective in stopping a run to the outside unless you cover the flats with the linemen, and then on top of that, how effective is it in stopping a more intermediate-deep threat passing game, because I have a feeling there will be more than 7 men in the box from time to time when that scheme is used just for sheer confusion. On top of all of this, how effective is it in covering a QB that slips the pocket, causes a man to commit to the run, then throws (or does SFA or SDSU or any other team do that effectively)?

I don't expect Montana to put more than 7 defenders in the box. Our front 7 should be handle the run inside the tackles. Our corners tackle well. One in particular is bigger, more physical and hard to block. The safeties are good, close well, and are good tacklers.

This is not to say that the mobility and speed of the qb, and the speed off the edges (combined with the deceptiveness of the option), is not a concern. I assume we saw something sorta similar against Cal Poly, but I wish we'd played against another spread option team or two.

December 8th, 2009, 11:11 AM
Griz fans, make sure you give App fans a warm welcome. They were great hosts to us few EWU fans that made the trip to App state a few years back. Love that Booneshine!

December 8th, 2009, 11:12 AM
It is highly likely that crowd noise will be more of a factor than most of the ASU fans seem to realize. The normal crowd noise, on the field, can be uncomfortable and ear-piercing--particularly toward the north end zone. This game's crowd will probably be the loudest in stadium history. The stands are so close the field, about 7 yards from sideline, with the first row high enough to see over the players; and the stands are fairly steep. The endzones are set up the same way and fairly close to the back of the endzone.

If voice snap counts are used, they can be difficult to hear--and mistakes can be made. If plays are changed by audible, and not by a hand signal, the noise can impact this. If plays are changed only by hand signal, many types of plays will not be able to be changed. When the clock starts to run down, the crowd gets even louder.

If a team has a motion penalty or has to call a timeout as the clocks runs down, the crowd tends to be even louder on the ensuing play.

The crowd has been disruptive to many teams, but some teams have seemed to deal with it fairly well. However, the crowd is always a factor if the crowd is into the game. It will just depend on how ASU deals, or doesn't deal, with it.

Some teams have said the crowd noise impacted their defense too, as it was hard to communicate with their defensive players on the sidelines at critical times when their offense was on the field and the crowd was loud.

There are some good talkers and trash talkers in the first rows behind the opposing team's bench, and that is sometimes distracting, I've heard. Those rows and people are right on top of the opposing team. Some of these talkers are pretty funny too.
If ASU can get up on the Griz, this will eventually impact the crowd and start to take them out of their game. Many will yell the whole game, but some will stop if the Griz are not doing well.

I have no doubt that ASU is and will be well-prepared for extreme crowd noise, but I doubt that your coaches have underestimated the crowd noise like some of the fans seem to be doing.

Such as GSU's Paulson Stadium........I remember in '04 when we were getting blown out down there they were relentless!!

December 8th, 2009, 11:12 AM
Generally speaking, ASU doesn't see a lot of impact TE's during the year. That could pose a threat with some broken tackles in the secondary.

A few questions for the Montana fans....

On offense:

1) Could you rate Chase Reynolds on Runs up the middle, Runs on the perimeter and Receiving ability.

2) We all know about the stars on offense but what lesser known skill player do you think has a chance at making a difference?

3) At what point does Selle get rotated with Roper? What does Roper bring to the table that Selle doesn't?

On defense:

1) Who is the biggest hitter?

2) Who is the fastest player?

3) When you need that big clutch play, who usually comes up with it?

4) Who would you consider the weak link amongst the starters?

December 8th, 2009, 11:12 AM
A question for the ASU posters. Where do you think this ASU team compares to your teams in the prior 4 years, i.e. where does it fit in? Feel free to ignore the early season losses this year. I'm talking about how good is your team now compared to the prior 4 teams.

December 8th, 2009, 11:16 AM
All I ask is that the Griz don't cheap shot (try to hit his knees) Armanti like Elon has done the past 2 years........

December 8th, 2009, 11:20 AM
It is highly likely that crowd noise will be more of a factor than most of the ASU fans seem to realize. The normal crowd noise, on the field, can be uncomfortable and ear-piercing--particularly toward the north end zone. This game's crowd will probably be the loudest in stadium history. The stands are so close the field, about 7 yards from sideline, with the first row high enough to see over the players; and the stands are fairly steep. The endzones are set up the same way and fairly close to the back of the endzone.

If voice snap counts are used, they can be difficult to hear--and mistakes can be made. If plays are changed by audible, and not by a hand signal, the noise can impact this. If plays are changed only by hand signal, many types of plays will not be able to be changed. When the clock starts to run down, the crowd gets even louder.

If a team has a motion penalty or has to call a timeout as the clocks runs down, the crowd tends to be even louder on the ensuing play.

The crowd has been disruptive to many teams, but some teams have seemed to deal with it fairly well. However, the crowd is always a factor if the crowd is into the game. It will just depend on how ASU deals, or doesn't deal, with it.

Some teams have said the crowd noise impacted their defense too, as it was hard to communicate with their defensive players on the sidelines at critical times when their offense was on the field and the crowd was loud.

There are some good talkers and trash talkers in the first rows behind the opposing team's bench, and that is sometimes distracting, I've heard. Those rows and people are right on top of the opposing team. Some of these talkers are pretty funny too.

If ASU can get up on the Griz, this will eventually impact the crowd and start to take them out of their game. Many will yell the whole game, but some will stop if the Griz are not doing well.

I have no doubt that ASU is and will be well-prepared for extreme crowd noise, but I doubt that your coaches have underestimated the crowd noise like some of the fans seem to be doing.

And then you have the people that are all warm and cozy in their glassed-in little boxes that are absolutely no help what-so-ever to the crowd noise.xsmiley_wix

December 8th, 2009, 11:23 AM
We have a very young team. Absent age, this team now is as good as the team that beat Michigan and won the NC. The glaring weakness is an inability to generate a pass rush and the kicking game can be inconsistent. The team also makes stupit mistakes at critical times, i.e. personal fouls, excessive celebrations...not too many holds or false starts.

December 8th, 2009, 11:25 AM
1. Reynolds is good at runs up middle, runs outside and receiving. Has good speed, but not great speed. Has good moves, good vision, makes good decisions and runs hard.

2. Don't really know on lesser known skill players. The receiver Sambrano has terrific speed, and can break a long one if he gets a crease. The nos. 2 and 3 rb's are good, can contribute and get good yardage.

3. Selle has been getting most of the reps in recent games. If he's not doing well, we'll see Roper. Roper is 6'6", probably more mobile and throws a nice ball (but is sometimes inconsistent). Selle is smart, knows the offense, and makes few mistakes. He's a gamer too.

4. The middle linebacker, Lebsock, is a huge hitter. The best backer to play at UM in many years. One of the outside backers is big, mobile and hits hard, no. 32. The safeties all hit hard.

5. Schillinger, the safety, is probably the fastest. Johnson, the 6'3", 193 point corner is fast.

6. The whole defense is coming up with big plays this year. Last year, it was the all-american safety Colt Anderson, who is now with the Vikings.

7. I don't know enough to know if there is a weak link. I suspect there isn't one. Note that the Griz rotate significantly on defense. This is the philosophy of the coaches. 5 corners plays. 4 safeties plays. 6 or 7 linebackers play. 9 or 10 d-lineman have been playing. I suppose the rotation gets tailored to the opposing team, to some extent, but don't know.

December 8th, 2009, 11:27 AM
And then you have the people that are all warm and cozy in their glassed-in little boxes that are absolutely no help what-so-ever to the crowd noise.xsmiley_wix

Those are the people that pay for things like the North End Zone expansion, so more fans can attend and make more noise.

December 8th, 2009, 11:29 AM
A question for the ASU posters. Where do you think this ASU team compares to your teams in the prior 4 years, i.e. where does it fit in? Feel free to ignore the early season losses this year. I'm talking about how good is your team now compared to the prior 4 teams.

I'd rank them like this...

1) 2007 - dominated Delaware... had Armanti at his running best, all-time leading rusher Kevin Richardson, WR Dexter Jackson, DB Corey Lynch, LB Pierre Banks... all of these guys in addition to most of the players we have in 2009.

2) 2006 - beat UMass... I give this group the nod over 2009 due to the OL and better backup QB

3) 2005 - beat UNI... just a different team. There were leaders everywhere but not as explosive as other incarnations.

4) 2008 - lost to Richmond... banged up and didn't have that veteran leader in the secondary. They are a distant last.

So where does 2009 rank? I would put them close to 3rd with a chance to rival 2nd if their defense keeps stepping up.

December 8th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Open up the windows this saturday Jack and make those stuck up Vanns folks yell for a change.xlolx

December 8th, 2009, 11:32 AM
All I ask is that the Griz don't cheap shot (try to hit his knees) Armanti like Elon has done the past 2 years........

The Griz D swarms and flies to the ball and hits hard. When Edwards is fighting for more yards, or cutting back, he will probably get clobbered--at least on occasion.

December 8th, 2009, 11:40 AM
I have a lot of respect for Montana fans... loved seeing some make the trip to Chattanooga in 2006 and 2007 despite not making the finals just to take in the game. Some great football fans and fine folk.

I think the key is App getting back up after such an emotional win....they seemed to struggle during the year with putting together strong back to back efforts. And I think they need to bring their best game of the year on Saturday. Anyway, hope for a clean injury free game.

December 8th, 2009, 11:42 AM
A question for the ASU posters. Where do you think this ASU team compares to your teams in the prior 4 years, i.e. where does it fit in? Feel free to ignore the early season losses this year. I'm talking about how good is your team now compared to the prior 4 teams.

I would say it took the team about half the year to really get into synch. I would rate this team behind the 2007 team and on par with the 2005, and 2006 teams although those two teams were a little more polished from what I could tell. Personal fouls, bad kicking game at times make this team a little less polished but I would also say that the big play factor on this team is a bit higher from the '05, '06 teams.

I don't think it can compare to the '07 team they were just plain dominant across the board.

December 8th, 2009, 11:52 AM
As the weekly crowd noise argument heads into its second day, I would just like to point out to my fellow Griz fans that what we should really care about is (1) winning the game; (2) the visiting players' post-game opinions about crowd noise, and (3) the visiting fans post-game opinions about crowd noise.

In that order.

If App State picks up a couple of false start penalties because of crowd noise, great. Yet some of you guys act like the refs won't throw that flag during the game against App State's team unless App State's fans have first admitted on one or more message boards before the game that the noise will affect their team.

Every week it gets more and more like organized religion.

December 8th, 2009, 11:58 AM
A question for the ASU posters. Where do you think this ASU team compares to your teams in the prior 4 years, i.e. where does it fit in? Feel free to ignore the early season losses this year. I'm talking about how good is your team now compared to the prior 4 teams.

I'm going to have to disagree with my fellow ASU fans here. I'd break this down by group:

Offense: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2006, 2005. This year's team is a good offensive team but the o-line isn't as good as it was in 2007. With CoCo I'd put 2009 above 2008.

Defense: 2006, 2005, 2009 and 2007 tie, 2008. The lack of a pass rush compared to 2006 and 2005 is glaring, but this defense has come along.

Special Teams: All about the same coverage is better this year of KOs, but FG kicking isn't inconsistent.

Best overall team: 2006, 2007, 2005, 2009, 2008. 2009 could move ahead of 2005 though.

December 8th, 2009, 11:59 AM
It's hard to rank them until after the playoffs... I'd rank the regular seasons like this:

1. 2006- loss to NC State, only a couple of close games. Dominant defense, dominant offense. Best team we've ever fielded, imo.

2a. 2005- losses to Furman, Kansas, LSU. Dominant defense, fairly good offense.

2b. 2008- losses to ECU and McNeese in 1st and 2nd weeks of the season. Really a very different team early in the season and later in the season. Defense struggled mightily in the two losses and in close wins over Citadel and Wofford. Made some personel changes and they are playing much better right now.

4. 2007- losses to Wofford and a decent Georgia Southern team. We beat Michigan... but, the loss to Georgia Southern is the worst team we lost to in these four years.

If App loses to Montana or in the championship game... I'd move 2007 ahead of it for overall ranking. If App wins the championship I'd move it solidly into second.

December 8th, 2009, 12:01 PM
It's hard to rank them until after the playoffs... I'd rank the regular seasons like this:

1. 2006- loss to NC State, only a couple of close games. Dominant defense, dominant offense. Best team we've ever fielded, imo.

2a. 2005- losses to Furman, Kansas, LSU. Dominant defense, fairly good offense.

2b. 2009- losses to ECU and McNeese in 1st and 2nd weeks of the season. Really a very different team early in the season and later in the season. Defense struggled mightily in the two losses and in close wins over Citadel and Wofford. Made some personel changes and they are playing much better right now.

4. 2007- losses to Wofford and a decent Georgia Southern team. We beat Michigan... but, the loss to Georgia Southern is the worst team we lost to in these four years. Dominant offense. Defense not too great at the beginning of the year... stepped it up towards the end (reminds me of this year)

If App loses to Montana or in the championship game... I'd move 2007 ahead of it for overall ranking. If App wins the championship I'd move it solidly into second.

December 8th, 2009, 12:02 PM
A question for the ASU posters. Where do you think this ASU team compares to your teams in the prior 4 years, i.e. where does it fit in? Feel free to ignore the early season losses this year. I'm talking about how good is your team now compared to the prior 4 teams.
B&G's rankings are pretty good, as are Skjellyfetti's.

That '06 team needed double overtime to finish off a 3-8 GaSo team. That could have easily been an ASU loss. Wouldn't change the fact that the 2006 team was scary good.

2008 was an aberration. By the 2008 playoffs, our QB was injured and we were running our 4th or 5th RB. That team might have won the title if not plagued by injuries (woulda, coulda, shoulda). The 08 Richmond game vs. the 09 Richmond game shows what a difference health makes.

I would compare our defense as it is now to the 2005 team, which is tops in that category. They saved our butts in the semifinals and in the title game. Last Saturday, The come-from-behind win against the defending champs on the road was the best playoff game we've played since the 2005 championship. And I don't mean "best" as in raw numbers. That game showcased ASU's tenacity against stiff competition. On more than one occasion ASU could have gone down by more than 2 scores, but the defense wouldn't let it happen. Coming from behind in the playoffs is a good sign - you Griz fans know that better than anybody, after the SDSU game.

I don't think the offense has gotten to the "win by 4 TDs in the semi's and title game" plateau, so it's not quite the explosion we saw in 2007. But it's looking pretty good, particularly in the second half.

December 8th, 2009, 12:04 PM
FWIW, the 2007 ASU team faced a lot more of a challenge in staying focused than the other incarnations. What other season had so many media outlets on the ASU campus?

December 8th, 2009, 12:08 PM
I'm more worried about the Griz not being able to get outside to practice this early part of the week. It's dangerous to run outdoors at 10 below zero and inside field house work doesn't cut it.

Should be fine football weather by sat thank Odin but I worry about Mon-Thursday.

December 8th, 2009, 12:10 PM
from reading all these posts, it honestly seems that both teame came out of the FCS womb jointed, and had to be seperated by the Great Plains!

seriously, it sounds like both sides of the ball are great, multiple skill positions can harm you, great running AND passing games, and two great head caoches!!

i am so pumped for this game and its only Tuesday!!!!

December 8th, 2009, 12:14 PM
I only wish that this matchup would have been in Chattanooga. I would make the trip for this game.

December 8th, 2009, 12:20 PM
We have a very young team. Absent age, this team now is as good as the team that beat Michigan and won the NC. The glaring weakness is an inability to generate a pass rush and the kicking game can be inconsistent. The team also makes stupit mistakes at critical times, i.e. personal fouls, excessive celebrations...not too many holds or false starts.

I think some of the earlier posts from ASU fans about how they see the Mountaineers winning are spot on. If they want to emphasize it, they will probably shut down Reynolds pretty well, forcing the Griz to pass. But if they really do have a weak pass rush, UM Mariani et al are going to have a fun day. In my opinion, the two exceptional DEs for Richmond last year were 90% of the difference in the game. But Montana is giving up far, far fewer sacks this year.
I think the Griz 5+ quarter shutout record goes out the window in the first quarter, maybe even on ASUs first possession, as AE is going to account for lots of yards and some big plays with his feet and his arm no matter how well Montana plays on defense. The Griz have to simply outscore them by any means they can and get some stops or turnovers.

Regarding crowd noise: yes it's silly, and will not be a DECISIVE factor. But to those who have argued that 25,000 cannot possibly be as loud as 105,00, I have three words: inverse square law. If most of those 105,000 are far enough away, their numbers are meaningless, and with stadium configuration and topography factored in, it is indeed POSSIBLE that 25,000 can be louder than 105,000 when measured at a point on the field. I have no idea whether that is true for WA/GRIZ or not, and I'm sure ASU will handle it for the most part. (But wouldn't it be great if a 5 yard delay or motion penalty moved them just out of range for a winning field goal?)xthumbsupx

Waco Kid
December 8th, 2009, 12:31 PM
A question for the ASU posters. Where do you think this ASU team compares to your teams in the prior 4 years, i.e. where does it fit in? Feel free to ignore the early season losses this year. I'm talking about how good is your team now compared to the prior 4 teams.

I would say the offense is better than 05 and 06, but not as explosive as 07. There have been a few bumps in the road in play calling since we lost Satterfield to Toledo. The defense right now (not earlier this year) is about like the 05 team, better than 07, but not as good as 06. Overall I would say this team is almost as good as 07 (which was the best of the NC teams IMO).

When the defense made a few changes after Wofford the outlook for the entire team changed. Athletically this is probably the best team we have had, but we all know that it takes more than just ability to win this time of year. I guess we will find out Saturday if they have the "it" factor. If last week was any indication I'd say they do, but it takes more than one game to get an NC.

December 8th, 2009, 12:41 PM
Did Edwards have a sore knee last Saturday? I thought I saw an article that said he got X and Y yardage on a sore knee.

I see that Edwards is listed at 6', 185 on the roster. Is he that size, or is that fudged up a bit as it often is for smaller players?

As Bronco said, the extremely cold weather is going to impact our ability to get outside to practice for very long. I would think that full speed practice is needed to prepare for ASU option offense.

Thanks for all the comparative information on your team. I had not seen ASU play this year, until the second half of the Richmond game. I didn't like seeing the explosiveness of the offense in the 4th q, and Edwards' ability to find a way to make it happen. (Had we not been playing you in the next game, I would have liked it.)

December 8th, 2009, 12:43 PM
I think he was around 90% or so against Richmond. The terrible conditions of the grass didn't help. His knee wasn't in bad shape... but not 100%.

December 8th, 2009, 01:13 PM
Its 8 below zero in missoula at the moment.....

weather forecast says it will be warmer on saturday.

Guess we will see. Playing in sub zero weather would be a wild card for sure.

December 8th, 2009, 01:32 PM
Let's go App. We have full confidence in you this weekend, we know you will give this game your all. No matter of the outcome, we have enjoyed the ride, and appreciate all this class has done for App. See you in Missoula..

December 8th, 2009, 01:39 PM
I'm surprised the Griz don't have one of these to allow them to practice when it gets too cold:


Before someone mentions our boys aren't used to the cold. It is going to be 25 degrees at kickoff and the lows in Boone this week were in the 20's with wintery mix a couple of days.

December 8th, 2009, 01:40 PM
Did Edwards have a sore knee last Saturday? I thought I saw an article that said he got X and Y yardage on a sore knee.

I see that Edwards is listed at 6', 185 on the roster. Is he that size, or is that fudged up a bit as it often is for smaller players?

As Bronco said, the extremely cold weather is going to impact our ability to get outside to practice for very long. I would think that full speed practice is needed to prepare for ASU option offense.

Thanks for all the comparative information on your team. I had not seen ASU play this year, until the second half of the Richmond game. I didn't like seeing the explosiveness of the offense in the 4th q, and Edwards' ability to find a way to make it happen. (Had we not been playing you in the next game, I would have liked it.)

His size is correct maybe more like 180lbs although....he has gotten bigger than his first few years and has been able to maintain his speed.

December 8th, 2009, 01:40 PM
Did Edwards have a sore knee last Saturday? I thought I saw an article that said he got X and Y yardage on a sore knee.

I see that Edwards is listed at 6', 185 on the roster. Is he that size, or is that fudged up a bit as it often is for smaller players?

As Bronco said, the extremely cold weather is going to impact our ability to get outside to practice for very long. I would think that full speed practice is needed to prepare for ASU option offense.

Thanks for all the comparative information on your team. I had not seen ASU play this year, until the second half of the Richmond game. I didn't like seeing the explosiveness of the offense in the 4th q, and Edwards' ability to find a way to make it happen. (Had we not been playing you in the next game, I would have liked it.)

It did not look to me like he was favoring his knee. He did, however, have a knee brace on. He'll run if you let him (& even if you don't).

As to Edwards' height & weight, he's every bit of 6' tall & when I saw him up close at the start of the season with no pads or helmet on, he looked more like 195 to me. It seems to me that once the height & weight stats go into the book at the first of a players' career, they don't change much. When AE was a Freshman, he was listed at 165 lbs.!!!

Personally, I like the following quote: "It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters; it's the size of the fight in the dog."

You'll see.

December 8th, 2009, 01:51 PM
I'm surprised the Griz don't have one of these to allow them to practice when it gets too cold:


Before someone mentions our boys aren't used to the cold. It is going to be 25 degrees at kickoff and the lows in Boone this week were in the 20's with wintery mix a couple of days.

Yeah but the temperature at kickoff, being at 2 pm, will be the high for the day. It'll probably get gradually colder as the game goes on and the sun goes down. Although I don't think it'll be as much of a factor because by the time it does get very cold the players should be pretty warm.

December 8th, 2009, 02:02 PM
Generally speaking, ASU doesn't see a lot of impact TE's during the year. That could pose a threat with some broken tackles in the secondary.

A few questions for the Montana fans....

On offense:

1) Could you rate Chase Reynolds on Runs up the middle, Runs on the perimeter and Receiving ability.

2) We all know about the stars on offense but what lesser known skill player do you think has a chance at making a difference?

3) At what point does Selle get rotated with Roper? What does Roper bring to the table that Selle doesn't?

On defense:

1) Who is the biggest hitter?

2) Who is the fastest player?

3) When you need that big clutch play, who usually comes up with it?

4) Who would you consider the weak link amongst the starters?

1. Up the middle: 9.5. I think this is his best category on the ground simply because the OL can clear the way pretty well. Outside: 7.5. He actually excels running in this area as he's very shifty, but for some reason our blocking on stretch plays just hasn't been great lately. Receiving: 10. This is a new development this year. Our offensive coordinator has incorporated the screen play a lot this year and it's been extremely effective in situations where he anticipates a blitz by the defense.

2. The lesser known skill players are probably Jabin Sambrano and Thomas Brooks-Fletcher. Sambrano is our fastest player, and plays at WR. He runs track. TBF is our back up RB, and is very good. I've noticed that for some reason, the offensive line opens up holes better for him than Chase, and I think it may be because when Chase is in the game, the defense commits more to stop the run. So when he's in, they might drop more back into coverage, leaving him lots of room to run. He's very fast and very powerful, 5th year senior. He had 60 all-purpose yards on the 98 yard drive against SFA.

3. Selle has emerged as our quarterback in the last few games. His engineering of the comeback vs SDSU and his control of the game vs SFA has put him in the spot. Roper will probably only come in to give him a breather. I personally think Roper has a better arm than Selle, and is more composed in the pocket, but Selle has really improved recently. You may see Roper come in to run, as he used to play in an option offense at Oregon, but I doubt that'll happen at all.

1. Biggest hitters on defense, I'm not really sure. Lebsock is definitely our defensive leader from an experience standpoint, but plenty others can hit. Our safety Stoll can hit hard (he's filling the shoes of Colt Anderson, probably the biggest hitter in school history), and our defensive ends, Jace Palmer in particular can as well. Little 5'9" 175 CB Keith Thompson had the hit of the year on SDSU's 255 lb TE, you can see that in the highlights.

2. Fastest player on defense is probably the FS Shann Shillinger. Fastest player for their position is DE Severin Campbell.

3. The clutch player on defense has probably been our star corner Trumaine Johnson. Can't think of anything more clutch on defense than three picks in the endzone this year.

4. We don't seem to have any weak links at any of our defensive starting positions, but all of our starting CB's have been battling injury all year and their backups (all very young) would definitely leave holes all over the secondary.

December 8th, 2009, 02:12 PM
I agree with most of what was just posted but the hardest hitting DB in school history was not Colt Anderson, it was Tim Hauck. By a mile.

December 8th, 2009, 02:19 PM
I don't think the cold weather will effect App any more than Montana. As long as the turf is't icy we should be just fine. Our defensive line is not that big but it is strong and built for speed. As long as they have traction I think they will handle Montana's big offensive line well enough. Also, you are in for a real treat if Armanti can make cuts which he was unable to do at Richmond. It should be a good game, at least that's what I'm hoping for. Two things I'm confident of; we won't turn the ball over 10 times and Montana won't hang 51 points on us. Oh, there is one more thing; Armanti is going to put on a show.....he absolutely thrives on this kind of challenge. The only thing that could make it better would be if it was for the NC. Wish I could be there.

December 8th, 2009, 02:34 PM
I agree with most of what was just posted but the hardest hitting DB in school history was not Colt Anderson, it was Tim Hauck. By a mile.

I think Michael Irvin would agree (no low blow intended Dallas fans)

December 8th, 2009, 03:07 PM
I hope the 68 rings among our current players have a bigger effect on the game than the crowd noise. Our players are used to the weather, at least more so than SFA. I can't wait for Saturday.

December 8th, 2009, 03:33 PM
I agree with most of what was just posted but the hardest hitting DB in school history was not Colt Anderson, it was Tim Hauck. By a mile.

Never saw Hauck but Colt Anderson was my kind of player....even if he was a Griz, loved his game. You'll enjoy seeing ASU's Mark Lagree at safety. He is known as primarily a ball hawker but is likely the pound for pound biggest hitter on this team. Also watch for ASU true freshman Michael Frazier on special teams as he really lays the lumber about twice a game.xeekx

Damn is it only Tuesday????????xoopsx

December 8th, 2009, 03:38 PM
Never saw Hauck but Colt Anderson was my kind of player....even if he was a Griz, loved his game. You'll enjoy seeing ASU's Mark Lagree at safety. He is known as primarily a ball hawker but is likely the pound for pound biggest hitter on this team. Also watch for ASU true freshman Michael Frazier on special teams as he really lays the lumber about twice a game.xeekx

Damn is it only Tuesday????????xoopsx

Just what I was thinking. Longest week of my life, and we're only two days into it.

December 8th, 2009, 03:38 PM
I'm ready to watch this game already. Does anybody know where a good place in Boone will be? I guess anywhere will be good but are any of the bars holding a drink special for it? I'll drive up there and watch it with fanatics and alcoholics if they are.

Just what I was thinking. Longest week of my life, and we're only two days into it. AMEN!

December 8th, 2009, 04:03 PM
I'm ready to watch this game already. Does anybody know where a good place in Boone will be? I guess anywhere will be good but are any of the bars holding a drink special for it? I'll drive up there and watch it with fanatics and alcoholics if they are.


It is Boone, what else would you find there?.............cue hot hot hot vid and hippie pics now

December 8th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Prognosticating business closed due to bad economy ... xeyebrowx

... Haven't your heard?

1) It's too cold in Montana for Appalachian;
2) The wind blows too hard;
3) The stadium in Montana is the loudest ever;
4) Montana fans are the greatest ever ... if you don't believe it, just ask them;
5) Appalachian has not beat a good team;
6) Don't kick the ball to (insert name here);
7) We can't stop (insert name here) when Montana runs the ball;
8) We can't stop (insert name here) when Montana throws the ball;
9) We can't run on their defense;
10) Their pass defense cannot be penetrated;
11) Our special teams are destined for failure; and
12) Appalachian lost to a team that lost to a team that Montana beat by 50 points?


Thanks for the great game, Spidahs! It could have gone either way. To whom may my cardiologist send the bill?

I had to bring this over from the Richmond vs ASU gamethread......too funny...

xlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxlolxxnodxxnodxxnodxxrota tehxxrotatehxxrotatehxxrotatehxxbowxxbowx

Is it really only Tuesday?

Please hurry up already I need my football fix.......it only gets worse in two weeks as we all be forced to watch FBS football....instead of trolling channelsurfing.net looking for any FCS game fellas. xsmhx

December 8th, 2009, 04:15 PM
For those needing a hot hot hot fix, well I'm not posting the link for that one. But Apps have an ace in the hole over Montana.


We know water safety tips. Get some.

December 8th, 2009, 04:21 PM
Too bad ASU and Montana both couldn't meet in Chatty this year......the atmosphere there would be something to see and the game would have two large and dedicated fan bases....... xnodx

The other thread over there just broke 100 posts........xsmhx

December 8th, 2009, 04:26 PM
It is Boone, what else would you find there?.............cue hot hot hot vid and hippie pics now

noth the "hot hot hot" video!!!!
its terribly embarasing!!xbawlingx

December 8th, 2009, 04:27 PM
Too bad ASU and Montana both couldn't meet in Chatty this year......the atmosphere there would be something to see and the game would have two large and dedicated fan bases....... xnodx

The other thread over there just broke 100 posts........xsmhx

I agree! I hope Appy makes a pretty good showing regardless of the distance between our schools and fan bases. It will be nice to have some good visitors in Missoula. Love to treat you all to beers if we could. I wonder how many people will dress up as santa? haha

December 8th, 2009, 04:27 PM
For those needing a hot hot hot fix, well I'm not posting the link for that one. But Apps have an ace in the hole over Montana.


We know water safety tips. Get some.



December 8th, 2009, 04:39 PM
I don't think the cold weather will effect App any more than Montana. As long as the turf is't icy we should be just fine. Our defensive line is not that big but it is strong and built for speed. As long as they have traction I think they will handle Montana's big offensive line well enough. Also, you are in for a real treat if Armanti can make cuts which he was unable to do at Richmond. It should be a good game, at least that's what I'm hoping for. Two things I'm confident of; we won't turn the ball over 10 times and Montana won't hang 51 points on us. Oh, there is one more thing; Armanti is going to put on a show.....he absolutely thrives on this kind of challenge. The only thing that could make it better would be if it was for the NC. Wish I could be there.

I would love to agree with you on this, but I feel our strongest point in the last few games has been our domination in the trenches. Our O-line is really coming along and absolutely demoralizing the defense.

I say this for every game, but the game will be won in the trenches.

December 8th, 2009, 04:46 PM
I say this for every game, but the game will be won in the trenches.

Every game IS ultimately won in the trenches (arguably).

December 8th, 2009, 05:00 PM
That's why our guys are bringin' guns. :D

December 8th, 2009, 05:02 PM
Just picked up my tickets for the game and the O-Line was coming out of film session. They had their helmets on!!! How ready is that?

December 8th, 2009, 05:12 PM
Hope I'm not reposting this, but just saw it floating around. Great words of wisdom!

"Our Armanti, who art in Boone, hallowed be thy Game Thy offense come.Montana will be done At the Rock as it was in Ann Arbor Give him swift feet, his foes doth dread And forgive us our false starts As we will show no forgiveness for those who Pass protect against us And lead us not into BCS nation, But deliver us to Chattanooga For the end zone is your kingdom, & you have the power & the glory, For ever & ever. Amen"

December 8th, 2009, 05:14 PM


December 8th, 2009, 05:23 PM
Too bad ASU and Montana both couldn't meet in Chatty this year......the atmosphere there would be something to see and the game would have two large and dedicated fan bases....... xnodx

The other thread over there just broke 100 posts........xsmhx

hey, the other game would have more posts if Villanova had a loud stadium to talk about... :D

December 8th, 2009, 05:24 PM
hey, the other game would have more posts if Villanova had a loud stadium to talk about... :D

xlolxxlolx Touche!

December 8th, 2009, 05:25 PM
noth the "hot hot hot" video!!!!
its terribly embarasing!!xbawlingx

You mean this gem?


December 8th, 2009, 05:32 PM
if were bringing out Youtube we all need a refresher from the Armanti Show (against a team that was roughly the same as the one that held Montana to 7)

December 8th, 2009, 05:39 PM
if were bringing out Youtube we all need a refresher from the Armanti Show (against a team that was roughly the same as the one that held Montana to 7)

Didn't see that last week though...

December 8th, 2009, 05:45 PM
You mean this gem?


yes....that gemxoopsx

December 8th, 2009, 05:46 PM
Hope I'm not reposting this, but just saw it floating around. Great words of wisdom!

"Our Armanti, who art in Boone, hallowed be thy Game Thy offense come.Montana will be done At the Rock as it was in Ann Arbor Give him swift feet, his foes doth dread And forgive us our false starts As we will show no forgiveness for those who Pass protect against us And lead us not into BCS nation, But deliver us to Chattanooga For the end zone is your kingdom, & you have the power & the glory, For ever & ever. Amen"

i think thats pretty good!

pretty quick thinking too!

December 8th, 2009, 05:49 PM
Didn't see that last week though...

You're right, they were playing in the mud,you guys have fieldturf like us right?
54 yards rushing, 2 TD rushing, 216 and 1 amazing TD in the air isn't exact chopped liver either.
plus I think he was being limited to a more passing role with a knee brace on.

He should be 100% by Saturday, but you never know, I haven't seen his true speed in weeks.

December 8th, 2009, 06:38 PM
I'll end the naïve asu posters doubts about the crowd noise. I played in the 2000 semifinal and it was easily the loudest stadium I ever played in.(Auburn was a distant 2nd and that game went down to the final 30 seconds) It will certainly be a factor but asu's performance will dictate the sustained output. The biggest homefield adv in 2000 was that d*mn frozen natural grass. Footing was an artform we struggled to master

On a sidenote, I will always remember UM's kicker lighting up Jimmy Watkins(our KR) during a nice return

December 8th, 2009, 06:46 PM
I'll end the naïve asu posters doubts about the crowd noise. I played in the 2000 semifinal and it was easily the loudest stadium I ever played in.(Auburn was a distant 2nd and that game went down to the final 30 seconds) It will certainly be a factor but asu's performance will dictate the sustained output. The biggest homefield adv in 2000 was that d*mn frozen natural grass. Footing was an artform we struggled to master

On a sidenote, I will always remember UM's kicker lighting up Jimmy Watkins(our KR) during a nice return

Regarding the hard hit by the UM kicker, if it's the one I recall (which was in front of the opposing team bench), the kicker had to have labrum surgery after the season for that hit. The kicker had a number of good hits like that in his career. He was a high school linebacker and soccer player. Soccer is played in the spring in eastern Washington. It's funny you remember that hit. I'll tell the kicker about your comment.

Yes, the frozen field was awful. It was hard to run/cut on, and terrible to land on. It was dangerous. While it was a problem for both teams, visitors usually didn't know how to best negotiate it at the outset.

The stadium has been expanded twice since 2000. It is even louder now. I believe Saturday will be the loudest it's ever been. The game is being billed as the most important game ever in the stadium.

December 8th, 2009, 06:51 PM
... Haven't your heard?

1) It's too cold in Montana for Appalachian;
2) The wind blows too hard;
3) The stadium in Montana is the loudest ever;
4) Montana fans are the greatest ever ... if you don't believe it, just ask them;
5) Appalachian has not beat a good team;
6) Don't kick the ball to (insert name here);
7) We can't stop (insert name here) when Montana runs the ball;
8) We can't stop (insert name here) when Montana throws the ball;
9) We can't run on their defense;
10) Their pass defense cannot be penetrated;
11) Our special teams are destined for failure; and
12) Appalachian lost to a team that lost to a team that Montana beat by 50 points?

Wouldn't you agree that this thread has been refreshingly short on this kind of smack from Montana fans? I think 99.9% of Griz fans know you have a great team and are capable of winning this game. I think most ASU fans feel the same about Montana. Great matchup! Is it Saturday yet?x peacex

December 8th, 2009, 06:54 PM
Regarding the hard hit by the UM kicker, if it's the one I recall (which was in front of the opposing team bench), the kicker had to have labrum surgery after the season for that hit. The kicker had a number of good hits like that in his career. He was a high school linebacker and soccer player. Soccer is played in the spring in eastern Washington. It's funny you remember that hit. I'll tell the kicker about your comment.

Yes, the frozen field was awful. It was hard to run/cut on, and terrible to land on. It was dangerous. While it was a problem for both teams, visitors usually didn't know how to best negotiate it at the outset.

The stadium has been expanded twice since 2000. It is even louder now. I believe Saturday will be the loudest it's ever been. The game is being billed as the most important game ever in the stadium.

Because it is! By far this is the most important and most nerve racking game I will have ever been to. This will beat the comeback two weeks ago...this is what I want to win more than anything! Good luck to Appy, but I hope my Grizzlies take it

December 8th, 2009, 07:41 PM
Griz are toast.xnodx

December 8th, 2009, 08:58 PM
Griz are toast.xnodx


December 8th, 2009, 09:12 PM


December 8th, 2009, 09:49 PM
You just sealed your doom by bring out the Hot hot hot video.........Every team whose fans have made fun of this have lost.......starting with Michigan

December 8th, 2009, 09:51 PM
You just sealed your doom by bring out the Hot hot hot video.........Every team whose fans have made fun of this have lost.......starting with MichiganJMU's fans made fun of it last year, and I'm pretty sure they didn't lose. xlolx :p

December 8th, 2009, 09:52 PM
You just sealed your doom by bring out the Hot hot hot video.........Every team whose fans have made fun of this have lost.......starting with Michigan

What about when James Madison's band played/sang it...?

December 8th, 2009, 10:20 PM
I occasionally laugh while watching the video myself...I don't like CAA fans generally. That being said, I found the playing of the song pretty funny. Winner of this game has my support though. Besides, neither team in our bracket has ever played another football team other than St. Mary's School of the Deaf and Blind (we told each other that too in the earlier posts) so the CAA should walk all over ASU or UM like they have for the past decade.

December 8th, 2009, 10:43 PM
I've got the over/under on Armanti's total yards at 300.

I'll take the over, but the griz still win.

What does everyone else think?

December 8th, 2009, 11:01 PM
I've got the over/under on Armanti's total yards at 300.

I'll take the over, but the griz still win.

What does everyone else think?

My Hopes: Under
My Gut: Over

He'll be our gameplan going into Saturday, but I think we should focus on other things. Like Stopping everyone else and letting Armanti have to save the day.

December 8th, 2009, 11:13 PM
He'll go over 300 yards of total offense. He's at his best on the grandest stages. This is the biggest stage since 2007 against Delaware.

December 8th, 2009, 11:25 PM
My Hopes: Under
My Gut: Over

He'll be our gameplan going into Saturday, but I think we should focus on other things. Like Stopping everyone else and letting Armanti have to save the day.

Armanti is SUPERMAN!! thus, he ALWAYS saves the day!! xnodx

December 8th, 2009, 11:55 PM
1. Up the middle: 9.5. I think this is his best category on the ground simply because the OL can clear the way pretty well. Outside: 7.5. He actually excels running in this area as he's very shifty, but for some reason our blocking on stretch plays just hasn't been great lately. Receiving: 10. This is a new development this year. Our offensive coordinator has incorporated the screen play a lot this year and it's been extremely effective in situations where he anticipates a blitz by the defense.

2. The lesser known skill players are probably Jabin Sambrano and Thomas Brooks-Fletcher. Sambrano is our fastest player, and plays at WR. He runs track. TBF is our back up RB, and is very good. I've noticed that for some reason, the offensive line opens up holes better for him than Chase, and I think it may be because when Chase is in the game, the defense commits more to stop the run. So when he's in, they might drop more back into coverage, leaving him lots of room to run. He's very fast and very powerful, 5th year senior. He had 60 all-purpose yards on the 98 yard drive against SFA.

3. Selle has emerged as our quarterback in the last few games. His engineering of the comeback vs SDSU and his control of the game vs SFA has put him in the spot. Roper will probably only come in to give him a breather. I personally think Roper has a better arm than Selle, and is more composed in the pocket, but Selle has really improved recently. You may see Roper come in to run, as he used to play in an option offense at Oregon, but I doubt that'll happen at all.

1. Biggest hitters on defense, I'm not really sure. Lebsock is definitely our defensive leader from an experience standpoint, but plenty others can hit. Our safety Stoll can hit hard (he's filling the shoes of Colt Anderson, probably the biggest hitter in school history), and our defensive ends, Jace Palmer in particular can as well. Little 5'9" 175 CB Keith Thompson had the hit of the year on SDSU's 255 lb TE, you can see that in the highlights.

2. Fastest player on defense is probably the FS Shann Shillinger. Fastest player for their position is DE Severin Campbell.

3. The clutch player on defense has probably been our star corner Trumaine Johnson. Can't think of anything more clutch on defense than three picks in the endzone this year.

4. We don't seem to have any weak links at any of our defensive starting positions, but all of our starting CB's have been battling injury all year and their backups (all very young) would definitely leave holes all over the secondary.

Found a few vids to demonstrate the answer to the hitting question:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUmzXlAMTfs - Thompson and Stoll

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARC0DqfZ6ig - Stoll is 3rd, Palmer is 4th

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nUTnNFSiy0 - Thompson is 3rd, and boy is it a doozie!

December 9th, 2009, 12:45 AM
I think that any home field advantage we have is going to be the weather. Its gonna be 29 on saturday and snowing in Missoula whereas in Boone--I'm not sure it has gone below freezing yet this year from the pedestrian weather summary I was looking at.

As far as crowd noise???? App State is perhaps the only other team at this level that already knows (at least half of every season) what WA/GRIZ is going to sound like. Remember Kidd Brewer Stadium and its proximity in terms of attendance to Washington Griz: they are almost exactly the same. KB official capacity is 21,650, their record is almost 31,000. WAGRIZ official capacity is 25, 203, record is 25,811.

I'm gonna say they are used to the noise. Now when they are on offense and can't afford any false starts? That I see as a problem for any team. Sometimes we even get ourselves.

December 9th, 2009, 01:41 AM
I think that any home field advantage we have is going to be the weather. Its gonna be 29 on saturday and snowing in Missoula whereas in Boone--I'm not sure it has gone below freezing yet this year from the pedestrian weather summary I was looking at.

As far as crowd noise???? App State is perhaps the only other team at this level that already knows (at least half of every season) what WA/GRIZ is going to sound like. Remember Kidd Brewer Stadium and its proximity in terms of attendance to Washington Griz: they are almost exactly the same. KB official capacity is 21,650, their record is almost 31,000. WAGRIZ official capacity is 25, 203, record is 25,811.

I'm gonna say they are used to the noise. Now when they are on offense and can't afford any false starts? That I see as a problem for any team. Sometimes we even get ourselves.
xlolx Why do Montana fans keep on insisting that cold weather is an advantage. It has been below freezing numerous times already this year, and snowed just a couple of days ago. Yes Missoula on average is much colder than Boone, but 29 with a 30% chance of snow is nothing to worry about. It's of no advantage to either team.

December 9th, 2009, 04:28 AM
xlolx Why do Montana fans keep on insisting that cold weather is an advantage. It has been below freezing numerous times already this year, and snowed just a couple of days ago. Yes Missoula on average is much colder than Boone, but 29 with a 30% chance of snow is nothing to worry about. It's of no advantage to either team.

I was a D end for eight years. Anything below freezing makes your hands feel like they were broken every time they get hit/slapped/struck against a helmet. A cold ball feels like a rock. The cold makes a difference in a way that only ten degrees difference will show on the field. Now if you had read the remainder of the post you would have noted that I essentially say that the weather AND ONLY THE WEATHER might create an advantage. I know it snows in Boone. It is only 400 feet and 4,000 people less than Missoula at Kidd Brewer. My point was that it has been quite cold in Missoula and it has not been in Boone. Our guys have been used to it for longer this year than your guys have is all I'm getting at. It shows and it did against SFA.

All that aside, I have nothing but respect and confidence in the boys from Boone. App and Montana are one in the same in so many ways and this is the only game I've ever been privy to that I was rooting against Appalachian State; it is obvious, however, why that is.

December 9th, 2009, 05:49 AM
As already stated.....

Montana has no home field advantage ;).......

our team only has to travel 2,300 miles to play a game in an stadium with 25,000 people all within shouting distance in possible snowy conditions on frozen turf with an offense that just found it's stride about halfway through the year, and a defense that learned what an offensive pass play was four games ago.........

I like our chances...........xnodx xrotatehx

December 9th, 2009, 06:13 AM
As already stated.....

Montana has no home field advantage ;).......

our team only has to travel 2,300 miles to play a game in an stadium with 25,000 people all within shouting distance in possible snowy conditions on frozen turf with an offense that just found it's stride about halfway through the year, and a defense that learned what an offensive pass play was four games ago.........

I like our chances...........xnodx xrotatehx

south dakota state fans......"i like our chances"

sfa fans..............................."i like our chances"

next.................................... xsmiley_wix

December 9th, 2009, 06:16 AM
Found a few vids to demonstrate the answer to the hitting question:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUmzXlAMTfs - Thompson and Stoll

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARC0DqfZ6ig - Stoll is 3rd, Palmer is 4th

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nUTnNFSiy0 - Thompson is 3rd, and boy is it a doozie!

enjoyed those, but as you probably already know, the elusive AE never seems to take those big hits, I hope that changes as it could be the game changer

Montana 34
ASU 28 in overtime

December 9th, 2009, 07:33 AM
On Tuesday, temperatures in the Lower 48 states ranged from a low of -34 degrees at Havre, Mont. to a high of 89 degrees at Punta Gorda, Fla

this game should be moved out of the Arctic

December 9th, 2009, 07:49 AM
He'll go over 300 yards of total offense. He's at his best on the grandest stages. This is the biggest stage since 2007 against Delaware.

my thoughts EXACTLY!!
this is what Armanti thrives for. if he'd ever talk, he'd tell you that! haha

and its field turf which is a huge + in his favor!

the cold and snow will only disadvantage both teams, if any at all.

i cant believe this game is already 3 DAYS AWAY!!!! :D

December 9th, 2009, 08:15 AM
enjoyed those, but as you probably already know, the elusive AE never seems to take those big hits, I hope that changes as it could be the game changer

Montana 34
ASU 28 in overtime

Thanks Carib, you are the good luck charm we need.

December 9th, 2009, 08:21 AM
Thanks Carib, you are the good luck charm we need.

There have been way better good luck charms over the years:

Alexale23, MPLSBison, and I know there are others.........xrotatehx

December 9th, 2009, 08:34 AM
Good news, as of today's game notes, the only non-season ending injury related notice is for Cedric Baker, and he is even listed as probable. Looks like AE, DP, Quick, and Cline all have healed up over the past week and should be at a 100%.

December 9th, 2009, 08:42 AM
On Tuesday, temperatures in the Lower 48 states ranged from a low of -34 degrees at Havre, Mont. to a high of 89 degrees at Punta Gorda, Fla

this game should be moved out of the Arctic

Welcome to my world, -32* here in Shelby, without the wind chill......xbawlingx

December 9th, 2009, 08:57 AM
Will this game be on any of the ESPN networks?

December 9th, 2009, 09:00 AM
There have been way better good luck charms over the years:

Alexale23, MPLSBison, and I know there are others.........xrotatehx

Meh. You guys were covered months ago when D1B laid down the annual hex. xcoffeex

December 9th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Welcome to my world, -32* here in Shelby, without the wind chill......xbawlingx

that's terrifying stuff right there, I don't know if I am going to be able to watch this on TV as cold weather just freaks me out. Hopefully a warming trend will ensue before the game and the temp can break into positive territory xsmhxxsmhxxsmhx

December 9th, 2009, 09:08 AM
Will this game be on any of the ESPN networks?

ESPN at 4pm eastern. Not the U or 2, the regular one.

SideLine Shooter
December 9th, 2009, 09:13 AM
The Montana fans in attendence for Saturday's game are in for a real treat. The Montana fans that I have had the pleasure to meet and talk football with are good football fans and can appreciate quality football for what it is. Now for the treat. If you have never seen Armanti Edwards live on the big stage, get ready. This young man does things on the football field that are unbelievable. When he is directing the team things move at warp speed. I have seen him do things on the field and have said, no, did I really just see that. Totally amazing and so glad to have had 4 years to watch this young man work his magic on the football field.

So my Montana friends, get the popcorn, brats, whatever your pleasure for game time and sit back, enjoy the game and watch #14, who we affectionately call "SUPERMAN."

You are in for a treat.

God, I love football!

December 9th, 2009, 09:20 AM
So my Montana friends, get the popcorn, brats, whatever your pleasure for game time and sit back, enjoy the game and watch #14, who we affectionately call "SUPERMAN."

Get some liquor. I don't see how you survive that place (or watching superman fly through your team) without a constant liquor blanket.

December 9th, 2009, 09:46 AM
ESPN at 4pm eastern. Not the U or 2, the regular one.

Not the "Ocho"?

December 9th, 2009, 09:47 AM
according to the winston salem Journal, ASU has been practicing with simulated crowd noise blaring over the loud speakers all week. and according to coach moore are "hitting on all cylinders"


December 9th, 2009, 09:54 AM
according to the winston salem Journal, ASU has been practicing with simulated crowd noise blaring over the loud speakers all week. and according to coach moore are "hitting on all cylinders"


Thanks for the link.

Simulated crowd noise is being blared over the public-address system for practices at Kidd Brewer Stadium this week.

Live on the west side of campus? Got exams this week? Maybe you'll want to study in the library.... :)

And this is a good line by DJ Smith:

It's a business trip.

December 9th, 2009, 10:09 AM
I can't imagine our public address system being loud enough to simulate the noise at a 2k seat stadium. I can't hear it at all during home games.

December 9th, 2009, 10:12 AM
south dakota state fans......"i like our chances"

sfa fans..............................."i like our chances"

next.................................... xsmiley_wix
Montana fans................................."we won't lose in the playoffs AGAIN this year." xsmiley_wix

December 9th, 2009, 10:15 AM
I can't imagine our public address system being loud enough to simulate the noise at a 2k seat stadium. I can't hear it at all during home games.

hopefully there is a volume control that they can turn up to make it louder than it is on game days. but no, nothing like wash-grizz. seems like it would be more effective if they put loud speakers in the indoor practice facility and practiced in there.

December 9th, 2009, 10:18 AM
seems like it would be more effective if they put loud speakers in the indoor practice facility and practiced in there.

That's kinda what I was thinking.

But, it also seems like changing your preparation all week to go to Montana means that the crowd is already in your head... I dunno. I guess that's why I'm not a coach. xlolx

December 9th, 2009, 10:20 AM
That's kinda what I was thinking.

But, it also seems like changing your preparation all week to go to Montana means that the crowd is already in your head... I dunno. I guess that's why I'm not a coach. xlolx

i guess they just want the players to have some idea of what to expect so they aren't caught off-guard when they get there. i guess it never hurts practicing silent counts as well.

December 9th, 2009, 10:23 AM
I thought we broke superman last year? xeyebrowxxsmiley_wix

*Note: I don't like injuries and don't want ANYONE getting hurt in this game. xpeacex

Poker Alan
December 9th, 2009, 10:29 AM
The Montana fans in attendence for Saturday's game are in for a real treat. The Montana fans that I have had the pleasure to meet and talk football with are good football fans and can appreciate quality football for what it is. Now for the treat. If you have never seen Armanti Edwards live on the big stage, get ready. This young man does things on the football field that are unbelievable. When he is directing the team things move at warp speed. I have seen him do things on the field and have said, no, did I really just see that. Totally amazing and so glad to have had 4 years to watch this young man work his magic on the football field.

So my Montana friends, get the popcorn, brats, whatever your pleasure for game time and sit back, enjoy the game and watch #14, who we affectionately call "SUPERMAN."

You are in for a treat.

God, I love football!

This is why I am going to this game, so pumped for this game, and just hope it lives up to the hype, at least partially. I hope the Griz are the team to pull out the Kryptonite...

December 9th, 2009, 10:29 AM
It is amazing how much attention on this thread is being directed towards people cheering versus breaking down the game more. It's a football game. People will cheer. It'll be loud. We've got it. Now, let's break down the game.

December 9th, 2009, 10:32 AM
I can't wait to see AE play, especially since its going to be his last college game, and in Missoula! If your college career has to end, might as well be in the greatest stadium in all of the FCS. (anyone got a picture?)

December 9th, 2009, 10:34 AM
Ya'll need to get busy. We need 475 more posts before game time.

December 9th, 2009, 10:50 AM
It is amazing how much attention on this thread is being directed towards people cheering versus breaking down the game more. It's a football game. People will cheer. It'll be loud. We've got it. Now, let's break down the game.

Thats all I can do to help out my team, so I got nothin else. Don't get to watch many games live, EXCEPT THIS ONE, so I don't have much to add that is X's and O's.

December 9th, 2009, 11:11 AM
seems like it would be more effective if they put loud speakers in the indoor practice facility and practiced in there.

They did this yesterday, due to the heavy rain practice was held indoors.

December 9th, 2009, 11:19 AM
It is amazing how much attention on this thread is being directed towards people cheering versus breaking down the game more. It's a football game. People will cheer. It'll be loud. We've got it. Now, let's break down the game.

I wish I had the knowledge and skill to do that, sorry. I'll have to just cheer and try to annoy as many people as I can until game day! :D

December 9th, 2009, 11:27 AM
It is amazing how much attention on this thread is being directed towards people cheering versus breaking down the game more. It's a football game. People will cheer. It'll be loud. We've got it. Now, let's break down the game.

Its amazing how many people like to complain about fans talking their team up. This is a fan forum. You can talk about whatever you want regarding the game, and so can anyone else.

December 9th, 2009, 11:29 AM
Have you heard the expression "I couldn't hear myself think." That will break down a game.xlolx

December 9th, 2009, 12:06 PM
To all you Montana fans you are in for a treat .Win or lose he is something special to watch in action. This is my SUPERMAN:)

December 9th, 2009, 12:08 PM
according to the winston salem Journal, ASU has been practicing with simulated crowd noise blaring over the loud speakers all week. and according to coach moore are "hitting on all cylinders"


i live in Justice and havent heard it.....doesnt mean its not there or not in the indoor facilities. im sure theyre doing it somewhere

just sayin...

December 9th, 2009, 12:10 PM
To all you Montana fans you are in for a treat .Win or lose he is something special to watch in action. This is my SUPERMAN:)

We've got our own as well:

December 9th, 2009, 12:17 PM
Just heard on ch.3 that the wind up there today is blowing real hard .Grandfather Mtn has like 40-70mph wind gusts so I think "The Rock" might be pretty windy today also.Maybe not much activity going on outside today;)

December 9th, 2009, 12:21 PM
Just heard on ch.3 that the wind up there today is blowing real hard .Grandfather Mtn has like 40-70mph wind gusts so I think "The Rock" might be pretty windy today also.Maybe not much activity going on outside today;)

its blowin 15-20 up here now.

some gusts a little more
forecasting to get a little worse though

December 9th, 2009, 12:29 PM
Courtesy of http://blueridgeblog.blogs.com/


Enough Said. xcoffeex

December 9th, 2009, 12:32 PM
Somebody should seriously take a noise-level meter like this one (Meter (http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2103667)) to the game and see just how loud it gets there.... :-) (It would be neat to do a soundtracked average for Grizz and for App, just to compare).

Go Apps!

December 9th, 2009, 12:32 PM
Courtesy of http://blueridgeblog.blogs.com/


Enough Said. xcoffeex

xbowxxbowxxbowxxbowxxbowxxbowxxbowxxbowxxbowxxbowx xbowxxbowxxbowxxbowx for SUPERMAN!!!

Bay Area Kitten
December 9th, 2009, 12:49 PM

December 9th, 2009, 12:54 PM

I can assure you that is not the world's fastest lawn mower.

We race those, too.

December 9th, 2009, 01:04 PM
We've got our own as well:

How many rings does he have? xeyebrowx

December 9th, 2009, 01:04 PM
I can assure you that is not the world's fastest lawn mower.

We race those, too.

I'm gonna say that might be the worlds fastest manufactured lawn mower, but yeah, I'd put my money on the redneck with a Snapper with a dropped in V8 and dual exhaust. (But a 350/cummins diesel if we are towing things). hahaha!xlolxxlolx

December 9th, 2009, 01:15 PM
How many rings does he have? xeyebrowx

All the more motivation.

December 9th, 2009, 01:31 PM
Only one problem with the taking the meter to the game. We won't be in Kidd Brewer after WaGriz, the next game will be in 'Nooga.

December 9th, 2009, 01:42 PM
How many rings does he have? xeyebrowx

You're right, he sucks

December 9th, 2009, 01:56 PM
How many rings does he have? xeyebrowx

How many rings does Jerry Rice have?xsmiley_wix

December 9th, 2009, 01:58 PM
How many rings does Jerry Rice have?xsmiley_wix


December 9th, 2009, 02:00 PM

Not when he was on this field. xthumbsupx

December 9th, 2009, 02:01 PM
Didn't we hear about someone else's "superman" about this time last year?...xwhistlex

December 9th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Didn't we hear about someone else's "superman" about this time last year?...xwhistlex

That's exactly what I was thinking...

December 9th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Didn't we hear about someone else's "superman" about this time last year?...xwhistlex

Yeah everybody has heard about everybody else's superman. There can only be one.

December 9th, 2009, 02:09 PM
Yeah everybody has heard about everybody else's superman. There can only be one.

All I know for sure is that their is one less after we knocked out JMU's in the second quarter last year. I know Armanti is tough to get a good hit on, but we swarm to the ball unlike any team and will likely be looking for a knockout shot. Nothing dirty, just clean, hard hitting, Montana football.

December 9th, 2009, 02:09 PM
Didn't we hear about someone else's "superman" about this time last year?...xwhistlex

You really want to compare Landers and Edwards? xeyebrowx

Rodney Landers:
3,214 yards passing 34 touchdowns
3,471 yards rushing 31 touchdowns
6685 total yards 65 total touchdowns

Armanti Edwards:
10,039 yards passing 74 touchdowns
4,307 yards rushing 65 touchdowns
14,346 total yards 139 touchdowns

One of these is not, in fact, "Superman." See if you can pick out who doesn't belong. :D

Here's a hint: "It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Armanti Edwards!"

December 9th, 2009, 02:11 PM
You really want to compare Landers and Edwards? xeyebrowx
The Payton voters already settled that.

December 9th, 2009, 02:11 PM
Oh no... here come the JMU posters! Look out! xeekx

December 9th, 2009, 02:13 PM
Landers: 6'3'' 235

Edwards: 6'0'' 184

Lookout...we've got corners that big.

December 9th, 2009, 02:15 PM
Right...we wouldn't want to say anything bad about the almighty CAA.

December 9th, 2009, 02:15 PM
I must say that I am surprised at the number of App fans who are expecting an easy win (not necessarily here)

December 9th, 2009, 02:15 PM
Landers: 6'3'' 235

Edwards: 6'0'' 184

Lookout...we've got corners that big.

Ask SoCon linebackers how "big" Armanti is. He's bowled over his fair share of them in his career.

December 9th, 2009, 02:15 PM
Landers: 6'3'' 235

Edwards: 6'0'' 184

Lookout...we've got corners that big.

Lot's of teams have corners that big.

December 9th, 2009, 02:16 PM
Didn't we hear about someone else's "superman" about this time last year?...xwhistlex
Are you implying that "we've heard this somewhere before" means "this isn't worth talking about?"

Because, well, "stadium stadium stadium noise stadium cold noise stadium stadium stadium noise cold stadium noise cold stadium noise cold stadium stadium stadium stadium stadium (2000 extra seats) stadium stadium cold stadium noise cold stadium stadium noise cold cold noise stadium fans stadium noise cold stadium stadium stadium noise noise cold stadium stadium."

December 9th, 2009, 02:16 PM
I must say that I am surprised at the number of App fans who are expecting an easy win (not necessarily here)

I can safely say that I don't expect an easy win. This is going to a physical, hard-hitting game that will probably come down to the wire. I just don't bet against #14 in Black and Gold.

December 9th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Landers: 6'3'' 235

Edwards: 6'0'' 184

Lookout...we've got corners that big.

Ah, yes... the size argument. What everyone falls back on as a last resort.

Not only is AE faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...




December 9th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Are you implying that "we've heard this somewhere before" means "this isn't worth talking about?"

Because, well, "stadium stadium stadium noise stadium cold noise stadium stadium stadium noise cold stadium noise cold stadium noise cold stadium stadium stadium stadium stadium (2000 extra seats) stadium stadium cold stadium noise cold stadium stadium noise cold cold noise stadium fans stadium noise cold stadium stadium stadium noise noise cold stadium stadium."

You forgot to mention that WaGriz is REALLY loud!

December 9th, 2009, 02:18 PM
Ask SoCon linebackers how "big" Armanti is. He's bowled over his fair share of them in his career.

I know, I've seen it. Only difference is when he is delivery a shot to one of our guys, three more are coming to bury him. I guarentee Erik Stoll will have at least one big hit on him. Will it be in the open field? Probably not, but he will lay the wood to Armanti sometime on saturday.

December 9th, 2009, 02:18 PM
I must say that I am surprised at the number of App fans who are expecting an easy win (not necessarily here)

I don't think players or coaches on either side expect that. I expect to be as drunk as possible on Saturday. I don't have the nerves to watch this game at my grandma's house (Only place with MASN and I got a free meal out of it :D).

December 9th, 2009, 02:18 PM
I must say that I am surprised at the number of App fans who are expecting an easy win (not necessarily here)

It goes both ways - I read a little on eGriz today until I got sick of the homerism. I'm certain it's like that on MMB also, but I don't post there.

December 9th, 2009, 02:21 PM
Are you implying that "we've heard this somewhere before" means "this isn't worth talking about?"

Because, well, "stadium stadium stadium noise stadium cold noise stadium stadium stadium noise cold stadium noise cold stadium noise cold stadium stadium stadium stadium stadium (2000 extra seats) stadium stadium cold stadium noise cold stadium stadium noise cold cold noise stadium fans stadium noise cold stadium stadium stadium noise noise cold stadium stadium."

Not at all. I like talking about Armanti. I'm just not ready to put him at god status just yet like appy fans have. For good reason tho, DD is a god here and he only won one NC.

December 9th, 2009, 02:27 PM
Not at all. I like talking about Armanti. I'm just not ready to put him at god status just yet like appy fans have. For good reason tho, DD is a god here and he only won one NC.

I'm not saying he's God. But, he is the best player anyone on Montana has played against. That doesn't mean it's an automatic win for Appalachian... there are 21 other players on our team that will have to play very well to get out of there with a win.

Just saying he's better than Rodney Landers. ;)xlolx

Black and Gold Express
December 9th, 2009, 02:28 PM
Didn't we hear about someone else's "superman" about this time last year?...xwhistlex

Should you be successful in knocking out Armanti, we will be a much lesser offense with Cadet in there for sure. He's nothing like the passer Armanti is. But as last year showed in the playoffs, our offense bogs down when there is not a run/pass threat at QB, no matter what the name on the back of his jersey says.

But Landers couldn't hold Armanti's jock when it comes to passing, something I am expecting you'll learn in a couple of days.

And to answer Silenoz's question, I am expecting a win for ASU by two or more scores. It may be that it's close for a while and ends up one of those "closer than it looked" final scores. It's for a variety of reasons, ultimately it's that I think our team is superior in many places. But I have the same feeling about this game as I did for the Delaware game in 2007, and I was right there.

If the Griz can prove me wrong, I'll be back here to take my pounding, don't worry.

December 9th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Should you be successful in knocking out Armanti, we will be a much lesser offense with Cadet in there for sure. He's nothing like the passer Armanti is.

Most of the time though, Cadet is in the game for the sole purpose of running the clock down to 0 in the fourth. He just forgets the whole clock thing sometimes.

December 9th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Should you be successful in knocking out Armanti, we will be a much lesser offense with Cadet in there for sure. He's nothing like the passer Armanti is. But as last year showed in the playoffs, our offense bogs down when there is not a run/pass threat at QB, no matter what the name on the back of his jersey says.

But Landers couldn't hold Armanti's jock when it comes to passing, something I am expecting you'll learn in a couple of days.

And to answer Silenoz's question, I am expecting a win for ASU by two or more scores. It may be that it's close for a while and ends up one of those "closer than it looked" final scores. It's for a variety of reasons, ultimately it's that I think our team is superior in many places. But I have the same feeling about this game as I did for the Delaware game in 2007, and I was right there.

If the Griz can prove me wrong, I'll be back here to take my pounding, don't worry.

If you guys were at The Rock or in Chattanooga I could see your point, but not in WaGriz. Not how this team is playing right now. You very well may win on saturday, but it will not be by two scores. This team will not be blown out at WaGriz.

Black and Gold Express
December 9th, 2009, 02:37 PM
If you guys were at The Rock or in Chattanooga I could see your point, but not in WaGriz. Not how this team is playing right now. You very well may win on saturday, but it will not be by two scores. This team will not be blown out at WaGriz.

You were a miracle comeback away from SDSU proving you wrong two weeks ago. I'm not saying we're going to get up 48-21 on you (though that would be sweet), but if that were to happen, you're going to find pulling a second miracle a lot tougher to come by against this group.

December 9th, 2009, 02:38 PM
If you guys were at The Rock or in Chattanooga I could see your point, but not in WaGriz. Not how this team is playing right now. You very well may win on saturday, but it will not be by two scores. This team will not be blown out at WaGriz.

It's a 3 or 4 point spread as far as I can figure out. 49-45 type score. I'm not calling a winner but it should be obvious I'm going with an Apps win.

December 9th, 2009, 02:39 PM
You can put me down as impressed with him.

The game I saw last Halloween on ESPN was the best QB performance I've seen since Montana's Super Dave.

Fast...accurate arm...can take a hard hit and also deliver one....real deal.
happy I get to see him play live. Fingers crossed that we have a plan and it works.

December 9th, 2009, 02:39 PM
If you guys were at The Rock or in Chattanooga I could see your point, but not in WaGriz. Not how this team is playing right now. You very well may win on saturday, but it will not be by two scores. This team will not be blown out at WaGriz.

id enjoy seeing my APPS pull out another tight one, and id also love to see them blow out the Almighty WA/Griz at home, in the cold, snow, wind, LOUD CROWD, EXTRA SEATS, and walk out of the stadium right towards 'Nooga!! xthumbsupx

and to the doubters of the REAL SUPERMAN, i just hope youll be there to witness it first hand :D

December 9th, 2009, 02:40 PM
You were a miracle comeback away from SDSU proving you wrong two weeks ago. I'm not saying we're going to get up 48-21 on you (though that would be sweet), but if that were to happen, you're going to find pulling a second miracle a lot tougher to come by against this group.

Oh wait, and then we came back so I wasn't proven wrong. If a 27 point second half comeback isn't enough proof that we don't get blown out in WaGriz, then I don't know what is.xcoffeex

December 9th, 2009, 02:42 PM
You can put me down as impressed with him.

The game I saw last Halloween on ESPN was the best QB performance I've seen since Montana's Super Dave.

Fast...accurate arm...can take a hard hit and also deliver one....real deal.
happy I get to see him play live. Fingers crossed that we have a plan and it works.

Very excited to see him play too! Just a little more excited to see what our Montana boys can do with him!xthumbsupx

December 9th, 2009, 02:42 PM
It's Wednesday, and we've reached an impasse. No more posting until Saturday evening!


December 9th, 2009, 02:47 PM
It's Wednesday, and we've reached an impasse. No more posting until Saturday evening!


But then we can't break 1K before the game starts xconfusedx

December 9th, 2009, 02:49 PM
420 more crowd-noise posts? No thanks.

December 9th, 2009, 02:51 PM
It's Wednesday, and we've reached an impasse. No more posting until Saturday evening!


But then we can't break 1K before the game starts xconfusedx

420 more crowd noise posts? No thanks.

December 9th, 2009, 02:53 PM
420 more crowd-noise posts? No thanks.
I would like to say "Thanks" to both teams for not pulling out the "well, I guess we're so outmatched we shouldn't even show up" post. Glad we're both better than that.

I think this is perhaps the most annoying type of post anywhere in the AGS universe.

December 9th, 2009, 02:55 PM
I would like to say "Thanks" to both teams for not pulling out the "well, I guess we're so outmatched we shouldn't even show up" post. Glad we're both better than that.

I think this is perhaps the most annoying type of post anywhere in the AGS universe.

Don't go to egriz then....

Just saying....

December 9th, 2009, 02:58 PM
I am expecting a win for ASU by two or more scores

Well if that happens you can color me shocked. If someone could do me a favor and find the final scores of our 20 home losses at Wa-Griz, I'd be surprised if any of them that were at all recent were by more than 3 points (aside from the suckage our 2005 team managed to put out on the field)

Black and Gold Express
December 9th, 2009, 03:02 PM
Oh wait, and then we came back so I wasn't proven wrong. If a 27 point second half comeback isn't enough proof that we don't get blown out in WaGriz, then I don't know what is.xcoffeex

Yes, you pulled off a miracle comeback against a far inferior team to what you are facing this week. SDSU showed that it's not impossible to get up big on you at home. And were it to happen again (and I did not state that it would, for the record) the chances of another miracle comeback are far slimmer.

December 9th, 2009, 03:05 PM
I am expecting a win for ASU by two or more scores

Well if that happens you can color me shocked. If someone could do me a favor and find the final scores of our 20 home losses at Wa-Griz, I'd be surprised if any of them that were at all recent were by more than 3 points (aside from the suckage our 2005 team managed to put out on the field)

Just off the top of my head the 2005 cal poly game. i think we lost by fourteen or so

December 9th, 2009, 03:06 PM
Yes, you pulled off a miracle comeback against a far inferior team to what you are facing this week. SDSU showed that it's not impossible to get up big on you at home. And were it to happen again (and I did not state that it would, for the record) the chances of another miracle comeback are far slimmer.

Maybe not, I don't think your defense is as good as SDSU's was.

December 9th, 2009, 03:08 PM
I know, I've seen it. Only difference is when he is delivery a shot to one of our guys, three more are coming to bury him. I guarentee Erik Stoll will have at least one big hit on him. Will it be in the open field? Probably not, but he will lay the wood to Armanti sometime on saturday.

OOOO man, i almost forgot that EVERY other team we have played has a rule that only one person at a time can tackle Armanti... Damn, this is going to make it really difficult for him against the Griz.. Guess he will just have to stick with passing..

December 9th, 2009, 03:13 PM
Somebody should seriously take a noise-level meter like this one (Meter (http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2103667)) to the game and see just how loud it gets there.... :-) (It would be neat to do a soundtracked average for Grizz and for App, just to compare).

Go Apps!

In the 2004 playoff game with SHSU ESPN had a decible meter and measured 110 decibles. That was with 23,000 before we expanded to 25,000.

December 9th, 2009, 03:18 PM
420 more crowd noise posts? No thanks.

In the 2004 playoff game with SHSU ESPN had a decible meter and measured 110 decibles. That was with 23,000 before we expanded to 25,000.

Just 411 more to go now.

December 9th, 2009, 03:30 PM
Will it be cold for the game on Saturday? Will Montana fans be loud?


December 9th, 2009, 03:35 PM
Will it be cold for the game on Saturday? Will Montana fans be loud?


will it be so loud that we cant hear the comentators?!??!
please tell me no!!
i think they should take a decible meter in and keep the the level of decibles in the bottom right corner of our T.V, screen so we will know how loud it is at ALL times!! and THEN, do a close up of the sections behind the uprights so we can see their "fighting fans" xnodxxnodxxnodx

December 9th, 2009, 03:36 PM
Will it be cold for the game on Saturday? Will Montana fans be loud?


C'mon, where have you been? Of course its going to be cold in Montana.. its going to be in the mid 20's with snow.. something Boone has never seen before..

Montana fans loud? I have heard they hit 110 decibels against SHSU on ESPN.. can any one confirm this?


December 9th, 2009, 03:36 PM
420 more crowd noise posts? No thanks.

I see your point now...xbangx

December 9th, 2009, 03:37 PM
Will it be cold for the game on Saturday? Will Montana fans be loud?


Probably more shriveled than loud.xthumbsupx

December 9th, 2009, 03:38 PM
We could always pad this thread with Wa-Griz and Kidd Brewer photos. :D

Black and Gold Express
December 9th, 2009, 03:38 PM
Maybe not, I don't think your defense is as good as SDSU's was.

Hahahahaha... I get it. Good joke there. xlolxxlolxxlolxxlolx

December 9th, 2009, 03:40 PM
Hahahahaha... I get it. Good joke there. xlolxxlolxxlolxxlolx

Find the smallest, most remote little tidbit that proves his statement wrong. You can't can you?

December 9th, 2009, 03:43 PM
C'mon, where have you been? Of course its going to be cold in Montana.. its going to be in the mid 20's with snow.. something Boone has never seen before..

Montana fans loud? I have heard they hit 110 decibels against SHSU on ESPN.. can any one confirm this?


I can only confirm from having been watching the game. The announcers, at the time, said this was louder then most Big10 games they had done that year. They actually did a couple of shots of the decible meter on the sidelines and showed comparisons to jackhammers, jet planes, etc.

December 9th, 2009, 03:43 PM
Seriously, there are a whole lot of things you could argue between both of these teams but saying that App's defense is better than SDSU's is just impossible to back up. xpeacex

December 9th, 2009, 03:43 PM
Will it be cold for the game on Saturday? Will Montana fans be loud?


Well, you can call 25 to 30 degrees at game time cold but we don't. Chance of snow is anywhere from 50% to 70% now. Biggest factor would be if the wind starts blowing. Not in the forecast yet but who knows. They don't call it Hellgate canyon for nothing.

FYI, in Billings, (340 miles east down the interstate) on Monday night there was about 100 to 200 people, mostly women that camped out at the Barnes and Noble store to be first in line to get their books signed by Sarah Palin on Tuesday. That night it was 14 below with like a minus 50 wind chill and some of them stayed out there all night. Now that is flippin crazy.:):) That is what we consider cold (and stupid).

December 9th, 2009, 03:47 PM
We're used to wind (and obviously temps in the 20's and 30's).

Wind in Boone today is 29mph with gusts at 35mph. xeekx

Black and Gold Express
December 9th, 2009, 03:52 PM
Find the smallest, most remote little tidbit that proves his statement wrong. You can't can you?

As soon as you find the smallest, remote tidbit that proves that statement right. You can't, can you?

December 9th, 2009, 03:52 PM
Seriously, there are a whole lot of things you could argue between both of these teams but saying that App's defense is better than SDSU's is just impossible to back up. xpeacex
Well, holding UR's offense to 14 points is pretty good. That's better than Villanova's D and only 4 points worse than W&M's. I don't know if any of UR's points in those two games were return points, though.

December 9th, 2009, 03:53 PM
Seriously, there are a whole lot of things you could argue between both of these teams but saying that App's defense is better than SDSU's is just impossible to back up. xpeacex

They haven't been as good over the course of the season... but, they are playing very, very well right now.

We've allowed 6 offensive touchdowns total in our last 4 games. SDSU gave up 7 in their last game of the season.

I think we're playing better defense than SDSU at this point in the season. Over the course of the whole year? No, probably not.

Black and Gold Express
December 9th, 2009, 03:53 PM
Seriously, there are a whole lot of things you could argue between both of these teams but saying that App's defense is better than SDSU's is just impossible to back up. xpeacex

Trying to find where we gave up 61 points in a game.... nope, can't find it. Sorry.

December 9th, 2009, 03:56 PM
Seriously, there are a whole lot of things you could argue between both of these teams but saying that App's defense is better than SDSU's is just impossible to back up. xpeacex


Using the NCAA stats for total defense, you're correct with regard to ranking with SDSU at #18. It is interesting to see that ASU has faced:

#4 Elon
#16 Samford
#20 Richmond
#29 Chattanooga

We come in at #34, UM at #50. With the exception of SDSU, I don't see a lot of defenses that UM has faced that are above #50 ranking. What does it mean? Maybe nothing, maybe a lot - you can make arguments about strength of schedule for each team, etc. but App has demonstrated the ability to win against good D's this season, most notably on the road against Elon and UR.

I hope this will be a game both sides are talking about as being a great one for years to come. xthumbsupx

December 9th, 2009, 03:58 PM
Well, you can call 25 to 30 degrees at game time cold but we don't. Chance of snow is anywhere from 50% to 70% now. Biggest factor would be if the wind starts blowing. Not in the forecast yet but who knows. They don't call it Hellgate canyon for nothing.

Thats not cold at all for the mountaineers.. in fact, thats about normal for this time of year...

December 9th, 2009, 03:59 PM
Trying to find where we gave up 61 points in a game.... nope, can't find it. Sorry.

As soon as you find the smallest, remote tidbit that proves that statement right. You can't, can you?

Yet they still have a better scoring defense than you in spite of that. Oh! and also total defense, running defense, and pass efficiency defense. The only thing you edge them in is passing defense, and you're two spots ahead of them, probably due to the fact that we put up twice their average. You asked for tidbits to prove the statement right. There you go. Over the whole season, they're better in every aspect. xrulesx

December 9th, 2009, 04:04 PM

I now have my weather bug thing tuned into Griz country so I get all the updates I need.........

I hope we don't get a flash flood or something here b/c I'll never get the warning xsmhxxnonono2x

December 9th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Doesn't ASU's attgendance include a mass of people sitting around on grassy slopes for little or no admission fee? I doubt if ASU's gate remotely compares to UM's.

Also to say that Montana has a recruiting advantage because of the lack of FBS teams is ridiculous w/o taking the available population base into account. Montana has less than 1 million and fewer than 20 high schools that play football at the highest classification. Many UM athletes come from 8 man and sometimes 6man programs. Talk about a bogus argument.

On another point, it is amazing how much prattle there has been on this thread about the concept of "battle tested." It's basically pure hooey. UM's athletes train just as hard as anybody's and do their best to compete against every opponent. If they match up better than ASU, they will win. They may well lose to a team that matches up better in some aspect of the game, but who they have played previously has next to nothing to do with it. All this talk of soft schedules lack of "battle testedness," etc. is merely a transparent attempt to delegitimize Montana's record and reaches the height of absurdity when implying that reaching the finals six times is somehow a negligible achievement because of four losses. How the hell did they ever get to the finals w/o ever being battle tested? Or in spite of not being battle tested. Maybe they were not battle tested, but just damn good.? Oh yeah, I forgot, it's because of all the undeserved home games against teams they could not possibly have beaten anywhere else. Obviously, some people will never accept the legitimacy of Montana's record, and it is pointless to argue with them. If ASU wins, congratulations, go beat the CAA. If you don't, come back on the board and savor a big helping of crow. Or gripe about the undeserved home game, the crooked refs, whatever. Just go play the game.xlolxxlolx

Doesn't ASU's attgendance include a mass of people sitting around on grassy slopes for little or no admission fee? I doubt if ASU's gate remotely compares to UM's

No! All seats including hte bank cost exactly the same.

December 9th, 2009, 04:11 PM
Yes, you pulled off a miracle comeback against a far inferior team to what you are facing this week. SDSU showed that it's not impossible to get up big on you at home. And were it to happen again (and I did not state that it would, for the record) the chances of another miracle comeback are far slimmer.

Your right, it is possible to get a big lead on us. What has been impossible this year is beating the Griz. Our boys refuse to lose, whereas your guys already know what it feels like to lose. Twice in fact. If you get up on us, you better hope that clock reads 0:00. Otherwise lookout cause we will come back and beat you!

December 9th, 2009, 04:16 PM
Don't forget that the town Carribeanhen said was -34 was Havre: Marc Mariani's home town! He's tough as nails and used to living in the arctic.

December 9th, 2009, 04:18 PM
Your right, it is possible to get a big lead on us. What has been impossible this year is beating the Griz. Our boys refuse to lose, whereas your guys already know what it feels like to lose. Twice in fact. If you get up on us, you better hope that clock reads 0:00. Otherwise lookout cause we will come back and beat you!

Are you really fishing for a strength of schedule argument again, because it really sounds like it. Losing to a team that finished the season top 10 and the top C-USA (FBS) teams are hardly poor quality losses, especially given our QB situation for those two games. It really doesn't matter what has happened or how we got here, but we got here in spite of what appeared to be a shaky start. I'm certain Jerry and the boys will bring you plenty of game this Saturday until 0:00.

December 9th, 2009, 04:26 PM
Will it be cold for the game on Saturday? Will Montana fans be loud?


Funny how all these App fans keep complaining about all the noise posts, and then bring it right back up again in some sort of passive agressive manner. You guys can keep discounting the Homefield advantage, but it will be like nothing you have ever seen. We hear the same thing every week, and every time the other team ends up eating their words.

December 9th, 2009, 04:27 PM
Are you really fishing for a strength of schedule argument again, because it really sounds like it. Losing to a team that finished the season top 10 and the top C-USA (FBS) teams are hardly poor quality losses, especially given our QB situation for those two games. It really doesn't matter what has happened or how we got here, but we got here in spite of what appeared to be a shaky start. I'm certain Jerry and the boys will bring you plenty of game this Saturday until 0:00.

I think its pretty apparent that SOS was about the same for App and Montana. Neither had a particularly difficult schedule.

December 9th, 2009, 04:34 PM
Say what you will about SOS--the fact is, these teams are two of the last four standing in the country.

I think it's safe to say that both these teams are pretty darn good.

And take it from somebody that has been to some of the loudest CFB venues in the country (Ohio Stadium, Beaver Stadium, etc) ----> The noise in Washington-Grizzly makes it, without a shadow of a doubt, the loudest stadium in D-1AA. Its noise rivals that of crowds that are 2x its size.

Everybody says it won't be a big deal and they'll practice with noise--but trust me--the NEZ area is not a place where you want to find your offense on a big time drive.

Not saying App St cant' do it--their trophy case obviously says otherwise--but between the cold and the crowd--it's going to be pretty darn tough to overcome. There is a reason Montana has only lost to two (2) Southern teams @ home in the playoffs since 1986.

December 9th, 2009, 04:36 PM

Wofford and? I was under the impression that the first GSU game was on the road

December 9th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Didn't we take it on the chin vs. App St. a few years back?

December 9th, 2009, 04:43 PM

Wofford and? I was under the impression that the first GSU game was on the road

Cal Poly?

December 9th, 2009, 04:46 PM

And most of the teams from the South y'all have played are Northwestern LA, SHSU, and Texas State. Appalachian is much better than any of those teams. Beating them in years past doesn't mean crap about this game. Boone is quite a bit different climate-wise as well as athletically from those teams.

Can we please get off the weather and noise thing?

December 9th, 2009, 04:52 PM
Nah, we beat McNeese. That was the year we got dumped by UMass in the Final Four....if memory serves correctly.

December 9th, 2009, 04:52 PM
Don't forget that the town Carribeanhen said was -34 was Havre: Marc Mariani's home town! He's tough as nails and used to living in the arctic.

Well I'll have an eye peeled for the crazy SOB

December 9th, 2009, 04:52 PM
Can we please get off the weather and noise thing?

THANK YOU!!! xhurrayxxhurrayxxhurrayx

December 9th, 2009, 04:53 PM
And as for the weather thing---it's just an absolutely known fact. Southern folks absolutely hate the cold and arent' adept at dealing with it. There is a reason Montana has lost only once (or twice) to a team South of the Mason Dixon line in the play-offs.

December 9th, 2009, 04:53 PM
Mariani is from Havre? I thought he was from like, Colorado.

December 9th, 2009, 04:56 PM
Bobby Hauck mentions in this interview that they have cut practices short this week due to the temperatures in Missoula:


Seems like they need all the practice time they can get to prep for our offense.

December 9th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Bobby Hauck mentions in this interview that they have cut practices short this week due to the temperatures in Missoula:


Seems like they need all the practice time they can get to prep for our offense.

also mentions he prefers the bowl system over playoffs because it takes too much of a toll on players and coaches.

sounds like somebody doesnt like praticing in the cold. xbawlingx

December 9th, 2009, 04:58 PM

Cold and loud, we get it. Next?

December 9th, 2009, 05:01 PM
And we get it--you guys run the spread and have speed.

December 9th, 2009, 05:01 PM
"Dude, I totally showed those guys. I went on this internet message board thingy called Any Given Saturday and told them all about our awesome crowd noise. Because, like, they had never heard about that before."

December 9th, 2009, 05:03 PM
Funny how all these App fans keep complaining about all the noise posts, and then bring it right back up again in some sort of passive agressive manner. You guys can keep discounting the Homefield advantage, but it will be like nothing you have ever seen. We hear the same thing every week, and every time the other team ends up eating their words.

The noise does bother the teams in that STRONG schedule of yours.....It will be the loudest weve heard this year but not the loudest we've been in...........It hasn't won a game this year for you but it sure makes your fans feel better.

December 9th, 2009, 05:04 PM

And most of the teams from the South y'all have played are Northwestern LA, SHSU, and Texas State. Appalachian is much better than any of those teams. Beating them in years past doesn't mean crap about this game. Boone is quite a bit different climate-wise as well as athletically from those teams.

Can we please get off the weather and noise thing?
Well I assumed he meant Southern "conference", not region. And we lost to McNeese on the road in 02. Not sure where the 97 game was, but I don't recall going to it.

December 9th, 2009, 05:13 PM
Public Service Announcement

Grizzlies have the lowest reproductive rate of all terrestrial mammals in North America.

Now, you know why they are so loud.


December 9th, 2009, 05:17 PM
The noise does bother the teams in that STRONG schedule of yours.....It will be the loudest weve heard this year but not the loudest we've been in...........It hasn't won a game this year for you but it sure makes your fans feel better.

You don't know what you are talking about.

December 9th, 2009, 05:20 PM
The noise does bother the teams in that STRONG schedule of yours.....It will be the loudest weve heard this year but not the loudest we've been in...........It hasn't won a game this year for you but it sure makes your fans feel better.
Maybe, maybe not. All I know is I was at that game (edit: SDSU), and if Roper doesn't convert that 4th down pass to Sam Gratton, we lose. And we don't get that opportunity if they didn't punt. And they don't punt if they don't get that false start. Etc.

I agree, these arguments have ran their course, this thread needs fresh material.

December 9th, 2009, 05:20 PM
Griz fans, who is #80? #34? #16? #81?

December 9th, 2009, 05:21 PM
The noise does bother the teams in that STRONG schedule of yours.....It will be the loudest weve heard this year but not the loudest we've been in...........It hasn't won a game this year for you but it sure makes your fans feel better.

Talk all you want about what you think your team has experienced, but come on man, you really don't know ***** about how our home field has helped us this year. Please quit spewing about things you don't have a clue about.

December 9th, 2009, 05:21 PM
Griz fans, who is #80?

Caleb McSurdy, maybe, I don't know

December 9th, 2009, 05:23 PM
Griz fans, who is #80?

Tough to read the name on the jersey when he's runnin so fast. ;)

December 9th, 2009, 05:27 PM
And as for the weather thing---it's just an absolutely known fact. Southern folks absolutely hate the cold and arent' adept at dealing with it. There is a reason Montana has lost only once (or twice) to a team South of the Mason Dixon line in the play-offs.

I know we have GOT to move past this, but this is a point that you're not getting:
ASU is in NC, but it is regularly 10-20 degrees cooler than any of the other southern schools you're thinking of. It's windier, snowier, and generally more wintry.

Climate-wise, think mid-atlantic more than southeast.

Weather Sat. in Missoula: Hi 31, Lo 23.
Weather today in Boone for practice: Hi 32, lo 20.

Sure, Missoula is USUALLY much colder than Boone... but Saturday will fit RIGHT into this ASU team's weather-week.

Forget what you know about Southern weather, understand that the NC Highlands are in a different climate bracket and let's PLEASE move on, eh?

December 9th, 2009, 05:30 PM
"Tastes great."

"Less filling."


December 9th, 2009, 05:31 PM
Tough to read the name on the jersey when he's runnin so fast. ;)
ok, it must be Mariani, he does have some long strides, we'll see how fast he is Sat. Your defense looked porous at the beginning of this game, hmmmm


December 9th, 2009, 05:32 PM
Speed is seeming to be a topic of discussion. I'm curious about it as well. But there have not been many games where the Griz's demise have been because of speed. I have confidence that this game will come down to who makes the most mistakes (turnovers) and not the skill level of the teams, as they are equal

December 9th, 2009, 05:40 PM
I can hear the post game interview with coach Moore:

Coach Moore what was the reason you lost the game.
Reply:Man it was COLD and LOUD. We forgot to pack our long johns and ear plugs:D

Lets move on .We all know by now after 300 posts that it is going to be cold and loud:D

Make that 301 post